Communication skills (protected)

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Communication skills (protected)

Communication Skills

Introduction Communication (from Latin commūnicāre,

meaning "to share") is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or more living creatures.

Communication is “any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that person's needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states.

Communication Cycle

Essentials of effective communication

A common communication environment Cooperation between the sender and the receiver Selection of an appropriate channel Correct encoding and decoding of the message Receipt of the desired response and feedback

Barriers to communication

Barriers to communication

A barrier acts like a sieve, allowing only a part of the message to filter through; as a result, the desired response is not achieved. To communication smoothly and effectively in an organization, irrespective of your position, you need to know how the barriers operate, why they cause misunderstandings and how to mitigate their negative impact.

Classification of barriers

Even with the best intentions, communication barriers crop up and our written and spoken messages are misunderstood. These barriers are classified at three levels according to the process of conversation:

Intrapersonal Interpersonal Organizational


Each of us interpret the same information in different ways as our thinking varies. Certain causes that are responsible for these intrapersonal barriers are:

Wrong assumptions Varied perceptions Differing background Wrong inferences Impervious categories Categorical thinking

Wrong assumptions

Wrong assumptions are generally made when the sender or receiver does not have adequate knowledge about each other’s background or entertains certain false notations, which are fixed in their mind.

For example(see the image):

Take medicine only SOS

Varied Perceptions Individuals in an organization

perceive situations in different ways.

If you are biased tone of your close friends, you may perceive your friends arguments as correct and may not be able to appreciate his opponents point of view.

To overcome this take a step back and take a wider perspective of the issue.

Differing backgrounds Our background plays a significant

role in how we intercept the message. At times, something not experienced by you earlier will be difficult to intercept or appreciate.

To enhance your communication skills, it is necessary to know the background of your audience.

Empathy or identification with another person is the solution to this barrier.

To sum up, good communicators should:

Be non-judgmental Be empathetic Not assume anything Stick to the subject Listen and above all paraphrase


Interpersonal barriers occur due to the inappropriate transaction of words between two or more people.

The most common reasons for interpersonal barriers are: Limited vocabulary Incongruity of verbal and nonverbal messages Emotional outbursts Communication selectivity Cultural variations Poor listening skills Noise in the channel

Limited vocabulary

An adequate vocabulary can be a major hindrance in communication.

At times your pen falters, or your tongue fumbles as you search for the exact word or phrase

During your speech, if you are at a loss for words, your communication will be very ineffective, and you will leave a poor impression on the audience.

Therefore, one should make constant efforts to increase one’s vocabulary.

Incongruity of verbal and non verbal messages

Generalizations, based on assumptions about physical appearance or dress can also lead to serve communication barriers.

Physical appearance often serves as one of the most important non-verbal cues. First impressions regarding people are made on the basis of physical appearance.

Poor listening skills Listening and hearing is not the

same. The various distractions that hinder

listening can be emotional disturbances, indifference, aggressiveness, and wandering attention.

This can be avoided by paying proper attention through nonverbal responses.

Do not jump to conclusions hastily, but maintain your composure and allow the speaker to finish before interpreting his message.

Noise in the channel

Noise is any unwanted signal which acts as a hindrance in the flow of communication.

It is not necessarily limited to cacophony, but can also occur in visual, audio-visual, written, physical, or psychological forms.


Organizational Barriers Irrespective of size, all organizations have communication policies

which describe the protocol that usually causes communication barriers.

In organizations with many communication levels, messages have a greater chance of being distorted. This occurs due to poor listening, lack of concentration or a persons tendency to leave out part of the message.

The main organizational barriers are enumerated below:

• Too many transfer stations

• Fear of the superiors

• Negative tendencies

• Use of inappropriate media

• Information overload

Too Many Transfer Stations & Fear Of Superiors

Messages gets distorted in huge organizations, with several layers of communication channels bcoz of poor listening or lack of concentration and several other reasons.

Transfer stations do serve a purpose, but having too many of them is counter productive.

In rigidly structured organizations, fear of the superiors prevents subordinates from speaking frankly.

To avoid speaking directly to their boss, some employees may either shun all communication with their superiors.

Use Of Inappropriate Media & Information Overload

Usually a mix of media is the best for effective communication.

The telephone for instance would not be an ideal medium for conveying confidential information. Such messages are best conveyed in person or by speed post.

One of the major problems faced by organizations is the huge amount of information which the receiver is unable to handle efficiently. This is known as information overload.

Tips for effective communication Create an open communication environment Always keep the receiver in mind Avoid having too many transfer stations Do not communicate when you are

emotionally disturbed Be aware of changes Analyze the feedback