Crian KEAL ESTATE. ~NEVr Ml DICTATOR PUBLICATIOXS. FOB ... › lccn › sn83030214 › ... · ~NEVr...

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Transcript of Crian KEAL ESTATE. ~NEVr Ml DICTATOR PUBLICATIOXS. FOB ... › lccn › sn83030214 › ... · ~NEVr...


In adtlition to tho luiual exciJlent misallfttiytor .uvemle rtadln* In Onr Ytmng ftolk*. the preaentnuroberBiveaaiiew ItiRtallment of Mr. X. B. Aldrloh'a

Bne"t*tory of a Uud Boy," rclallngaomeaallcntpaaanKeaof a,*iDi-ai!t4.bio_,'rapiiKalexperieiice wlth incoin-.arablehnmor nnd imctio.i. betraylmf a glft of plqunnt narratlon

01. tbo part of tho wrtter not unworthy of hl* ui toiupliah-menta Iu verac.

A volnme of poaaaa entitlotl Poetische Bilderaut allen lheilm ,ier l.rde, aoleotod from tlie flaeal pCOflBlut ut Or rnar. jtoet.*.. by thu celebrnted traveler now on a

viait ix, ihla city. Baaaaa B< iiummwiu. eoaOalaa de-

acrlptive ahoBehea flf -"vcral of the most famous aeenea

and iocalltiee in diffcrent natloue. Aa a rounterpart to

tbi* laatructlvfl toctorea ol the rompller, they caunot fall

to eoiuuiatid the miert-st of Bflfl heurer* iu repioduciuKwith the ahaiflH rf-aaaajr al the great aataealfeatures of tho earth whi* h havo beeu Uluatrated in hla

eloquent proac.

The JxiversideMaaaJtine, which coinmoTiccil tlio¦.w yoar wlth oa laereaaod atore of attractlons, shows

«reat ajurit aai frc**Iiiieea ln the new number on our ta¬

ble. Ulfl fld-tfli with aattflBI dillgoncc andlcxcillt nt

judjpneut, and on Ite list of coutrlbutora severalaf tho moai sticcetuful wrltcra for tho youuger folk ln tho

oountry. Tho present nunibtr has contrlbutlona hv Mr*.¦.¦¦aC_ Week*. I'hcbe Cary, Abhy 8a*e, aud acharac-terlstle etory by H.ins Ctnlstian Andersen. Theembel*Uabiuents are of ft hupertor order, nnd both tho oostume

andcontenta ot tl... " Uiveralde" eommeud it tonwol-oome grcetlug from the houaebuld circio.

In PafaBlB tht ftrbt nrtklo bv H. T. Tik-Ur-aiancn " The Aua ln Life and Letter-" trcats a Iwhat (rrotesque then.o w"th amuaiiiK llveliti-'sa und uno-

tion. What la not -ald about ** ******* Iu thi* pnpor is

eertnlnlyuot worth sayitis*. and what is said demonstithotetlUtjrof thfl aub,oct and the injrrnmtyof tho wrlter.

Wo eaa ti-.t.fy thal tha portrall ot ti.e loug-sufl-rlugdonkey w laeOWM to thfl Ilarvanl.tudetit I of a pa»t k'eneratioa ls aa truo tothe lifo aaa

photoKiaph.The ino.*t ciempl. rv l".i*-» fatnlMar to my chlMhood

wasanaa*. Ftrbapa*tbe faet itf hla bcrln* unniue la thoiu n.n:.<iiiii'Oi! ii'id tln* "fiy ereatnre quito glven np to

iuveuile eontrol. may hoTfl quickenod ob«ii vntioti; eonduol compared bo favor.ibiy wlth all the otber ant-

1 ui. that we deemed tl.e atorles, reeorded lnour play bi-itha. of tbe donhey'ahtek ol eajnelty, aa fabn-i'*ua ii. a double seuae. Theaoay ns* .1 to ataad ofl hla

...rhe beard Ihe dlachai*a*_> M n. nn, lo. treun* t.-tror of ibe Isrtlea of tue fn.iiily: the mare

Ohtodateri id wheelbarrow; the iUtge yelpcdat uight. an.l'were lo scrnpea all tlav: Ihe tui key-cckflewat evervbo'iv; tli-? bult frlphtened und tlaway from i'n; bnl Jnck mlnded hlurin. butttaalao of trrttattoo, waa ooutent.with thfl hur.ibi.-st aai aoaof aaaaai ».*" patientoompitiilou, our aervant, aud paatlme, and oaly b> un

arcaflWMl raah oHttr an hnpertinenl ehlcl-eu. ot a proi.i -i\, \.*r tra ii--.'r.-*.*..-'! tho p*

t..a. llu wa* |..iu .1, inu* of th*.; West 1 Uilbrought b< tlveo mr bla cu,lu otner to foan.! f . iee lu* fultllfullyp. rfoimed nntil ; '"'

aideai nabllng h ¦.-*> r to tutbe Wlute Moillit

¦ t.t h- v. Tlie (t*-,t qaaOtJ iiot>r,-.i**

tlua.ionltey waablelmpertnrbnble good-natnre: beliseii i. iill ot' l.oof olleti-iilli: BOOunder u*. gave a little l.-ap. u* if m Iho, aad tbi n

¦n.iMttv to let u*»,.. ...'i t» tttipea; they never qtttekened hlapoeeorelie.tid a ii.oan. Tbe only wai to nayat.-ui nml Ktimulate i.'ii! to ae.Urkle li'tu ix'tw, en tl.e iho*- tto end "f a

reehopflth. aheeaee af n*«i.»:tii.hia . hut t.i u* he aeeiu. d a bi rnlu ti.iti'i-iil euilur nie- atul hmited wanta. Equally ni-

dijl, f a word of praani Oaatljailnw ?nrl- .*< u.e4l to have attauted ilu-1of /vai.iv wai hla awportorny totht* tiatolca'l; he. had apparei.tly " tlunu a...iy amlutioii," andi.l».<Hite.t. HtAt po-iw- ulrO\tx tbo w.iuiid* 4.f

tastee, fi-mtnl aml sub-mliislve, lu or r.inusenicM with t.n

eip- Imlk'nifnt wer.* r.irdyaolugled iu lm; .pt when thiwere left dowu perbapa be

dei. iiit'i..-. ,- bul *".i'.tu,. an abttraot uiood. v,

.witui llne Suinii'.-i' illuuch iu h UuV

ij re-aoiiud. d vaiulv, and the pote auiieii-ieerii: li«' k*t n*i have oar way with ut

d.wil.ty, und te*.h<he(ood aml .n of i.fe witb a kiod III¦awnine eomnlaeenry, t,< ver beeoiulnc exctted at tbe

Ti,ueo of poor lut't-'iexhihitiniK* no spe.-ial iteal for beri.aire. l.r.n.or..'but inii!iehinf.*e.iel. as If the Indiil^eue* ol apPwithout mnlice at;dprt'lc iuli i'.i, but there waa a meekneanan Ild. i.t. '"ul au .¦ ,'wl

dai wlianeaii' il i" taheJaok away io iho Wo«t; hol.ore tho tta

.... thoti.**:. to wlia.h bi* i...*. on to «ive Lliu a **" ler,11.a.i:*,

ilav of a. .iiiint-iiton the e n whenhUoId,,f h.-iir from his tnai e to i.

.1 l.livedin nii.fc.u.,.

ooutilm 1 In a inre and qnaini Iract, pobllabednearlyentltled "The-fobloneaaool the

.*lt IIT COTl-

i ugs in gmai i-rt, aud la.hia

jlr. x oaa ofthe-" by e late hril ...nt a i

ll fall of sw. elianty, and BUjtfeoteeer-taln -¦'

a- one of tboee aaomaloualnearnatJeneof lavnpi ry and m. - ofmod4~rn

pt fnr"theHIs

renlent, aud uoufih with his

; i, l.i.t aa illL' Illl!

|. >.' t I

flafflOOBi*, bilt !"!--* t'T U'.'l'tTl -i,i||i ,-

t^rrted tn **. re was mo |HiythaBlUf H'i'l

...*;_!<._ts,.", M **-". O..

i tiu. aul-t Implie*

' \:t i-i'iili-iict* i\ ht-.-i '.fI. ti.l* 4

' f thfl lulinl--quitowa havo tl.u

a *ii. ui ti...- :,.,., ,,i*t. .1 .'i.

;..iti. int. WlJICU loi

...I,-ei t nml llu lt thus

- tu un:wh :n- *'*d ni a

bii ,.ipi,..i I.) sBKajIMt.H'.oiiv,ted ill a t| Or eliibodu .1 111 ;x by Pnwra. .aprteaa _»-_cily luni tho aubtlofuvtaiHWtflen of sei.t. und i.outenee,

Th.* i,ii«taolra toaneceM in the cooperative movementsof the day p--'iiiti'd out la "Woik, VTaceo, combiua-tloi.-." nre wortliy thv attentiou of ean/^uine aoetol rc-

toruicrs, oltlio.iah we thluk the wrltor eaii.uate* tiu-ir

t-Hu-OD*;" at K'° .,!«}, a rate, and that Ihoj c.iu be made to

m__m away by 0 Well OOBBldcriid COUiBB of et-.T^etlcoeiion Mr Gedney'e new ehapter of adventnr,. " In tlto

.addle, On the Piaint ». freah and read.tble, re-

beuislno aeveral iively atoiica of fronticr life."..Cu'eRiKhte." by Mr*. R. llarditiK I'avis, present a au

Old ,;u.*stio': in jt new light. Mr. _¦ (*, HiAi__iaa jxpfittMth.- '..jiiurt of tln* K-i.-'Wn as au lmttiU_ifci,t foilaft aocial order, enttirrlng hia apix-alu lor its abolitlou byaaorlcaof terriblofait*. and Mr. Hlnelair Touaey relateaIhe tmprwesioiis of " A N< w-Yotk B.uiuest MauinRoine,"ln Mhluhl)' fjraphic U-ttt-r. Mr. B. H_ 8toddard'n "Invo-

oatnui" la a llttfc* poeau iu "luournful uubihoi-***," clolhuuttbe mytttry of life iu sad, impresaivelmaftery, aml taking.very ray of ll*ht from tha certaiuty of deuih. Mr. Kltnball'a ttory of " To-day" well suttains ita vlKornas movc-¦aent, and o ue- etory is coinmencM l.y Mra. St<~l lunl,^tiiie*i-A \tolxu bui>," Uloudintf a uatur.J bit of ne

Biaucc wlth aubtle discourtiuica ou the aecrct of mtisic.TheiiuiBberclosea wlth the titual flancetatihellteratutoaaid art of tbe day, both at bome aud abroad. which. w.uitho wlao and racy " Table Talk," form an attractlve portlon of the Majrazlue. Tbe cuiaf.ii.ioii the "TaMe ofCoutcnta" ahowa a lack of tbe master'e eye in the ar

rangement of detaiis, on which attcceaa tn perlodical litOntture ao much dtpeuda.

A bii Ixitn tii ml oitiilo iu Iba -4 f/a*tfir for thisaooatl), by Mr. B. H. Derby, lt ilevoted to *' Our I'oatal Ih-aeleueioa," deaorlblriK the aervlce, aa now admlnistered, iu.eato Ofthe prtnrIpal touutrieaof Kurope, and arguinftinfavor of eertaln noodful improvemeuta In our own. IirHenry Bowdlteh oontluuea bla valuable pajtera oo " Con

aumptlon,"dwelUn(oapeclallyonthe effecta of in nromotuw tho diaaaae, aa wall aa tha waut orBtUrt air, food food, and proper clothlnK. " Rltaallam in.BnitUud" la dtoeaeaed by Mr. Arthur I'omher, an Kn-gllah wrltor, who farora tbe movemeut, reitardlnff lt aaIhe rerival or r-llgloui feelluft and praoticea of a pora-eneut eharaeter, and wblcb U rapldly aainiii* yrooudm tbe IhtabilfUiad Churcb. The facU wblcb ho relateaaro curioua, aod wlll uke many readera lu thta couutryby aurprlae. ln uaoy parte of Kn<land, Hitualum basand. rmiiied the ordlnary relltflout current* of aoclety.tta eflcf t haa almoat been t_> pn-dueo a eonvnlsiou. It haap^rted frienda, dii idert fainllles. evoked bltter ptejudi<«s,and roun-d up astorm nt opp4isition. Kxeiud flaeetlojcahavo hoeu held tm a* ."pprcatinu. Muba ot httmt havu



attacked the houses of priests, bave don« violent» totheir churches, and outraged inoffensive persons In ttie

streets} merely because they were BttSUfettstS. The actionoí a Parliamentary conimirMionhaa servid only to five a

new impetus to the movement. In spite of incessant op¬position, RitualUm RtOfS than holds it« own. It numbersno les« than a million ami a Salt in tho United glatSWlwhich is a large proportion of the church-going popula¬tion. The olsrgj SIS represen ti d as self-denying in their

character, am! MfSJffal ha" their habits. The RSata »H theirchurches are free. Tbcy decline all fees from rich andpoor alike.Following the example of their ltoman brethren, tho

lie clergy Uve for and entirely among thiaort tin., is one gieat eJesnenl in their sin iBOUTMOf tliopowor tliey li.ivo oliiaiueil und aio dailyobtaining.Theli v nitamong the pour has been Immense. They

hare built .taterychtircbes, with most magnlflcMtly totertors, for their i .,:| all parts of thecountry. Tin y hi' 'r up by tin Ir

rttosM m. bese than Ofiy-seveu homing'd persons ; nine general .ui'itwo hospitals f,»r « fslleawosjsai tweatj'SevsB penitentiaries fur fallen womenwho wish totiain theoiselves f<>r better things; twenty-four Svotherhoods aud guilds; torty-ous sisterhoods!and nineteen associations for general religious pur-peses. The homes, the hospitals, und the penitentiariesareall manage«! by slaters«TetaUhasl troto tin ir recouvents for that norpoae. Xbaae brotherhoods andUBterbooda an animBVMSse help tothe rlcrgy. They oursetin- mi k p.ioi- in til» ir i.« n hi»,!.-.».¦, distribute Justssura-i it-m-v ol raUef to enable ttieui U>oJth»t, without euoourag-Ing Idleness; they rnaangc the day, ulght, Infant, endBandsvy-aebools ; man-co the savings banks, Institutesfor youth«, workluftaoa'a elubs,maternal roch ties,parish

, riaadlng-rootna, ok>l hing clubs, burial stx

penny readings. Ac . am. and ihaa«nai»le the clergy toconcentrate their énergies on the spiritual work of tin ¡r

an-iiu's. One priest, Fattier Wagner of Brighton, liasuilt one magnificent ehurck and tuer smaller ems lu LisUatrict, at In- um n pel mil eo»l I»* km pa slxciaid him lu lus work ; be tins a sisterhood, a penltcnUaryfor fallen women, a home Pr Iconvalescent home, and an orphanage; all olworks aie carried on with funds mainly freía Uli own re¬sources. Aiel \«-t Ilia« man, who devotee the «in. in of Inslarge fortune to sik'ii objt ami whose prlvstsluTe la extraordinary in its ntupllclty and salute.ter, feas often bees hooted t streets off)baa oeeii ses iijtun i>.\ ii.-ut. gangs ol ruffians, aud at one

;d not i.-.ive his bom without eudaugilife.atol all In atuMi In isa tUtuulisi ; on one occasloi hewould cert.i.nly have been sei ., if not kiltedoutright, had it not been for the lunnlj interfei»nine geutlcnieu who cam« up, a themselves

Bomaill] proposed to limn !¦ FawRes

on the following 5th ol Nnvcuil* r. V\M. Michael amI All A ...-,; ..,.. n. .i 111

some ot the sisters '. Horn d, »ndtu .| .,i In ,i... tin r i-rn ill had a Im

I t to tho good "t others,tied «diatriot. .»i d

school« In o'" oí the : :

hltuoell au Income rot lifeol ft 0 Li livi inrooms cnrpeUng, ami has only au old bous»ki per to attend lo in»

... aud storks indefat ibly,t me lemavkaiiie feature af t He mevi meal is the work-

las tmn's club*, winch arc carton '.;. arranged oi

tiousfor th.- .-!.:¦ rtaiittlient tu I a of i rodali. ft out of the aicouct ;u our high

The «rorkingnvan'a c!n!im an-, which are airy, rfuJ.ecrupu-

aid lu M/ii ter wi tin l with hugetires. -Jin- li ISfslS of

In thoOf I!.'- In >:n. v. hH ,.

..; m n ttUeal ting, with thesmaller ones - al tered

about the room, oa arlueli d druugbuboards,n, backganiinou-boards, idothei snob

in rmli as a. , 1 ihelves, onwbioh are kept a emnU nnmbei of bfill to :.

. 'a | aide in i.i- idon, b rail¬way gu

..-. Ac., and \. arks beai ing on dîneront trades¡ii: II.. ... I vm;1i B let ted

... ol light! othiil part of tlth ire lastationet y, photographs,so..I at n -t ¦:

Itumoral class of literature which is tu aiein up book-si : the po ir. At theel ii if t' e r. i'ii. 1 bi

or batter, matbeer or!i .-!< 11 very day ai ;ive h" pporters.if the (luh I»;. Ifur thatpaip ipinion. i lie

j h't\uread !Two or three of the gul rancaat

tin- »-in i i en».) with tim men,¡i ay ,a ..i i 11 ii ....

auBstbc nowBof tin others. TheyUMiirue ,i position oi j.. r... i ...

di a \ orSo an ay mili anyseeling of restraint ti it might otbei Im the luiiiils or the membora. The local c!.

f ir an hour, inda with one¦liter, tvafejflf after thin BIBB'S Wlftt TT that SlsVl

tie mea thai tin y tala nn ity life, as well a« In tlicir spiritual welfare.

(.tu b.tturtlay'the I a fn e Badeasy. r among tin-

aliag aud games ara pat aside, sad nil drawaround tho 1 tAWe.o* tu ttao Winter around

ulng of tli ir sup-Kuglish por-

¦¦ at al d,and pipeslly one

Vih a roulUR , une tu turnruner to sing, teU a a , or da anything he

iscmunt..i though h.iruii is merriment « Itueoluba piesuuHit evening without siieniliog any money,

uaii witiuiut in« BMoal Bsuiday mnruiBg !».¦i imt ¡«pear .i Ih'i free ... as «. la

upataii ms work i* being carried ontin-1 inn M-iiiiui i-i oin. ill re t1. wllUnarts rs>

ad und : île, and liave¦' rtuoity i r studj Imarova

tliem m tie :r trade, apart from tho BOiae Btidoui. ,\le||,

aies for btuiij piovnied i.¡ theiii m tho siliiHil-i .<iii.-,

The writer h BWR Ofitdiiittl

praei oa « blsfe, ata saaawWal t.» tfee D aeli bta>¦tone of KiMnhsiu,

ami v lthnut ¦..ii.iii ail external aornuless n.ut:,inery..()::, -umlicrare"Ti.I'liiouor aituii; in ibiscooatryi MBartfeo|ifeaFolur System," anew Ihservof Cs?ss»ofODy, MaehadiBfwlththi

" aOWaadl ti ¦ ici . and »illIn tune lieeon featSSjnrace, bàVlflg Improved In force nnd f * organiza-lion, «rltl fcfssS CSaweai t<> -. i: and aira s owsl im

uto [.j the Meuioii ÓÍ î!'t i'n ;¡.irhanl."

We have itlsti receivi '1 the Elefefftti Volumeof i.tittii* i.v in.j A¡/r, which well sustains the elof that e ret Usait work lac inte aw Hjmsj i,..I'L-st periodical litt ruturo of the day (I.ittell A-new edition of Odd XsSSSt jroi>i the Lift a/ a LnuttiianaSwamp lucíOff, hy Mamsuv I iasa«, M D at d or HujorJouait Carotin ir* of J'itievil't ft. it. 1'. -t'-ieon <V Jlrotlioia,;

s ng Acetic« of tUt lift or C/tritt, Wf 1». 1). Huck,I>. 1)., tieliig a harmonized coiiibinut.oa oí ihcfour (,<>.-p, i

- aftas BBSt years of our satamir's Me i.I. i:. Jap-plucott A Co.); Ca$ella, or The ( hildtm e/ t^r YaUqft,by Maktiu FAiiyfiiarson, a tale LUsstrsttVS ofthe heroio reí. glotis life of tho Waldensesin the seventeenth century (Tho Banie); Outlint*¦¦jioitU'iti, by 11. J. Lasiji.k, aud T. L. IfoWAHVlb, A. M a

course of cxerrii-cs on « jicw Ptaa, fert«SStS to furnishmodels >n tiie art of aotnpesUloP \>y an analytiral nr-

raiigemeut of topics (Oakley A Maion); i¿«'frr Victrf of

Living, fey A. I!. Ciiil.n, M. I»., o lit t »o ^v^;¡),PI thoughwritten by a doctor of medicine, lUiailBH. of the wonder»of Ifeexdosj and inculeatiiiK the prim-jjiieK ot h religious»ud Thtuous lire, rroin the platfoi in of Spiritualism (lios-ton : Adama St Co.); A'wriyt and Lteturtt,fef Kiciiaki»M'shiiirt, M. I)., on the early history of Marylsno, affairs, homoeopathy, und hyglenn (I'.altlinorc:Kelly, Flet, dc Co.); ^lt i»y /or, a iitmi, hy MissMmi MutMtAii, (Oeorge is. Wiieix)¡ <mt oftin Fin, a temperance story, by AUitr DVUUUX'intuí (J. If, Btearnr); Htubury i'attU, Hors fj. B. Llpplncott A. Co.); Honut vfIreland and oifur Lands, a collection of Itlnh, acntl-

en tal, and cumin song*, chiefly devoted to the pralsct ofpatriotism, love, and plinry (D. A J. Bsdlier Ar GtM, TheVon TotidUburyM, fef t\ t'oi.nhuv Adams (i'hiladt lphia-Clastoi), Itemseu, A llaffeliugen Uerltt't Sacrifia, a

temperauce story, by Mrs. F. I>. Oaok fj. N. Btearns);LeuoHifiooi iHiity Life, by Emji.y E. IIii.nitïTii, a collec¬tion of good precepts drawn from the teaching« of th«Bible (J. fl. Llpplncott A Co.); The Life ./ Corumbm.chiefly hy Artucu on« of a seriosof biographies prepared nnder the aSHJHtlBrteodoiice of Mr Hi pa, bjbbJ for th^ most part tuk. n mi

hatiiii from his '. Hlatory of tie: Hp.mi*h omjueM In. (The fame); XA« o itúi» of litt Ualulta, Bf the

Kev ..I.»it-. Mn si a. and (»SWAM» W. IIkimu.v, a.-word ofPrince Alfred's visit to the Auatraliuu Colonies, mostlytaken up with unimportant detail* ..f tim \ovueeaud r»

eepiion of Ills Hoyal lllghnest 11 kjaj sum, Dolores, atale of disappointment aud distress, eompllad from t liemanuscript-i of Huland V«ruou, est, , by Uln./amin Kob-1NSON (i; J. Hale A Hons).

Sltb Cnblitnlians.LHS1ÍÍSA5 PH«/rt»-UTlIi.)(j|{Al'Jli( ( o."B. orriCK. HiaaiD SaiLoiMO. Bt»ait«aT-K»,'ia 111.

IMPORTANT t., EÜBOPEÄK TKAVi:i.Ki:s.Äavi^hIsJ'íÍ'ior'IÍ^"V.*1:"1'' *"¿f'u »-salrM .at iiakriKh HANDSoOK, Li W P»a««.aa Karaio«,«. ariot HI SO 'I u.a1. HM ot , rounil.ta pOt bo.,» .f fcUIüp. t.e u, K.", ,,,,,., ,. UtRaa'lab .aiif«»aa, wi..cli itieadt tialrt!; Law tier; jaa-BARI-Klr« rllM<* Book ,,,, ,f,sr..» .r Taatr, To.?aoflrarrlora », Mh-I, ... .,.,,. ,ti¿¡Unis, Ulli» AH oBBOIHKk.t r*ab..aJ.îis tvl aa.t Lr ,

|lrfo |bblkithms."FTereptienf thiiNool li!."f-»';nir"--!N Y Citli-o.


A gTOBl ol -"-n Mi

¦ gattStarttUtfSW »oak il . ire* of life, 1w I'l-tntt,. .f rl.ira.-t.-r. a .o

tpi ap of feeliB*-, tad, iob alnioal ere'» paje, tad wble» inret* rt.

. .. penouigrt »ituia Indeacnliabl* »-timrui.". 11'i-rt.auJir prnnoiinre iton-cf'-.»'"""t »rtlllie lad readiU* bwikl of

tbe tea«on.".11rt . not iu Iba wuuie 111 ; ¦>?,'. on» tbit It dull, tor on' ' '»' "

btd"-|ltbican.w tatet with a liorj that traita a» m^cb to ni

or lli-l takea »« iLt.ktu j atttfatj garte»

Hew Rdltlonatoa Ite-.i»:THK A MAZOS. From the att ClnrelitedL Trace

l,t*i bi J M II Jt l: t gt.j 1;, |i.rtti BtWM Rttiew drrotei H ["(.'.

t.. » r^i Mr. Han i tn ;tfwpa.

for Ml« |j ai. ii '.k.riiet», ted wnt, [oit ¡iiü, oí re¬

ceipt oi u:.

Oi 1*. PI "i N AM It RON,NO. (ill I BROADWAY M'»' Yol;K

rpilE TRIBUNE ALMANAC tfOß I N.'1 id pnpolir il now fidr. Hid fontilm:

I. Aatjaattatlttl Fret» fur tlie Yeir, F.r'inn». Tldei. Feiiti, ate.

II. Ri. **i n'l*Wsttr, .'. taaagti oftln Mum. fur til ti e n

I1L Tba'Iapeail.i-i-ul uf Pr>-».i>i.t MaSM .«t-'tt vf all proml-to t poii.ti tbe votei br \ irtr ArtagSM oa the main aaaaattaa»

IV. MMtal I" ¦.' rae all U, »;'.:

A. P'itf.irra at fliieagaa.l'roe«MÍmgi of the C'.i »ration.

e.-I.etUrtofAee*r.Unreliȟ.oi. Grtri ttd Mr. 0 "n.

B..Detnorrilie Platform it TinnuiR» Bal, New.York.a.-",. Itf ri Cio.l.dat», with the lereral

kiHrti tj ' .¦ '"t'x

S ilirtlf »f Acciv'.i-c.« bj Ot». Bejtwu» and Ott

Blair.fc-flta. Blilr*i eelehrited TtrmlKetl letter

V. Ia«i ;:ur,. at tbe lilt »-»at.:. f Co, jut»; full l»:.opi!l of all

ImporUntact»!».« ¦***¦ il«"' law, ke-

VI. (. . Su-.reui» Conit .Miu.itert t., other eototritf.

VII. The XI lb I " ¿rua. Lilt nf Keaalur», «ilk politic», Polt Ote*

> Ma md Me » of Ural.

Veinr.rMoftbe Hoi.»» if K-; reie-.'.it.reí, »¡lb Stitel.

]..¦¦¦. tadVIII. TI.e Xl.litl tegMa

i w efeteeel m n fun» if tl.e M H 'f Iteprei»nUtire| tr Statte,

i' .tr 'i ». pi'mi^i. i» heat bets i.IX >. SSaM» -( jnd.tioui ; tbe Public De'-it u effidallj dt-

e.irrj to OttStatement tf rijienei of tt» OaTarnment front tb« hefmn'.uj of

i. Area. Pnptlitlot, timbera' Hatter«, C api-ti», Bataettrs (| I .r »alarlas, tima tli-lr

term« titira, d.i.u of Ml ' .. i .'.. dirt whet

it'ltl Tflllllltl orcur. f,irfyr,»r. nrli.M t!.e prr»«tt »eir.

XI. I ta iU'.rri,, datât «f

Ml 1'.,-;;.- " | f<"!»t!eiof th» r .. '.r

C-ratt i:..I .kr'ii oir in giietavbtr, l»t»2, ctiopared atO tbit for11,.,.,:., m Mat M '» !*<**.OUclal i< tun ¦ b» louit.ritf lotet fot Oorrrniri, tr o'.Ler

ItrMng State ©ff.cer», la 1*6.1.. iMSaa «f » et In HC3 frr

State faaatittattt tkttt ; H la S.oita ltd

JfUL R, f"r f»'»r»t»i t. Cirirtti, and othtr of.icrt Inour r let.

xiv. Itaaaaui .. ibj«ln| tht estasfsash I .<t I'i-reaac ia ItHL

Kara..Wf SSTt tttea «nn.- a tar itteii nf tb» »nf*»fiicn ,n Uud aiitirelr e< . Start Met» re-

itie oC- »In lo (¦¦«

Id e»^rl fa, !» ... ,-t# L.l

II Mi.,' It | I .i.i.

Plias 21'cer.t» ptr rn;ij. p. f I«... t) tfl f.'¦ » UBtB.»t li J. for a Da'.ltr. OrJtri w,.! U MM 11 the orJlf tf

Addrrat or >rt, with eith IncVaad. ttTHF. Tlfini NF NewT-.rk.

AM'i í:¡ K Dl : [¦ .¦¦..:.!» i>ic;;.",» tor lx.»l ». .....

D.kii.'.u. i.LOR1NO. i'i!>.r,is!!ri{. _

\* ! IENI 1. ÍS'J ÎioXÔ . <l l IN¦ . »'I... .»tilt kvak,

at.J atirac..., ^e.-t^j »u,fcl Jl) BCTS IT

_T.OIllNii. I'l'l'.l ISII! U.

MY PAKia tells you all ¡tluntt l'.uMn liivlu IU t»r;>J 1'iajf., | . < ¦ and i r». J

H u. lera book af tra»el K.« *a(«I 7¿ LLY.-. II.

_LORINO, li'_

ÏÎI1.U i ¦:< lit»,\ rI; lie iilbiitl i . . t»


U tin. ¦-' p| UM ISTfl_

F.r n!- li a l'i r

1,-i'K nrCfN'olS AM) Ml <. I 1:1 l!1.''.*- Ai>\. IIKj,

PAlt in' i'. It'r.'»T't« o«". i Tl tfy WHIO

ANDKKPl HLD'AN tiltunl rWlllil..»a»a»m tdawtmantaitiaa with taa dealei»ol .Vaateru I

THKYVM10 'i LtbUaktd t. J. ) »ud w.r.klr. It la .

setai » «'¦. »a. ktftt r . '

'- t» it in... .

tow natal i..... .

. N ao.'ouu«,gh, -¦

l-. . Uoea-. Ultra

irttws Oraudr.

I IILHAI UK k 1'HII I 11 -v¦.

fnstraitlon.«? \ MKK. BCiTöbf] I". i ;--,-.,

^ » i. «

To tH

'I. -

TMiteta ytarf trial n UooL INST. s lafil¦. IHK 1.1'.I i Ai iir R FOR T|

Tbettkbu W»LI Tr. i.-ii . U rl.i i.. ..

Jiubiltliad .ti lb* iavtl I»! 'n Tnrre "

I -at «'*«.».Uowal »cd bu,.i rl

J. A M IIU.MI IIHOHM i M i.-t.,r».Kab . »ork.

Priril Oilr'i In Sin Frineli'. > llrwloa.

A NtîiÔN \ Mr. i.l.O. « . CLÄ1 UCALt\ FRRNCI »nlgHOI i . r»-T. D-( aad


AI>1>KE.SS li.-v. I HÍÍS. li VM.t'.'i, I'iitat, S. J .fe*CaUlotJ»*f PI IARÏ a

fc.o. ..1 f.,i hot«, artel, asen, allot la 11» «.Irai'.f'i lid »ttdtratt rli»ir,e»L



At. NI l.l MAN <.! h >.'!i t illHa ITASO at ftry retstasUli \ iu.




DREW LADIES1 SEMINARY, Carmel, N. »i t.ion of IS week« btfini Fi li. I' Boperiar »rrntieodt-

tli.iia in.I t.ln.atiuiial ».'.va'la el . SI»am l.rtt, (.¡Ji.'Ll Kale, rtttomblt. rut cntuun tvpii U tl* I'r.'.nuil




i<OLI)KN nil.I. SEMINARY, for YOUNGVÄ LADIES, BiKI,rpuit, Cou... Par ti'i ...n, tddrtu tb* l'iii.'uil,


IKVING ÍN8TITÜTE. T.irrytown, N. Y.-AM Boarding llthool tur Bujt Pupttt rtctirtd tt tar tfata,tn Otrttltft apple »a I' S ItoWIt « *

1 E S !. I N ASS K FORT WASHINOTONMJ KKKNCH IN8TITI Istgaaft tf tl.« Itikitl pr*-atrtttr» iludie« f< r Trot. Welt Pout, ami Nirtl ataasaattt lài*>lnitir.fenar.e» for the Moilirn l.a(e«ge*, M»!li»init /¦« »ml Huiii.ra». I ircuUll

iY'S, Sav SIS gfatdaa) U LKnPINASSK. No. »Jabt-tt,


Ma I.»..» at*., Sttatf ltiii» «««oi.,! »L, aUI raupan Seul. H. Appliaa-liOBB ma» i.» mad* peraoaillr or r lelltr.

MAPLE HALL, FEMALE SEMINARY,Jtattrt. I. I 2d Tent opent Feb. J, W. P. A AM


Pltttkt*) .. ih» Mia*ri tIAl.R._

ROSE HILL FI :MALE SEMIN ARY.Danliurr,WloUrterratwttaMatttJtal MraH.W M

V0NKER8 MILiriARY INSTH r u. i ¦,.'¦ «¦¦.r b.r« Ii,i«fh((i4, ktaktagj CbnaJiaa MKS. Tkotougk

teatblLg ouiaiob Ki»a luanaceneatBI SJAkllN ilA.soS, B*t N«. 203 Tanktn. N. Y

jÇ Ätnbimics.4 DOliWOKTH"« DANCING CLASSKS-Alr\ a St Hi fifth ,,e ,u.i ,t t. ,.uleur«. No. IHI Kink tit Bandlor . irtulir.

1)B GARMn-t DANCING ACADEMT,No »¿ ,t.rrf, nurl.erili it

SOVY OPEN Pint TMFKKiHOS.Ladiei ...... W.|..a,T, .,| n.mrdar* it I a'lleek.MiMMtidMulirt ..WaJattltT. ltd Mi"fdir* at 4 o rioak.neaikanta.T>wl. ,.i prlj.f K>**l»|» il I .,u.k.

ítm^ri.A <¡K\I)I' \tkY ii , a I '" ,'* "",, N" ï,rl1 "». *** ?«»"'«>".. id''"»I A« II t- at rilio . «il,. ., Bol

T^EACHEKof irivtl KXPEKIl SI I ivisliM to.. It". ,. , .|,..,| ., j,,,,,,, |4., . ..

Ml h ^d'ton. ^_a. M. MsKwiaj, Ae*i»aeeer_

BY BANGS, MEHWIX & Co., g£2u4![2LÄ«tba.8.,f Be*»s. VTark. tf Art. Ft -'..-><. i-ruitur., a«.

1 RIDAI Al rEBNOON, Jaw « »¡ ¦*¦ *?**l' . ^(.A mtatUs LAW LIBRARY, roatallm m»» ',.' ."'VT-., ^ .f^l.«

ii K, porta of Ibe IW ut" ' *«*.jA*X,, ,.l UmastUrlea, »aaj of Ibtm Utt

"Suet tro ri I», and _

O00K TRADE SAU! ROOMS. CLINTONI) '. LUAtttr-abttsa. gigkthii Lr.AV.TT..f."'?» *

to. Cosuwar,*». Soueirsa. Lim.»himCataio«ib a** koto.

il.Or.ICAr. liir.RAHT AT ALM NON.

L JOBMSOO, Bteto^' I "r,',\. ^f tba

....o .to lue», u-an» hand.oii.eliHkMM,tnd mi».¦eil.iu.-o-a work*. Catalog**

readr. i''1' o .. ut ,i litros._ ;

r¿llil AUCTION SALB of SCRANTON|U coAi,...,wi '.-?\V'!,,VjoiA ií

t A Co., Auctioneer. iNPtDAY.'ve. corner of WIlBaaj it Jea TorL oa **.."*\'''/'n I doSntFrtra*


gtiisinl Jrtrürmuent». ^_

t i,"' \T SOUL IN A SMALL BODT.-A.,... I* tappllt !. tai I f.,r circular». BAKLuW k MA i HlliilEK, No.


A KION l'lANOTOUTE.-ratoutod; lOghasti\ Hsaaaa taaraVai o».r all. tita Me reu..wu«d w orU i Ktv; ¦ '">»

r^no». Satd»e taaiphlrt, pfiea Hat, *'. *»"¦""*»»tad wareiaataa. Boa. I« tadjt* Sowtt», MANNP.R k. «.*,

4 LARGE VARIETY OF THÉ FINEST/V PUNO-POBTK8 .u tht fctr.-" Afrta>" trtWe, «trrtbtrt tls

,,, ,. a LatJioideat itkl»lattilltststaJl-.NMS»r...

ABi-.At ru i i, pi \\o FOR SALE LOW.At t'i- vs m,. E»TET ORGANS, St. «17 Brttatt-ii

a sl'i.l.Nlill» eUborately-carred. 7* octave,2» baiPIANO, got uu In mira »tjle. and ft!lr wtr-

r.. t.,1, tiearli tea. f..r *M.»>- ¦: 'JOO-at No. «J8 Witt' S ITi

ï>ARGÏiiSa l'O CASIÎ CUSTOMERS.. í1I) BAKSKoH iTANO KOllïK WAHKKowUS. N .. Il" Efbto'tletweet H-.>*1 «' lad I "-rtli-av*. 1 .,, . »t.. > .f aî»W 1 IA.NOH

»il, t,| ,r, »nt«. Punnt l<. reel, or .ol.l ol taïUlimtiit*.,t. to i ...:.i to afiret elaia

PIANOS, MËLOUEONS, and ORGANS.ol sirI Ir.icj«. autan at rreitlr redar* d prle.'i. far ea.b, dünn« tht

.1 v ITBKS'8 Se. Hl Ilroidwae. TtfiT Ne» md Second-Reit, md rent none.» applied If piircli«, i;

¦oiUIr ItiU lion tl re »I'.d for attain*. ImtruiasaU 1 »tul ai.d Kfpairad, Caab paid fot Hi itrnrt*titt_¡_p

III) MA8UN fc ilAMUV ODOAil COM-PAST, Warer.omi No. Í9Í Hro.dwar. N*w-T*rk. The late«»

, ,a the rmntrj. Prtcti redneed. Four Oi Ut*

Or.... «. a o. Fire Catate DaeM k**J Ocgaii, with Phe stopi. ai".gnetfree "r P_

'VUE "t'HAMHEKs ' PIANO-FORTEA it pr..u...iuc«d I" t'l c-i p't'nt It'.-»»

1..K likial' P1A.NO MADR._

I ' S

IIUI NEW and Sccond-lmnd PIANOS idI \ M '

»r.-. i fnr reek) .'.". to let and told un hita ImenU. L. P.Cl HMINOS, Ko.S lias eiuart.

JÖrcDOiall.DtraKTMtsT or Dii.m. Orrn BCntXf y-i*Tsnaa«Tsa, )

Saner Ptin, M »n ice i » s

PROPOSALS FOU ARMY TRÀNSPORTA-1 I'lOS_SKALKD ritoi'OSAl.Sw.ll be rec. »,,| .i (hit office, nn-


.-r ¦. iutti«ncmg April I, IHCl», «tl end-i ' ¦ t ', Miss ..r SaJat

Mian., bi lbs > -!« at ira now or

n.r i. -. ud la that p^itloa of Dt-, il - r r '¦ bv It. ant-,


tiatatri . I ! aa»t or nortb oftkat ri'er ., -\ I

n » r. at tï's Ro'.-tt, No. 4, ikiii aet»i,»»:Ml).

" .<.¦. . i .- t r . r« -'ir"i ...wlu of tú» ¦.*< ...... ..j aliíI 1, ldOaad

li; re th»l- rrm»t In f ill t» wr'I it tk»lr p'«,e» nf -»rt-

It act, l - <

- . . lit i.»r,!.j for tat Statt aatattset m t.«

¦«,paaall tn 11 I !' rrapeanr. lb* c

a.' 1/ it a»

i In tkt ica of ol* b ,»¦

i af »i b 'er »et. .ni t » ir

. of Li,¦. trtet

,«I ui.Mi ib*y liilr cl

it} la alma tu » .» .I ii ataaa aaal ¦

I ¦,. live.» for lb« li.ul.i u« turra-

rt an. .r 1»" .»rred..


-.ilj.Ii. aad r»».l 1» (or Uout,or al tuck other

.' - Be* f tkt y>iarter-.r al ' t lr»»*awortb, aad

. i aud loialt acrowtaair aid ta a part of'.I» 1! llof.AntflD.

U ,'. v ''. '.i-ui L'. A ii .10 M D'l't. af Hiknta.

( .-ing ÍArií, «fc.

AT WM. Ü i-» . 1 CAJÚ» aaal PUN aft I io.Klir. iaML.b>

Cmn Sirniiirrs.LX)R ST. TIluM \S nn-l HKVZIK


. o, Ffbi


... a . .

Mil K "Ak l>'.1 tf No V Itoanaa-tTetS.I T Ü MAIL TO HAVANA.

I . m HAM-mr'. V Till B i p. n pre, t*lj,

i RiT.r,. itl» Saataa)..Jatnir» M.

ItO iMli »hi sari «.MSI A, apt K Vu I II.

T i fr,.gi,i or ;m..|« t;.p;r to f. ... »Y ill. -larri._' ,-*en

j.'oi; Nj.W UliLEAi I'.J IHK CROMW1 f.T. IIN'P

S|. «ni.h't.« ftab Lisa will leai« Pits No. U, Sattk Ltnar, at 1

"'.i'.. . ...Ttiil .SATTgnAT J.tiv. }iMil I'll

takiii lor et Lou.«. Mob.I* tai QalftwaM f.

I , I'l.'.gc (Cr«t »r.d lee r-...) ,,- r , /* t », -i|» to the Arm;ta.Il II lltoMWKI.I,

U VRLE >TON ¡oui 1'I.oini'A POR I'S.> olbAMfiilp COM

CI'A Ml iTI I. ,V, JanotrrM.'\J

.cu. «ud Bti.1 of Ladin» Un»l lo til potiHt. l!i« S0..U1 Cuuliut Railroad

ir real,

. ;»ru.1" ¦'¦ I

.\T fmn,»»»«,

" T7 ..\.1*»'... Agent« No fci llroailwar.

VOR LIVERPOOL ¡uni QUËENBfÔWN;A Inn 'nl in,It DA V, J p. m.

KANO f I|. 1 n mCITY OP LONDON .RATI BOAT. Jit *\. H * ,t.Cli , 111' HAI

ling ¡JATL'BDAT ltd tlteratU TIKSDAY '

' srtk liu*r.RATFS OF PAgSAOK

r*T.i.i.i m Bous, i.Armi.s i» ertutxi r

FIRST f'Afll.N.gHvvSTKLUAfil-:....|res Ttfjislii »«nd ei.Ill TaPtrlt. 4í«l1 *.

i1 MaYI . IB lltllfll. 15N V I» Hu , I- ,),!

Ht^auer.I * I Bttaaiet.» M

.-it all* forw«r.l*il to Hair«, Haia'iing, Lc «I re-

err, it atoderitt rate*, t>; pri,..e« altbi ¿toh

rot Inforrsitlot »rr'* .' ' » '' matir'i «."Jl.'tt,lollN il LAM- a, »i.i Bo. » Bratdway, S Y



Trat «pViliJ vetatlt tl Ihts famrite rtttM ("' tht'.Vntiutut «ill tail

V1I.LS III i^r; kearsMei.«Al I'ltDVY .U" V.


TO BRI -I' ok || iVKKI'iril Calilu, a I«', *,.

'lu l'A H li.. u,km. «be at board

f .t aida, riló, fceou.lT»,», »f^i...- .mr*v pfw-nt'ttklewieal »tUmAnc, trat ol ctiatf«.

I [ to «t retarnlit frata tat Caartlaaal af Pump«,fcy takiar H.e »leaurfi.ei th,a Line, ».old I,alt Iir üiu>I'bJi fill-war» »ud tht uuouieloil. of rtoaitas tkt t'litnntl, lides stunt time

',.... >.l .1 «I M KIN aiw.r.C1LA.M to GLÄSGÖWäiitl LONDÖNÜERRY"0 nu: IRCflOg LINK,f«'*rit* Clrde l.alM .,..,. m ,, i. ,.i^i ,. ,,,| ,Ttrr natlir.

da. f. uu Pitt No. a*». North Um r. .1 U ..

CAI.FI'OMA fai »3 M'IIOPA.'. p»s nIIKIT'NNIA.Jm M INlilA. Pek »

IHM eel.. I IOWA. Yen. 31||A1 KK l»S PAItNAOK, IAYAHI.K IN I 1 Kill Nil

C.binat.. LIVPKPIMH.. tlLAüAiOW, oe l'KliKi. #:*. »l.| »>7J.mi. Ici. fo-d for U ui.-»t:.i. »im>

hire-ma lo Olawfiaw tf D-rri, ¦>>!, lut», uit.liale, gJS.PrtpalPaattagan bovAtd tu and fuiu ll«iLb'irk-, Hai ie, Rutl. r lau,, Antn«rp,

kc., «i ,,tj h.» ratetDi if« muí 1, pal al.le »t an» laiik In (lr. al Brililn »n.t lr-lai.d.For furllier p.riicul.r. «pplr at that'on,|,a i.'« ..IT,». N.. li gatSag

gr»en «r. \ ik.t., HKNDKItMlN IIROTHI


Tke.t.».u.'.p IOWA, C.Lt ll..ll.r-.i.k. »HI lilt on «ATFRDAT,Nu T«. Nortk lliur. for .1 ...»

portillreit. h.-- furthel itfonaatVoa IPpI» tl lie i',iii.ii»r.r'a iwY.c*. So.Hi NDKII o,N imoTtlKHS

'PUE NoIM'Il OIKMAN Kl.oVIP¦,. gKS I u. s ,\ N., l< I. ill iM.lcr.

'. l"i f t'. ,:, an)»|,a Mail, a,l.l Mil Iroia ia» Slattlt Pttf, fool of. Hul.oarL

on Till ¡:M)AT. Jan. in,


tOJUXiH, llAVfti mu niAUProS «ai UKF.MKN tl tke ttStaturtlrt, i» .

,.«>«")^'.o.l i .,,. .

II d I alln. I'I" '. f" ..'. li» tin I III AM' K II,,,

ira '.. .... ,.,i. k Ça, He. tBIre*,el

Crian $ltxmtxt.

FOB FLORIDA.--The steamers DICTATORagil CITY POINT of 1,0t« Him aerh, »ill 1<st» Cbtrjaato« fit

F.arlî. r\W TIÎIBDAT '.«I FRIDAY BVBHI»«S st II «£.*,after tba «rural of lbs ateta-trs laatiag «««->.>"<. .* '*7.^KWaof Ilia Railroad trais. fa*M Boats. Türm., . %**<¦* "on,to

MS Ir, ptrcbSMS of U. i. K^fJÍT^wUí^rATho erwir. ivictim alao to»»h at SatSPttfe, Oa.. i"»J «ud '»tarsiax


roauvaarooi.! ...._,_.from Plrr Ho. 46 North liter, WBOSRTOAT«.

NKRRASKA.Jtaastv»;. ,» P- ¦.

MANHATTAN.F.-brnarr J, 11 »- .».

M' V a ! i A.r-Vbmarr 1". 3 P- m.

M1NNKSOTA.PtSSSaffl 17, » .- «*.

Ca'.in patona*. *>»>>, f kl| St*».»--, S3S, «urrrr.. »..,,... ...

Tirlrt» to brin* nt na-seniri-ra from Kur.'p« eau lit oMalnta on rea-

«Msbl. ter... For fret.«»^g^ffy^ ^ fl.^r...auora« Mass«, to

W[I r uus pj (;l.(olt> Ko B Bro,d.T.

Sltitmrjonis anb JJiulreabs»POB BOSTON, viti NEWPORT and PALL

J? RlVl.R.


RKW-BBDFORO. aaACAFI » sod «AS rU«l«T.Fur» anil Freight a. los» aa l»r an/ other h»u-Ona of tha SOM«l»oaU ,.,.,,._HHWFOR1 or OlD (OLoNT.

Learee Piar No. 00 tf. IL, fuot or Murriy-et., at 1 p. ». da:!/, Suodaye

llr IM. riratt ri»eti('n tac Iska irais from Xa»p.»rt al 4 a. ¦., and

attira la Boatos at lit 10 a. ¦)., la Iksa <" r " !" 'l *_»,." 5*1 *. Ï*F.t.trrn Irani»: or -oat adlet ir'.nl. htMkfktt on Iwint, aod Ule 71-äOa. a, U.U. aod arrtr. lu IJo.loo ai a. rtf ta*»M fe-Wf^Hrw York, Animât r*, less. Ñ'». Ti Itrotdv»»». N»w \ork._l/oR NEW-HAVEN, HARTFORD, 9PB1NG-V FIKf.U IND T UK HOfeTTfet Far.-, s>l. BtMWttl loara t'e»k>¦I [i f..r How-Harea at 1:14 »al II p. i" lb tba Railnuvd.


Wot« KSTKR. I'ALMBt, »I I't'lfItt'ltii. NASHI'A, I.OWI-.U., 0*COUD, TUB Will 11'. MO *ND

IftTKRMKDUTP, FOISTS,Tba ¦«» and ,faRi"b »taam.-re of Nat Nor » .. h Ittss.

CIT1 OF BOftTOH. »ad CITY OF RBW-TORK,lcara New- York,f»|!» ÍS-indar» oi»»p'»d| al * o'clotk p. ia. ftom "ii-r

So. W North Kir»r. fi..t oi Ve.t17.1_,KOR HBW LONDON,

th»r» r 'Tin»r!!n|r with »to Btaaaabotl EtprtlB Trala fn.-n tb» n'ore. n sjnrwti-fa and Worrratar. Bi»a;i.;i and V> orceeter, Wo.«,tfr

au.I Nail, na, a. Htw-iMdaB Sad Norllitru Rah.'» laI n ^ht uIcd at tba loweit raUa. For lafnr-i. itlot'ra of

j i Mloi.Y. AaviitiM i:.r Fter._pEYTRAli RAlOt'iAl) ot NËW-JER8EY..Vv Paa»»i.r(i<r atJ Ftrl|bt Donot la Nr.v-Yi.rk. loot af Ubsttt .¦t-, aoa>

r.»i-t» »t U«iii|/un JnBCtl Iarkas idos, lu i »V. .'rro

RtlkfS. BBsat Baatot art lb -

tiina, fonuli.f aii.rtct hu« to 1' aua uo \\ *»:, nuboul cuaafa

Atl.KNTOWS' MNR TO TfIS WK'-T.¦nirrr FipruM iiuai to tba Weal, ttct^t HSBlSarBj »h<-a ont train la

tbe »»»aie«.Mttr n.i.'» at-I tbre» bonri «ir»i! hr tl « line to Cllc.jfo, Clarmaati,

bt. Louie, an wilh botona niai,»;» al i-«n>W1MKR AUKANOkUl NT

Cowm+f'nx T)»f»T.».-r 1. IrViS -l-n» s>« V'otb .« ';'.-u»e:Ta. an.l-'ir Btatoa. iKtb.tjria, blauth i bau«, '«> iatau.ap<»ri, Wilboo-

birra, ,tr. fee.7:15 a. m..For Snworrille.ï JO a. m..For Fletuil Htrondabnrg, Witrr Gap, Scren-

feaa K; |»tnn. F.iu;..n, « !:8 t. aa..Wierau KrritK.s, fur Futo«, All'stows. Harrlebarr. and

th' HftSl «utbüui rLaina of rare ta CI tinr.ji' or C i«»p, aed h.tono

tkaafSaaSa. loMa Cesaaasta at U«rí.u,..r¿ irr kria and Hts Oil atoci.ina. Mirer Halara care tferap :b tu Chicaso. Coot »eta at Junction forKtrooJel.ur«. Wat« r <¡»|», SraLlua, te. Couur.Ui al Piulipaburf forMaocL Cboak, N\

II o»..For Flat Onni, Wilks».btrrs, Tunkhe-n»rk, Raadtnf, tVuisbia, Latiratter, Kpbrata,,

,'. Ac.3:J0 >. »a. .P.r Soit r

4 p ra.~Pot BSaBM, A ntotrn, M»n»!i ("honk awl B«l»lirrO.i.U p. at..Fot Haaitfl to anil Fieiolactoa.fe:lu p. m.i is-» t.i.vart Ina. M

K»«'1.ní\ llarr.». eg, Ir'eUtfcu. Ckbttg«, » .

Cat. to Filt.b'.rfb end t'blrawo.Í p. m.~F».- .rj.rUiat» etatloia,7:10 p. m. F»r Kna."8 p. r». .\v.«T«KS BsmMBVaunt.Fot R ie*»a M a towa, R»»d!sr,

UarrUhotf, l'ut. 'i »cj tho Wiat-coUL«. la si liarr.o-jra »life Iran,t sniRa .sport, Kc». fce.

in.- Kit ,1«r... . t/uiu Jrr»»T rilr to rtltiburih trrrr tr» .Ibj.

Tnlnaloart for ElUabrtb at ! 13. 1:30, ÍÍOÍ,I. Dl.-ltm. 1 i 4:0O,l;«),

4:|1, 4:5», »-.f., 5:40 ß:i«J, « 7n T:H». T !":T0, Il :45 P. in

l.rkat» fi.rtho \\ aa» run ho ol.laiae.1 »1 t - trat It« II-m .J al Un Ji r.*». t..nt»rtvi'.. N. R., at So. 1 Site.' U»uae, Ho*Mi, HI, 52ii, bJl hrotditaj, at No. ISOrtManttt-at, end al t

K. !.. UhMiil, ouB«tiat*td«i.t.ILOWIS fie 1'»««. Ajt»nt.

1^BIB RAILW A V.- I.EA\'E DEPOTJ root »( <>»»>. rset. Fa<-at»i« F'.rr?-

a a, in. i Uufato, Dunkirk. Cltritai.J.e.a.

S.J«)». .U.i br OlUrtiht em! iLU-roir-üa:" etaliona<i il*u, fvr buBAuk, tl it'.aud, I UatiaiiaU, uJ a.1

I«.nt H«it a» SmIo.3 '5 p. m. H m and'.otrrmtdttte aUtlnBAi

to NesburgbMmt/oaaai», t'»i )»r<a

rn an 1 intrroinlUte ttationa.U / ,n .» í..r Si tora . ; intartni .» .

ti... tía, . '<;, -u- ..-.» -.. ... . t... lUL i-tj ,L '.j Uui.Vo, iiui LasUir, ai»l

«:'« ; !."r. fir tho Wsl.if Tra'.i.»for 1 end Ba:»r»«n. at I »5

! '. '." 4 ». SttS, ||:a« p. is. i,

darinrbti, a Iktaiar Iraiv al u\iuU ,v. j.*... .. ,..,... .,,

¦aSaSfelii rasnm-S:Ma.av|Tar Trata fctOuavaTlai 1 45 ». at. for

prta. fi.t Uotkcaltr, Haifa.o, Duak.rk.C.rrelanl uta \%. -1 «ul Kmitb ; l»';tO p. St. hio:-

«ratt « ' |l p. a. for Fatrrat aadakirk, Clervlard

¦»' I» af raarlira, aad lu il.rerl (ouaerliaa with-r ».nt V\ e.lcra i .»a

.. I'e.t.Iatad au4 l.uiurtoua Slr»^h 1'oarhaa tcronaaar ailreraa.

«l tLa I'oniBsr.r'a of.ce». No. Jll Droa.l*artfoot-' .aort-tt, Hoo-VorV. ->¦-. . ¦.-. i

. i». II. RIDUf.K, Oanrra.

g 11 ; 11> t >x r i v i.;r axTOË\lïï,"ËlTiaiL-I I ROS a/tor MONDAY, Hot. i;i, 18dS, trame f..rAl'iaa» taS orUsj sua Nurtbero and W'eaten traiaa, «hi

a. u. kti.ira» Iraia na Huiioi Blrrr Rallroai, Tblrtietb-at andr » '

ii »t 'I ro» «..! pre r.r*Y»i*rl . ah .ha l.aoy.i.g-

a »«t nt artfear Sortba»Sot10 a. ta. Kip rase Irait l i i Itfestt and

F.'i-rth-»" | I I'bi'tam with U r»t«m Kauniail fur Lchanoati».. »I illianr ac.n V. r» r-u trala». and at iro; s.ia

aralaa pal Saratag», Kut.«i.l. In.r.iii(rtii t, «»1 e.»'» ira. Kit rraa traiu «U tl'tdaua B.»r Railroad, coe

ilaoor wlta li . fr Ua U\»L Dt««....- r. o.a car altitlrJ u th!«igb :.» l m».

>Ji)p. in l-°trn-.''tra'TiTis llitli m RtV*r Rttlroid t:,v d-«(.»r»ti«»h-J .-o- ,-»ii;y at Am.n» wiUi W'.-. -tj trama, aa.l altttlM fur UoatrraJ with ala*iá«r-<'ar attaabr-l.

eiiSp. in. F-lMi <e tritt tia llarkiu Kai r .«.!, for Allan. ..,! Tror,aal Allant a ill) \N aalotn trama. bKepiug .are attacLtd .»

AlfeaBati p. » Fipr*»e train rl» Ifü'jon K',ir»r n«.:i. a I, »ith Sla'p'.na »jri

Men, Slirplni»ert arrrr dar, eiropl Batardart, attarb».! toon, m Of'» »Iiirifti » ¦. i Hun-, W. aad

¦-. 'or Trojf will b» maJe at Faet AlbaLj. TitaferSta »ill ran on Sandart.

II |>. in. trato .1» llndton Rlt»r Railroail. with »!»»ptjx-»» for Uuifal« ti. I Miapt-a».

M at Ir y nal Ir»; i-s f.-r Saraîi«« anJ p lata North.f tr.iii »ill bo ran tu 11m laon Itir.-r oad from New.York

fctt IB SItíllala »rolle.» * l»arlti(f .Ntn-York at I t in.

. V»> » I'l.u.L"^. . »i 3 p »n., arre m la Wea \ rkatoao.Alao » Haailai <.»..»)» ll.rl.n Rtlrreed,

> »r ii'x »' kllltortoa al J:40 p. in. Reloruirj, laarea Miller-t»q al i.M u. tu., trritiu/ ai Neer-Vorfe «'. 1^ is,

UM._II V.tM.KIÏIIlf.T. Vlr» Prrt'.lrtt

ll)NG ISLAXl) RAlEKiUl), Jam« .,-sïip.1J Ï:* a. ». Mall Trala fir Grrer.r t

I I» a. i»., Northporr lluiilaatou, awl Clan Cot».I "a a in kipr.a». Ri.e.UaJ.4:. ) p. m., Bortfeaoit, lluutii-.iiton, and tdrn Cora.

m. F.. taiiitila'.». and i'iiAll Iratno cornm-t »fh i rtt.rh to ll»mtel»«d. blTtPAT TRAIÎtat

. a. m. fur ;J«rt!i¡..»rt, Hunttnilon, acl l.l»n t'.ito.t t. D. IIARIOX. Snorrlntoaitrnt.


count :' ¡N<i jan n, ¡taxPaastsfti Station a Ka \-v eon r ,.f Tmri» «»wnt »t and

K. tullí eve.« on Tata aft SStaBtfe at

T,i»i:,i bBAVH NKW YOUR,For Hew Ifa'm ant brtdgraorl, 7,8, (hi.) I1:|0 a. ni 1J:|5, iBi.)3,

iW. p. ¦l- rMilfonl strtlford, Fall Sold, Suulbport, aad Wfiport, 7. U.Jüa.

a..: J:45. IT. p. m.F..r Nr..i,k,7, S (Til)», IIH) a IB. t It: IS, (I.I.) 3 (Bl

«:»», Hi (. »i, :., (Ki.i p. m.

Fut DarWa, T,I " » a. aa * 45, 4 », ItSIa it»ford T, .1. IKi.lS, IliSSaai lili, iKi J:|j ffjli

3:45.4:15. |R(.I i:«t. Sl3S, ««3*. I iK«.) f a».ForOrrmstrli and loKr.neuiaie at»tioin, '. S, 11.30 a. a».; Î.13. 3:44.

4 15, ».J«, D:JDp. ¦».rOBSBCTIBa THAIN?,

Voi UoaUn tie Spili'.fllr'.d, H a m (Ft.) Tt íl'a.) (t p m.¦ Bool W 15, (K«.)H a

For Hartford «ri SptHaStkl, I a (ThYlltlS t .t-i i s p. at.l.l" r llti'roa.1, 8 a. ai.. (Sa.) illa ;¦ u. lo MoatrMl,

3f.Ho N.Mt'itinpIoii.For Uartf.r.1, FnivHlr'.eo aad Fi.hkiil R.ilroad, t (Ht.) a m. 13:1»

I' «>.

For Kew-ll.irao, Nrs l.iiiJon ta.1 Slor .atoo IU Ir.a.l, il I l m.,11:11, ;i. n i». m.

»I lfailruad, 8 a. m., 17.15 p in , to Northiirp'ou end Wil-baaaaat

Foi IloaaaUole Ri Iratd t a. t»., and 3 p n».

»ad, la. si 3 (le I 4 '.'» | m.

For D»i.i..ri «u.i N..isilk F»il,.....i, ' la. m, 4 t» p ¦

For Ht« Oaoaaa l'atlro«d. 7 a. ai.. l»:i¡» art |>. m.

Cviaiaotliiiua Mrpptnf Cara attaruH to 8 p. m. Irai«.loiri n. Il» >i r, sM[»»r etiMr»«.

Nl-.W JERSEY RAILROAD- FRÖMFÖÖTofCol II II. MNUT ST..Fot» lUll.AKKt illlA, »i» KnuJajtoa. S: J»)

p. m. Via Cañedo», I p. n» 4 p. as. VI» W tu fhilo.l« Ljaala, Ta. at. Ida Bi.. If :3B p. m., 5 p. m., a* » n. la aifkt. For Ualluitore and Weak-liirt.ri-JW a. m.. lJ:3u p. ai 8:4J* p. i». Fcialiouta aud South Wut-n 40 a. in i: 411* p la.

KOKTIIK WKST-SiiSaaa.. Uiïip. at. 6p. m.. »J 40p. et.. 9». aTl.» R.40 a. m an.l !» a. »'.* trtine tl.r. i,li la C.n. innall and <hiea/oaitk fettt .n» rassas, Stltai > « . . ."»». i». tma r."

tii;.»ii|h to tlaaleaarl «n.i Ctdaan wtthrmt »hange ilailr. utaraayi ai..lBttaSsys tSMjrttd. a»d *m U.-»a uaiaoa S p a. traía, i ht» i»iu»o.,i;lin» ruunlu, IbiougU cart lo iitliu»» (*Deilr )


K. W. J.»rKSON\OeMrelSiiS*rint»e¿f!»t_

HABITAN AND DELAWARE BAY RAIL*Ko tl» -F..r Loaf Ulanch, Seat Biak, Brirkaburf. liaaeheotrr.

Toaa'i Hiwr nBy »tiai:i»r JliSsa HoYT d«llr, atrrpt Suiidara at 4 o'cl-n-k p. at.,

from F» r No >i, f»>ul ol I'baiol»»'» »IW. A KNKURN S Oat, I.»»a»eo.


Oa and aRai DtsaaiBSt I, HIS, tba traini will roa a» I .

«30 e. m feats BtBMttS Û F»r»,,.M«>l >ud tr, «uusa»!»:iou f..r Saj-»llle and Ha/ -l.ti.tua,

:i I» a. it Kipi»»a for .laoulM, r.nrta.r, t'OTsara, f.» laianrlMa.Marrlrk, Soul» Oraler Bar, aal ail Mai oua lail to S«r,.la, eneplWalUaoo.

4:11 p. m.. Mail and Actuate" Ui.«a to lalif tad all Stal'oat.

8 3D p. oi iootataefelioa to Jaoaatoa,

'I roioa for Hew York:

r»»i« l»li|' Ii »0 a. BV., Ma.I and» |l.taia sanil'» TrIS a. a» RaptIMI ...» |t ritte lili* p. m , Mail aad Areoairaoilatluo. front Jan.., t B « m tad i Bl la

I Sit Bat Fort, «lue I'oait. l'etcbo|iia, aad Rtlleport, «illUltliM »ui and ill»», m.

ROUT. WUllK SanerlatMJ.ak

KEAL ESTATE.New-York, Thursday, Jan. Jl, isfla.

Again tho attendance was l;ir>re at the Ex«change Salesroom to day. The bidding was spirited, endtho prices fair. Mettra. Müller, '.ViikUi* & Co. disposed ofa large lot of city fj»wB«»tr. Mesara. A. J. lilceckcr, Boa«V Co. eold a number of hit--, with Improvements, situatedIn the upper part of tho City. Jame« McGuae, A. Joor»near. Mettra. Allen & lliown. and Messrs. Lawrence«Wright ii 8traUon, disposed of Brooklyn and City prop»eity.Mènera. E. H. I udlow A Co. recently sold tho entire

block hounded by r'orty-Uttli and Forty-alxtb tt*.. ant)Fourth und Mailivm-uvea., ta tho Naw-ll.iven HailroedCompany, for atuu.ik o.Meant k. Lawrence, Wright A Htrntton have Just sold a

in« ci' of proiKTty situ.iic at Coih-ge l'unit, I. L, t«Mesare, líarriaoii A Dariaa, for «7,1100.

IIY HaSSBS. ill IL'. H. V. ll.KINS At CO.1 lota l. af nth-it. to ft. ». af Ara, B, Wii«. gD.Ke2 btl i. a of Ittb it, 52 ft, n. a of lliih-»t.. Hi ft. e. of A.*. B.¦eh. «.MS

J lot« a a of 17that, 42 ft. n. i of l'itb »t., H!3 ft. *. of Are. B,tin. each. «.-OS

1 lot » i. of lTth-it.. 42 ft n. a. of ISU-eL, Ml ft. a. oí A.a. B.StaSS.;. M»

1 bu .. ». of l'.tli Ik, S2 ft. d. a. .f lbib-tL, m ft. e. of A" D,tii92. *.SfS.

2 lot» ». i. ol nth-tt, 32 ft. t. t. of Hitli it., 202 ft. e. of Aft. B,tJiUi each. M**

BT MESSBS. V. <. IIIKKCKUH, SOU 4 CO.F. iltt it., kamt tad lot, No I", »LI« « -.SlTJSeb"th »t .> Me, n. a, .Va. 275 e. ot 3-!-a»o.,20ill*J,*trb. S.oewUtb-it., 1 lot tttioUiia»;. 20xK0... «.«a»l-l.t-it. boa«, and 3 lota, ». ». No ¡» K. Utb-tre., ÏSail.1.11.... f.lta

BY JAill.^ M'i.1 UiH.One lot on UMaouUtaideof K^toty-flftS-et., iiX) feet west»

if Nroüilii'.i., ».6X10X1 Ii., to Mr. r. 1-ithrop, foi12,150.

HT AI.l.KX A niiow».Three-atory ma tu Iront house and !¦ f, v '. 2t Rapi-lyea,

IS., between fleiiiy and Hlcka-sU., lot gsxioo rt.,told toMi. J. B. Barn u torfg.WO.

BY MKHHlts I.AYYhl. i K, WHIOIIT A 8TIIATTOM.Three lot«frvutiugou Wuler-at., -iJ It. uoiik of 8outa.

7(xiif7 il-, by Mr. Jau.ut Riley for*2-.',(i00.

HY A. lolKNr.AV.Tliiee-Mnry brick bouse »nd lot, Nu, II Market-«»., be»

twwti fjist Lrottdvruyaiia Uenry-kM., lui SSxM It., pur-cll.iM-'d i»y Mr. Jiniien Bej le fût *13,ô\A>.

froji:ctmj> i;un.m:«T<.Mr. James M. MacGregor, the Supcriutemu ut of Build*

lug*, hu» approved of lag f.'Il.iv.ihk Bwgai lor the con,

stinotion of now building* Mine MoSkiaf lastlPUm .Vo. r.Jin. 13.-Ko r Luí'. Hfl kjaagsj v)-« eut aad bol I ot If.-e-, <¦.-rfeet d *|i. tad (eel

» ni a. 0«utr,1 bomti K.teh. I .#24 Ota

.V M .Jan. Id.t-j»; >jlr.leel: a it af

1 ' .. », ownerJ.u.e» Jli-N Í r . tCCa

etlb <r» lot,'. ittriai 4;

:.m«;en'.a«,rh k itro*. . « oat-O .'..,. 42..Jan. 21-'-,

F.ftu-aie. ..

MttliflitliltlDO '-, lILlif. <. :i »*>

'41.Jan. II > -. -tt cornerl.ei:trt..;, ai-. u. h. lata . i- lit« ofbiukuact, 16.1x16. i aùdeellir; owntr, A. lloweil tad .> tack

«o. 14.-Jan. ):>.i'., ilrd tit »ids .f.i. if«., S» fett tortb :,..;

l.fOof llUIIÚISy«, lilt . atlfltt,Mrtit,aad l.aeeu-ent, »lib uiidtf callar; tttaf, ¦¦ il CowtfB.

. u, oaPiaa No. 41k.Jib. I -r

of 1 till nttll-at. »LJ .Nl IIiaa». lJ.t|zl3L6|tlil feel da* ¦. n.n.i »adaaaiaent; owucr, licirjimu '> i,~tt

¦. «i..Jan. li>.ou.: * '..

Portja1 4-j L.Í..II; 3»Lunrniid ,,,», x-.! o ask

a r at t . . 1 j.tca..¦..J.ia. 20.1

. ... It, i" feel a« .od¦¡at al kal

111,6x19x20 iiti.-in.i7 1. ta 'yirwr.J A. Nttaa. Itatlwatca co.t. | js rx*r

i'. in .S-. SO..Jan. 2o.on-hu 1.1 .ir o.oite tc;,;¡ jtaeatbll.. liw feet W".t ot ,- ,»

IM te. t i.otp, HJ* ,i id feel. tritt Ij Oí: -.- ,t . 1,000

j t;-L uto »t., Ub feet Of

ling, J I'm lm i .1 uuf.intnt. Owner, t. ... ........ J» OH

¦»«oa.V' 514 f»et ».. ..- .»

katagag.iakS|s3B.;..,.. ¦¦ I t kato>.ner. Jirni» .... 2,300

/".aw A'o. .'j.Jau. it».- un.- .ad-way, ici Ir.t I > a

. wi I b|.'-ui*tL. J,SCI

Hem St. SB.J«. tu.. I'wo it of mi-tntr"litb-»t f

..*», I lili derp. I.'.'' menu1,101

i.lli-j.l era- .of


. .'. 11,0!»ftf-

nfk¡t... 12,000'

i U>..Jan. 2.- it i c»r

l-ortjr lecud »t. ltd Le*.t«t. l-»»t i-u«of iunjin,', 113 f«. l 1 tart <.":,. I, oj :.«l

»line».4. ktl a.» I ow aaf. twott/ UUlatiwriol K.,.I. -iiiaitwir».!. ISO 000

ar.t-.t, MO tat* cjj: In:e r.ftun atat-

mrati owaar, A:o;tiua¡ t.t..u..«d c^.t. 12,001

imi'uovi;mi:m-8 at mam.vroxkck, x. y.Maroamneck laa rttago of fOaUbftantl la Weo> 21 BBlMg iioin .\i A-Yuik City, picaaantltiaitUMtedo:i the .New Hal !. ami ntniass sta |jagaliores of Long tsiaad Suitnl. In l&fîo, property might

:..¦( apwOSwaS m.i1 in ggagt i.i iiei :.i lliat vleinity foill'Mjn raere. STOW, u icn.ttl» aeli» fur from gJOO to 11,800,ami biiil'lliii; !otn, soiico feet» altuaîed mar the depot,lit;uß from $1,400 to $C,0jo each, though uro manyof cholo« lucation whicft may be had fur le ta mom v.It It worthy of note, tbat Jtlte jlar.d owners refute to cutUn Ir Uu'l into city lota (25*100 foot), tu most of tho realcctate dealer-« aiuiind X«¦.*-York aro in the habit of doing.M my peuple aro IttlBtfg out to their that small loU.0«.' Ptroportltjnetely aiora expensive- thau Uricer one«.M.untiroiiiek eoiittiins a, au Kviacopal, aud

loi ¡itirch. gad aire Scboobk A number of flrtt-rlaí*famiiien are m"\¡ug luto the place each year, ami conto*

iliieiitlv iiiiiTiivctiu tita are iniiidiy puthei \,«- la supplied v.irii good tratet Bower» ami it istlie mteutton of eome of t .1 factories and

ne il'.ops. Tin' l-. m as to af*ford accotooUatlon for vrwelt tf li | j.. ruue.«are good, »y a loofir-t vride, atoto bo l.ii'1 out in rariotta dlrrcttoua. The old Bm>tiiii road running from tl.o Connecticut Huetu Xow-Yorii City han been placed :n ti.e hamU of a com¬pany which Lim Contracted to macadamize it. A grandi"n;;ev;iril has already been laid out ft-imi Mamnroueckt" White Plains, witete It will Intersect tin Central-era.liottlevard. rtn.ulng fimn f he tii»j .¦ :ra! i'arkt<> WhitK Plains. A bill :¦« now u< i ire tbe I^tfitUture toextend tho Mamaroneck-ave. bi-yond Wlute 1'latna toT.trrytuwu on tlnj RndaOQ Hiver.

It is hoped that the >Yw Marea Railroad Company williKi more tocTicomatje sctth tueiitri ou tlte tine of ttietr roadt u,in heretofore. Iho traprecttlcated lm\vrovcni<*nte ontut linen of the Mn\ Ju-ij ¡t.1 full a Bare irö U made bo-

tne railroad coupauiea hare offered liberal iiiduce-nieuts lo net!.let-, uitu they ha.o also taken to run1.« QOunt trains.Tho commutation between Mnniaroneck and New-York

Is U7 a year. Eighteen dally trains, going north andMiuth, stop for puaeengen>, thus giving the btiahieai menofNew-York nine dairy trains, aud ;«' those i* isont trav¬eling uorth au equiil aomber. The country around Mam-ui'oueck la somewhat hilly, and in mag placea elevat.vl;but there ore large tracts of level land, cunimandlng tin«\ tews of the Booud and the suiroundíng country. Amona:tlie iimny residences wotthy of noto ma* bo ùientieneathose beronglog to Mr. II. I>. (Tipp, Mr. ll.iwlov. Mr.

-, Mr. Rushmore, Mr. Honey,*. Ureeuleaf, Con-stabte, Jay, Diugec. Hal rr. Palmer, Mitchell,lisptnsn, ¡uni others, several of thei-e K^ntlemen,

coutemplate laytna: oui portions of their places tutu lota,which they will olar for Bale. Mr. XTawhy D.Clara tathe largest ¡aniluw uer hi the towu. llinptopi rty 1» Üuelykiliiatett, back of the village, and the vi.-w Irom bis houseke worth goiiurmUee toeees Iteeotiteiuplaiea layina outavoniM-s aud buililiug plots, aid oreetiUK a number otdwelling«, with a view of attracting thlthe- mechanic«and other« who dcilrc heap and cotafurtab.e homes for¡in u faiuiUea there are many other pUeus worthy ofluote thau a aaMSlUg UOl u >¦. To allow what tlie people ofM.i'V.iinnei k aie ttolug t.iWald ad\aiicltii( tii«interest of tiieir town, wo rive a report ofa meetlne: laid there on We<iuc.<tlay ovenlntt.UKr.llV, Ol Uli. MAll lUiiM.1 K IM 1 Un \ tMI.N T SOCiKI».

A uuuiber of tho Jcodlug men of Maniarouot: u called a

meeting to orpinirt an asnn'lathm fur the purpose ot lui-

imivlug and in-nuiifj ing tho place. Tho lu.etiugaa«well all.lui»'!. Bild UM ru oceiucl to be much enUiu.-laauion the tubji'ct of luiptovi incuts among the members.Mr. Wut. U Marker presided, aad Mr. Bemey acted as

tarv. The Lliairuiai.', by way of lulioductiou, andthiit they proponed toorgaabi« for tue purpose of cuüp»i'rating with the loan uuthuiitiua iu liupioviiix the phtoe.Akte hi riiiM- money to euable them to lav nut otieein «aduveiiuea, plnut uutl Pit, .SttS trees, aud make auclt chango«at will add tu the prusperity of Ike village. The Oral a**

mariai ton of tko Kind a un formeU by a lady i.i Laurel llul.m tho toa i. of blockhritlgf, Muse., sixteen y aitm -*lBrat little progress wan made, but aouu the ii-opia ba-nut- Inten-nted, ami in-day it I« ail earthly p.tiadiae. The

m Ik ols at-e ttuequaled, aud mil'aef beauiifm-treeuaudhappy honiea me found autoug tbe trees of 1 aurel Hill.klorn thau trees have bt-eu planted by the Ataocla-tion ulone. lu such places as tine poor-bout*« andwhisky saloon* «re unkitowu. Mr. t Lapp «aid that LaurelHill lots were bolliuK al dly pitees, bo great was lite tu¬rn .out. ...

Tbe KxeetittreCommittee the** handed In a copy of to«CotiHtltutlou which Umy havrl been uppoiutod lo draw u(

and present. Tlie eou.-titiiUou was rea«l and adopted.sei t Ion by section. One of the uveuibcra rainer obJ*Kte<jto tliut clause a Inch admitted all perau us, ou the grouuOI hut they (the lueuibniai wore a bialy of geullouxu. M«

hud no deeilre to belon« to a petticoat .^y*-**»*'tinii. The «.'hair theu «poke of womau'a iuSueaei»,.nul aald that it would be au Uouor Mthe. Ataotuatluii for the ladle« of MaiuarouecSti belonif to it. lie alluded to tbe wouderful im-

1U..M lueiitt the wonteu of HU-tkbridtro had been Jastru«mental in bringing about, and he hoped that the Aesoeia-lh.u would cordially rmvlvo ladle« aa members, botrt

yutnig ¡tiMi old. Mr. hiuitn ininnated that ho Baa a«

lunch respect for the women a* the worthy cliainuan, or

any member of tbe ortauíiíation. fïtill he we* oo«

in of admitting ladies at »r***,-,1-* . JfIhej wi.lted to luiiii a himllar -»»,\u,ll,,\-1"J-'^JÎli

rretiiinuis, sir. ruuer, i not. mnwi -"- -... -*-",'>lej tk.«..rotary. Mr. Kentey. Several of tua lueuibera of-

f.Me.I trece for plant ing on tho aveuuee. and M r- u."-

Clupp proiroeed to fix up the sehool-hotiee yard -*««"»'.'»the outbuildings immediately. Various ,£>-¦". f"' m:proving the roTdl were auggusted, and tbe E««»--»«Commutée r «iv juetiuvud to draw mi bv laws, aüw S»t