COTE D’IVOIRERock Typing of Uncored Sections COTE D’IVOIRE Integrated Reservoir Solutions - Cote...

Post on 22-May-2020

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Transcript of COTE D’IVOIRERock Typing of Uncored Sections COTE D’IVOIRE Integrated Reservoir Solutions - Cote...

Regional Reservoirs and Seals

Digital Database of Laboratory and Well Data

HTML Browser of the Study Dataset and Report

Reservoir Description

Providing Dataset Generation and Detailed Evaluation of Reservoir and Seal Rocks Across the Region.

Sequence Stratigraphy of Key Wells


Regional Source Rock Evaluation

Seal Atlas of Major Seal Lithologies

Paleogeography Maps

Rock Property Evaluation

Fluid Characterization and Correlation

Rock Typing of Uncored Sections


Integrated Reservoir Solutions - Cote d’ivoire