CRAFT FOR CATS 2012 - AWLQ - Adopt a… ·...

Post on 08-Mar-2018

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Transcript of CRAFT FOR CATS 2012 - AWLQ - Adopt a… ·...



The Animal Welfare League of Qld, established in 1959, is a

not-for-profit organisation that cares for over 12,000

homeless animals each year. With three Rehoming Centres in

South East Qld, AWLQ has one of the best rehoming rates in

Australia, providing a second chance for thousands of

unwanted animals.

The overpopulation of companion animals in Australia is a

hidden epidemic, with over 200,000 healthy dogs and cats

euthanased in pounds and shelter across the country

annually. Through innovative rehoming a

education programs, AWLQ's ultimate goal is to see zero

euthanasia of healthy dogs and cats in Australia and to ensure

that all animals are given an equal

AWLQ's animal welfare work is al

single cat or dog costing an average of $400 to put through the rehoming process, and

approximately 300 dogs and cats being rehomed each month, AWLQ could simply not do this work

without the generosity and support of the public.

Craft 4 Cats is an exciting community project that will raise money specifically for our cat and kitten

rehoming program and allow all cat

spread the word about shelter cats in need.

Craft 4 Cats... How it works

There are two ways to get involved in the project;

1) Make a Cat Softie

2) 'Adopt' a Cat Softie

If you choose to make a Softie, you can either download a

pattern (check out the links below) that suits your ability level

(there is a pattern to suit the experienced right through to the

basic level crafter!) or you can make one 'free

Whichever way you choose, make sure

examples we've provided and read our 'tips' section first. This


The Animal Welfare League of Qld, established in 1959, is a

profit organisation that cares for over 12,000

homeless animals each year. With three Rehoming Centres in

South East Qld, AWLQ has one of the best rehoming rates in

second chance for thousands of

The overpopulation of companion animals in Australia is a

hidden epidemic, with over 200,000 healthy dogs and cats

in pounds and shelter across the country

. Through innovative rehoming and community

AWLQ's ultimate goal is to see zero

euthanasia of healthy dogs and cats in Australia and to ensure

n equal chance at finding responsible, caring 'forever' homes.

AWLQ's animal welfare work is almost solely funded by the community through donations. With one

single cat or dog costing an average of $400 to put through the rehoming process, and

approximately 300 dogs and cats being rehomed each month, AWLQ could simply not do this work

enerosity and support of the public.

Craft 4 Cats is an exciting community project that will raise money specifically for our cat and kitten

rehoming program and allow all cat-lovers and animal-welfare advocates to get involved and help

ut shelter cats in need.

How it works

There are two ways to get involved in the project;

oftie, you can either download a

pattern (check out the links below) that suits your ability level

(there is a pattern to suit the experienced right through to the

basic level crafter!) or you can make one 'free-hand'.

Whichever way you choose, make sure you check out the

examples we've provided and read our 'tips' section first. This

chance at finding responsible, caring 'forever' homes.

most solely funded by the community through donations. With one

single cat or dog costing an average of $400 to put through the rehoming process, and

approximately 300 dogs and cats being rehomed each month, AWLQ could simply not do this work

Craft 4 Cats is an exciting community project that will raise money specifically for our cat and kitten

welfare advocates to get involved and help

is to ensure that all the softies made are of consistent size, style and quality.

Remember - you don't need to be a professional sewer or crafter to make a

total amateur and still create something lovely to contribute to the project! What's important is that

you put your love into it :)

If you choose not to make a

involved in Craft 4 Cats! All you need to do is

handmade Softies for a small donation. All our

available to adopt for a donation of either $10 or $20

(depending on the size and the detail of the creation). We will be

posting photos of the Softies up on our website as they come

into us, so there will be plenty of opportunity to 'adopt' a Cat

Softie that's just right for you!

More about... Making a Cat Softie

Get your crafty pants on and start planning your cat

(see our links) or go free-hand.

sewer, then choose one of our more advanced patterns

and share it with other Craft 4 Cat

pattern that you can manage rather than go for something above your ability. After a bit of practice

you can always go back and make another, more complex Softie later!

Read our 'Guidelines for making your Cat Soft

want all the softies to be unique and special in their own w

softies conform to a certain size and quality standard

apart in the post!

Look at the 'Examples of Cat Softies' section before you start

planning. This will give you some

with the planning process.

Choose interesting fabrics and embellishments. Recycled and

vintage fabrics are a great way to go and won't cost you hardly a

thing! Op Shops sell all kinds of interesting fabric cut

sewing goods (such as buttons, beads, ribbons, lace etc) for less

than a cup of coffee! There may even be some unworn garments

in your own cupboard that you could chop up and re

a Softie. See the 'Tips' section for more great ideas on sourcing

your materials.

Make your Cat Softie! If you don't have a sewing machine, not to worry! You can easily stitch a

simple Softie buy hand. If you do have a sewing machine then get to it!

is to ensure that all the softies made are of consistent size, style and quality.

you don't need to be a professional sewer or crafter to make a Cat

total amateur and still create something lovely to contribute to the project! What's important is that

If you choose not to make a Softie, then you can still get

involved in Craft 4 Cats! All you need to do is 'adopt' of our

ofties for a small donation. All our Softies will be

for a donation of either $10 or $20

(depending on the size and the detail of the creation). We will be

ofties up on our website as they come

be plenty of opportunity to 'adopt' a Cat

a Cat Softie

nd start planning your cat Softie. You can either make it from a pattern

hand. You can sew, crochet or knit your Softie. If you are an experienced

sewer, then choose one of our more advanced patterns - or even better; create your own pattern

other Craft 4 Cat-ers! If your sewing skills are limited, it's better to choose a simple

that you can manage rather than go for something above your ability. After a bit of practice

you can always go back and make another, more complex Softie later!

for making your Cat Softie' section. This is very important! Although we

want all the softies to be unique and special in their own way, we do need to make sure that all our

softies conform to a certain size and quality standard - after all, we don't want our softies falling

at the 'Examples of Cat Softies' section before you start

planning. This will give you some great ideas and will help you

interesting fabrics and embellishments. Recycled and

at way to go and won't cost you hardly a

thing! Op Shops sell all kinds of interesting fabric cut-offs and

sewing goods (such as buttons, beads, ribbons, lace etc) for less

than a cup of coffee! There may even be some unworn garments

hat you could chop up and re-fashion into

a Softie. See the 'Tips' section for more great ideas on sourcing

your Cat Softie! If you don't have a sewing machine, not to worry! You can easily stitch a

u do have a sewing machine then get to it!

at Softie! You can be a

total amateur and still create something lovely to contribute to the project! What's important is that

oftie. You can either make it from a pattern

If you are an experienced

or even better; create your own pattern

ls are limited, it's better to choose a simple

that you can manage rather than go for something above your ability. After a bit of practice

ie' section. This is very important! Although we

ay, we do need to make sure that all our

after all, we don't want our softies falling

your Cat Softie! If you don't have a sewing machine, not to worry! You can easily stitch a

Send your completed Softie to us here at the AWLQ Head Office on the Gold Coast (see

submission for postal details). You must

with your Softie, so we know who made it.

Check our website to find out if your Softie to gets adopted!

More about... Buying a Cat Softie

Our hand-made Softies will be available to 'adopt' through

website from the start of Winter 2012. As the Winter progresses,

and more people join the project, there will be more and more

Softies to choose from.

Each Softie will come with its very own 'adoption certificate',

which will detail its name, who it

made and from what materials it is made.

All the money raised through our Craft 4 Cats project with go

towards improving AWLQ's cat rehoming facilities, making it more

comfortable for our beautiful adoptable adult cats and gett

facilities ready for the influx of unwanted kittens as it nears

Summer 2012.

your completed Softie to us here at the AWLQ Head Office on the Gold Coast (see

You must download and complete a Submission Form and include it

with your Softie, so we know who made it.

our website to find out if your Softie to gets adopted!

a Cat Softie

made Softies will be available to 'adopt' through our

website from the start of Winter 2012. As the Winter progresses,

and more people join the project, there will be more and more

Each Softie will come with its very own 'adoption certificate',

which will detail its name, who it was made by, where it was

made and from what materials it is made.

All the money raised through our Craft 4 Cats project with go

towards improving AWLQ's cat rehoming facilities, making it more

comfortable for our beautiful adoptable adult cats and getting the

facilities ready for the influx of unwanted kittens as it nears

your completed Softie to us here at the AWLQ Head Office on the Gold Coast (see

download and complete a Submission Form and include it