Contemporary influences

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Transcript of Contemporary influences

ContempoaryInfluencesStudent Name: Yi Pei WU Student Number:07019413

DE0872 Andy Tennant

andy.indd 1 2010/12/16 7:46:22 AM

Just as Beautiful Magazine to feature only plus-size models, ban dieting tips

Advertising billboards use facial recognition to target shoppers




Creative Activity

School Kills Creativity?

“PLAY GOD”-Fruit, Vegetable, as Contemporary Influences

Final review for Contemporary Influnces

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Exercise 5

Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Exercise 8

Exercise 9


andy.indd 2 2010/12/16 7:46:23 AM


1As we all know, mass me-

dia has influenced our current society seri-

ously, specially, woman are more af-fected by fashion and trends. In this article, which has just announced a new fashion publication to cer-tain target market. As magazine has took a very important role within every women’s life, to say that, this article has just describing the differ-ent point of view for people who are size up to 12. This is not just going to change someone’s lifestyle and also gives them some opportunity to give themselves confident in front of others. The magazine has not got too much different with current magazine we had but also provide more useful information about be-ing healthy rather than talking about dieting, at the same time, the maga-zine editor had also said, they will also interview some famous celeb-

rities straightforward point of view of how to being themselves but not caring about the size. The contents may influence some people on their lifestyle, as well as increasing the number of people who are up to size 12 to purchase some garment and usage things on the market. While the behaviour has changed, this may also give the designer, maga-zine publisher, fashion trend and consumer, everything related to the Industry to gain the opportunity to do something with it. Moreover, the economic may have slightly changes. In conclusion, people’s behaviour may change the circulation on cer-tain area; in this case, changing the target market thinking will increase the opportunity for designers to work and another example is when people feel more confident for by themselves, this may decrease the issue number of domestic violence.

See further:

Just as Beautiful Magazine to feature only plus-size models, ban dieting tips

andy.indd 3 2010/12/16 7:46:23 AM

The article is about the digital billboards which can iden-tify passing shoppers and match appropriate prod-

uct advertisement. The first digital billboards is created by the electronics giant NEC in Japan. They use facial recognition soft-ware that can idenatify the shopper’s gender in high accurate. The statistic shows 85-90% accurate in nationality and age. Then it will show advertisements that match certain target group. For example, if the machine perceives female information, the bill-board will generate appropriate advertisement such as perfume, cosmetic, etc.

The digital billboard is a new technology that develops from tra-ditional billboard with motion graphic. The development of today technology is so advance that it can convert regular billboard to glaze back at customers. However, the after effect is to concern with human right, this can cause privacy innovation. “We don’t expect the billboard to look back at us, but that is exactly what is happening now,” says Marc Rotenberg. NEC company reply back with critical argument that system does not store any images, it stores only the analysed results, such as viewer’s age and sex based on those images so they feel that there is no privacy is-sue.

In my opinion, nothing is impossible. High technology in devel-opment of digital billboard is excellent idea because it supports marketing strategy and customer needs. Today technology is so advance, it makes impossible things become possible. I would expect development of new incoming technology to be endless.

“Advertising billboards use facial recognition to target shoppers “From the newspaper “The Guardian” posted by Michael Fitzpatrick, Monday 27 September 2010

Advertising billboard could be one of the most successful

promotion strategies within the business Industry. As the ar-ticle review above, this kind of facial recognition is the new-est technology innovation introduced from the electronics giant NEC in Japan. The innovation could have an advantage influences for people who had their own business and wants to collect their market analysis data, it will also supporting them to identify their target market and achieved their out-comes.

The example showing above, proofs that the new technol-ogy is not only help the people who had their own business but also helps the customer to have better idea when they are consuming the product and find the most suitable goods for themselves. Resulting in that, it may stimulate the coun-try’s national consumption to grow up, as well as affecting the whole country’s economy.

Although this is a intelligent innovation introduced to our society, and is an advantage for the business industry, on the other hand, there might be some disadvantages for the peo-ple who does not interested on this kind of new technology and not willing to be tested by the creation. The question is, “how does the company dealing those problems with it?! Will they consider it as a big problem, or will they do some better improvement for it? ”. Those issue might took an im-portant roles to effecting on the company’s future.



andy.indd 4 2010/12/16 7:46:24 AM




I categories some of the words into the same layer as others, which means, those words are as important as each other as my personal influences.

I have becoming an ambition person, since I have been studying in UK. I came to study aboard since I graduated my senior high school, and my initial thought was just to improve my capability on English skills, it’s been nearly 5 years, when I looked back from the time un-til now, I couldn’t imagine how I went through everything until this stage by myself, despite there were some moment which put me

down and makes me want to give up everything I had, but when I try to think about my family and friends, that’s the core motivation which makes me insisted to overcome with the difficulties. Apart from health and hap-piness, if I don’t healthy, it will restrict me to do any activity, yet, lack of abilities to associate with other perspectives, like to be happiness.

andy.indd 5 2010/12/16 7:46:25 AM

Since I came here, I start to realized the importances on socializing

with different people in community, especially, this is one of the reason why my parents sup-porting me to study in here, they always taught me that “always learn from others”, that means, when you are staying with people from world-wide, you may have a capable thinking on how to handle the difficult situation with diverse people, once I encountered with, I would not feel panic, which might makes me grow. In cat-egory three, these are things that I desperately need to interlink with the world, although mon-ey is not everything, but we cannot lives with-out money; Internet, for most of people who live in 21st century, it’s the substantial impact,

people need internet to interlink with the whole world no matter in what contexts, for instance, as we are international student, internet is one of the advantage that can help us to contact with our family, friends, etc. in business, nowa-days, a lot people have their meeting through the computer software, such as Skype, e-com-merce programme. Hence, it gives the evident on how powerful and useful are those technol-ogy trends can be used as part of our life. So far, everything I mentioned above are belongs to part of my personal experience, through those experiences, I gained diverse knowledge on see-ing things from different angle, that makes me enable myself to be more open-mind in vary situation. Finally, in this class, it shows my in-terested, when I doing those activities, it makes me feel relax, and calm, enjoy on the moment I had spend, which is how I dealing with my un-happiness through these typical activity.

andy.indd 6 2010/12/16 7:46:26 AM


On this stage, I have point out some professional influences by many aspects, some are in-terlink with my personal experiences, others might came through by deal with challenges, or according to my educational aspect, resulting in that, it shows the influential connection between each of the element, which I will explain more in next following paragraphs.

For those pink colour, it’s obvious to see my personal influ-ences to the professional for some personal reason, since I realized my parents are the business and busi-ness woman, I was always wants to be the same as

what they have done, they inspired me by their carrier, but influences by the education which am studying at, they always encouraged me on whatever de-cision I made on everything, despite I have not got any work experience so far, but when I am thinking about the opportunity they have offering me, it makes me want to be as same as what they have done, as in my country, not many people could have the chance like me to educated from other country to learn something different with broaden vision, hence, I would like to thankful my lovely family, and friends to support me while I spending the time in UK, because they are the water that fostering me to grow and insisting the huge challenge in my life.



andy.indd 7 2010/12/16 7:46:27 AM

As we can see from the centre of the dia-gram, I placed education as the crucial

sector as my professional influences. According to those two features, I have marked the words by using different colours. Start form the beg-ging,

In conclusion, from the centre of personal and professional, the connection showing up straight away to each of importance, it’s like the branch-es of a tree, which linking the relationship into each field.

andy.indd 8 2010/12/16 7:46:30 AM



After I read this article, I feel a bit shame for the part, which mention about, the Indian businessman, Mr.

Biyain took offense at western design intervention in this country.

As Emilly’s mission statement described that” WE BELIEVE DESIGN CAN CHANGE THE WORLD”. The fact is, within our daily routine, design is actually everywhere surrounding by us, no matter where we are. The UK design council has also described that “Design can help you improve your sustain-ability credentials, create products and services that make people happy and it has positive benefits on business’s bottom line.”

Everyone need design, and design is actually an process, which can examine the problem that is currently happening, and then, the person or the organization will have responsibility to improve those problem for us to enable themselves to provide better solution yet creating better environ-ment into our society. Without design, we will not have such comfortable environment compared back into 18th or 19th century. In 21st century, everything started to changing into either globally or internationally point of view, that means, we can not lived in this century without open our wider vision to judge every single problem we may have encountered.

Back to the point, it is very old style for people who considered that people are coming to help them are because they are colonialism. Cultural are very different in various contexts, each person might have varied reaction resulting by the national influences. Therefore, if there is a better problem so-lution given by anyone who is willing to share with us even from outside of the region, I don’t see where is the problem?

Design council: what can design do for us? (2010)


andy.indd 9 2010/12/16 7:46:32 AM



Purpose: One Week EntrepreneurTool: Hands, Niddle, CottenMaterial: socks, buttons, cotton, Expenses: £10Price: Dertermine on size Sell: SOLD OUT Earned: £25 pounds



Creative Activity

andy.indd 10 2010/12/16 7:47:08 AM



From this assignment, I have learned diverse expe-riences, such as using

socks to create a dolly; it is quite difficult for me, as I am not a person who has such huge passion on doing the things very carefully. It is very particu-lar assignment that we have been given, gives me some idea of how people manage to create their own business and it actually has got more detail than what I expected needs to concerned. Even it’s a hard, but I actually enjoyed the procedure I have been through, and very satisfied with what I have made for my own design product.

andy.indd 11 2010/12/16 7:47:32 AM



image resource:

School Kills Creativity?

It was quite interesting to hear someone who can actually speak out about

the fact on our current education system, since the education was originally invented since 19th century, it was designed by human, of course, but what we have been taught by through the education system is actually the academic skills rather than humans creativity, more than that, the hierarchy for the education system are all having same level in everywhere, as we

andy.indd 12 2010/12/16 7:47:33 AM

all known te highest level are always determined by mathematics or philosophy, rather than, Ken Robbinson were interpreting the important fact during this time comparing with future perspective. “Human’s were born like an artist” Piccaso. According to that, human’s native tale like dance, art or drama, are always be considered the level which below than those academic program, in my opinion, we cant follow the rule by the system, we should design the “thing” that allowing us to associate with the current cultural mainstream.

To explain more, nowadays, people are more aware of the current trends, no matter in what context, such as, fashion, design, cultural

exchange, technology, business etc. In my opinion, I think, creativity is quite important for our current status, it does not matter in what context, it will always bring out some benefit which involving either design or creative feature. For instance, in business wise, each organization must need to have a person who can use of design skills to create something that will “hit” or “appeal“ customer’s attention, but as everything are tending to be “unique” and “unusual“, the designer must have the sense of design parameters, to allowing themselves to provides reliable and hit the customer’s desire and to be survived within the competitive industry.

Personally, I have only started my Design Management course since this September, but I have already perceived the importance of expressing Design skill in every given tasks during this term. Although people are came from comprehensive background, but it is always as an advantage of gather peoples creativity to design something unique and possibly solved the problem at the same time and introduce for our better community.

I am strongly believed that “Everyone should be prepared to be wrong, or never will come up with anything good original” which were very true, never tried, never know, hence, people should always learn from making mistake.

“Creativity is a process of having an original idea has a value come through different interaction of different discipline way of seeing things” described by Ken Robbison.

andy.indd 13 2010/12/16 7:47:35 AM

Design can be anything that surrounding by us, it can be a tools, object,

thought, can either be a vegetable or a fruit, which I will explain more in next paragraph.

Everyone has got different interpretation about what design is, and the way that people describe it is always representing the person’s thought, and showing the message they have perceived from the contemporary influences. Contemporary can be defined in many perspective, as politic, economics, environment, government, technology, fashion, design and culture as such.

In this aricle, we are discuss about the influences in respect of creativity integrated with our educational system. From the previous sessions, we have been through a lot different articles and talks, which was involved the importance via our society, everything we see, we learn, we do has all comprised the personal influences by each of individual. Take myself as an example, before I joined this course, I had absolutely different thinking comparing with what I have learned so far, that is my personal influences by the education

system. The university has designed a practical program for student, to enhancing their capability on dealing with different tactical tasks. In my opinion, design management is a program which aim for student to utilize their capability to evaluate, identify, design, and deliver through the project process by multi particle modules, result in that, thought the experience we have gained and inspired, it assisting us to have better capability on facing problem in future perspective. To take an example, while we have been asking to think design as a “fruit” or either a “vegetable”, what would it be?! Again, answers are various from each individual; the main reason is that, people are come from comprehensives background, hence, answer were answered wisely, some people said it could be an onion, design is like the layer, you have to discover or peel them off, then finding out the most appropriate instruction to cut it, otherwise it might makes you cry; the other example are, can be a pomegranate, because once you broke it, you will be able to see the seeds which are connected, like design, somehow must have the interrelationship as a circulation, it linking to each other wisely.



“PLAY GOD”-Fruit, Vegetable, as Contemporary Influences

andy.indd 14 2010/12/16 7:47:45 AM

Final review for Contemporary Inf lunces



First of all, I would like to thank all of lector, who had involving with us through

this semester, time passing by quickly, which I just realized by the time I am writing up the overall review for this module.

To generate overall review and the outcome we have gained through the session we had with Andy, Cray and Paul, it was actually a big surprised by the time I have been taught the component that comprised by those perspective. Since everyone in our class are based from different fields, it might be interesting to review other peoples perception comparing with what I have learned via this semester. The next thing I am going to outline in here is the way that I inspired via those activities.

Go through these multidisciplinary exercises we have done so far, in my opinion, honestly, some of

the tasks were quite tricky while we are doing it, especially, when people are thinking differently, yet, it is always interesting to having a debate among people who came from national wide, typically on design, as I mentioned in previous article, it is a complex scope to determined the level of standard. The overall progress we did in this module, which I concerned as the personal understanding upon on diverse cases that composed the element within our current society, as we are part of the implication, it is important to gained the capability to express ourselves in this open-society. As the world are changing so quickly, we will have to use either design factors or creativity to create something new and something got potential to meet the mainstream for future transition.

andy.indd 15 2010/12/16 7:47:48 AM