Cv Drugs Nursing2007

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Transcript of Cv Drugs Nursing2007

  • 7/28/2019 Cv Drugs Nursing2007


    Cardiovascular Drugs

    Unit 7

    Nursing Pharmacology

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    Electrical Activity of the HeartWhat are the 2 nodes of the heart that generate

    electrical impulses???

    What mineral is needed for this to occur???

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    Normal Heart Rates per Age Infants:

    Toddler: Preschoolers:



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    Terms to KnowBradycardia

    Tachycardia Systole


    Loading dose

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    More Terms to Know Positive inotropic effect

    Negative inotropic effect Positive chronotropic effect

    Negative chronotropic effect

    Positive dromotropic effectNegative dromotropic effect

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    More Terms to Understand Parasympathetic Nervous System (cholinergic)

    vagus stimulation = neurotransmitter acetylcholine

    = Slows the heart by inhibiting impulse formation

    Sympathetic Nervous System (adrenergic)when

    stimulated = neurotransmitter norepinephrine =increase in heart rate by promoting impulseformation

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    What is Congestive Heart Failure??

    (CHF) 3 things happen:

    1. Cardiac distention result from inability ofventricles to pump all blood

    2. Cardiac hypertrophyfrom prolonged


    3. Sodium and water retentionpartly due to

    decreased blood to kidneys

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    S/S of CHFWeight gain

    Edema Shortness of breath

    Pulmonary congestion

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    Cardiac Glycosides Primary use???

    Method of action???

    Common DrugsDigoxin (Lanoxin), Digitoxin

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    S/S of Digoxin Toxicity 1. GI distressdiarrhea, excessive salivation,

    abdominal pain

    2. Neurologicalrestlessness, irritability., HA,

    weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, confusion, visual

    disturbancesblurred or colored vision, halo

    vision, amblyopic, diplopia

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    More s/s of toxicity 3. Cardiac effectcardiac arrhythmiasextra

    beats, bradycardia, AV block, bigeminy

    What are risk factors for toxicity???



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    Action to Take if Digoxin ToxicMonitor blood levels of drug

    --Digoxin 0.5-2 ng/ml Therapeutic

    --Digitoxin 14-26 ng/ml Therapeutic

    If too high???

    1. Stop/hold drug 2. If life threatening = digoxin immune fab


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    Other Nursing Implications for

    Cardiac Glycosides 1. Give it with meals to decrease GI problems

    2. Assess apical pulse for 1 minutes before

    givingnote rate and rhythm

    3. If pulse less than 60 beats per min., 90 in infant,

    70 in children/adolescences = DO NOT GIVE

    4. Call MD for bradycardia and tachycardia.

    5. Report any irregular rhythmespecially if new.

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    Implications continued 6. Assess and report toxicity: HA, visual

    disturbances, anorexia, disorientation, weight

    gainweight pt. every day 7. If on potassium-losing diuretics = increases

    chance of toxicity

    8. Monitor potassium level closelyreportabnormals to MD

    9. Encourage food high in potassium

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    Implication continued 10. Teach patienttake pulse before taking med,

    what to do with findings for HR, what to do if miss

    medication dose, action of med, importance of

    follow-up with MD

    11. Monitor drug levels as ordered by MD

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    Inamrinone Lactate (Inocor) &

    Milrinone Lactate (Primacor)Method of action???

    1. Positive inotropic effect

    2. Direct relaxant effect on vascular smooth


    Uses?? Short term for CHF

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    Side EffectsLeast likely to cause arrhythmiasInamrinone

    Ventricular arrhythmias more likely--Milrinone

    1. Thrombocytopenia

    2. Drug fever

    3. GI disturbances

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    Administration of Inocor/Primacor 1. IV route

    2. Chemical reaction with dextrose solutionsdo

    not dilute

    3. With Lasix = precipitate immediately forms

    4. Protect ampules from light 5. If diluted = use within 24 hours

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    Antiarrhythmic DrugsWhat is happening in the heart to cause


    Treatments for arrhythmias??

    --No treatment for some --Cardioversion --Pacemakers

    --Drugs therapy

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    Major Groups of AntiarrhythmicsGroup 1Sodium Channel Blockers

    Group 2Beta-adrenergic Blockers

    Group 3Potassium Channel Blockers

    Group 4Calcium Channel Blockers

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    Antiarrhythmic Agents quinidine (Duraquin, Cardioquin) Group 1

    procainamide (Procan) Group 1 --Common routes????

    amiodarone (Cordarone) Group 3

    verapamil (Calan) Group 4

    lidocaine (Xylocaine) Group 1

    propranolol (Inderol) Group 2

    atenolol (Tenormin) Group 2

    diltiazem (Cardizem) Group 4

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    Antiarrhythmic Agents continuedMechanism of action??

    1. Decrease automaticity of cardiac tissues from

    the SA node

    2. Alter the rate of conduction of electrical


    3. Alter the refractory period of cardiac muscle

    between consecutive contractions

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    Nursing Implications for

    Antiarrhythmic Agents 1. Monitor the apical pulse for 1 minute before


    2. Record rate and rhythm of heart beat

    3. Patient should be supine when IV dose is given

    to prevent postural hypotension

    4. If receiving lidocaine, tocainide, procainamide

    = question if any allergies to local anesthetics

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    Nursing Implication continued 5. If drug causes GI irritation = give with meals

    6. Assess vital signs after administration

    7. Assess for any S/S of toxicity

    --Dizziness, HA, dyspnea, chest pain, edema,

    hypotension, bradycardia, etc. --Know the specific medication you are giving

    look it up!!!!

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    Cardiac Stimulants (Sympathomimetic

    Agents)When would we need to use a cardiac stimulant???

    Mechanism of action???

    --Adrenergic or sympathomimetic drugs mimic theaction of norepinephrine (the sympathetic nervousstimulation)----MAY CAUSE:

    1. Vasoconstriction of peripheral vessels 2. Vasodilation of vessels in skeletal muscles

    3. Increased HR (Positive chronotropic effect)

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    Mechanism of Action continued 4. Increase in the force of contraction of the heart

    (Positive inotropic effect)

    5. Increased rate of glycogenolysis in the liver &

    skeletal muscles

    6. Stimulation of the CNS

    ***Not all drugs produce the effects to the same


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    Examples of Action of Specific Drugs If drug works at alpha-adrenergic receptors =

    profound vasoconstriction of peripheral vessels, no

    real effect of heart/respiratory systems

    If drug works at beta-adrenergic receptors =

    increase heart rate and force of contraction along

    with bronchodilation, but no real effect onperipheral blood vessels

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    Examples of DrugsDobutamine (Dobutrex)

    Dopamine (Intropin)


    Epinephrine (Adrenalin)

    Isoproterenol (Isupril) Phenylephrine (Neosynephrine)

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    Common Side Effects 1Nervousness and restlessness



    4Tachycardia and palpitations

    5Hyperglycemia 6N/V

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    Nursing Implications for

    Sympathomimetic Agents 1. Assess vital signs and condition continuously

    2. IV line is to be patentwatch for tissue


    3. Keep track of the names and dosages of drugs

    administered during an emergency

    4. Record

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    Nursing Implications continued 5. Assess for CNS stimulation, HA, palpitations,

    tremors, elevated blood sugars, abnormal lung


    6. Be aware of the many drug interactions

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    NitratesUsed for angina therapy

    Actions (Theories): ***Vasodilators***

    1Improve the delivery of O2 to ischemic tissue

    by increasing coronary blood flow

    2Cause favorable redistribution of blood flow 3Reduce the O2 consumption by coronary blood


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    Examples of Nitrates nitroglycerine (Nitrostat, Nitro-Bid, NTG)

    nitroglycerine SR tabs

    isosorbide dinitrate (Isorbid)

    isosorbide mononitrate (Imdur)

    Routes??? (7)

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    Side Effects of Nitrates 1HA

    2Postural hypotension



    5Syncope 6Increase in introcular &/or intracranial pressure

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    Other Drugs (Non-Nitrates) Used for

    AnginaBeta-adrenergic blocker (propranolol, nadolol)

    --Decrease HR & contractility = decreased

    myocardial O2 demand

    Calcium channel blocker (nifedipine, diltiazem,verapamil)

    --Vasodilator = more blood to heart

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    Nursing Implications for Nitrates and

    Others for Angina 1. Assess the frequency, nature, precipitants of


    2. Teach patient to modify life styles

    3. Assess the effectiveness of the drugs and for

    side effects

    4. Monitor vital signs, especially BP and HR

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    Other Nursing Implications 5. Give medications while sitting or lying

    6. Use Nitro cautiously in patients with glaucoma

    7. Follow routes carefully (eg: SL = do not


    8. Nitro needs to be protected from heat, light,

    should feel stinging sensation if working, get new

    every 3 months

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    Implications continued 9. IV Nitrodilute in IV solution, no other drugs

    in the same lines, use Glass IV bottles and IV

    tubing from manufacturer

    10. If severe hypotension = elevate legs for 2-3

    minutesif does not work slow rate and call MD

    11. Teach patient to follow-up with MD, carry ID

    card with information

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    Implications continued 12. When beta-adrenergic blocking agent also

    ordered ---give beta blocker first

    13. Hold the drugs if BP lower than 90mmHG for

    adult or HR less than 60 beats/min. Notify MD.

    14. Assess BP and HR frequently

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    Myocardial Infarction (MI)What is happening???

    Reasons for MI??

    1. Decrease flow of O2 to heart muscle

    -- thrombus formation, embolism 2. Increased demand for O2 by myocardium

    --Stress, heavy exertion, abrupt increase in BP

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    Treatment of MIGoal???

    1. AspirinWhy?? 7. Calcium Channel

    2. NitroglycerinWhy?? BlockerWhy??

    3. IV MorphineWhy??

    4. Beta-BlockerWhy?? 5. ACE inhibitorWhy??

    6. LidocaineWhy??

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    Peripheral VasodilatorsUsed to treat???

    1. Obstructive disorders (arteriosclerosis)

    2. Vasospastic disorders (Raynauds)Mostly

    effective with this type***

    Some Drugs: Posicor, cilostazol, nylidrin

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    Nursing Implications for Peripheral

    Vasodilators 1. Assess the disease process, skin for color, hair,

    lesions, pulses, temperature, turgor, auscultate for

    arterial sounds

    2. Watch for hypotensionlight headedness,

    dizzy = lie down until effect passes

    3. Educateno smoking, care of feet, effects of

    meds, safety

  • 7/28/2019 Cv Drugs Nursing2007


    ThromboemboliHow does the body form a clot???

    1. There is injury to the wall of a blood vessel

    2. Activation of many different clotting factors

    3. Formation of a fibrin clot

    4. These clots can break loose and travel todifferent areas of the body causing more problems

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    Anticoagulants 2 Purposes:

    1. Prevent the formation of a thrombus

    2. Inhibit the extension of the existing ones

    Problems: 1. Many drug interactions

    2. If not properly controlled, hemorrhagic risk

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    Drug Groups the Affecting Blood

    Clotting 1. Anticoagulants

    2. Thrombolytic agents

    3. alteplase, anistreplase

    4. Hemostatic agents

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    Heparin **MOST COMMON anticoagulants used**

    Action = interfere with the conversion of

    prothrombin to thrombin = prevents the conversion

    of fibrinogen to fibrin = inhibits clots


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    Heparin continuedLab test measured by??

    --Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)Therapeutic

    1.5-2x normal range

    Contraindicated in which type of patients??? (6)

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    Heparin continuedWhat would you treat an overdose with???

    --Protamine sulfate = combines with heparin to

    form a stable complex with no anticoagulant action

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    Oral Anticoagulantswarfarin (Coumadin) used most frequently

    Method of action??

    --1. Interferes with the synthesis of vitamin K

    dependent clotting factors (II, VII, IX, X) in the


    Takes 12-24 hours to see any effect after


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    Coumadin continuedLab test used to measure drug???

    --Prothrombin time (PT) = want it 1.5-2 x normal

    value to be therapeutic level of drug

    --INRInternational Normalized Ratio

    Many drug interactions

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    Coumadin continued If overdose: Vitamin K (phytonadione)

    --Also blood transfusion if needed

    Need frequent lab tests as inpatient and outpatient

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    Antiplatelet Agents (Anticoagulants)Action:

    --Used to inhibit the aggregation of platelets

    Drugs: dipyridamole (Persantine), sulfinpyrazone

    (Anturane), ticlopidine (Ticlid), abciximab

    (ReoPro), chopidogrel bisulfate (Plavix),

    acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, Aspirin)

  • 7/28/2019 Cv Drugs Nursing2007


    Nursing Implications for

    Anticoagulants 1. Assess for S/S of bleeding: #1 SIDE FFECT*

    --Hematuria --Tarry stools --Excessive vaginal

    bleeding --Abdominal, flank, or joint pain --HA

    --Changes in neuro status --Hematomas or

    ecchymotic areas --Vomiting blood (coffee

    ground) --Bleeding from nose/gums/IV

    sites/dressing, etc. --Weak, rapid pulse --Restless

  • 7/28/2019 Cv Drugs Nursing2007


    Nursing Implications continued 2. Nurse need to be familiar with the drugs being

    used and treatment goal of MD

    3. Make sure is into fat layer, short needle (5/8

    inch), could use TB syringe, do NOT aspirate,

    rotate sites, prefer abdominal area, do NOT

    rub/massage after injection

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    Nursing Implications continued 4. IVUse IV pump for steady rate, only hang a

    portion of drug for several hour time period-

    WHY??, do not mix/give with other drugs in sameline

    5. Avoid IM injections = risk for hematomas

    6. Avoid trauma, shaving = electric razor, soft

    bristle toothbrush, assistance with ambulation

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    Nursing Implications continued 7. Caution/Avoid use of aspirin products, alcohol,


    8. Use Tylenol for HA, aches/pains

    9. Keep diet consistentdo not add/change meds

    10. Keep follow-up appt. with MD

    11. Teach proper dosageif need 7.5 mgyou

    only have 5 mg tabswhat do you do???

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    Thrombolytic AgentsAction?? 2-6 hour window for use????

    1. Convert the substance plasminogen to the

    enzyme fibrinolysin = dissolves the fibrin clots

    Drugs: urokinase (Abbokinase), streptokinase

    (Streptase), TPA (tissue plasminogen activator)

    Used for which type of patients???

    Side Effects???

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    Nursing Implications for

    Thrombolysis 1. Assess patient for MIsevere pain, high

    anxiety, location, nature, duration of pain, VS,

    color, respiratory function, evidence of shockcold, clammy skin

    2. After drug givenwatch for bleeding

    cerebral, GI, pericardial. Assess VS, neuro status,visual signs of bleeding

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    Nursing Implication continued 3. Apply pressure for 20-30 minutes on all

    puncture sites during and after drug received

    4. Assess urine for blood and hemoccult stool

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    Which type of patient would need these drugs???

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    How does the Body Balance H2O and

    NA??? 1. Maintained by the reabsorption of sodium along

    the entire length of the nephron:

    A. Proximal tubule = 70-80% reabsorbed

    B. Ascending loop of Henle = 10-20 % reabsorbed

    C. Distal tubule = 5% reabsorbedthis is

    dependent on the concentration of the hormone


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    Why is Potassium Imbalance a Big

    Concern????Low Level = Hypokalemia:

    *** Serious, life-threatening problems***

    1. Potassium is needed for the neurotransmitters to

    conduct impulse to the muscleslike heart, etc.

    = cardiac arrhythmias, muscle weakness, lethargy,

    paresthesias, hyporeflexia, altered mental status

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    Treatment for Hypokalemia 1. Supplement with potassium chloride

    --Come in tablets, capsules, liquids, effervescent

    solutions, IV

    Also can take in a food =fruits, vegetables,

    almonds, peanuts, molasses, wheat germ

  • 7/28/2019 Cv Drugs Nursing2007


    Problems with High Levels of

    Potassium???Hyperkalemia = ***Serious, life-threatening


    Signs: Cardiac arrhythmias, muscle spasms,

    muscle weakness to paralysis

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    Hyponatremia Signs/symptoms:

    Confusion, lethargy, muscle excitability,

    convulsions, coma

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    Thiazide DiureticsAction: Distal tubule = inhibits sodium and

    chloride reabsorption along with chloride and

    potassium from the Loop of Henle

    Side effects???? (7)

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    Common Agents chlorothiazide (Diuril)

    hydrochlorothiazide (HydroDIURIL)

    metolazone (Diulo, Zaroxolyn)

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    Loop DiureticsMost potent diuretics

    Site of action????

    Remains effectiveeven with impaired

    glomerular filtration ratesgood for young and


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    Common Agentsbumetanide (Bumex)

    ethacrynic acid (Edecrin)

    furosemide (Lasix)

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    Potassium-Sparing Diuretics Site of action???

    **Not real potent diuretic**

    What could happen the potassium level for thispatent????

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    Common Agents amiloride (Midamor)

    spironolactone (Aldactone)

    triamterene (Dyrenium)

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    Osmotic Diuretics Site of action???

    Common agents: glycerin (Osmoglyn), mannital


    Uses? To treat intracranial pressure, Acute renal

    failure, intraocular and intraspinal fluid pressure

  • 7/28/2019 Cv Drugs Nursing2007


    Combination Potassium-Sparing &

    HCTZHCTZ = hydrochlorothiazide

    Purpose of combining these drugs???

    Common drugs: Aldactazide = spirolactone &HCTZ, Dyazide and Maxide = triamterene &


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    HypertensionDefinedas sustained elevated arterial blood

    pressure** Greater than or equal to 140/90* *

    Possible causes???


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    Hypertension continuedRisk factors??? (7)

    Mechanisms the control of blood pressure:

    ***CO x SVR = BP***

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    Treatment for Hypertension 1. Life styleLike what changes???

    **Add in medication:

    2. Diuretics (Review earlier slides)

    3. Centrally acting anti adrenergic agents

    4. Peripherally acting anti adrenergic agents 5. Beta-adrenergic blockers

    6. Vasodilators (Review earlier slides)

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    Treatment continued 6. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE)


    7. Aniotensin II Antagonists

    8. Calcium Channel Blocking Agents

    9. Combination ProductsWHY??

    10. Agents used to treat Hypertensive


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    Central Acting Antiadrenergic Agents **Potent antihypertensive but sedation biggest side


    Common agents: methyldopa (Aldomet), clonidine

    (Catapres), guanfacine HCL (Tenex)

    Action?? Block the sympathetic nervous system =

    dilation of per ipheral blood vessels and reduced


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    Peripherally Acting Antiadrenergic

    AgentsAction?? Works similar to Central Acting but

    side effects = dizziness, weakness, syncope D/T

    hypotensionCommon agents: prazocin (Minipress), terazosin

    (Hytrin), doxazosin (Cardura)

  • 7/28/2019 Cv Drugs Nursing2007


    Beta-Adrenergic Blocking AgentsAction: Block the sympathetic nervous system

    stimulation = decreased HR, decreased force of

    contraction, & bronchoconstriction (Who shouldnot get this drug??)

    Common agents: propranolol (Inderal), nadolol,perbutolol, timolol, pindolol, carteolol, labetalol,atenolol (Tenormin), metoprolol (Lopressor)

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    Angiotensin-Converting EnzymeAction???

    1. Are antagonists of the renin-angiotensin system

    2. Interferes with the conversion of angiotension 1

    from turning to angiotension 2 (which is a very

    strong vasoconstrictor) = vasodilation = decreased


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    Common ACE Inhibitorsbenazepril (Lotensin), captopril (Capoten),

    enalapril (Vasotec), fosinopril (Monopril),

    lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril), Quinapril (Accupril),ramipril (Altace)

    One Unique Side Effect for this Class: Cough in15% on patients

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    Angiotensin II AntagonistsAction???

    1. Blocks the binding of angiotensin II on its

    receptors = reduction in aldosterone concentrationsin the blood = less NA and H2O retention =

    decreased BP

    Common drugs: losartan (Cozaar), valsartan(Diovan), irbesartan, (Avapro)

  • 7/28/2019 Cv Drugs Nursing2007


    Calcium Channel Blocking AgentsAction???

    1. Prevent Calcium across the cell membrane =

    smooth muscle relaxation = vasodilation 2. Decreases myocardial contractility = decreases

    workload of heart = decreases CO

    Common drugs: diltiazem (Cardizem), nifedipine(Procardia), verapamil (Calan), amlodipine(Norvasc)

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    Nursing Implications for Hypertension 1. Assess blood pressure and other vitals correctly

    2. Teaching about disease, complications,

    treatments, life-style changes needed, importanceof follow-up with MD

    3. Teach on sodium-restricted dietread food

    labels, not to add salt to cooking, watch processedfoods

  • 7/28/2019 Cv Drugs Nursing2007


    Nursing Implications continued 4. Assess fluid and electrolyte balance = daily

    weight, I & O, s/s of potassium and sodium

    problems 5. Assess for other side effects: orthostatic

    hypotension, hyperglycemia, increased uric level

    levels, dizziness, lightheadness, HA

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    Nursing Implication continued 6. Teach patients to avoid heavy meals, exercise

    of meals, highly stressful situations, avoid

    straining at stool, safety to prevent falls/injuries

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    Agents to Treat Hypertensive

    EmergenciesBP is so high = permanent bodily damage or death

    All IV route

    Common drugs: diazoxide (Hyperstat), sodium

    nitroprusside (Nitropress, Nipride), trimethaphan

    camsylate (Arfonad)

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    Time to Study All This!!!