Creating my poster

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Creating my poster


This was the starting point of my poster, the cathedral I made black and white from using the device here

The title I made bold and big to stand out, and to engage my audience in liking my poster, to then watching my documentary.

This section hereWas easy to Do, as it just was adding illusion that the telegraph has seen my documentary and saying it is worth watching.

I added a background to make the illusion of mist, to make the poster more mysterious, the techniques I used hereMade sure that the mist background connecting and blended with the cathedral picture.

The plane at the top is connecting to ww2 and the Coventry Blitz's, and how the cathedral got bombed during this.

This was going to be my final draft, I added more quote from different papers, and added information about the documentary and what time it’s on and where it’s on.

I added two more planes, so it looks as if the planes are flying past the cathedral, which again connects to the bombing.

I then added me and my partners channel name at the top.

I added me and Jack at the centre, to show our importance, I also made us in colour, so we stand out from the ww2 theme with all the black and white, also connects us to modern times.