Connect the Dots Between Social Media & Sales

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Marketing experts tell you to market your small business via social media, but what's the connection between social media and sales? Kristy Schnabel of It's Virtually Done explains...

Transcript of Connect the Dots Between Social Media & Sales

Social Media:

Connecting the Dots Between Social Media

& Sales

Are You Getting Enough Web Traffic?

Are Customers Running to Buy From You?


Website + Valuable Service = $Sales$

Reality:Why is That Not Working?

You Need 2 Things:

1. Web Traffic2. Exposure

"The top two benefits of SOCIAL MEDIA marketing are increasing exposure and increasing traffic.”

Social Media Examiner Industry Report 2013

"The ROI of Social Media is… Your Business will Still Exist in 5 Years."

Erik Qualman via Mari Smith


But, but, but… WAIT

What’s to connection between Social Media & actual sales?

Let’s Back Up Just a Bit

Email Marketing

Email is still the BEST way for people to :


You, which will lead to sales…

"Email provides you the most direct line of communication for conversion to sales …

which is why the most savvy online marketers have no intention of giving it up any time



So… You Want Email Addresses

You can get email addresses... by creating a valuableFREE OFFER download (via an opt-in form)

Let’s Connect the Dots…

Use Social Media to drive people to your website...

They give you their email address for your fabulous free offer...

Email your LIST amazing content they can use...

They learn to know, like, & trust you...

Then they’ll be eager to purchase your valuable services

…and that leads to…

Summary: Connect the Dots

Use Social Media to drive people to your website free offer, collect email addresses, nurture your list with awesome content via email marketing, and ultimately make a sale.

Lingering Question…

“But I can’t just promote, promote, and promote my Free Offer to get email addresses…

... So what kind of information do I share on Social Media?”


FREE Get Started with Social Media Kit:

Content StrategiesContent Suggestions

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Kristy Schnabel,Social Media StrategistIt’s Virtually Done