Communityyp gy ophthalmology · Communityyp gy ophthalmology ตตวอยางัวอย...

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Transcript of Communityyp gy ophthalmology · Communityyp gy ophthalmology ตตวอยางัวอย...

Community ophthalmology y p gy

P bli H lth O hth l lPublic Health Ophthalmology

P ti f Bli dPrevention of Blindness

P i Primary eye care

Community eye care

Community ophthalmology y p gy

5 questions of blindness

1. What is blindness? DEFINITION

2. How many are blind? MAGNITUDE

3. Why are people blind? ETIOLOGY

4. Why the number increase? TRENDS

5 What can we do ? CONTROL 5. What can we do ? CONTROL

Community ophthalmology y p gy

WHO. Classification of visual impairment

Snellen Visual Acuity

Normal 6/6 to 6/18

Visual impairment < 6/18 to 6/60

Severe Visual impairment < 6/60 to 3/60

Blind < 3/60 to N L PBlind < 3/60 to N.L.P.

Community ophthalmology y p gy

พรบ. ฟนฟสมรรถภาพคนพการลกษณะความพการ ระดบท สายตา ลานสายตา

( ) ๖/ ๘ ๖/๖ สายตาเลอนลาง (VA) ๑ ๖/๑๘ ถง ๖/๖๐ < ๓๐ ถง ๑๐ องศา

สายตาพการ (VF) ๒ < ๖/๖๐ ถง ๓/๖๐( )

ตาบอดขนท๑ ๓ < ๓/๖๐ ถง ๑/๖๐ < ๑๐ ถง ๕ องศา

ตาบอดขนท๒ ๔ < ๑/๖๐ ถง PL < ๕ องศา

ตาบอดขนท๓ ๕ N L Pตาบอดขนท๓ ๕ N.L.P.

Community ophthalmology y p gy

ตวอยาง ตวอยาง

๑) ผปวย ตอกระจกทง๒ขาง สายตามองเหนแคนบนว ทง๒ขาง)

๒) ผปวยตอหนทง๒ขาง มองเหนเฉพาะตรงกลาง VA 20/20 ทง๒


ป ไ ๓) ผปวยอบตเหตรถยนต หลงผาตดแลว ตาขวามองไมเหน ตา


๔) เดกตาขนมวมาตงแตเกด มองไมเหนตวหนงสอเลย

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Prevention of BlindnessPrevention of Blindness

situation 50 m Blind in 2000 worldwide

1-2% in the third world

0.31% in Thailand

estimation 180,000

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Magnitude of Global Blindness






30 million



1975 1984 1990 1995 2000 2020

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Distribution of total global blindnessg


rest of Asia




Community ophthalmology y p gyWorldwide blindness

d good poorBlindness rate 0.1 - 0.4 % 0.5 -1.5 %Major causes AMD. Cataract

Glaucoma GlaucomaGlaucoma GlaucomaDR. Trachoma/scar

C it l di O h i iCongenital disease OnchocerciasisHereditary disease Vit. A deficiency

Location Posterior segment Anterior segment% Avoidable 20% 80%% Avoidable 20% 80%Etiology poorly understand usually well known

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Cause of Blindness

developing country preventable/undertreatment

partial developed (0.4-0.65%)

developed complicated/untreatable

Community ophthalmology y p gyCause of worldwide blindness, year 2000

disease blind (million) % trend disease blind (million) % trend# Cataract 25 50 # Glaucoma 8 16# Glaucoma 8 16# DR. 3 6# AMD. 2 4# Corneal scar/Trachoma ? 5 10

Vit. A deficiency ? 0.5 1Onchocerciasis ? 0.5 1Leprosy ? 0.5 1 Refractive error 2 4 Refractive error 2 4 Childhood blindness 1 2Trauma 1 2Trauma 1 2Other 1.5 3

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Cause of Blindness in Thailand (1994)( )

Cataract 74.65% Corneal opacity 4.93%

Glaucoma 3.52% Globe disorder 3.52%

Macular degeneration 2.82%

Vascular retinopathy 2.11%

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Blindness Survey

Prevalence of Blindness

Most common

Prevalence of cataractSurvey Blindness common


1st Survey(1983)

1.14% Cataract 47%(1983)

2nd Survey(1987)

0.58% Cataract 73%(1987)

3rd Survey(1994)

0.31% Cataract 74%(1994)

4th Survey(2006)

0.59%(LV = 1 57%)

Cataract 52%(2006) (LV = 1.57%)

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Visual impairment

Weighted Prevalence

Estimated total Visual impairment

(%) numbers

Low Vision one eye 2 18% 1 369 362Low Vision one eye 2.18% 1,369,362

Low Vision both eyes 1.57% 987,993

Blindness one eye 1 59% 996 040Blindness one eye 1.59% 996,040

Blindness both eyes 0.59% 369,013

Bli d l i i Blindness one eye, low vision one eye 0.39% 242,562

Total 6.32% 3,964,9706.32% 3,964,970

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Cause of Visual Impairment (Blind both Eye)

Di b ti ti thDiabetic retinopathy 2%

Optic atrophy 4%

Age-related macular degeneration

Cataract 52%

degeneration 7%

Glaucoma Refractive errors, Glaucoma 10% uncorrected aphakia


Community ophthalmology y p gy

Cause of Visual Impairment (Low vision both eyes)p ( y )

Significant pterygium 3%

Diabetic retinopathy 5%

Age-related macular degeneration




Glaucoma 10%

Cataract 57%

Refractive errors, uncorrected aphakia


Community ophthalmology y p gyIncreasing number of blindness

increase in population

increase in life expectancyp yinadequate eye care service

age year2000 future % increase0-4 years 900 900 00 4 years 900 900 05-19 years 1300 1300 020-64 years 3400 5000 50>64 years 400 800 100ytotal 6000 8000 33

Community ophthalmology y p gy









0.8 110



0-14 15-44 45-59 60+

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Primary preventionIncidence 6 million /years

Secondary preventionPrevalence

Secondary prevention

50 million


Sight restoration MortalitySight restoration

1 million / year


4 million / yearIncrease of1 million/year

Community ophthalmology Healthy y p gy

Birth controlHealth



general populationBirth control



Chronic illness


Increase life expectancy

Medical care deathIncrease quality of life

More education


More wants

More etc. HandicapRehabilitation

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Primary prevention

Promotion of Community Immune

Environmental Health

Health Management

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Secondary preventionSecondary prevention

screening criteriascreening criteria

morbidity/mortality prevalence natural Hxy y p

effective Rx benefit of early Rx appropriate test

Community ophthalmology y p gyStrategy approach to control of blindness

primary prevention prevent from occuringp y p p gVitamin A deficiency good nutritionTrachoma good water & sanitationTrachoma good water & sanitationRubella & Measles immunization

secondary prevention prevent loss of vision from diseasesecondary prevention prevent loss of vision from diseaseCataract surgery when vision is decreaseGlaucoma sight prevention; surgical/medicalDiabetic retinopathy sight preserving LASER treatment

tertiary prevention restore vision to a blind personCataract sight restoration in bilateral blinding cataractCorneal scar keratoplastyLow vision service visual rehabilitation

Community ophthalmology y p gy

4 groups of blindness community control programsg p y p g 1. Priority&majority highly cost- effective intervention

Cataract & significant refractive error (50-67%)Cataract & significant refractive error (50 67%)2. Focal blinding disease cost-effective, prevention&treatment

Trachoma, Vitamin A deficiency etc (10-15%) Trachoma, Vitamin A deficiency etc (10 15%) Primary health care & community eye worker training

3. Complicated disease effective early treatment (by specialist)3. Complicated disease effective early treatment (by specialist)Glaucoma, Diabetic retinopathy etc (20%)community screening program & referral systemcommunity screening program & referral system

4. Blinding disease no effective prevention&treatmentaged related macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosaaged e ated acu a dege e at o , et t s p g e tosa

congenital ocular abnormalities

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Blinding eye diseases






Occur everywhereaffect individual

Focal diseaseaffect communityaffect individual

affect mainly adultrequires surgery

affect communitystart in children

requires medicinerequires surgeryneed an eye doctor

equ es ed c edoes not requires an eye doctor


Community ophthalmology Primary eye care in the communityScreening

Simple Medication y p gy

P i h it l Health voluntierScreening

Simple Medication

Primary care hospital

Midlevel health personel

Health voluntierScreening

Simple Medication

& treatment

Case refer Academic support

Midl l h lth Seconary care hospital

OphthalmologistSimple Surgery


Midlevel health


Case refer Academic support


Tertiary care hospital


Complicated Surgery

ResearchSubspecialty Ophthamologist Resident Research

Policy setting

Community ophthalmology Comprehensive Eye Carey p gyComprehensive Eye Care

Provincial Hospital Planning &Provincial Hospital Eye Unit

Planning &

Management Curative Services

Community Hospital

P i C U iPrimary Care Unit

Community Prevention & Promotion

Dec 08 Phnom Penh 17

Community ophthalmology y p gy1998 ประชากร จกษแพทย อตราสวน

กทม./ปรมณฑล 8,619,340 290 29,722

ภาคกลาง 8 928 252 82 108 882ภาคกลาง 8,928,252 82 108,882

ภาคตะวนออก 4,180,837 34 122,966

ใ ภาคใต 8,696,590 49 177,481

ภาคเหนอ 10,048,976 53 189,603ภาคเหนอ 10,048,976 53 189,603

ภาคอสาน 21,404,751 60 356,746

Community ophthalmology Distribution of ophthamologist in Thailandy p gySurvey in 2007 63m population 803 ophthalmologist

area ophthalmologist ratio

gov pri total

Bangkok 244 129 373 1:15171

Central 93 18 111 1:101691

Eastern 42 9 51 1:73230Eastern 42 9 51 1:73230

Southern 66 12 78 1:98124

Northern 70 9 79 1:136781

Northeastern 91 10 101 1:211169

Total 606 187 793 1:78711

Community ophthalmology y p gyBlind person years, four major condition

diti ti t d N d ti bli d condition estimated No ave. duration blind person yearscataract 25 x 5 = 125 1glaucoma 8 x 8 = 64 3DR 3 x 5 = 15 4child blindness 1.5 x 50 = 75 2














cataract glaucoma DR child blindness0


cataract glaucoma DR child blindness

Community ophthalmology y p gy6 step of problem solving paradigm

1. Define the problem

2 Measure the magnitude2. Measure the magnitude

3. Define the key determinationy

4. Decision of intervention

5. Set policy

6. Implement/evaluation

Community ophthalmology y p gyKey determination

Biological factor

genetic, age, microbiology, diseasegenetic, age, microbiology, disease


knowledge, fear, life style


geographic, manpower, barrier

Community ophthalmology y p gyHealth system evaluation


Quality Quality


Social acceptance


Important things are not visible to the eye.p g y

By a Fox (in “Little Prince”)

All the lonely people, y p p ,where do they come from?

All the lonely people, where do they belong?where do they belong?

“Eleanor Rigby”

( I can ) change the world( I can ) change the world.

E. Clapton

Community ophthalmology y p gyproblem solving paradigm for blinding cataract

1. Define the problem What is blinding cataract?

2. Measure the magnitude How many blinding catract 2. Measure the magnitude How many blinding catract are there in Thailand?

3. Define the key determination What is the risk?

4. Decision of intervention What will we do?

5. Set policy How will we support it?

6. Implement/evaluation How does it work?

Community ophthalmology y p gyBlinding cataract


Blinding 10/200 g

Cataract lens opacity must R/O other cause of blindness


prevalence (backlock)


Community ophthalmology y p gyKey determination for cataract

Biological factor

age, disease(DM), trauma, congenitalage, disease(DM), trauma, congenital


knowledge, attitude, life style, socioeconomic


geographic, manpower, barrier, health system

Community ophthalmology y p gyCataract Decision of intervention

Screening of casesScreening of cases

community base/hospital base

health voluntier/health personel

R f l Referal system

routine/fast tract


satelite hospital/provincial hospital



Community ophthalmology y p gyCataract Decision of intervention

Education Education

mass media


i i ltraining personel

Follow up

Ophthalmologist requirement ?

Community ophthalmology y p gyStrategies for finding the cataract blind

1. Wait for patients

Surgical camp2. Surgical camp in community

Screening clinic3. Screening clinic in community

4 S d i l t llit h it l Satellite hospital

4. Secondary surgical satellite hospital

Community based referral

5. CBR case detection in community

Community ophthalmology y p gyCataract policy setting

Target settingTarget settingwaiting timeblinding cataract operation rateblinding cataract operation rate

Supportdoctor fee per case private/governmentequipmentIOLmanpower Ophthalmologist, nurse, personel, etc.p p g , , p ,complication managementspecial supporting group ?special supporting group ?

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Cataract program implement & evaluationRegistration/report

waiting timeblinding cataract operation rateregister of blindnessg

Quality assurancegood health care systemgood health care systemaudit

O h ffOther effectother health care systempersonel

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Ophthalmic screening (general)p g (g )

asymtomatic early/late damageasymtomatic early/late damage

central/peripheral visioncentral/peripheral vision


l o w / h i g h r i s k a g el o w / h i g h r i s k a g e

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Ophthalmic screening (special purpose)p g ( p p p )

student human rightstudent human right

driver/pilot safetydriver/pilot safety

worker efficiencyworker efficiency


Community ophthalmology y p gy

Normal visual developmentintermittent fixation at birth

nearby face fixation 2-3 month

smooth follow near movement 3 month

full accomodation 3-4 month

onset of stereopsis 3-5 month

well distant fixation 6 month

subjective VA test 3 year

adult-type VA test 5-6 year

Community ophthalmology y p gy

VA for 6 month children

C enteringg

S teadyS teady

M aintainM aintain

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

High risk children High risk adultg g

prematurity RD, severe ocular trauma prematurity RD, severe ocular trauma

family Hx family Hxfamily Hx family Hx

intrauterine infection one eye, age > 65intrauterine infection one eye, age > 65

systemic disease systemic diseasesystemic disease systemic disease

Community ophthalmology y p gy

มค ๒๕๔๗ มการตดเชอตาแดงในneonatal

ward ทานจะทาอยางไร

Community ophthalmology y p gy

๒๕๓๓ หยอด formalin ลงในตาเดกแรกเกด

๒๕๔๘ หยอด silver nitrate แลวมsevere ๒๕๔๘ หยอด silver nitrate แลวมsevere

reaction & corneal scar

How do we do to solve this problem?p

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Ophthalmia Neonatorum

cause GC / Chlamydia /Chemical / Herpes simplex

prophylacis 1% Silver nitrate (solution)

1% Tetracyclin / 0.5% Erythromycin (ointment)

Providone iodine (solution)Providone iodine (solution)

ceftriaxone 125mg Erythromycin base 50mg/kg/day x14 day

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Amblyopiay p

refractive error / strabismus /other refractive error / strabismus /other

1-4 % in population occlusion therapy

preschool age 4-6 year

visual screening VA / stereopsis

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Amblyopic treatment

Community ophthalmology y p gy


Vitamin A deficiency

dry eye /corneal perforation Measle

nutrition breast feeding immunization

vitamin A supplement ? regular/ periodic

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Keratomalacia bitot’s spotKeratomalacia bitot s spot

Community ophthalmology y p gy


chlamydial infection

poor environment/water supply

superimpose bacterial infection flies

i i i i / i / lid ulcer trichiasis / entropian corneal ulcer/ scar

Community ophthalmology y p gy


Rx ineffective, long course, complication, cost

topical tetracyclin / erythromycin bid x 5d/m x 6 month

aim severity population control

surgical correction of entropian

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Retinopathy of Prematurityp y y

prematurity / oxygen therapy

vasoconstriction neovascularization traction RD

retrolental fibroplasia

high risk grouphigh risk group

BW < 1500 gm GA < 32 week oxygen Rx > 4 hour

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Retinopathy of Prematurity

dilated fundus examination as soon as possible

Threshold ROP stage 3 plus >3 hour cont. / 8 hour sum.

Cryotherapy / laser treatment retinal surgery

follow up look for high myopic astigmatism glaucomafollow up look for high myopic astigmatism, glaucoma

amblyopic treatmentamblyopic treatment

Community ophthalmology y p gy


1 2

3 4 3 4

Community ophthalmology y p gy


Community ophthalmology y p gy

Glaucoma ocular hypertension

increase IOP normal tension glaucoma

optic nerve damage physiologic large cupping

visual field defect


Community ophthalmology y p gy


Screening testScreening test

IOP Schiotz / applanation tonometry

optic nerve cupping non - stereopsis / stereopsis

visual field confrontation / Goldman perimetry / CTVF

Community ophthalmology y p gy


High risk group

> 40 year old DM, thyroid

HT IHD hi h iHT, IHD high myopia

family history of POAG y s o y o O G

angle recess glaucoma steroid induced glaucoma

Community ophthalmology y p gy


Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Goldman ‘s perimetry

Community ophthalmology y p gy


Community ophthalmology y p gy

Retinal vascular diseaseRetinal vascular disease

Diabetic retinopathy Diabetic retinopathy

DM type1 5year after Dx

DM type2 at time of Dx

annually dilated fundus examination till Dx of DR

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Diabetic retinopathy

lif ti / lif tinon - proliferative / proliferative

clinical significant macular edema ( CSME ) ?clinical significant macular edema ( CSME ) ?

LASER Rx PMP PRP vitrectomyy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy


Community ophthalmology y p gy

Aged macular degenerationAged macular degeneration

central scotoma blur vision metamorphopsiacentral scotoma blur vision metamorphopsia

non - exudative / exudative

screening test Amsler’s grid nutritional support?

LASER Rx stop smoking

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Ocular trauma

workplace recreation/sport home transportation

protective device environment law individual

screening test

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Disorder change in anatomy/physiology of an organ systemorgan system

Impairment functional change in organ system

Disability skill / ability of the individual

Handicap the societal/economic consequence of a disabilitydisability

Community ophthalmology y p gy

• the organ the person

disorder impairment disability handicapanatomical change functional change skill /ability social /economico c c ge u c o c ge s / b y soc /eco o c

inflammation visual acuity reading extraeffort

atrophy visaul field daily living dependence

scar color vision mobility

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Disorder Impairment Disability Handicap


Visual aidsadapted equipment

Social interventiontrainingintervention adapted equipment training


Community ophthalmology y p gy

Visual rehabilitation

medical visual aid orientation/mobility trainingy g

educational blind/low vision special schoolp

social behavior, recreation, sex etc , ,

occupational p

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Visual field orientation / mobilityVisual field orientation / mobility

51-70 degree normal 31-50 degree normal, use more scanning 11-30 degree near-normal, constant scanning 11 30 degree near normal, constant scanning

6 -10 degree slower, require scanning & cane3 - 5 degree use cane for detection ,vision for

identification less unreliable, use blind mobility skill NLP no visual orientation NLP no visual orientation

Community ophthalmology y p gymobility training

t li i i 3/200 ith 50 d VFtraveling vision 3/200 with > 50 degree VF< 20 degree VF orientation problem < 20 degree VF orientation problem

1) sight guide2) long cane3) dog guide4) electronic mobility device4) electronic mobility device

Community ophthalmology y p gyการนาทางคนตาบอด

๑) ผนาทาง หบแขนขางลาตว งอขอศอกเลกนอย๒) ผตาม ใชมอจบทเหนอขอศอก หางผนา๑/๒กาว๒) ผตาม ใชมอจบทเหนอขอศอก หางผนา๑/๒กาว๓) ผนาทาง เดนพอใหผตาม สามารถเดนตามทนได ๔) ผนาทาง ขยบขอศอกไปดานหลง เพอเปนสญญาณวา ทางแคบลง มปร ต วา ทางแคบลง มประต

๕) ผนาทาง คอยบอกวามสงสงเกตทสาคญ อยทใด๕) ผนาทาง คอยบอกวามสงสงเกตทสาคญ อยทใด๖) เมอจะปลอยใหผตามอยตามลาพง ควรไวทตดเกาอหรอ กาแพง

Community ophthalmology y p gy


long cane foot to 1 1/2 inch above sternum bottomcontact feed back scanningno forewarning of overhead obstaclesno forewarning of overhead obstacleswhite cane sign of visual impairmentg p

Community ophthalmology y p gy

dog guide

extensive training maturity & intelligence 18 60 d h lth d h i d age 18 -60, good health, good hearing and no

residual visionGerman shepherd, Golden/Labrador retriever and Boxer

F l d f d Female dogs are preferred.

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Low vision care

1) diagnosis2) di l & i l t t t2) medical & surgical treatment3) analysis of visual function3) ys s o v su u c o4) problem discussion 5) low vision examination6) h i l 6) psychosocial assessment7) provision of a range of equipment7) provision of a range of equipment

Community ophthalmology y p gylow vision care

8) d ti & i t ti f ti l d i8) recommendation & instruction of optical device9) prescription9) prescription10) dispensing11) patient education12) vision & other rehabilitation service13) access to available funding sources13) access to available funding sources14) continuing eye care15) training & continuous education

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Range of VA reading ability general ability

20/12 - 20/25 normal normal c reserve

20/30 - 20/60 shorter distance normal s reserve

20/80 - 20/160 near - normal near normal require aids 20/80 - 20/160 near - normal near normal require aids

20/200 -20/400 slower than normal slower than normal

20/500 -20/1000 limited reading some task c aids

20/1250 20/2500 li bl f k b i20/1250 -20/2500 unreliable few task, use substitute

NLP not possible no task p

Community ophthalmology y p gy

adaptive low vision device

1) relative size device) i /i i i 2) light/illumination control

3) posture/positioning device3) posture/positioning device4) writing /communication device5) medical assistive device6) mobility assistive device7) sensory substitution device7) sensory substitution device

Community ophthalmology y p gysensory substitution device

A dit b tit tAuditory substitutetalking book/device, computer program etc.talking book/device, computer program etc.

Tactile substituteBraille, Nonbraille

Vision substituteneural prosthesisneural prosthesis

Community ophthalmology y p gyBraille

6 raised dot 3 high / 2 wide6 raised dot 3 high / 2 widegrade 1 letterggrade 2 contraction/abbreviated word grade 3 personal note taking

b tt l i i hildbetter learning in children100 word/ min but talking book 175 word/min100 word/ min but talking book 175 word/min

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Optical aids

Hand-held magnifiers Stand magnifiersIll i t d ifi R di lIlluminated magnifiers Reading glassesLoupes and visors Reading telescopes oupes d v so s e d g e escopes Telescopes Video magnifiersPrisms Reverse telescopes

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Hand - held magnifiers

inexpensive / familiar / easy to use

normal working distance

i imust be held steadily at an exact distance

limited viewing field make slow readinglimited viewing field make slow reading

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Stand magnifiers

stand hold the lens steadily at fixed / proper distance

i i i fuse with reading glasses to obtain best focusotherwise same as Hand - held magnifiers otherwise same as Hand held magnifiers

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Illuminated magnifiers

build in lighti S ifieither Hand - held or Stand magnifiers

AC / batteries / rechargeable batteriesAC / batteries / rechargeable batteriesincandescent, halogen, or fluorescent

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Reading glasses

leave the hands free i fi f iwidest field of view

very close working distancevery close working distancetraining program

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Loupes & Visors

small field of viewsmall field of viewheadgear cumbersome gusually inexpensive can be flipped in or flipped out

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Reading telescopedifficult to use high magnification but constrict field /shallow depth of fieldhigh magnification but constrict field /shallow depth of field

arm’s length working distance mounted in lower part of a pair of glasses bioptic telescope mounted in middle part of a pair of glasses easier to usemultifocal turning end / reading capmultifocal turning end / reading cap

Community ophthalmology y p gy


the only visual aids for distance visionl / bi lmonocular / binocular

Galilean (distance) / Keplerian ( closer)G e (d s ce) / ep e ( c ose )small field of view / must be held very steadilymagnification >8X are not routinely recommended

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Monocular telescopeMonocular telescope

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Video magnifiersg

small video camera with a zoom closed-up lens connected with a monitor

make the image as large as necessarymake the image as large as necessaryreverse polarity may be more contrast


Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Aids for visual field loss

Prismsexpand VF awareness in loss side vision

f i / di i ti d t i iconfusing / disorienting, need trainingReverse telescopesReverse telescopes

smaller magnification but larger field

Community ophthalmology y p gyRelative size devices

Large printsharp edgesharp edgeat least 2.7 mm. height letter 18 point typeg p yphigh contrast & good opaque paper

Large print typewriters & computer

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Lighting & illumination controlSunlight natural but control problemFluorescent lower contrast but fewer shadow coolerFluorescent lower contrast, but fewer shadow, coolerIncandescent more contrast, more shadow, less scatter

Neodymium sunlight improve reading performanceHalogen UV may be phototoxic, should be caution

Rheostat use to control light sourceRheostat use to control light source

Community ophthalmology y p gy


control glarel t l l di t ticolor neutral gray no color distortion

green very little effect on color perceptiong y p pyellow increase contrast by absorbing scattering

blue light

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Occupational healthhealth assessment

) & 1) pre & post employment exam2) exam for hazard exposure2) exam for hazard exposure3) treatment as family doctor4) emergency treatment at workplace

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Occupational health

Advisory service1) prevention of occupational disease1) prevention of occupational disease2) forensic medicine3) di l t f k / i t3) medical aspect of work process / environment4) prevention of common non-occupational disease5) t i i fi t id5) training first aid6) plan for major disaster

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Eye protection program

1) environment survey

2) vision screening

3) implementation of the program

4) maintenance of the program

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Environment surveychemical

identify occupational hazardchemical


control hazard biological


emergency first aid deviceemergency first aid device

accident recordaccident record

Community ophthalmology y p gy

advantage of vision screening in industry1) l i f l i bl1) selection of personnel suitable2) identify visual disable transfer/rehabilitation3) improve relationship4) improve visual efficiency increase productivity4) improve visual efficiency increase productivity

reduce accidentreduce visual fatiguing

5) appropriate compensatory claim5) appropriate compensatory claim

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Implementation of the program 1) elimination / control of ocular hazard

2) provision of eye protectors) p y p3) hazard zoning with warning sign4) first aid facility4) first aid facility5) lens cleaning station6) safety committee6) safety committee7) education /training

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Prevention & control strategy

1) specification 2) substitution

3) segregation 4) local extract ventilation

) )5) dilution ventilation 6) personal hygiene

7) reduce time exposure 8) personal protection7) reduce time exposure 8) personal protection

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Safety sign

type prohibition mandatory warning safe condition

meaning STOP MUST CAUTION way to gomeaning STOP MUST CAUTION way to go


Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy

Community ophthalmology y p gy