Concept of Genre Conventions

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Concept of Genre Conventions

Genre In Music

Music GenresA genre is a form/style of music; there are a wide range of genres used in music videos to help target specific audiences. Common genres include the following: o Popo Hip/Hopo Rap o Rocko R & Bo Reggaeo World & Countryo Folko Jazzo Electronico Soul/Funk

Concept of Genre Conventions In music videos there will be certain conventions that are associated with a specific genre. Although some conventions are universal for music videos these include:o Editingo Camera techniqueso Sound (diegetic/non-diegetic)o The style of videoo Mise-en-scene (costume, lighting and props)o Stereotyping

Promotion of Music through Genre

In order to get the best promotion for music there must be a genre within it; this will allow the audience to identify with the music through the connotations of promotion activity. For example, when an artist/band release a new album, their album cover will have certain conventions within it, that help tell the audience what kind of music and style that artist performs.

Why is Genre Useful to Audiences

Genre is useful for an audience as it enables them to distinguish different styles and types of narrative, allowing them to decide what they favour to listen to and enjoy. Producers are able to benefit from genre as they can see what people saying is the most popular and successful at that present moment in time. Subsequently because of this, the producers can then make more of the successful genre to exploit on profit; as they attract a wider audience, providing a bigger platform for any future music video projects.

Our Project

For our own venture we have made a decision to do the genre type of pop. This form of music is extremely popular, but also common, this provides a plethora of songs that we are able to choose from to use in our music video. Not only that but they are upbeat and exciting to film.