Customer Experience Roadmap and Call Center Alignment

Post on 25-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Customer Experience Roadmap and Call Center Alignment

The Customer Roadmap, Customer

Experience and Customer Satisfaction-

Planning the Journey and Executing the Plan

Customer Have Choice

Customers Have Choice


The Taylor Reach Group

• Call/Contact Center Consultancy,

• Offices Toronto, New York, Atlanta, Sydney,

• Contact Center assessment, design,

improvement and operational management,

• 27+ awards for excellence in contact center


• 14,000+ agent desktops operating under TRG

designed operational models globally,


Colin Taylor

• CEO Taylor Reach,

• 36 years in call/contact center operations, design, sales and executive management,

• More than 20 awards received on two continents,

• Publisher of Customer Reach newsletter with 13,000 + subscribers

• Manages Toronto Call Center Networking Group on LinkedIn



• Quality Monitoring/Listening –

individual assessment of agent

performance against a set of


• Internal Quality – the roll up or

consolidation of Quality Monitoring

• Customer Satisfaction – What the

customer feels about their


• Customer Experience - ...


Customer Experience Definitions

“The Experience of the customer when

buying or servicing the product or

service you have sold them”

“The designed interaction between a

customer and your organization”

Where do we Provide this Experience? Where Do We Deliver the Customer Experience?

Is Customer Experience Important? Is the Customer Experience Important?

But What Can We Do About It? But What Can We Do About It?

What Experience are we Supporting?


The center does control: Service Level (ASA/GOS/Abandon) Forecast Volume Staff Scheduled

We Also Control Speed of Access Ease of Access

Customers’ Progress

Marketing = Promise

Product = Delivery

A Customers’ Progress




Marketing sets the customers expectation Management sets Policies and Procedures Management sets Service Levels etc. The call center is where these potentially apposing Points of View meet

Customer Experience Definitions

“The designed interaction between a

customer and your organization”


How Do we Measure the

Customer Experience?


The State of Customer Experience Today


Mission, Vision, Values

Watch words that convey expectations;

• World Class Customer Service (or similar),

• Access,

• Empowered Employees,

• Quality,

• Returns for our Shareholders,

• Satisfaction,



Sample Brand Attributes

Arrogant, Authentic, Best brand, Carefree, Cares about customers, Charming, Daring, Different, Down to earth, Energetic, Friendly, Fun, Gaining in popularity, Glamorous, Good value, Healthy, Helpful, High performance, Intelligent, Kind, Obliging, Original, Prestigious, Progressive, Restrained, Rugged, Simple, Straightforward, Stylish, Tough, Traditional, Trendy, Trustworthy, Unapproachable, Up-to-date, Upper class, Worth more,


People make decisions on emotion,

that are rationalize with intellect

“I’ve Learned that people will forget

what you said. People will forget

what you did. But people will never

forget how you made them feel”

Maya Angelou

Understanding the Dichotomy

Messages & Gaps

Hypothetical Mission Statement


“To deliver World Class Customer Service to our

Customers, by providing access to our products and

services the way our customers want them, when they want

them, while providing a positive, enjoyable and productive

environment to our employees and delivering superior

returns to our Shareholders”

Sample Brand Attributes

Accessible, Arrogant, Authentic, Best brand, Carefree, Cares about customers, Charming, Daring, Different, Down to earth, Energetic, Friendly, Fun, Gaining in popularity, Glamorous, Good value, Healthy, Helpful, High performance, Intelligent, Kind, Obliging, Original, Prestigious, Progressive, Restrained, Rugged, Simple, Straightforward, Stylish, Tough, Traditional, Trendy, Trustworthy, Unapproachable, Up-to-date, Upper class, Worth more,


Measuring the Gap


Brand Attributes Delivered- Aligned Corrective action


Cares about Customers









World Class Customer Service

Looks after Employees

Profits for Shareholders


Measuring the Gap

Brand Attributes Delivered- Aligned Corrective action

Accessible No- long wait times, IVR front end

Cares about Customers Not apparent- understaffed, long wait times, unfriendly


Daring Perhaps, but not in a good way. More ‘daring’ to deliver

sub par service while claiming to be committed to

superior service

Different Experience is the same as phoning your cable or

wireless provider

Energy Not Evident

Fun Not Evident

Glamorous Not Evident

Stylish Not Evident

Trendy Not Evident

Youthful Not Evident

World Class Customer Service No- poor access, understaffed, undiferentiated

Looks after Employees Center will have high occupancy and likely lots of

unhappy customers- this does not describe Looking

after employees.

Profits for Shareholders Possibly well aligned – Poor service can (but doesn’t

always) cost less. But the profit can be at the expense

of brand erosion.


Measuring the Gap Brand Attributes Delivered- Aligned Corrective action

Accessible No- long wait times, IVR front end Improve Service level target and performance-

Improve forecasting and scheduling, add more staff.

Offer more channels (Inbound calls, emails, chats,

SMS, Social Media, Mail etc.), 7 x 24 hour access

Cares about Customers Not apparent- understaffed, long wait times, unfriendly


Improve access, agent hiring. Training to reflect

desired attributes

Daring Perhaps, but not in a good way. More ‘daring’ to deliver

sub par service while claiming to be committed to

superior service

Lose IVR,

Different Experience is the same as phoning your cable or

wireless provider

Lose IVR, Dedicate agent totake ownership to

resolve customers problem

Energy Not Evident Agent profile, hiring and training

Fun Not Evident Agent profile, hiring and training

Glamorous Not Evident Messages from designers on IVR and hold messages

Stylish Not Evident Messages from designers on IVR and hold messages

Trendy Not Evident

Youthful Not Evident Agent profile, hiring and training

World Class Customer Service No- poor access, understaffed, undiferentiated Be Accessible, set and met superior service levels,

set, measure CSAT- Offer customer to call back and

speak to same agent.

Looks after Employees Center will have high occupancy and likely lots of

unhappy customers- this does not describe Looking

after employees.

Measure you Employee Satisfaction, Employ metrics

that matter FCR, CSAT, Quality over AHT and ASA

Profits for Shareholders Possibly well aligned – Poor service can (but doesn’t

always) cost less. But the profit can be at the expense

of brand erosion.

Better Customer satisfaction will increase long term

value and returns


Policies, and Processes

Don't be a barrier to your own customers

Examine how your internal policies,

procedures and processes and how

they impact on the customer


Identify those that are not aligned with the

desired customer experience.

Review with management potential

changes to the policies etc. To improve



Designing the Customer Experience


1. Know what the current experience is,

2. Know how you are measuring the


3. Understand your policies, processes

and any negative customer impacts,

4. Plan changes and tests,

5. Measure improvements/reductions as

a result of tests,

6. Roll out positive changes and continue

other tests,


Customer Experience Design Process

Understand Discover Conceptualize Validate Implement


What Experience do we want to deliver?

What are we delivering today

Gap Analysis. What has to change to create the desired Experience

Testing changes, measure customer reaction

Creating the training and collateral




Contact Details

Colin Taylor, CEO

The Taylor Reach Group, Inc.

416-979-8692 ext 200


Web Site:


Twitter: @colinsataylor
