Competency Mapping Brochure

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Transcript of Competency Mapping Brochure

  • 8/8/2019 Competency Mapping Brochure


    TestGrid Suite 14, 25 Claremont Street, South Yarra VIC 3141 Phone. +61 3 9829 7600 Email. Web.

    TestGrid Competency Profiling Services

    Measurement can be the problem

    You were very excited when your organisation introduced a competency profile to describe jobs andkey performances. But using the framework wasnt all plain sailing.

    There are a worrying number of managers whose judgement seems to be unduly influencedeither positively or negatively by performance in a single competency.

    In some divisions, people just wont use any score on the rating scale except the score in themiddle.

    In some divisions, especially those with tight team networks no unfavourable ratings are evergiven.

    Finally, the data was not as reliable or as comparable between departments as you would have liked.

    The introduction of the competency framework was meant to simplify the processes of recruitmentand development, but something more was required.

    Competency Mapping is the Solution

    Competency mapping is the process in which valid and reliable measurement tools are mapped toyour competency framework to provide evidence of the abilities, motivational facets, personality traitsand cultural fit essential to on the job success.

    Many tools can be used as measurement tools including mental abilities tools, scenario based specificcompetency indicators, special aptitudes measures such as mechanical reasoning and personalityprofiles.

    Valid and reliable tools are tools which not only have a performance component which is the same forall participants, but they also report performance against a relevant comparison group. In a classiccompetency mapping process, your high performers would provide the comparison group.

    Competency Mapping - an example

    The Apollo Profile is a valid and reliable measure of work preferences, motivations, values andbehaviours of on the job performance. Its six levels of reporting establish normative benchmarks forcompetent performance in executive management, management, call centre and general workforceroles. Or you can create your own normative benchmark using your own workforce and establishingyour own standards of competent performance.

    By using the Apollo Profile, both the self ratings and the 360 degree ratings are reported relative to aclear standard of competent performance which has already been measured.

    Professor Richard Hicks, and Mr. James Bowden developed the Apollo Profile in 1995/96. Thedevelopers saw the need for a user-friendly tool for use in two contexts:

    to assist professionals and managers in their human resources decisions

    to aid individuals in their personal career decisions.

  • 8/8/2019 Competency Mapping Brochure


    TestGrid Suite 14, 25 Claremont Street, South Yarra VIC 3141 Phone. +61 3 9829 7600 Email. Web.

    The Apollo Profile is the result of studying around 7,000 candidates Appendix 3 Apollo Technical Data . It was released as the New Millennium version in September 2002.

    Experienced HR practitioners will recognise the application of many theories: Jung, Maslow, Hersheyand Blanchard, Kilman, Herzberg, McClelland, Belbin, McGregor, Argyris, and the Five-Factor Modelof Personality (Costa and McCrae 1992). It was designed from the outset to be used internationally.

    The TestGrid competency mapping service ensures that the values, traits, motivations and behavioursmeasured using the Apollo Profile are reported in terms of your own competency framework.TestGrid has already had experience of mapping the Apollo Profile to common competency profilessuch as the Lominger system and to proprietary systems.

    Attachment A sets out the factors reported using the Apollo Profile. You will immediately identifyhow some of the competencies in your own framework relate to some of these factors. Competencymapping is the process of matching Apollo factors with each competency from your framework.

    The Competency Mapping Process

    The process is the same irrespective of the tool or tools being mapped.

    Step One: Purpose and contentYou decide the purpose of competency mapping-recruitment or development. If for recruitment.

    You provide us with your competency framework and the levels of performance expected.

    Step Two: EvidenceYou:

    Designate a group of core managersDesignate a group of core high performers in all relevant levels of performanceManagers and high performers complete the relevant toolsManagers attend a stakeholders interpretation day so that they can understand how theprofiles relate to the competency framework.

    Step Three: MappingTestGrids experts assess

    organisation benchmarks for high performance at the appropriate levels.the correlation of the tools output to your competenciesif the purpose is recruitment, the cutoff scores for screening out participants.

    Step Four: Scoping report developmentOnce the mapping has been accomplished, a report format that meets your needs will be designedand the development work scoped and quoted for. (You can choose to have additional narrativewritten, behavioural interview questions or to link the results into your own development offerings).

    You accept the quote and the specialist work is programmed.

    Step Five: Report DeliveryYou receive the beta version of the report, test with a pilot group, and confirm contents. Final touchesto the report are programmed.

    Dont have a competency framework?

    TestGrid can provide you with a competency framework to describe performance and offer you anumber of measures to assess and report competencies. The TestGrid framework uses 18behaviours and 30 motivators that cover all common work roles at the five levels of performancecommon to most industries.

    For more information contact TestGrid today 03 9829 7600 or via email

  • 8/8/2019 Competency Mapping Brochure
