CUSTOMER GUIDE Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide · Figure 16 - Outlook 2013...

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Transcript of CUSTOMER GUIDE Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide · Figure 16 - Outlook 2013...

CUSTOMER GUIDE Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide

© Interoute Communications Limited Private and Confidential

Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide

Version History

Version Date Title

1.0 30/04/2015 Initial document

2.0 02/07/2015 Updated for release

3.0 04/01/2016 Updated to indicate compatibility with Outlook 2016

4.0 18/02/2016 Access via a proxy is not supported

5.0 22/06/2016 .NET Framework 4.0 or higher is required

6.0 04/11/2016 Description of the Delegate booking a meeting in delegator’s calendar feature

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© Interoute Communications Limited Private and Confidential

Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide

1. Contents 1. Contents ................................................................................................................... 3

2. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4

3. Prerequisites ............................................................................................................. 4

4. Limitations ................................................................................................................ 4

5. Features .................................................................................................................... 4

6. Creating a new Interoute One Bridge Meeting ........................................................... 4

7. Delegate booking meeting in delegator’s calendar ..................................................... 8

8. Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................... 10

9. Support ................................................................................................................... 14

© Interoute Communications Limited Private and Confidential

Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide

2. Introduction The Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin enables users to create a Microsoft Outlook meeting invite that contains their Virtual Meeting Room (VMR) connection details.

This document is intended for users that will be creating meeting invites.

3. Prerequisites Users must be running Microsoft Windows 10, 8.1, 8 or 7 operating system

The .NET Framework 4.0 or above must be installed

Users must have Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2016 installed on their computer

The IT department must have deployed the outlook plugin to the user’s personal computer

The IT department must have associated the user’s e-mail address to at least one VMR on the Interoute One Bridge Service.

Users must have Public Internet access for the plugin to update their VMR details and meeting invite content.

4. Limitations Access to the Internet from the user’s computer must not be via a proxy server.

5. Features The Outlook plugin allows a user to create a meeting invite containing connection details

of their chosen VMR.

Where a user’s e-mail address is assigned to multiple VMRs the user is prompted for which VMR they would like the connection details inserted in to the meeting invite.

Where a user has been delegated responsibility for one or more e-mail addresses (for example delegation to a personal assistant) then the VMRs assigned to those delegated e-mail addresses are also available for the user to select from, provided the user’s email address has been added to the delegator’s VMR. Otherwise, the user should open the delegator’s calendar before creating a meeting invite, where the delegator’s VMR details will be used instead.

6. Creating a new Interoute One Bridge Meeting 1) Navigate to Calendar in Outlook, then

a) Either Click “New Interoute One Bridge Meeting” icon in the toolbar

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Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide

Figure 1 - Outlook 2013 Mail Toolbar, New Interoute One Bridge Meeting

b) Or click on New Items, Interoute One Bridge Meeting

Figure 2 - Outlook 2013 Mail Toolbar, New Items

c) Or click on the Reply with Meeting button

Figure 3 - Outlook 2013 Mail Toolbar, Reply with Meeting

d) Or click on New Meeting or New Appointment

Figure 4 - Outlook 2013 Calendar Toolbar, New Appointment, New Meeting

2) For c) or d) above then a pop-up meeting invite will be generated. Select the meeting or appointment tab in the toolbar and then select Interoute One Bridge Meeting

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Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide

Figure 5 - Outlook 2013 Meeting Invite Toolbar

Figure 6 - Outlook 2013 Appointment Invite Toolbar

3) If there is more than one VMR available to choose from then a pop-up window will prompt the user to choose one.

Figure 7 - Pop-up if Multiple VMRs are Available

NOTE: If the plugin user has been granted delegate permissions to another user’s calendar then the calendar entry can be created in the delegator’s calendar provided the plugin version running is a least More detail on how to make use of this feature in the following section.

4) The connection details for the VMR will be written into the body of the meeting invite. 5) Complete the meeting invite as per usual

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Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide

Figure 8 - Outlook 2013 Example Meeting Invite Body

If there is a PIN or Participant PIN set then this will be included in the invite message body

Note that the Leader’s PIN, when set, is not included in the meeting invite message body for security reasons. The leader(s) must therefore know the leader PIN, when set, for the relevant VMR in order to join the meeting.

© Interoute Communications Limited Private and Confidential

Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide

7. Delegate booking meeting in delegator’s calendar

Additional prerequisites

The user plugin must be running plugin version a or above.

The required delegate permissions must be setup in the manager’s Outlook client.

This functionalitty is File > Account Settings > Delegate Access ( Figure 9)

Figure 9 - Outlook Delegate setup

Usage guideline In order for a delegate to book a meeting in a delegator/manager’s calendar the following sequence needs to be followed. Screenshots below capture the scenario. The delegates calendar is on the left, the managers calendar on the right. The numbers from the screenshot corresponds to the red numbers in the text below.

1. The delegate right clicks on the manager’s calendar focusing on the applicable timeslot – [1]

2. The right click context menu must be used, either [New Meeting Request] [2] or [New

Appointment] [3] can be clicked.

3. IMPORTANT : The Calendar ribbon button [4] cannot be used for the [delegate booking in

manager’s calendar scenario]. This is because clicking on the calendar ribbon button returns

© Interoute Communications Limited Private and Confidential

Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide

the focus to the delegate’ calendar rather than where the mouse had focus in the manager’s


Figure 10 - Outlook Calendar view

4. After the right click on the manger’s calendar the meeting or appoint dialog will load. Click

the [One Bridge Meeting] ribbon item [5] in the New Appointment or New Meeting Dialogs.

Figure 11 - Appointment or meeting dialog

5. After the Interoute Onebrige invite text has been download, the user can verify that the

correct calendar has focus by looking at the calendar specificed in the bottom left of the

dialog [6]

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Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide

Figure 12 - Confirm destination calendar

8. Troubleshooting

Check that the plugin is installed To check that the plugin is installed a user should, in Microsoft Windows, navigate to the Control Panel, Programs and Features and search through the list of installed programs.

The program for the plugin is called 1BridgeOutlookAddIn

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Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide

Figure 13 - Programs and Features

Check that the plugin is enabled To confirm that the Plugin is enabled in Microsoft Outlook the user must start Microsoft Outlook and check that Interoute One Bridge Meeting is an available option when selecting “New Items” or in the toolbar when looking at their calendar.

Figure 14 – Outlook 2013 toolbar view when viewing Mail

Figure 15 – Outlook 2013 toolbar view when viewing Calendar

Check that the plugin is not disabled If the Plugin is verified as installed but is not available in Outlook then it is likely that it is disabled.

Outlook will automatically disable an add-in if it slows down Outlook start-up and this may occur if the plugin cannot check for updates due to a network issue.

In Microsoft Outlook 2013:

1. Select File. The account information will be shown.

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Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide

2. Select Slow and Disabled Add-ins.

Figure 16 - Outlook 2013 “Account Information” Screen

3. If 1BridgeOutlookPlugin is listed then select “Always enable this add-in”

Figure 17 - Outlook 2013 "Slow and Disabled Add-ins" screen

Plugin failed at start up Starting with Outlook 2013, Outlook enforces that all add-ins must consistently load faster than 1000 milliseconds. On some machines, it may take slightly longer than one second for the plugin to load. This can be due to many environmental factors, including disk speed.

Click here for more technical information from Microsoft, including information for administrators on how to override this behaviour via Group Policy, forcing the plug-in to always be enabled on all machines. Click here for further documentation on the Group Policy templates included in the Office 2013 Resource Kit, including the relevant one for this issue.

No Virtual Meeting Room (VMR) details can be found by the plugin If no VMR details can be found by the plugin, check to ensure:

1. The user has an Interoute One Bridge Virtual Meeting Room. Contact the IT administrator to confirm.

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Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide

2. The user’s e-mail address has been associated to the VMR. Contact the IT administrator to confirm.

Figure 18 - Error if the User's E-mail is not associated to any VMRs

A newly created VMR has a user’s e-mail address associated to it but it is not showing in the plugin Please wait for a few minutes and then try again.

Does the plugin work when offline? Yes. Once the plugin has been used once and VMR information retrieved, then the plugin retains a cache of the VMR information so long as Outlook is not restarted. If Outlook is restarted then there is no cache so the plugin then requires an Internet connection to work.

The user is informed if the plugin is using cached information.

Figure 19 - Notification message when plugin is using cached information

Note that when using its cache the plugin cannot retrieve information on any new VMRs created as it has no connectivity to the Internet.

If the user has no access to the Internet and starts or restarts Outlook then the plugin will not be able to work and the following error message is generated. Restore connectivity to the Internet and the plugin will start to work again.

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Interoute One Bridge Outlook Plugin User Guide

Figure 20 - Notification message when the plugin is unable to work

9. Support Contact the user’s IT Department or Administrator.