Cuban Papers

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Slides for Cuban Papers lecture in Baton Rouge, September 2009

Transcript of Cuban Papers • Robert de Berardinis

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2009 Le Comité Annual Meeting • Robert de Berardinis

Colonial North America, 1600–1762 • Robert de Berardinis

Spanish Luisiana, 1763–1820 • Robert de Berardinis

Spanish Colonial Government

King (absolute)

Minister of IndiesCouncil of Indies (to 1790) Committees

VICEROYAudiencia de

Santo Domingo(Appeals/Admiralty)

Captain-Generalof CubaGovernor

IntendantPost Commanders Judicial Council

(New Orleans) (member)

Other Treasury Officials& Warehouse Guards

Military Units

Complicated isn’t it? • Robert de Berardinis

Officially called the Papeles Procedentes de CubaThey are part of the Archivo General de Indias in SevilleThe “next higher” level of archived Spanish colonial records for the Spanish provinces (depending on the point in time):

• Florida (las Floridas),• Luisiana y las Floridas,• the department of Téjas,• East and West Florida, and• East Florida.

They were kept in “ribbon-tied” bundles, legajos, often about 800–1000 folio pages. This explains their common name of the “legajos.”

What are the Cuban Papers? • Robert de Berardinis

• They begin in the 1570s (Founding of St. Augustine)

• They end in the 1820s (Cession to U.S.)

• They are part of the Spanish colonial bureaucracy with related archival materials in:

• AGI: Audiencias de Méjico, de Guadalajara, and de Santo Domingo

• AGS, Seccións Estado and Guerra

• Archivo General Militar, Segovia

• Archivo General de la Nación, Madrid

• Archivo Histórica de la Nación, México City

What are the Cuban Papers? • Robert de Berardinis

What are the Cuban Papers?

• There are about 1,000 relevant legajos

• They are filmed onto 1691 reels of microfilm.

• There are ten removed reels of legajos in 1981.

• There are at least 71 more legajos that need to be filmed.

• They also contain records for the provinces of:1. Cartageña, 5. Porto Cabello,

2. Castillo del Morro, 6. Santa Fe,

3. Coste Firme, 7. Santo Domingo, and

4. Nueva Granada, 8. Veracruz.

They are 60% Spanish, 25% French, 15% English, & Latin. • Robert de Berardinis

What do they contain?

Look Before Diving! • Some remain “unprocessed.”

• “Jack Holmes Collection.” LSU, Loyola, UFla., HNOC

• Many items are out of order in a legajo since Hill (1916).

• New calendar or guide at beginning of the legajo or edicion.

• Theoretically, the order is maintained after processing.

• Don’t forget Univ. of Florida calendar/index! • Robert de Berardinis

What do they contain?

A. Correspondence to the Governors

1. From Post Commanders and other military officers

2. From private citizens

3. From minor public officials in the colonies

4. From the Ministry of the Indies

5. Includes the Council of the Indies

6. Includes “Interested” parties

7. From the Viceroy of New Spain (in Mexico City) • Robert de Berardinis

What do they contain?

B. Correspondence from the Governors to the Captain General1. Includes the reply correspondence

C. Treasury Records1. Tax lists2. Pay reports of local officials3. Pay reports of regular military, not militia!4. King’s Warehouses’ reports and account books5. Reports of city syndicos6. Reports of the Intendant

7. Includes censusesD. Miscellaneous Reports • Robert de Berardinis

Where are they located?

Big Collections:Clayton Library, Houston, TexasHistoric New Orleans Collection, New Orleans, LouisianaLibrary of Congress, Washington, D.C.Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LouisianaLoyola University, New Orleans, LouisianaUniversity of Florida, Gainesville, FloridaSmaller Collections:Alexandria Genealogical Society Library, Alexandria, LouisianaHarvard University, Cambridge, MassachusettsNewberry Library, Chicago, IllinoisNorth Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North CarolinaNorthwestern State University, Natchitoches, LouisianaUniversity of Louisiana-Lafayette, Lafayette, LouisianaYale University, New Haven, Connecticut • Robert de Berardinis

Are there good finding aids?

1. Hill, Roscoe R. Louisiana Legajos: …. 1916 reprint; Ville Platte, La.: Provincial Press, 2003.2. Siles Saturnino, Reyes. Documentos relativos a la independen- cia de Norteamérica existentes en archivos españoles : A. toma II, Archivo General de Indias, Sección Papeles de Cuba : Correspondencia y documentación oficial de los Gobernadores de Luisiana (años 1777–1803). B. toma VII, … : Correspondencia y documentación oficial de varias autoridades de Luisiana y de las dos Floridas (años 1778–1817). C. toma IX, … : Correspondencia y documentación oficial de autoridades de Luisiana y de Florida Occidental (años 1764–1819).



Index • Robert de Berardinis

How are they archivally arranged?

They are arranged in 23 sections in the archives: 1. West Florida 13. Santo Domingo 2. West Florida (treas./mil.)14. Cuba 3. East Florida 15. Captain General 4. Louisiana 16. Captain General, not in § 15 5. New Orleans 17. Porto Cabello 6. Cartageña 18. Louisiana 7. New Granada 19. East Florida (treas./jud.) 8. Costa Firme 20. West Florida (treas./jud.) 9. Santa Fe 21. New Orleans (treas.) 10. Vera Cruz 22. Captain General, not in §§ 15, 16 11. Porto Cabello 23. West Florida, not in §§ 1, 2 12. Castillo del Morro • Robert de Berardinis

General Guide

1. leg. 1–82, Letters from Governors, 1766–1819 2. leg. 83–100, 2317, Letters from Intendants, 1781–1815 3. leg. 101–50, 1054–55, Letters to Governors, 1764–1823 4. leg. 151–58, Correspondence from Captains General and Governors of West Florida, 1782–1818

5. leg. 159–80, Royal letters and orders, military service records, military and civilian trials 6. leg. 181–86, Correspondence from Captains General 7. leg. 187–221, Correspondence from the Posts 8. leg. 222–27, Copies of Governors’ letter books, 1722–1819 9. leg. 228–69, W. Fla. Treasury/warehouse records, 1783– 1819

Index • Robert de Berardinis

You Too Can Read Spanish • Robert de Berardinis

General Guide

10. leg. 283–487, East Florida, 1703–1819 11. leg. 488–560, Treasury and warehouse accounts, 1763– 1818 12. leg. 562–630, Correspondence of the Intendants and the treasury, treasury officials’ service records, 1765–1821 13. leg. 631–668, 2318–2321, Bound books and other suppor- ting documents for treasury records, 1776–1805 14. leg. 669–706, 772, 830, Warehouse accounts and commer- cial matters, 1761–1821 15. leg. 2335–38, 2343, New Orleans and Plaquemines ware- house accounts, 1776–1801 16. leg. 2357–72, Miscellaneous letters (mostly Louisiana and Natchez), 1707–1819 • Robert de Berardinis

General Guide

10. leg. 283–487, East Florida, 1703–1819 11. leg. 488–560, Treasury and warehouse accounts, 1763– 1818 12. leg. 562–630, Correspondence of the Intendants and the treasury, treasury officials’ service records, 1765–1821 13. leg. 631–668, 2318–2321, Bound books and other suppor- ting documents for treasury records, 1776–1805 14. leg. 669–706, 772, 830, Warehouse accounts and commer- cial matters, 1761–1821 15. leg. 2335–38, 2343, New Orleans and Plaquemines ware- house accounts, 1776–1801 16. leg. 2357–72, Miscellaneous letters (mostly Louisiana and Natchez), 1707–1819 • Robert de Berardinis

Companion Archival Materials

1. Archives of the Government of East Florida, Library of Congress. 2. Archives of the Government of West Florida, East Baton Rouge Clerk of Court (FHL). 3. Favrot Family Papers, Tulane University Special Collections. 4. Juan Ventura Morales Papers, Louisiana State Archives. 5. Panton, Leslie and Co. Papers, Gale-Thompson (film), Univ. of West Florida (MSS). 6. Sebastien Vincente Pintado Papers, Library of Congress. 7. Spanish Judicial Records of the Province of Luisiana, Louisiana State Museum (FHL). 8. Stetson Collection, Univ. of Florida (MSS). 9. [Charles (Carlos) Trudeau] Surveyor’s Notebook, 1795–1797, Library of Congress. 10.Western Manuscript Collection, University of Missouri system.






Index • Robert de Berardinis

Other Research Aids

Acosta Rodríguez, Antonio. La población de Luisiana española (1763–1803). Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Dirección General de Relaciones Culturales, 1979.

[Archivo General de Indias]. Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y organización de las antiguas posesiones españolas de ultramar. 27 vols. 1885–1932 reprint; Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint, 1967.

[Archivo General de Indias]. Libro de la florida de capitulaciones y asientos de gobernadores y generales, 1517–1578. Madrid: Archivo General de Indias, 1922.

Arthur, Stanley Clisby. Index to the Archives of Spanish West Florida, 1782-1810. New Orleans: Polyanthos, 1975.

Arthur, Stanley Clisby. Index to the Dispatches of the Spanish Governors of Louisiana, 1766-1792. New Orleans: Polyanthos, 1975.

Beers, Henry. French and Spanish Records of Louisiana: A Bibliographical Guide to Archive and Manuscript Sources. Baton Rouge: LSU Press, 1989. • Robert de Berardinis

Other Research Aids-Rodriguez

Handy isn’t it? • Robert de Berardinis

Other Research Aids

Chappell, Bruce S. and Nettie Lee Benson. Calendar of the Papeles de Cuba, 1781–1821. Gainesville, Fla.: P. K. Yonge Library (Univ. of Fla.), 1984.

Coker, William S. and Thomas D. Watson. Indian Traders of the Southeastern Spanish Borderlands: Panton, Leslie & Company and John Forbes & Company, 1783–1847. Gainesville, Fla.: University Presses of Florida and Pensacola: University of West Florida Press, 1986.

Falcón, Guillermo and Wilbur Meneray. The Favrot Family Papers: A Documentary Chronicle of Early Louisiana. 5 vols. New Orleans: Howard-Tilton Memorial Library, 1988–2002.

Folch y Juan, Juan Vicente and David White, ed. Correspondence of Juan Vicente Folch y Juan in the Papeles Procedentes de Cuba Deposited in the Archivo General de Indias at Seville. Seville: Archivo General de Indias, 1975.

Hill, Roscoe R. Archivo General de Indias, Papeles de Cuba, Legajo 1794. 1912 manuscript; Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1960. This consists of the correspondence of the commandants of Pensacola, 1813–1816. • Robert de Berardinis

Other Research Aids

Hill, Roscoe R. List of Documents Relating to the History of the United States in Papeles Procedentes de Cuba Deposited in the Archivo General de Indies at Seville, in the Legajo Order of 1912. Mss. Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Foundation, 1912–16. Contains a calendar of legajos 1500–02, 1550–69, 1708, 1737, 1750, 1789–1797, 1856, 1873–77, 1931, 1944, 1950, 1963, 2330, 2351–56, 2369.

Kinnaird, Lawrence. Inventory of Materials in the Library of Congress from the Papeles de Cuba Series of the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, 1655–1822. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1939.

Kinnaird, Lawrence. Spain in the Mississippi Valley, 1765-1794. 3 vols. Washington: G.P.O., 1949. Translations of materials from Spanish archives in Bancroft Library, UC‑Berkeley.

Potter, Dorothy. Passports of Southeastern Pioneers, 1770–1823: Indian, Spanish, and Other Land Passports for Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Mississippi, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1982.

[Research Publications]. The Papers of Panton, Leslie and Co. [Guide to the Microfilm Collection]. Woodbridge, Conn. and Reading, Eng.: Research Publications, 1986. • Robert de Berardinis

How to Research

Remember, no common law in Spanish areas. Women had equal property rights to men, kept their maiden names, had community property, had to inherit as did legitimate children.

Unless your ancestor was a big shot, research by place of residence or by place of passage.

Always attempt to consult treasury and warehouse books.

Civil lawsuits were favorite form of indoor entertainment, cross check against judicial records.

If loyalist, look into the Floridas, except Natchez (Georgia).

Check correspondence of syndicos to intendants and governors. • Robert de Berardinis

A walking tour of legajo 2360

Remember from the general guide:

16. leg. 2357–72, Miscellaneous letters (mostly Louisiana and Natchez), 1707–1819. • Robert de Berardinis

Legajo 2360, fol. 120 vo. • Robert de Berardinis

Legajo 2360, fol. 126 • Robert de Berardinis

Legajo 2360, fol. 149 • Robert de Berardinis

Bourbon County, Georgia??

Natchez • Robert de Berardinis

Legajo 2360, fol. 325

Men that hunts


an boy • Robert de Berardinis

Legajo 2360, fol. 325 • Robert de Berardinis

Legajo 2360, fol. 454

Here is Chev. de Clouet,

the Post Commandant • Robert de Berardinis

Legajo 2360, fol. 467 • Robert de Berardinis

The Cuban Papers


Questions?Applause Wildly