Consumer Behaviour

Post on 15-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Consumer Behaviour

Consumer behavior

1. (consumer behavior definition) The dynamic interaction of affect and cognition, behavior, and the environment by which human beings conduct the exchange aspects of their lives. 2. The overt actions of consumers. 3. (consumer behavior definition) The behavior of the consumer or decision maker in the market place of products and services. It often is used to describe the interdisciplinary field of scientific study that attempts to understand and describe such behavior

buyer behavior

This term is often used as an alternative to consumer behavior, but also is used when the purchaser is not the ultimate consumer but rather an industrial buyer, a buying center, or other middleman between the seller and the ultimate user. It is defined by some as the more general term, with consumer behavior and organizational buyer behavior as subsets.


1. (consumer behavior definition) A cognition or cognitive organization about some aspect of the individual's world. Unlike an attitude, a belief is always emotionally or motivationally neutral. Krench and Crutchfield define belief as a generic term that encompasses knowledge, opinion, and faith an enduring organization of perceptions and cognition about some aspect of the individual's world. It is the pattern of the meanings of a thing, the cognition about that thing. 2. (consumer behavior definition) The perceived association between two concepts. A belief is synonymous with knowledge or meaning in that all refer to consumers' interpretations of important concepts.


1. (consumer behavior definition) A person's overall evaluation of a concept; an affective response involving general feelings of liking or favorability. 2. (consumer behavior definition) A cognitive process involving positive or negative valences, feelings, or emotions. An attitude toward an object always involves a stirred-up state--a positive or negative feeling or motivational component. It is an interrelated system of cognition, feelings, and action tendencies.