Complete System Shutdown

Post on 25-Sep-2015

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a story that I wrote one weekend

Transcript of Complete System Shutdown

Sight sense loaded. The first thing saw was a young man. He had Blonde hair and green eyes. From what I could tell, he should be at least 5'11" and 195 pounds. he's in his early 20s. Hearing sense loaded. "-can't believe you actually worked! I thought you were never going to!" the young man said. He is my creator. "so um, how are your main senses doing?" he said."My main senses are operating correctly." I said. He smiled and nodded.He said "well, happy birthday Alice, that's what I decided to name you, does it sound okay? I have presents for you over here." his smile got a little bigger as he pointed towards the pile of gifts. I cwalked over to them and examined them. He had 4 of them in a little pile. The gifts were some clothes and a few stuffed animals. "Sorry I couldn't do better, I didn't exactly know what to get." He smiled at me and said "But they're all for you!"I said "Thank you creator."He chuckled and said "You don't have to call me that. You can call me Alex." he smiled again. From what I understood he was "happy". He taught me a lot of things the first few days after that I was born. One day, he started talking, it wasn't exactly talking though.When I asked him about it he said "I'm singing, why don't you try?" I copied what he was doing, and he said "No, a song can't just be an exact copy of what someone else does, the voice has to be unique to the singer." I did as he asked and copied what he did, but it still wasn't right. He thought about it and he said "That's it!" and went back to the lab and worked on something. He never told me what it was. He worked for a few weeks, then he started taking me out to teach me things again. singing came up again, this time it was different. When I copied him like he asked, walked over to me and hugged me. He started to cry and said "I can see myself in your eyes, that same emptiness... I will fix that though." He hugged me for a few minutes then he smiled and said "Well, let's get back to teaching you things."The creator has been busy ever since that day. It's been a few years and he's barely been away from his lab. If I ever ask him about it he says "It's a suprise for you, it's almost done." One day he came to my room asked me "Alice... what do you think about me?"I said "I am not sure what you mean creator."He said "Do you think I'm doing a good job raising you?" I nodded and he smiled, patted my head, and left. I'm still not sure what he meant by that, but maybe one day I'll find out.It's been a few years, my creator has grown old. He still works in his lab every moment that he can, regardless of his age. Today, he came into my room and said "I love you" he had tears in his eyes. He told me that he was going away. I don't know what he meant, but I haven't seen him for a few days.Fifty years passed and I was alone. I wondered what he was working on all his life, so I got the generator and powered his computer. He had many files regarding a "heart" for me. I looked in the files and found that he was almost done with it. The last file was a message to me, it said "Alice, if you ever find this file, my last wish is for you to complete this for me. If you went through the other files, I'm sure my notes will be enough for you to do it. Alex"I followed my creator's last wish and finished this "heart" it was an upgrade to myself, it was odd how it was to be installed. I needed to just place my hand on the monitor. I did so.I felt week the instant I did that. My legs started to shake... I started to cry. The tears wouldn't stop, I couldn't decide what I should do. I went outside, and saw a beauty that I never saw before. I felt such joy, I ran around and watched the butterflies dance around in the air. The pretty flowers were ll around me. I couldn't stop smiling.There is smething behind the tree. It is... my creator's... skeleton. I dropped to my knees, I started to cry. I was screaming, I couldn't stop. I crawled away from it. I was still crying, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop. He... gave me life, and I didn't care when he died. I went back into the house, my stomach hurts. I saw a picture of us. I understand why he made me... he lived by himself all his life. He must have been lonely, I was his only company... and I didn't show him any love.I stared at the picture for a long time, I noticed something in the corner, it was a piece of paper. I took it out of the frame, it said "My Alice's first birthday" it also had a code for his personal files on his computer, it was my name. I read through them, the last entry was to me, it said "Alice, if you ever read this, I love you, you gave my life meaning. You were the best thing to happen to me, I wish I could see you get your heart."It made me cry even more.I told the computer screen "I love you too, Alex"... I wish I could have actually told him that. I want to talk to him again, at least one more time. He taught me so much, and I never showed him how grateful I was. It was getting dark, so I went to sleep, I had a weird dream, I was with Alex again... but something wasn't right. I couldn't tell what it was. When I looked over at hime he was a skeleton... I woke up screaming. I didn't sleep for the rest of the night.I went through his personal files again when I found something out of place.He was talking about someone named Aaron. I decided to investigate further. Ii took me a while to find out what Alex was talking about, but I eventually found out. It was another machine, like me. Alex built him so I could have company after he died.I found out where Aaron was being held, there were more logs. One of them said "Aaron is almost done. He's just missing what Alice is missing." So he is missing a heart too. I found him, he looked a little like Alex, not exactly though. I teared up a little when I saw him. I knew how to make him whole like me.I worked on him for a few months, and I think he's ready to activate. The moment I turned him on his eyes opened. He smiled and said "Alice?" I nodded and he ran over and hugged me.I cried a little, it reminded me of when Alex hugged me. I asked "So, how are you feeling?"He responded with "I feel great, it's nice to meet you finally!" He had such a big smile on his face. It was the first time in a while that I felt happy.We lived together for three-hundred years. His body eventually powered down. He wasn't built to last quite like I was. My heart couldn't take losing someone else. It gave out on me. I was holding his hand, the last thing I heard was "I love you Alice" I died with a smile. Complete system shutdown.