Copyright 2014, Paul Prater and PaulPrater Sign 2.pdfother signs or where their birthday falls on...

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Transcript of Copyright 2014, Paul Prater and PaulPrater Sign 2.pdfother signs or where their birthday falls on...

Copyright 2014, Paul Prater and

All rights reserved. No unauthorized duplication permitted of this book or the card without explicit written permission.

Special thanks go to Bobby Hasbun, Joe Diamond and Michael Blain for taking the time to look over everything and give feedback and input.


The performer removes a card from his wallet. He asks the audience member to take a look at it and find their birthday, while explaining that most people are not familiar with zodiac symbols. He then asks a series of questions of the spectator.

The performer then goes on to give a reading for the person, describing them and the elements that control their destiny. The performer then reveals their zodiac sign.

With only a few more questions, the performer reveals the spectator’s month and date of birth.


As a performer in a smallish market, and a tireless self-promoter, I am often recognized as a mind reader. One of the most frequent responses I receive is “oh yeah, then read my mind.” In the past I would laugh it off and talk about what I do. However, this is hardly a good response for one hoping to generate interest and get bookings.

One of the best things you can do for a spectator is to give readings. I learned this early in my performing career. I was working at a party for a radio station. I was performing magic. I was sharing a room with a palm reader. I had a crowd,

but she had a line out the door and around the corner. That was an eye opener.

So, over the years, I thought a lot about how I needed to approach this. I have used various

methods, such as reading lip prints (see my book Lips Don’t Lie), and Zoltar cards, which were

brought to the market by Chris Gould with Alchemy Moon. While both work well, I wanted something a little different; something that has a wow factor and can go a bit deeper, if I so choose.

Several years ago, I started looking into all different types Zodiac themed routines. There are a lot of them. However, I wanted something that looked more akin to mindreading than to magic or simple reading systems. The closest I came to finding something that really appealed to me was the branching anagram zodiac routines. While I appreciate the technique, I still wanted more. However, if you are interested, I cover several different routines and sources in the back of the booklet.

I liked anagrams, and I can memorize things really well. There is power in simply performing with “nothing;” just memorizing the anagram and

working from your head. However, I wanted something visual. I firmly believe that using visuals is an effective way to draw your audience into a routine. It engages more of the senses.

Furthermore, when getting to the prediction of an actual birthdate, many people don’t know the zodiac signs or where their birthdate falls. By using the card, the spectator can look and see where their birthday falls in relation to their zodiac sign, allowing you to do a deeper reading.

I have provided this information as a way of giving the background for how it came about and the purpose for the card. I hope that it makes sense to you. We will now get into the working of the card.


Part 1-The Sign

Most people are familiar with their own zodiac sign, but really have little knowledge when it comes to other signs or where their birthday falls on the zodiac chart. I have a chart I would like you to look at.

Please don’t say anything out loud. I would like you to just find your birthday on the chart. I am going to assume you already know your sign.

(Give the spectator a moment to find their sign and look at the dates.)

Some people believe that the alignment of the stars can predict your entire life from the time you are born. In your particular sign, were you born at the beginning or towards the end of the sign?

Very good. I want you to just concentrate on your sign. I want you to think about the letters in it.

Jumble them up in your head and then slowly see them come back into order. This helps you focus on individual letters, which I can sometimes pick up on easier.

I am picking up on the letter “R.” Is that correct? Next, I am getting an “I.” Yes, that is correct? Now, I am picking up on an “S”

Oh, no “S?” Your star sign is an animal is it not? Ahh… I had a feeling it might be. I am having some trouble here. Let’s work at it from a different direction. (Now, we know that their sign in Capricorn. The “how” will be explained in the working.)

(This is the first part of the routine. If you wanted to simply reveal the zodiac sign here and finish, you

can, but I would suggest at least doing a reading for them and then revealing the sign.)

We will move on to the next part, the reading, finishing with the date and then delve into the detailed working.)

Part Two-The Reading

Is it all right if I did a reading on you?

You are someone who tends to be grounded and realistic. You are solid and therefore, people often rely on you. Friends come to you for advice. You are a good listener, and therefore, you draw people to you.

You are generally happy, but have had issues with bouts of melancholy. However, you do realize that you are strong don’t you? Emotionally, you have an inner strength that props you up and helps you through the rough times.

You have the characteristics of an Earth element. You are methodical and like the idea of logic and rule of law.

There are only four Earth elements.

(If you want to end here, then name the four signs. Tell them not to give you any visual indication. As you name them, watch the person, and then tell them their sign. If you are moving on the birthdate, I would not recommend giving the sign at this time.)

Part 3-The Birthdate

Let’s see if we can get a little more specific. I would like you to concentrate on the month of your birth. You were born in a time when it is cold. That could be a multitude of months. But I am really picking up on a time of festivities. It is a holiday month. Does that make sense?

Yes, it is December isn’t it? I am picking up the end of the month. Close to Christmas, but not on Christmas Day is it?

This would make you a Capricorn, correct?

Now I want you to concentrate on the dates from Christmas until the end of the month. It isn’t during this time is it?

Yes, I thought so. It is in between these two holidays. I am getting the 27, 28, 29, something like that. Is that correct?


The Zodiac Sign

Basically this is a branching anagram with the crib written on the card in the form of the first letter of the words on the card. The final zodiac sign is represented by the symbols on the card and their location in proximity to words. The only required

memorization is the meaning of the symbols. However, they tend to be highly representational of the symbol, and therefore, easy to remember.

While discussing the symbols, we can go ahead and look at them now. I will give my explanations for how

I remember them.

Aries-The Ram. The symbol looks like the head of a ram.

Taurus-The Bull. The symbol looks like a bull head.

Gemini-The Twins. There are two them standing side by side. I

think of the lines at the top and bottom as head and feet. This helps distinguish them from Pisces, which is also two lines.

Cancer-The Crab. I think of the extended lines as claws of a crab.

Leo-The Lion. The symbol looks like the head of a lion with a

flowing mane.


Virgo-The Virgin. The M shape stands for a man. The crossed lines are a woman’s legs crossed telling the man no.

Libra-Lady Justice. The symbol is her scales.

Scorpio-The end of the symbol has a sting, just like the tail of the scorpion.

Sagittarius-The Hunter. The symbol is an arrow, with the line of the bow visible.

Capricorn-The Goat. The tangled shape looks like the twisting horns of the goat.

Aquarius-The Water Bearer. This one is obvious.

The symbol on the card is a bit different, but still has the watery line.

Pisces-The Fish. It is a close up of two fish kissing.

Yes, many of these are ridiculous, but the more ridiculous, the easier they are to remember.

The routine is made up of several distinct parts. The timing and manner of questioning is very important. Take a look at the script and let’s break it down.

1. “Most people are familiar with their own zodiac sign, but really have little knowledge when it comes to other signs or where their birthday falls on the zodiac chart. I have a chart I would like you to look at.”

One of my driving considerations is always the question “Why are you doing that?” So, why are we pulling out a card? Well, obviously to read the crib, but also look at the first line.

It is true that most people only know their own sign. Most people don’t even know what dates encompass their sign. This gives you a reason to pull out the card. Also, it gives your spectator something to look at and brings a visual element

into your performance. These are all good reasons to use the card.

Now let’s jump into the working.

Now, on to the sign divination. If you haven’t figured it out by now, it is done by a branching progressive anagram. Anagram’s can be hard to remember, so the code for the anagram is contained right on the card that you have in front of you and the spectator.

Look at the image of the card above. The way you read them is ingenious and simple. Starting at the top, left hand side, look at the first word. It is “realistic.” So the first letter that you start with is “R.” If your spectator responded negatively, then you would move to the right, looking for the first

crooked word. In this case it is “easygoing.” So, you would call an “E.” The “E” in “easygoing” is always going to get a positive response.

Alternatively, If your spectator says that there is an “R” in their sign then, you will move down the left hand column. However, let’s come back to that. Let’s keep working with the assumption that there was no “R” but there was an “E.”

Continuing to move to the right, the next word after “easygoing” would be “inspired” so you would call an “I.” If you get a negative here, then you know their sign is a Leo. When there is a negative to the word, AND the star sign is touching that word, then the star sign belongs to them. Look at the word “inspired.” Notice that the Leo sign is touching it. The way to remember it is “No, don’t move on.”

However, if they answered “yes” to the “I,” you would move to the next word to the right, which is “gorgeous.” You would now call a “G.” If there is a

negative response, then the sign is Pisces as it is touching the word “gorgeous.” If they respond that there is a “G”, look at the sign to the right, which is Gemini.

You can continue calling letters, but once it is to a place where you can guess, I prefer asking them to tell me if they can imagine their sign as an animal. However, notice how it is written in the script. It is a double negative.

2. “Your star sign is an animal is it not?”

You can ask the spectator to really concentrate on the sign and what represents the sign. There are a few reasons to do this.

First, it breaks the monotony of deciphering letters. This is something that I always perceived as a weak point of anagrams. I wanted to break with that.

Secondly, it gives you another way to fish for information which helps to further obfuscate the

method. It gives an explanation for why you missed the letter. You can explain that sometimes images are easier to pick up on than letters.

Even if you already know the sign, I like this question. Let’s back up and recap some of what we covered getting to Leo.

If they started by saying that there was no “R” you already have a negative. However, you would be moving to “E,” which you know is a positive. We want those positive responses. The next one is an “I.” You could get another negative. Here it is up to you to decide how you want to handle this. There are three potential signs, Leo, Pisces or Gemini. Let’s walk through how this could be handled.

“Your star sign is an animal is it not?”

Consider the fact that you have a two out of three chance of it being an animal. This would be a good

guess. However, let’s assume they answer in the negative.

“I thought not. Now, let’s try a different approach.”

If they answer in the negative, then you know that they are a Gemini and you don’t need to continue with the anagram. You had a shortcut to finding their sign. You can quote the above and now you can move on to the date divination.

Let’s assume they say “yes.” In this case you know it is either a Leo or Pisces. You have a couple of different ways you can go here. You could ask:

“It is an animal with fur is it not?” OR

“There is not a ‘g” is there?”

The response to either of those answers will tell you whether it is Leo or Pisces. This also allows you to

mix up the manner of pumping. How you handle it is up to you.

Now that we have looked at that, let’s continue moving down the card. Let’s assume you asked about the “R,” the first letter on the card and received a positive response. You continue to move down the left hand side, looking at straight words, until you get a “no,” at which point, you move to the right.

So, the next letter is “I” from the word “intelligent.” If you get a positive and then you move down to “S” for suave.

Let’s assume you get a “no” here. You would need to move to the right to a crooked word. The letter would be “A” for the word “able.” Here is another example, where you don’t

have to ask about the letter “A.” The three options at this point are Virgo, Aries or Capricorn.

If you go back to the animal question, you again have a two out of three chance it is an animal. Capricorn is a goat, Aries is a ram, whereas Virgo is a person. If it is an animal, you can even have another hit by saying, “I am seeing horns. Right?” Then switch back to one letter to know which sign.

I will provide one more example, for the sake of clarity. Let’s assume you make it all the way down the card on the left hand side with positive responses. Notice at the bottom there is a symbol. It isn’t on a word, because there are no negative

responses. If you get all positive responses, then you know that Aquarius, is your symbol.

Again, you can skip a few letter guesses by referring back to the animal question. However, you may want to slightly modify this question. A suggestion would be: “I see an animal, but this may be a human. I don’t think it is though. Which is it?”

You can play around with wording and figure out what works best for you.

PART TWO The Reading

If you are already familiar with the personality types that are associated with the zodiac signs, then you will have no problem doing a reading. However, if you are not, there is information provided on the card that gives some things to work off of. In the example in the script, the person is a Capricorn. Therefore, we know that they are an

Earth, their color is black and they are emotionally powerful. This gives enough to do a short reading. I will throw in one other tip on readings. Don’t just do a rote formulaic recitation of associations. Really look at the person. Who do you think they are? Who do they remind you of? Go with your gut as well. With that being said, here are the basic characteristics for each element. This alone provides plenty of fodder for readings.


Earth is the element of strength, prosperity, growth, and stability.

Earth is solid, rich, sultry, strong and dependable. (Mother Earth)

Earth represents growth and the commitment it takes to make things grow. It is a slow and methodical element. Stability is Earth's unique gift.

Earth is Yin, Passive, Female and Receptive. It represents sensations, patience, tolerance, dedication.

Earth is the foundation for all the other elements. Earth is commitment, permanence, form. It is facts and law, practicality and consequence.

The senses - Seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting and touching are functions of Earth.


Fire is the life principle. It provides heat and light. It brings on the new. It transforms.

Fire in the personality represents inspiration,

passion, enthusiasm, desire.

The fiery intelligence is dynamic, daring, enthusiastic, active and hopeful. It is bold enough and has the courage to follow the inspiration or idea.

Fire is force, lust, fertility and virility, initiative and rejuvenation. Fire is a starter, an initiator.

Fire is charming, flamboyant and inspirational.

Fire is what improves our courage, confidence, motivation and our sense of humor.


Air is uncontainable, unseen, elusive, changeable

and swift.

Air represents mental activity, thoughts, reason and intellect, knowledge, persuasion.

Air is the element of insight, vision and communication.

Air is detachment which enables a broad overview, expressing things in perspective with clarity and sharpness. From detachment can arise abstract thought in the realm of ideals.

Air represents change, and change is necessary for growth and achievement. Air is about freedom and freedom of choice which leads to rebirth and renewal.

It brings about uniqueness and it is this quality that separates our individual path from others' paths.


The ebb and flow, rain, rivers, lakes, oceans.

Water cleanses, nourishes and reflects. Water is the element of love, peace, purification, and healing.

It is flowing, surging, merging, dissolving, sprinkling.

Water is Passive, Yin, Female, it is malleable - it takes the shape of whatever contains it.

Water is unique being the element of transition between other elements. While Earth materializes by structuring and seeking contraction, and Air is the medium of space - free to disperse, Water is the dual flow of involution and evolution, the End and the Beginning, Surface and Depth. In the Genesis creation allegory the waters are divided into the upper waters (Atmosphere - potential) and the lower waters (Oceans and Lakes - actual).

Water is Emotion, the Subconscious, the Ideal

The watery intelligence is sensitive, caring, emotional, psychic, artistic. Not being a rational element Water is not easily expressed, it understands things through how they feel rather than what they are.

Water is at its best when feeling out relationships and the way everything interacts with every other thing. Water understands the feelings and emotions of others better than any other element and is capable of great emotional depth and compassion for others. Being aware of the nature of human existence, water can have very vivid personal experiences which tend to overwhelm external experiences. Awareness of a psychic level. While Air is creative imagination which requires some Earth for actualization, Water has the ability to see a possible existence where there was no existence before.

PART THREE The Birthdate

At this point, you will already know their sign. Also, remember at the beginning that you asked if they were born towards the beginning or end of their sign.

2. “In your particular sign, were you born at the beginning or towards the end of the sign?”

This is the first question that you ask the spectator. The answer to this question will, at the very least, give you the month the spectator was born in. At the time that you ask this, you don’t yet know their sign, so it is important to remember what the answer is to this question.

If you aren’t already aware of this fact, all zodiac signs span two months; the end of one month and the first twenty or so days of the next month.

This should seem an innocuous question since it is happening at the start of the routine, but it gives you valuable information for later.

Now, we need to narrow down the dates. I really like referencing some holiday if it is appropriate. Many of the signs have major holidays.

Aquarius-Valentine’s Day

Capricorn-Christmas and New Years

Sagittarius-Thanksgiving (United States)


Virgo-Labor Day (United States)

Cancer-Independence Day (United States)

Working these in allows for more “yes” responses which are always good.

So, as in our example, if someone is born at the beginning of the sign, and you later determine that they are a Capricorn, you now know that they were born in December and between the 22nd -31st.

Thinking about this rationally, there are only ten days here to choose from. Let’s look at the wording used:

“I am picking up the end of the month. Close to Christmas, but not on Christmas Day is it?

This would make you a Capricorn, correct?”

In those phrases, you have two hits. Now, it needs to be narrowed down more if possible.

Notice in the scripting, again the use of double negatives:

“Now I want you to concentrate on the dates from Christmas until the end of the month. It isn’t during this time is it?”

If they respond negatively, you simply say, “No, I thought not.” If they respond positively, you now say, “Yes, I thought so.” It is deceptively simple wording.

Assuming it is after the holidays, you have now narrowed it down to the 26th -31st. If we assume it is before the holidays, you have narrowed it down to three days.

The rest is simply a guess and watching your spectator.

What if the birthdate isn’t near a holiday, how would we handle that?

Let’s assume we know the sign is Taurus and they say they were born towards the middle of the sign. From that answer we aren’t necessarily clear on the month. It could be April or May. I like to mix up pumping methods. So, here I would use the phrase “April showers bring May flowers. This phrase is relevant to you, isn’t it. So are you showers or flowers?”

Whatever the response is, I would do a short “reading” if you can call it that. For example, if they said flowers, I would respond, “yes, flowers. That makes sense as you seem to have a sunny disposition and believe in second changes and the ability to heal.”

We now know that they are born in May. The first ten days are a good guess. I would then state, “Your birthdate isn’t a two digit number is it?” Here we are falling back on the double negative. If they say yes, you have the 1st-9th. Pretty good odds.

I will acknowledge that the birthdate part is riskier. You may not want to try it. Another good hint is that if you are in a relatively small area and you have a wide group of friends on Facebook, you often have mutual friends. If you have time, find this person on Facebook and glean all of the information you can. Birthdays are often listed. Then you could forego all of the pumping. For that matter, the card isn’t needed!

It should be obvious, but don’t just stare at the card and read off the letters. Be discreet. The anagram is hidden in words and symbols, but don’t draw needless attention to the card. It should look like it is simply a silly card, not a cue sheet.

You could hold the card in front of the spectator, the entire time, looking at the crib on the back, not even making them aware it is there. If they did see it, no big deal, it just looks like art. Don’t try to hide it, but don’t intentionally show it either.

DO NOT immediately give the zodiac sign when you discover it unless, you plan on stopping there. By jumping into

the exact birthdate, you have something more impressive. It would appear that you are getting a few days out of an entire year, but in reality, their sign has already narrowed down the date substantially. Don’t let them know that you have this information.


The basic idea of the branching anagram originated with Bob Farmer. Then T.A. Waters published a branching anagram under the name Signse in the New Invocation in Issue 39 in 1987. He also included this in Mind, Myth and Magic.

The idea of working of off zodiac signs to drill down to a specific date is credited to Christian Chelman, who used this idea in Capricornian Tales.