Constant liberalism breanna nielsen

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Constant liberalism breanna nielsen

Principles of Liberalism that have remained constant over time

Breanna Nielsen

Historical Figures

Liberal Beliefs

Adam Smith • Individual Freedom• Free market/Limited government role in economy• Self interest (benefits society as a whole)• Concept of Invisible Hand

John Mill • individual rights and freedoms includingfreedom of speech• only limitations should be if one’s actions could harm another

Contemporary Figures

Constant Liberal Beliefs

Milton Friedman • Relating to Adam Smith: “The important part is that we in our private lives and they in their governmental lives are all moved by the same incentive: to promote our own self interest.”• Advocate for free market• “…The essence of a free private market is that it is a situation in which everybody deals with one another because he or she believes he or she will be better off.”• Relating to John Mill: “The essence of human freedom as of a free private market, is freedom of people to make their own decisions so long as they do not prevent anybody else from doing the same thing.”

Pierre Trudeau • Relating to Adam Smith and John Mill-Individual Rights and Freedoms: “I think the view we take here is that there’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation, and I think that, you know, what’s done in private between adults doesn’t concern the Criminal Code. When it becomes pubic, this is a different matter.”• Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

• individuals of all nations within Canada given rights and freedoms