Continuous analytical reflections

Post on 09-May-2015

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Transcript of Continuous analytical reflections


Topics Clash of Civilisations Citizenship and inequality:

Migration Citizenship and inequality:


Clash of Civilisation

Why civilisation clash?

Why Islam is seen as responsible for Incommensurable divide between religious beliefs and secular values?

International incident of September 9/11

Blasphemy in secular society

The Controversial cartoon of Prophet Muhammad in Denmark.

Islam phobia

Ban on Hijab in France Personal experience

Idea of Dialogues:

ReferencesAhmed, A (2002), Ibn Khaldun's understanding of civilizations and the dilemmas

of Islam and the west today. Middle East Journal, 56, 20-45.

 Huntington, S. (1993). The clash of civilisation. Foreign Affairs 72, 22-28.

Mehmood,S (2009). Religious reason and secular affect: an incommensurable divide?’ Critical Inquiry, 35, 836 – 62.

The Muslim News (2013). France: Call for hijab ban in French universities.Retrieved from

Citizenship and inequality: Migration

Inequality as a cause of Migration: Global inequality Internal inequality

Inequality and cheap immigrant labour

Decline in native workers wages.

Migration and local level inequality.

Multi-dimensional aspects to migration and inequality in regions of origin.


Migration, inequality and institutions.

Migration as an institute. Migration volume and inequality. World Migration Institution.    

References Black, Natali, C.Skinner, J (2005).World Development Report2006:.Equity

and Development. Development research centre on globalisation and poverty, University of Sussex.

UN Report on Global Migration Facility (2005).

Retrieved 12 May, 2014 from<

Portes,J (2013). An Exercise in Scapegoating

London review of books, 35, (12).

Gardner, K (1995).Global migrant, local lives. Oxford:

Clarendon press.

Citizenship, inequality: Overview

Myth of egalitarianism in Australia.

Citizenship, inequality and first Australians.

Land owner as second citizens. Citizenship Certificate

Race and racism.

The unequal access to societal resources

Why does the health gap exist?

Report by Australian Medical Association.

Indigenous Equality Agenda. Listen voices of Indigenous Closing the gap. Government response to Closing the Gap.


Aborigines the First Australian (2014). Retrieved May 10, 2014 from<

Australian Human Rights Commission(2012). Face the Facts: Some Questions and Answers about Indigenous Peoples, Migrants and Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Retrieved 14 May, 2014 from <


Greig, A., Lewins, F., White, K (2003). Inequality in Australia. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Why does the health gap exist? (n.d). Oxfam Australia. Retrieved 19 May, 2014 from