Core1 Algebra 10min Tests

Post on 13-Apr-2015

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Algebra Tests

Transcript of Core1 Algebra 10min Tests

Algebra “10 minute” check up 1

1. If = 3 and = -2 find the value of

2. Solve

3. If = 3 and = -2 find the value of

4. Simplify

5. If and find the value of

6. Simplify

7. If and find the value of

8. Solve the following simultaneous equations

9. Solve 10. Solve the following simultaneous equations

Algebra “10 minute” check up 2

1. Factorise 2. Factorise

3. Solve 4. If and sfind the value of

5. Factorise 6. Solve the following simultaneous equation

7. Expand 8. Solve

9. Solve 10. Factorise

Algebra “10 minute” check up 3

1. Solve 2. Solve

3. Factorise 4. If and sfind the value of

5. Expand 6. Factorise

7. Factorise 8. Solve the following simultaneous equation

9. Factorise 10. Solve