Company Profile Toba Consulting Services

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Company Profile Toba Consulting Services

PT. TOBA CAHAYA SEMESTA (Toba Consulting Service)

Business Profile

Toba Consulting Services as deep roots in enterprise IT Solution. Our team is well versed and experienced in various technologies including ERP, SCM, HRM, Data Warehouse, OLAP and Performance Monitoring Dashboard. Currently we have three division:

•Taowi ERP •Business Intelligence •Oracle PeopleSoft

It is our commitment to quality and support that distinguish us from the existing service provider. And it is the same value that we believe will bring us to our goal of becoming the best IT Software and Service Company in South East Asia.

Experienced Consultants

Main Developer of TAOWI

Top Contributor in iDempiere ERP Project

Ensure Project Success

Expert in both open source and proprietary technologies

Minimize Customisations

Reduce TimeLines and Costs

Key Differentiators

Key Differentiators

Vision & Mission


Making Open Source Software as the mainstream IT Solution in Indonesia and become the best company to work with the challenging and rewarding jobs.


To innovatively provide the best valued-added solutions in the information, communication and measurement technology at the highest level of customer satisfaction through Open Source.

Toba Consulting Solution Portfolio

Toba Consulting services span almost all of the business functional areas. From simple software for your simple business process until complex business process. Toba Consulting has a product or service to suit your evolving business.

Taowi ERPProduct Development, training, maintenance support

Business Intelligence & AnalyticsPentaho, Microsoft, data warehouse, data integration, data cleansing, olap, data mining, dashboard

PeopleSoftImplementation, Human Capital, Management, Campus Solutions, Training, Development, Maintenance Support

Cloud Product & ServicesOffice 365, MS Azure, SaaS

Taowi ERP

Taowi is a professional version of iDempiere customized for Indonesia. Taowi developed on our Vision of an ERP System that easy to use, easy to configure, and is able to meet the needs of the industry. We make the user experience better, remove features that are not used to reduce the complexity of the application, fix various defects program, and we build features that are lacking to complete the functional Taowi as ERP best choice.

Taowi will be a quick solution to improve the business and will improve the efficiency of the organization performance.

Taowi Core Modules

Business Intelligence & Analytics

For making better decisions in your business by analyzing information. Usually that takes the form of a database or other software that pulls together facts and figures from various parts of your business and produces charts, reports and other insights.

You can use business intelligence solutions to analyze any aspect of your company. You could monitor the effectiveness of your sales efforts, for example, or the efficiency of your factory operations, the performance of different staff members, and much more.


GLOBALIZATIONOrganizational Structure

Planning • Man Power Planning • Budget Planning Recruiting

• Screening & Filtering Candidate • Manage Interview

Performance • Cascading Goals and

Objectives • Key Performance


Learning • Learning Objectives • History Learning • Feedback

Career Development • Career Path • Career Goal

Succession Planning • Talent Pool • 9 Box Review

Compensation • Various

Compensation Type • Bonus • Allowance

Measure & Report • Talent Management

Dashboard • Manager Dashboard • XML Publisher

Organization must be prepared to managed talent globally. PeopleSoft can help for this challenges.

-- Our Client --