Corona: A High Performance Publish-Subscribe System for the World Wide Web Cornell University,...

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Transcript of Corona: A High Performance Publish-Subscribe System for the World Wide Web Cornell University,...

Corona: A High Performance Publish-Subscribe System for

the World Wide Web

Cornell University, Ithaca, NYNetworked System Design and

Implementation (NSDI), May 2006

Motivation Web contents change rapidly Growing popularity of frequently

updated content Weblogs Wikis News sites

Existing Web protocols do not provide a mechanism for automatically notifying users of updates

State of the Art Uncoordinated polling tools

E.g. Micronews syndication tools (e.g. RSS readers)

Based on naïve repeated polling Suffer from poor performance and

scalability Subscribers are tempted to poll at faster

rates to detect updates quickly Different subscribers repeatedly poll for the

same content independently Content providers have to handle the high

bandwidth load

Background and Related Work:

Publish-Subscribe Systems

Can be classified as: Topic based Content based

Prior research focused on content filtering and event delivery mechanisms

Main drawback - non-compatibility with the current Web architecture

Background and Related Work:

Publish-Subscribe Systems

Topic-based systems are based on several decentralized mechanisms:

Group communication – Isis Shared object spaces – Linda, TSpace, Java Spaces Rendezvous points – TIBCO, Herald

Content-based publish-subscribe systems that use in-network content filtering and aggregation

SIENA Gryphon Elvin Astrolabe

Background and Related Work:

Micronews Systems

Short descriptions of frequently updated information in XML based formats such as RSS and Atom

Accessed via HTTP through URLs and supported by feed readers

Commercial services have started disseminating micronews updates to users:

Bloglines, NewsGator, Queoo Use fragile servers and relentless polling

FeedTree – recent system for micronews dissemination Uses a structured overlay, cooperative polling and shares

updates between peers CAM and WIC use techniques for resource allocation

similar to Corona, but are limited to a single node

CoronaCornell Online News Aggregator

Topic based publish – subscribe system for the Web

Interoperates with the current pull-based architecture of the Web

URLs of Web content serve as topics or channels Any Web object identifiable by a URL

can be monitored with Corona

Corona Architecture

Corona Architecture Uses structured overlay network (Pastry)

Provides decentralization, good failure resilience, and high scalability

Key feature that enables Corona to achieve fast update detection is cooperative polling:

Multiple nodes are assigned to periodically poll the same channel and updates detected by any polling node are shared

The number of nodes that poll for each channel is determined based on an analysis of the tradeoff between update performance and network load

Corona poses this tradeoff as an optimization problem

Pastry The network is organized into a ring Each node is assigned an id from a

circular numeric space The ids are treated as a sequence of k

digits of base b (b is a power of 2) Routing:

Pointers to neighbors in each direction “Long distance” contacts - the entry in the

i’th row and j’th column of a node's routing table points to a node whose id shares i prefix digits with the present node and whose (i + 1)th digit is j


Routing table of a pastry node with NodeId= 65a1x. b=16, x is chosen so the pointed node is the closest to the present node (according to a scalar proximity metric, such as the round trip time)


Routing a message from node 65a1fc to node d46a1c

Analytical ModelingPastry

The NodeId space can be viewed as “level sectors” - the nodes in a sector of level l share the first l digits of the NodeId:

Example with b=2, k=40000











Pastry This way the nodes in the i’th row in a

routing table are in the same sector of level i with the present node

If the nodes are uniformly distributed only logb(N) levels in the routing table are populated (the smallest sector is of level logb(N))

Any node can be reached in logb(N) hops

The Polling Scheme Corona assigns nodes in well -

defined wedges of the Pastry ring for polling each channel

Each channel is assigned an id from the same circular numeric space

A channel with polling level l is polled by all nodes with at least l matching prefix digits in their ids

The Polling Scheme

Any problems with the scheme? Polling levels selection What about topology?

The Polling Scheme

Cooperative polling in Corona

Analytical Modeling The polling level of a channel quantifies

its performance-overhead tradeoff: A channel at level l has, on average, nodes

polling it Which can cooperatively detect updates in

time on average, – the polling


The collective load placed on the content

server of the channel is proportional to


b lfffffff

2ffffBb l



b lfffffff

Performance-overhead tradeoff approaches

Corona-Lite Performance goal - minimizing the average

update detection time while bounding the network load on content servers

The overall update performance = average of the update detection time of each channel weighted by the number of clients subscribed to the channels

Target network load - the total number of subscriptions in the system


Mq ib l i

Nffffff s.t. X


Ms iN

b l iffffffX


Mq i

M - number of channelsN - number of nodesb - base of structured overlayT - performance targetli - polling level of channel iqi - number of clients for channel isi - content size for channel iui - update interval for channel i

Performance-overhead tradeoffs

Is the average a meaningful metric? Other suggestions? User-effected weights

Update detection time What about the propagation to the user

Comments on the selection of the polling interval?

Other parameters that could be accounted for? User inputs to tackle stickiness, 24 hour


Performance-overhead tradeoff approaches


Clients of popular channels gain greater benefits than clients of less popular channels.

Yet, Corona-Lite does not suffer from “diminishing returns”

Corona-Lite performance can vary depending on the current workload

Performance-overhead tradeoff approaches

Corona-Fast Corona-Fast provides stable update

performance, maintained steadily at a desired level through changes in the workload

Minimizes the total network load on the content servers while meeting a target average update

detection timemin X1

Ms iN

b l iffffff s.t. X


Mqib li



Mq i

M - number of channelsN - number of nodesb - base of structured overlayT - performance targetli - polling level of channel iqi - number of clients for channel isi - content size for channel iui - update interval for channel i

Performance-overhead tradeoff approaches

Corona Fair Corona-Fast and Corona-Lite do not

consider the actual rate of change of content in a channel

Corona-Fair incorporates the update rate of channels into the performance tradeoff to achieve a fairer distribution of update performance between channels

It defines a modified update performance metric as the ratio of the update detection time and the polling interval of the channel

Performance-overhead tradeoff approaches

Corona Fair Minimizes the average of the ratio

metric, bounding load on content servers


Mq i


l i

Nffffff s.t. X


Ms iN

b l iffffffX


Mq i

M - number of channelsN - number of nodesb - base of structured overlayT - performance targetli - polling level of channel iqi - number of clients for channel isi - content size for channel iui - update interval for channel i


Mq i



wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwb l i

Nffffff s.t. X


Ms iN

b l iffffffX


Mq i


Mq ilog

` a

log ui` afffffffffffffffb

l i

Nffffff s.t. X


Ms iN

b l iffffffX


Mq i

Performance-overhead tradeoff approaches

Comments about the approaches?

Decentralized Optimization

Honeycomb Corona determines the optimal polling

levels using the Honeycomb optimization toolkit

Provides numerical algorithms and decentralized mechanisms for solving optimization problems of the kind:

Honeycomb finds an approximate solution in O(M logM logN) time (using Lagrange multiplier)



fil i

b cs.t. X



gi l ib c


Decentralized Optimization

Tradeoff clusters Solving the optimization problem using limited

data available locally can produce highly inaccurate solutions

Collecting the tradeoff factors for all the channels at each node is expensive and impractical

Honeycomb combines channels with similar tradeoff factors into a tradeoff cluster

The nodes periodically exchange the clusters with contacts in the routing table and aggregate the clusters received from the contacts

The overhead for clusters aggregation is kept low by limiting the number of clusters to a constant

System Management Each channel in Corona has a unique id

and one or more owner nodes managing it

The primary owner of a channel is the Corona node with the numerically closest id to the channel's

Corona adds the F closest neighbors of the primary owner as additional owners to tolerate failures

System Management Owners take responsibility for managing

subscriptions, polling, and updates for a channel

Problems? Also keep track of channel-specific factors that

affect the performance tradeoffs - the number of subscribers, the content size and the update rate

All nodes run a periodic protocol: Optimization phase Maintenance phase Aggregation phase

System ManagementChanging Polling Levels (Maintenance


Corona nodes operate independently and make decisions to increase or decrease polling levels locally

Initially only the owner nodes poll for the channels

When a level i node lowers the level to i-1 or raises the level from i+1 back to i, it instructs its contact in row i-1 of its routing table to start or stop polling for that channel

When a node is instructed to begin polling it waits for a random interval of time between 0 and the polling interval before the first poll

System ManagementUpdating Tradeoff Factors (Aggregation


Owners monitor the number of subscribers and send out fresh estimates along with the maintenance message

Descendant nodes propagate these estimates to all the nodes in the wedge

The update interval and size feed only change during updates and are therefore sent along with update messages

Tradeoff clusters are also sent by contacts in the routing table in response to maintenance messages

System ManagementFailure resilience

Inherited from the underlying overlay When new nodes join the system or

nodes fail, Corona ensures the transfer of subscription state to new owners Simultaneous failure of more than F

adjacent nodes might cause a system failure But clients can easily renew subscriptions

System Management

Comments on system management?

Update Dissemination Version numbers are used to identify new

content Either timestamp provided by the content

server or numbers assigned by the primary owner

Corona nodes share updates as deltas between old and new content Bandwidth can be saved through data encoding

When a delta is generated by a node, it shares the update with all other nodes in the channel's polling wedge Why?

User Interface Corona employs instant messaging (IM) as its

user interface Subscribe/Unsubscribe messages

A subscribe or unsubscribe message is routed to all the owner nodes of the channel, which update their subscription state

When an update is detected by Corona, the current primary owner sends a message with the delta to all the subscribers through the IM system

Comments on the user interface?

Just to compare: FeedTree Also uses Pastry Group communication (Scribe) – the

subscribers join the overlay Full deployment:

Push-based - the publishers join the overlay Updates are sent using the overlay multicast

Partial deployment: The publishers are collectively polled by groups of

the overlay nodes They produce the updates and distribute them to the

subscribers Advantages, disadvantages?


Large scale simulations Wide-area experiments on

PlanetLab Performance is compared to that

of the legacy RSS Comments?

Simulation Real-life RSS traces are used The tradeoff parameters are

extrapolated to a larger scale: 1024 nodes 100,000 channels 5,000,000 subscribers

Polling interval – 30 minutes How was that selected?

All three schemes are checked and compared to RSS


Network Load on Content Servers

Average Update Detection Time


Number of Pollers per Channel

Update Detection Time per Channel


There are roughly two levels of polling according to this simulation Most of the channels are polled by

~100 nodes Is Honeycomb really necessary for


SimulationResults – Corona Fair

Update Detection Time


What didn’t they check?


A set of 60 PlanetLab nodes Corona-Lite scheme is used 7500 RSS feeds from 150,000 subscriptions Polling interval – 30 minutes


Average Update Detection Time

Total Polling Load on Servers