Cool Confidence Created: A Diva's Guide to Promoting a Positive Online Image

Post on 21-Sep-2014

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Social media has immersed itself into our lives, having become one of the fastest, most widely used methods of communication and interaction in history. We use it to connect with friends old and new, share updates, think out loud, play games, and interact. What about the professional side of social media? How do we as business owners maintain a balance with our online profiles that we share with friends and colleagues? Social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook pages, and Twitter are quickly becoming the most popular way to promote yourself and your business professionally online. This discussion will take us on a tour of these sites - how they works, who uses it, best practices, and how you as a professional businesswoman can use it to benefit your personal and professional goals. We will examine the good, the bad, and yes...the ugly, as we explore these multi-faceted professional networking sites that have taken over the Interweb. We will also discuss how to best develop a confident social online image for you and your company by using some key tips and tricks to put you most confident, positive foot forward for all to see.

Transcript of Cool Confidence Created: A Diva's Guide to Promoting a Positive Online Image

A Diva’s Guide to Promoting a Positive Online Image

withKelly A. Galanis

The Red-Headed Diva

Cool Confidence Created

Picture it: You’re a great networker who knows her stuff

and knows the players at most any event. You now have a presence on Social Media, but you aren’t getting the results you hoped for with what you’ve done. How do you get the word out to your customers and get them talking about you

and your company in the best way possible?

“Confidence is about losing the fear of telling the world who you are.” – The Red-Headed Diva

This session will cover:

★The RULES of Social Networking

★How to CONNECT with others

★Make connections, develop FRIENDS

★SOCIAL MEDIA – What’s right for me?

★Embrace your inner DIVA!

So, there are RULES to Social networking?

★RESEARCH who will be attending through social media channels

★UNDERSTAND who they are, what they like, what commonalities you share

★LISTEN to what they have to say; look for key points in a conversation

★ENGAGE in lively conversation; base questions on what you can relate to

★SHARE your experience and work in a chance to SELL yourself

RESEARCHYou’ve been to a networking event, you know how to work

a room. If you’re prepared, you will have done your homework and know who will be there. So, how do you prepare to market yourself through a social network? The two are very similar.

Research your audiences on social media. Research your competition. How active are they on these sites? If your audience and your competition are active there, think about the connection they may make. Don’t be left out in the cold.


What does your customer base look like on Social Media? Understand what they use it for. Think of ways to reach them if this is where they are. Interact. Communicate. Understand.

How women use social media

Let’s keep the social in Social Networking!


Once the connection through social media has been made, ask questions that will produce interest and spread the word. Then, close your mouth and open your ears. Pay attention to the words they are saying and make note of something you might be able to respond with. Be aware of what is being said about you online, as consumers have a powerful voice which reaches many!


Start the conversation. Engage your customers through interactive dialogue. Try a creative venture to stimulate discussion and encourage chatter about your business. Pull from the dialogue that they’ve contributed. Look to match their needs.


Sharing is an extended form of engaging. It brings the discussion to the next level, allowing both individuals to interact comfortably. Sharing is that turning point that turns strangers into acquaintances and eventually friends. It’s the chance for you to provide a soft advertisement of your business to remind customers why you are the BEST at what you do!

Can anyone share an experience that followed the RULES of social networking? How did it turn out?

Personality is KeyDon’t be fooled by the many tools Social Networking provides today.

While we are able to reach and connect to many individuals faster, it still is not as easy as it seems. The best networking connections are made by a PERSONAL connection, so be sure to keep it real. Let’s keep the SOCIAL in Social Networking!


hare an example of a time you might have tried connecting but did not succeed. What do you feel went wrong?

Share an example of a time you were successful in connecting. What went well? Why do you feel it was a success?

the secret to a great Social networking experience?

You need to CONNECT:★C



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the secret to a great Social networking experience?

You need to CONNECT:

Communication is the key to any successful interaction. Social Media has created a more casual environment for business to take place. Consumers have as large a voice as most advertising methods, and they will openly share thoughts whether good, bad, or ugly. Tuning in and having a personal connection on Social Media will help build a positive image for your company.

Once you are connected, always remain FRIENDS:








Once you are connected, always remain FRIENDS:

A business owner’s job is never done. Amongst the daily routine one must always think about the image they maintain and how often they are seen by their customers. Social Media never sleeps, and your presence online shouldn’t either. Determine a constant schedule of updating your information and how often you should be seen by your customers. Through quality interaction, your clientle can hopefully keep the message going.

Let’s Discuss:

What are some examples of connections you have made that have been well-maintained over time? How have you kept in contact? What does it take for you or that individual to reach out to one another? What is your method of communication?

Social Media: what’s Right for mE?

The Social Media Revolution

LinkedIn: The Professional Social Network

Facebook Fan Page: The Company’s Visibility Factor

Twitter: The Constant Informer

The Underdogs: Specialty Social Media Sites

LinkedInThe professional’s Social Network

Not just for job searching

Great to connect with colleagues past and present

Opportunity to showcase your talents to a large community of like-minded people

Helps to build your Personal Brand

Top Ten Musts On LinkedIn

1.Complete your profile.

2.Define your “Hollywood Sign”.

3.Learn to like talking about yourself.

4.Write a recommendation for someone.

5.Ask for recommendations from someone you trust.

Top Ten Musts On LinkedIn

6. Join groups that are relevant to you and your industry.

7. Check out your company’s profile.

8. Answer questions that others have posted.

9. Share links and valuable information through your status.

10.Use applications to build your profile and your identity.

Facebook Fan pages

More commonly used for businesses, celebrities, organizations.

Great presence to a huge populations of users – exceptional business visibility.

A solid way to interact with customers, potential customers, colleagues and allies.

Allows “fans” to provide feedback to you in a non-threatening environment.

Provides a forum for open communication and soft advertising.

Facebook GroupsG

reat forum for smaller groups who need to communicate openly.

Can be closed to public with individuals needing approval to join.

Allows for open sharing and discussion among members.

Links and some files can be shared.

Members can edit settings to control how often messages are received.

Top Ten Facebook Tips for Professionals

1. Check out your company’s Fan Page or Company Profile – is it complete?

2. Utilize your Fan Page to engage users and get them talking about your business.

3. Build a Facebook Group for an organization or group you belong to.

4. Create a Facebook Event for the next gathering your company is planning.

5. Hold a contest for fans to further engage and get buzz going.

Top Ten Facebook Tips for Professionals

6. On your personal page, review your security settings to control what’s seen.

7. Consider adding other company pages as “favorites” to your company page.

8. Build your fan page and make sure it is complete.

9. Always be sure your page has fresh, new information – update at least weekly.

10.Become a fan of your company and tell all your friends!

**BONUS: Know about Facebook’s new Timeline feature!

So, What’s The Deal with TWITTER?T

witter asks “What are you doing” in less than 140 characters.

A way to offer short, timely updates to your followers.

Through specialized apps, you can promote links to various sites.

An excellent communication tool once a following is developed.

Can connect with Facebook and LinkedIn to streamline use.

Ten Twitter Tips

1. Build a clever profile, add a cool background and be appealing to followers.

2. Get some fun tweets out to catch people’s attention.

3. Search for followers with a strong presence who can help promote you.

4. Become familiar with @, #, RT, and DM.

5. Study how other businesses do it (Friendly’s, Comcast, Green Mtn. Coffee).

Ten Twitter Tips

6. Link to Facebook and LinkedIn through specialized apps, but be careful!

7. Consider using a desktop app like TweetDeck for easy updating.

8. Share helpful advice from your industry (ex. cooking tip of the day).

9. Use a link shortener (ex. to tweet links to relevant sites.

10.When people follow you, follow back!

Channel your inner DIVA!

Embrace YOUrself: DIVACISE!

By embracing your inner Diva, you take control of your best qualities and put for the confidence to stand out in a crowd.

Sometimes, we need a little help. These Divacise tricks might give you a hand!

DIVAcise TIP #1

A Jill of all trades is a Master of none!

DIVAcise TIP #2

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

DIVAcise TIP #3

You have the right to quit Toxic People…

…or just kill ‘em with kindness.

DIVAcise TIP #4

Listen to your 4-year-old self.

DIVAcise TIP #5

Don’t be afraid to pretend.Acting is a nice childish profession –

pretending you're someone else and, at the same time, selling yourself.

– Katharine Hepburn

DIVAcise TIP #6

Make yourself feel oh-so good!

DIVAcise TIP #7

Become a DIVAngelist – spread the word of the Diva.

DIVAcise TIP #8

Give yourself a “Make”…and I don’t mean over or under.

Diva Discussion

When was the last time you felt your best DIVA self? What triggered those feelings? Were there any obstacles?

Diva Discussion

Has anyone ever had an experience where they felt so down that their DIVA totally disappeared? How did you overcome that

obstacle and get back on your DIVA heels?

Ask A Diva!

Thank you!

Visit my website: http://theredheadeddiva.comThis presentation available at