Conversations that connect By Rev. Dr. David Geisler.

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Transcript of Conversations that connect By Rev. Dr. David Geisler.

  • Slide 1

Conversations that connect By Rev. Dr. David Geisler Slide 2 Key Perspective About Evangelism Remember that our problems in Evangelism are not one of methodology, but one of maturity! Slide 3 The World Has Changed And Made Our Evangelism Task Is More Daunting! Slide 4 There has been an erosion of truth! Slide 5 Problems Doing Evangelism in the World We Live in It is hard to proclaim the forgiveness of sins to people who believe that, since morality is relative, they have no sins to forgive. - Gene Veith, Postmodern Times, p.16 Slide 6 There is an intolerance towards those who claim to know the truth. There is an intolerance towards those who say there is a bridge they must cross! Slide 7 Key Question How can we do more effective evangelism in this kind of world? Answer: We need to better understand the times or culture in which we live. Slide 8 Understanding the Times We Live In! We need to be like the men of Issachar and understand the times in which we live and therefore know what we should do. See I Chronicles 12:32 Slide 9 Intro. Remember that our problems I.Our world has changed and has made our evangelism task more daunting. II.Things to keep in mind in our witness to others today (How can we talk to people in such a way that creates greater interest in hearing our gospel?) Slide 10 A.We must be good news before we can effectively share good news, especially with those we see on a regular basis (Phil 1:14). Key things to remember in witnessing to others today Slide 11 Key things to remember in witnessing today Remember that we may be the only Bible that that anyone ever reads! Slide 12 B. We must give ourselves the permission to sow (1 Cor. 3:6). Key things to remember in witnessing today Slide 13 EVANGELISM IS A PROCESS I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. 1 Corinthians 3: 6 Slide 14 We must give ourselves permission We have come to believe that there are only two kinds of Christians: the harvesters and the disobedient. We must begin to teach, with great urgency, that every laborer should learn to reap and that God will call some to exercise this role exclusively--but everyone can learn to sow right now, right where they are. Tim Downs, Finding Common Ground, p.32. Slide 15 Is It Really Necessary In Todays World To See Evangelism More As A Process? The more I thought about what happened, the more I realized that in today's generation, people would generally not give Christians a full uninterrupted 10 mins to share the gospel with them. It is more likely that we share the gospel through injecting it into normal conversations of everyday life. - Former national College evangelism director, Campus Crusade for Christ, Singapore Slide 16 We will give ourselves permission to sow if we see evangelism more as a lifestyle and not just as an event. Slide 17 C.We must also give ourselves the permission to till the soil. Key things to remember in witnessing today Slide 18 WHAT IS INVOLVED IN TILLING THE SOIL? Tilling the soil = Pre-Evangelism If evangelism is planting seeds of the Gospel, pre- evangelism is tilling the soil of their mind and heart, preparing them to at least be willing to listen to the Truth. (Mark 2:22, 4:8) Slide 19 Why Is Pre-Evangelism So Essential In Todays World? Slide 20 other seeds fell into the good soil and as they grew up and increased, they yielded a crop and produced thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold. (Mark 4:8) Tiling and nurturing the soil Slide 21 D.We must surface doubt to help some people. *Surfacing doubt may provide the incentive to see that our lives are broken and need mending (Matt: 19:16-22). Key things to remember in witnessing today Slide 22 Jesus Approach in surfacing doubt in Matt: 19:16-22 Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life? Why do you ask me about what is good? Jesus replied. There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments. Which ones? the man inquired. Jesus replied, Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself. All of these I have kept, the young man said. What do I still lack? Slide 23 Jesus Approach in Matt: 19:16-22 Jesus answered, If you want to be perfect, go sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven. Then come, follow me. When the young man heard this he went away sad, because he had great wealth. Slide 24 Inconsistent Beliefs What were the two inconsistencies that Jesus wanted the rich young ruler to see? A. I am a good person, I keep all of the commandments. B. I care about financial wealth more than following Jesus. Slide 25 D.We must surface doubt to help some people. *Surfacing doubt may provide the incentive to see that our lives are broken and need mending (Matt: 19:16-22). *This can be done in the form of asking thought provoking questions. Key things to remember in witnessing today Slide 26 The Joy of Self-Discovery Conversation with Chinese Gal As a free thinker have you come to any conclusions about who Jesus is? Slide 27 The Joy of Self-Discovery Conversation with Chinese Gal Do you think there is anything different about Jesus compared to other religious leaders? Slide 28 The Joy of Self-Discovery Conversation with Chinese Gal Do you believe that Jesus did miraculous things and in fact died on the cross and rose from the dead? Slide 29 Now that you know that Jesus died on the cross for you because He loves you and desires to have a relationship with you, why do you still consider yourself a free thinker? The Joy of Self-Discovery Conversation with Chinese Gal Slide 30 D.We must surface doubt to help some people. *Surfacing doubt may provide the incentive to see that our lives are broken and need mending (Matt: 19:16-22). *This can be done in the form of asking thought provoking questions. *Jesus was a master at asking questions and causing reflections. Key things to remember in witnessing today Slide 31 When a certain ruler asked Jesus, Good teacher what shall I do to inherit eternal life Jesus replied, Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. (Lk 18:18-19). When the chief priest and scribes asked Jesus by what authority he was doing these things, Jesus asked them, Was the Baptism of John from heaven or men? (Luke 20:2-4). Jesus thought provoking questions Slide 32 E.W e must remember to use questions, illustrations, and stories to effectively witness to people today. Key things to remember in witnessing today Slide 33 Example 1 (Student with Hindu background) Why aren t my good works good enough to get into heaven? *What is the truth we want him to grasp concerning the question or issue raised? Theological Truth: We tend to overestimate our own righteousness and underestimate God s holiness. Slide 34 Could I put a little sewage in your water? If not do you see how something can seem so small but in reality still have a huge impact? So is it possible our sins could cause a bigger barrier between us and God than we think? Slide 35 The cancer illustration: What does it mean that Jesus was our substitute? Slide 36 F. We must cultivate the art of asking the right questions, in the right way, and at the right time to encourage further dialog (Acts 17:32). Key things to remember Slide 37 Keep in mind the three Ds of Conversational Pre- Evangelism Evangelism Doubt Defensiveness Desire Slide 38 Ask Am I asking questions in a way that surfaces their doubt (uncertainty) about their own perspective, while at the same time minimizes their defensiveness, and yet creates a desire (curiosity) to want to hear more? How do I know if I am asking the right kind of questions in the right way ? Slide 39 How Do We Minimize Their Defensiveness? Doubt Defensiveness Desire Slide 40 The Joy Of Self-Discovery Conversation with guy in exercise room What church do you go to? I go to _______ catholic churchWe believe in Mary! What do you mean byWe believe in Mary? We believe that Mary makes up what Jesus lacks! Slide 41 But do you know what 1 Tim. 2:5 says? What do you think this verse teaches? The Joy Of Self-Discovery Conversation with guy in exercise room Slide 42 Certainly I can see how some Catholics could see Mary as being a helpful person who could pray for them just as some Baptist might consider it helpful if they got Billy Graham to pray for them. But can Mary do anything to help you atone for your sins in any way? The Joy Of Self-Discovery Conversation with guy in exercise room Slide 43 How Do We Create A Greater Desire? Doubt Defensiveness Desire Slide 44 Remember that G.W e must look for opportunities move from tilling the soil and planting seeds to bearing fruit (Jn. 4:35). Slide 45 lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest. (Jn. 4:35b E.S.V.) Producing Fruit Slide 46 Understanding the Times We Live In! We need to be like the men of Issachar and understand the times in which we live and therefore know what we should do. See I Chronicles 12:32 Slide 47 A.We must be good news before we can effectively share good news, especially with those we see on a regular basis (Phil 1:14). B.We must give ourselves the permission to sow (1 Cor. 3:6). C.We must also give ourselves the permission to till the soil (Mark 4:8). D.We must surface doubt to help some people (Matt. 19:16-22). E.We must remember to use questions, illustrations, and stories to effectively speak to people today. F.We must cultivate the art of asking the right questions, in the right way, and at the right time (The Three Ds) to encourage further dialog (Acts 17:32). G.We must look for opportunities to move from tilling the soil and planting seeds to bearing fruit (Jn. 4:35). Remember that Slide 48 Intro. Our problems in evangelism are not I.Our world has changed and has made our evangelism task more daunting. II.Things to keep in mind in our witness to others today Slide 49 Some Practical Suggestions For Taking That Next Step Slide 50 Taking That Next Step 1. Determine who the Lord is placing on your heart to reach out to! Slide 51 Taking That Next Step 2.Pray for open doors (Col. 4:3). Slide 52 Taking That Next Step 1.Determine who the Lord is placing on your heart to reach out to! 2.Pray for open doors (Col. 4:3). Praying at the same time for us as well that God may open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned. Colossians 4:3 Slide 53 Taking That Next Step 1.Determine who the Lord is placing on your heart to reach out to! 2.Pray for open doors (Col. 4:3). 3.Look for Divine Appointments daily! (Acts 8:29). Slide 54 3. Look for Divine Appointments daily! a.Look for ways God is already at work in the lives of those you want to reach! And the Spirit said to Philip, Go up and join this chariot. (Acts 8:29) * Ask yourself, What are the signs that God is already working supernaturally in someones heart? Slide 55 3. Look for Divine Appointments daily! b. Ask God for wisdom to know what to say in your conversations with others (Js. 1:5; Acts 14:1). Slide 56 Taking That Next Step 1.Determine who the Lord is placing on your heart to reach out to! 2.Pray for open doors (Col. 4:3). 3.Look for Divine Appointments daily! (Acts 8:29). 4.Make the most of every conversation you have with pre-believers to help them take one step closer (Col. 4:5; 1 Cor. 9:22). Slide 57 A Biblical Perspective The Apostle Paul said, Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. Col. 4:5 E.S.V. Slide 58 Taking That Next Step 1.Determine who the Lord is placing on your heart to reach out to. 2.Pray for open doors (Col. 4:3) 3.Look for Divine Appointments daily! (Acts 8:29) 4.Make the most of every conversation you have with pre-believers to help them take one step closer (Col. 4:5; 1Cor. 9:22) a.Listen carefully in order to make every encounter count. Slide 59 Learn how to be a better listener James 1:19 My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry Slide 60 Taking That Next Step 4.Make the most of every conversation you have with pre-believers to help them take one step closer (Col. 4:5; 1Cor. 9:22) a.Listen carefully in order to make every encounter count. b.Discover what might create greater spiritual openness (Jn. 4:10; Acts 17:32). Slide 61 Being Fishers of Men and Women *Determine what will hook their interest in spiritual things by uncovering what interests them to begin with! Example: Jesus with the women at the well (Jn. 4: 10). Slide 62 Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. Jn. 4: 10 N.I.V. Hook Their Interest Slide 63 Former neighborHow could there be more Christians in China than the U.S.? Former nannyHow she fit Jesus into her religious beliefs. Look for ways to create More interest in our Jesus! Slide 64 You may be surprised how easy it is to catch someones interest in spiritual things if God is already at work? You may be surprised Slide 65 Taking That Next Step 1.Determine who the Lord is placing on your heart to reach out to. 2.Pray for open doors (Col. 4:3) 3.Look for Divine Appointments daily! (Acts 8:29) 4.Make the most of every conversation you have with pre- believers to help them take one step closer (Col. 4:5; 1Cor. 9:22) 5.Learn how to ask thought provoking questions to allow the Holy Spirit an opportunity to move in peoples hearts Slide 66 Asking Thought Provoking Questions! Out of all the religious leaders who ever lived, which one do you think is giving us the right path to God? Wouldnt you rather take the advice of someone whos been to the other side and come back to tell us about it? Slide 67 The Right Questions Can Help Them Better Face The Truth! Slide 68 Taking That Next Step 1.Determine who the Lord is placing on your heart to reach out to. 2.Pray for open doors (Col. 4:3) 3.Look for Divine Appointments daily! (Acts 8:29) 4.Make the most of every conversation you have with pre-believers to help them take one step closer (Col. 4:5; 1Cor. 9:22) 5.Learn how to ask thought provoking questions to allow the Holy Spirit an opportunity to move in peoples hearts. Slide 69 Intro. Our problems in evangelism are not I.Our world has changed and has made our evangelism task more daunting. II.Things to keep in mind in our witness to others today III.Some practical suggestions for taking that next step Slide 70 Conversations that connect By Rev. Dr. David Geisler