Counterterrorism Lashkar-e-taiba (LeT) Lauren Pietrzyk.

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Counterterrorism Lashkar-e-taiba (LeT) Lauren Pietrzyk.

Counterterrorism Lashkar-e-taiba (LeT)Lauren Pietrzyk

INTERNATIONAL RESPONSE 2001 Global survey of the

Implementation of Security Council Resolution 1373

UN declares LeT as terrorist organization in 2005

United Nations declared Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) as an alias for LeT in 2008

UN Sanctions under Security Council resolution 1267, 1989, and 1904 adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations

PAKISTAN 2002 Govt. officially banns LeT 2003 Pervez Musharraf places

JuD on watch list and banned in 2008

2009 ratification by Pakistan of the Terrorist Financing Convention

2009 Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act

2010 Est. National Database and Registration Authority

2010 Pakistan passed the Anti-Money-Laundering Act


LeT Banned in 2001 1987 Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Prevention Act (TADA) and Prevention of

Terrorism Act (POTA) of 2004 2008 Creation of National Intelligence Grid and est. National Investigation Agency 2010 Unique Identification Authority 2010 becomes member of the Financial Action Task Force on Money-Laundering Banned the Hawala system India-US working group towards counterterrorism

CONCLUSIONSPakistan’s focus is on a 3-D approach-Deterrence, Dialogue, and

Development- counter to allowing LeT/JuD a safe haven India’s focus on increased border security, intelligence sharing

and coordination, and financial blocking and seizuresInternationally recognizing LeTs global nature, continual focus on

financial limitations