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COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES California State University, Long Beach Health Care Administration Program

HCA 481 Internship & Careers in Health Care Administration

Fall 2017

Instructor: Cindy Gotz, DHSc, MPH, CHES Office: HCA Office Office Hours: On class meeting days W 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. or by appointment E-mail: Phone: 562-400-4849 (texting is ok) *emails, texts, and phone messages will be returned within 48 business hours

Class Number: 6273 (section 03) Class Meets Tuesdays per schedule below: 7:00 – 9:45 pm, in LA5-151 Additional Contact Information: HCA Program Administrative Coordinator: Deby McGill, Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886

Catalog Description

Prerequisite: HCA 480 A minimum of 120 hours of structured work experience in a health care organization, under the direct supervision of a preceptor-employee. Career development planning, job search and networking. Letter grade only (A-F).

Placement Site: This course anticipates you are continuing with the placement you began in the HCA 480 course. Please contact the instructor before the first day of class if you will be changing your placement.

Learning Objectives, Domain and Competency Table Learning Objective Domain

Competency Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or

Assessment (A3)

Provide on-the-job training and exposure to health care management activities

5A General business skills and management

Site specific on the job activities (A1), Defined in Learning Agreement (A2), Monthly progress report (A3).

Assist the organization to accomplish a defined task or project

3C Contributions to the Community (organization) and Profession

Site specific on the job activities (A1), Defined in Learning Agreement (A2), Monthly progress report (A3).

Produce a report or other material demonstrating the student’s research, analytical and writing abilities.

3A,1B, (2D,4A-D,5B-H, possible, site dependent.)

Personal and Professional Accountability Communication

E-portfolio (A1,2,3) PROCESS Report (A2)

Facilitate the course members to transition from student to professional life.

3A 3B

Personal and Professional Accountability Professional Development & Lifelong learning

ICE's, workshops, prof. development events (A1), required attendance, career development and job search plans, elevator spch. (A2), Reflections sheets, evaluation of plans (A3). Mentorship meetings & Reports


Class Schedule

**Guest speakers and topics subject to change based on availability** Week # - Date

Lecture Topic Activities & Assignments

1 Aug. 30 Course introduction & expectations Lessons Learned from 480 (see Beachboard for questions and bring with you to class)

Sharing Lessons, Learning and Reflections From 480 ICE1: Lessons Learned from 480

2 Sept. 6 Developing your professional image/message Networking Creating an effective introduction Crafting a professional Linked-in profile Using Linked-In as a networking & job search tool

Hook, Line, Sinker - Networking 2.0 Workshop ICE 2: Networking worksheet & Crafting introduction, Connections/Healthy Handshake

3. Sept. 13 Transferable Skills Workshop Guest: TBD Class meets at the Career Development Center Bring printed copy of your resume Update resume w/transferrable skills & trade with peer

Transferable Skills Workshop with ICE 3: Guest speaker reflection & Transferable skills Worksheet Updated Resume due: 9/27

4 Sept. 27 The professional interview, research, preparation, and delivery. Strategic Job Search and Acquisition Bring 5 interview questions, job description and resume. 1:1 resume review for resume book

Group Interview Prep - exercise and role play ICE 4: Interview prep & role play Learning Agreement B Due: 10/11 Monthly report #1 – due 10/4 (covers 8/28-9/30.)

5 Oct. 11 Negotiating your salary Internship sharing – answer questions on BeachBoard and be prepared to share in class, (must be typed).

ICE 5: Internship Sharing Interview a health care professional - Learning and Reflection Report –Due: 10/25 Optional: Resume book due TBD

6 Oct. 25 Guest Speaker: TBD Topic: Career options in health care HCA Professional Interview sharing

ICE 6: Guest speaker reflection & HCP Interview sharing Monthly Report #2 Due: 11/8 (covers Oct.) Business Cards Due: 11/15

7 Nov. 15 Guest Speaker : TBD Health Care Professional Topic: Preparing for the job search Discuss: How to leave a job Discuss Articles: Decoding Leadership: What Really Matters? And Leadership Characteristics for Health Care Managers

ICE 7: Guest speaker reflection & Learning worksheet assigned articles Process Career Development and Job Search Plan – due 12/6

8 Nov. 29 Guest Speaker: TBD Topic: A view from Human Resources Discuss Article: Interprofessional Care Teams and the role of the Health Care Administrator

ICE 8: Guest speaker reflection & Learning worksheet on assigned articles Preceptor Phone Call – due 12/6 Due no later than – 12/12 Monthly Report #3 Preceptor evaluation of Intern Prof. Meeting Attendance Form Satisfaction Survey

Final Dec. 13 Reflections and Group Sharing of Job Search Plan PROCESS Report Round table discussion – career directions

ICE 9: Present a summary of your PROCESS Report to class


Assignments/Activities and Point Allocations Points

a) In class exercises for each class session 9 X 10 = 90 90

o Lessons Learned (ICE Session #1)

o Networking Worksheets/Crafting connections & healthy handshake (ICE Session #2)

o Transferable Skills Assessment & Reflection (ICE Session #3)

o Group Interview preparation class exercise – role play (ICE Session #4)

o Internship Sharing (ICE Session #5)

o HCP Interview Sharing & guest speaker reflection (ICE Session #6)

o Learning worksheet on assigned articles & guest lecture reflection (ICE Session #7)

o Learning worksheet on assigned articles & guest speaker reflection (ICE Session #8)

o Oral presentation of PROCESS Report (ICE Session #9) - Final

b) Updated Resume (Due 9/27) - submission to dropbox 10

c) Business Card Assignment (Due 11/15) – hard copy only provided to professor at start of class 10

d) Learning agreement B (Due 10/11) - –submission to dropbox* 15

e) Health Care Professional Interview Write-Up Assignment submission to dropbox (Due 10/25) 25

f) PROCESS Career Development Plan and Job Search Plan submission to dropbox (Due 12/6) 40

g) 3 Monthly progress reports (due as specified above); document 120 hours total – avg. 40 hours each report (20 pts each report)*


h) Professional association meeting attendance by (Due 12/12)- see form in "assignments" on Beachboard for write-up format -OR- Network with 3 Health Care professionals, provide copy of business card and a one paragraph reflection of each health care professional meeting


i) Preceptor Evaluation (Due at the end of 120 hrs or by 12/12) 10

j) Satisfaction survey (Due 12/12) 5

k) Preceptor phone call (Due when 60 hours have been completed or by 12/6/17) 10

l) HCA Assessment Test (Due TBD) 10

Total points that can be earned 300

*required assignments Grading: 90%= A; 80%= B; 70% = C; 60%= D; <60% = F.

Assignments are due on the date specified. Late assignments will NOT receive points. Successful completion

of a minimum of 120 hours and relevant course work is required to earn a passing grade. All assignments (except in class

activities and business cards) must be submitted to dropbox for grading. Pictures of documents are NOT accepted and ALL work must be typed (except ICE).

Suggested Text: Friedman, L.H. & Kovner, A.R. (2013) 101 Careers in Healthcare Management. Springer Publishing ISBN: 9780826193346. 481 Assignment Descriptions:

a. Learning Agreement B - download this form from the "course documents" page in Beachboard. Be sure to identify three key learning SMART objectives that you want to accomplish (these will be reflected in your monthly reports). Complete it with your preceptor (this is not an assignment for your preceptor!). See rubric posted on Beachboard for more specific information. Obtain the preceptor’s signature. Scan a copy of the signed agreement and submit to dropbox on BeachBoard.

b. Group Interview preparation class exercise – role play – In a fish bowl style format students will take turns being the panel interviewers and panel interviewees. Type, print out and bring to class, 1) five Interview Questions and responses to the questions which will be turned in after the role play, 2) sample job description you are interviewing for and your resume. No hand written questions or answers will be accepted for credit, as the questions must be thoughtful and pre-planned for this activity. Peer feedback and reflection sheets will track learning.

c. Transferable Skills Assessment & Reflection (facilitated by Career Development Center) – This in-class workshop constitutes the “P” or personal assessment activity of the career development plan described below. In this session, students will assess and evaluate important communication skills and identify areas of improvement.


d. Interview a health care professional - Learning and Reflection Report. Students will identify and interview at least 1 health care professional. Students are encouraged to interview a person who holds a position the student would like to hold in the future. Report should adhere to APA guideline and be in a narrative format.

e. Guest Speaker Reflections (sessions 3, 6, 7, 8) - Review the guest speaker’s organization and/or area of expertise prior to class and prepare, type, print and bring five questions to be used to facilitate class discussion. Print out and bring the “Guest Speaker Reflection Form” to class (posted on BB).

f. Career Decision Making “Process” and Job Search Plan, developed and used by the CSULB Career Development Center, will be used as a model and assignment guide to help students develop career plans. This model includes the following elements P = Personal Assessment, R = Research Careers or Graduate Schools, O = Organize findings, C = clarify career options, E = Evaluate Findings, S = Select Options and the final S = Set into Motion which will devise the students “Job Search Plan”. Each letter of the plan will have an assignment and deliverable associated with it. Instructions and forms for the plan components are listed on the "assignments" page. The Job Search Plan will be the concluding step of the “Process” Model. It will include a step-by -step description of how the student intends to search for a job placement after graduation. Final report should adhere to APA guidelines and be in a narrative format (not an outline). You will provide an oral presentation to the class summarizing key learnings and your action plan. No PowerPoint or reading from the report, note cards are fine.

g. Monthly progress reports (due as assigned) document 120 hours total 30 – 40 hours each month - download forms from the "course documents" page, please turn in to Beachboard each month. Be sure to include progress on your three learning objectives from your Learning Agreement B. If you have not started your internship when the first report is due, submit a monthly report stating what you are doing to secure an internship. Reports must be signed by the preceptor, be sure to plan ahead and follow the monthly report rubric .

h. Professional Association Meeting Attendance – Students will be required to attend at least one Health Care Professional association in-person meeting, attendance verification and reflection assignment will document this activity and lessons learned. On campus student organizations, internship site meetings and online events do not qualify. -OR- Network with 3 Health Care professionals, provide copy of business card and a one paragraph reflection of each health care professional meeting. Goal of the assignment is to build your professional network and practice the art of networking.

i. Preceptor phone call – once you have completed approximately 60 hours at your internship, schedule a phone call for you, me and your preceptor to be in contact about your progress. Sign-up for either Nov. 7th Noon to 5:00 pm or Nov. 8th 9 am-1pm or 2 pm-4 pm Provide three days and times via email to the professor.

HCA Resume Guidelines

• Microsoft Word file format. It must be searchable for keyword searches

• Ensure no row of text has more than 71 characters (left to right) to avoid word wrap problems

• Use normal margins, 1 inch at top, bottom, left, and right

• Use Times New Roman font, 11 or 12 point size

• Remove mailing address; use only telephone number and e-mail address for contact information

• Use only black ink. (A light gray bar or black line between sections can be used). Do not use accent borders,

solid blackline borders, logos, crests, etc.

• Keep entire resume to one page

• Place your name (16 point), all capital letters, in bold, centered, at the top of resume.

• Have the following sections listed below your name and contact phone and e-mail:

o JOB TITLE - centered below your name identify the JOB TITLE you are seeking, put in bold letters, 12


o EDUCATION – college level only and degree(s) received or in progress



(see BeachBoard for samples)

DROP DATES AND INCOMPLETE GRADES 1. If student has not found an internship by the fourth week of the semester, it is recommended that the student

drop the course and reenroll the following semester. 2. All assignments must be submitted online, in the dropbox, unless specified otherwise. 3. Late Assignments: Assignments submitted after the due date will not be accepted. Plan ahead!


4. E-Mailed Assignments: E-mailed assignments will not be accepted. All assignments must be uploaded to the drop box.

5. If, for circumstances beyond your control, student cannot complete the internship during the session for which they have registered, a grade of Incomplete may be assigned if they have completed a minimum of 60 hours of work. This will be converted to a letter grade as soon as the 120 hours and accompanying paperwork have been completed. If student cannot complete 60 hours they should drop the course and reenroll the following semester. All assignments must be completed through the semester to be eligible for an incomplete grade except end of internship paperwork, which includes: completion of hour’s form, satisfaction survey and preceptor evaluation.

6. Students WILL NOT receive a grade in this class if all Monthly Reports (must total 120 hours or more), Learning Agreement and Preceptor Evaluation are not submitted and signed by the student and/or preceptor.

If you cannot complete at least 60 hours you should drop the course and re-enroll the following semester.

Student Responsibilities and University Policies Attachments: (Posted as separate files on BeachBoard) Internship Objectives & Expectations Statement (give copy to your preceptor), Internship Learning Agreement; Monthly Progress Report (make additional copies); Preceptor Evaluation; Professional Meeting Attendance Certification; guest speaker reflection; Resume book waiver. Attendance policy Class attendance is critical. Leaving class early will result in an absence for the day unless the student has made arrangements with the instructor in advance. Unexcused absences will affect a student’s participation grade through the loss of opportunity to make up points for in class exercises. Students with excused absences per university policy should contact the professor within 3 days of absence to receive a makeup assignment. All make up assignments are due within 2 weeks of absence date and late submissions will not be accepted. Excused Absences The university policy defines excused absences as 1) illness or injury to the student; 2)death, injury, or serious illness of an immediate family member or the like; 3) religious reasons (California Education Code section 89320); 4) jury duty or government obligation; 5) University sanctioned or approved activities (examples include: artistic performances, forensics presentations, participation in research conferences, intercollegiate athletic activities, student government, required class field trips, etc.) (CSULB Catalogue, 2010). To receive credit for an excused absence you must submit documentation to the instructor. Attendance policy conforming to University policy: Statement of Accessibility Students needing special consideration for class format and schedule due to religious observance or military obligations must provide the instructor with written notice of those needs by the second week of class. Students who require additional time or other accommodation for assignments must secure verification/assistance from the CSULB Disabled Student Services (DSS) office located at 270 Brotman Hall. The Telephone number is (562) 985-5401. Accommodation is a process in which the student, DSS, and instructor each play an important role. Students contact DSS so that their eligibility and need for accommodation can be determined. DSS identifies how much time is required for each exam. The student is responsible for discussing his/her need with the instructor and for making appropriate


arrangements. Students who are eligible to receive accommodation should present an Accommodation Cover Letter and a DSS Student/Teacher Testing Agreement Form to the instructor as early in the semester as possible, but no later than a week before the first test. It takes one week to schedule taking an exam at the DSS office.) The instructor welcomes the opportunity to implement the accommodations determined by DSS. Please ask the instructor if you have any questions. Commitment to Inclusion California State University, Long Beach is committed to maintaining an inclusive learning community that values diversity and fosters mutual respect. All students have the right to participate fully in university programs and activities free from discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, and retaliation. Students who believe they have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, or retaliation on the basis of a protected status such as age, disability, gender, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, veteran/veteran status or any other status protected by law, should contact the Office of Equity and Diversity at (562) 985-8256, University Student Union (USU) Suite 301, Cheating and Plagiarism. Please be aware of and ensure that your behavior conforms to University Policy. See: I expect that all work that you produce for my course will be your own original work created during this semester. Therefore, you may not submit written work for this course that you have already submitted to another course including workshop attendance. This includes all academic courses you have previously taken. Submission of this type of work will be treated in the same manner as plagiarism for grading purposes. Withdrawal policy. Per University policy: academic_information/withdrawal_policy.html. Withdrawal after 2nd week and before final 3 weeks “permissible for serious and compelling reasons;” instructor will evaluate student withdrawal requests on a case by case basis. Campus Behavior “Civility Statement-Civility and mutual respect toward all members of the University community are intrinsic to the establishment of excellence in teaching and learning. The University espouses and practices zero tolerance for violence against any member of the University community. A threat of violence is an expression of intention that implies impending physical injury, abuse, or damage to an individual or his/her belongings. All allegations of such incidents will be aggressively investigated. Allegation that are sustained may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment, expulsion from the University, and /or civil and criminal prosecution.” (CSULB Catalog, AY 2010-2011, p. 743). Unprofessional and Disruptive Behavior-It is important to foster a climate of civility in the classroom where all are treated with dignity and respect. Therefore, students engaging in disruptive or disrespectful behavior in class will be counseled about this behavior. If the disruptive or disrespectful behavior continues, additional disciplinary actions may be taken. Laptop and Cell phone policy - Cell phones are to be turned off and out of view during class sessions. Laptops will be used on occasion for in class exercises, otherwise turned off and out of the way. Violation of this policy will result in 1. First time, "verbal warning," 2. Second time, excused for class session that day and written warning, Third time, 5 points deducted from course score and each violation thereafter. E-Cigarettes: Are not allowed in the classrooms. Writing Style: All papers written for this course, including monthly reports shall follow the established rubric for the assignment and when indicated follow APA guidelines. Assignments should be written in a narrative format.


Supplemental Reading List and Other Resources Journal Articles:

• Cochran, C.R. and Sotero, M. (2006) Evaluation of the impact of a Health Care Administration Student Practicum. Nevada Journal of Public Health. 3;1.

• Constable, JF.(1998). The health administration internship: A partnership for progress in health administration education. Hospital Topics, 76(1), 25-28. Retrieved November 13, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry. (Document ID: 40040173).

• Mileski, M., Kruse, C. S., Lee, K., & Topinka, J.B. (2016). Perceptions of the value of professional networking by undergraduate students in a School of Health Administration: A pilot study. Health Administration Education, 33; 3, 461-474.

• Proter, J.A., Haberling, K & Hohman, C. (2016) Employer desired competencies for undergraduate Health Administration Graduates entering the job market. Health Administration Education, 33; 3, 355-375.

Books: • Bolles, R. (2010) What Color Is Your Parachute? 2011: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers Ten Speed

Press ISBN-10: 158008270X ISBN-13: 978-1580082709

• Bolles R. (2009). The Job-Hunter's Survival Guide: How to Find a Rewarding Job Even When "There Are No Jobs" Publisher: Ten Speed Press; 1 edition (July 14, 2009) ISBN-10: 158008026X ISBN-13: 978-1580080262

• Bradberry, T. & Greaves, J. (2009) Emotional Intelligence 2.0. Talent Smart: San Diego, CA

• Buchbinder, S.B. & Thompson J. (2009) Career Opportunities in Health Care Management: Perspectives from the Health Services Administration Program, James Madison University.

• Connors, R., Smith, T. & Hickman, C. (2004). Getting results through individual and organizational accountability: The OZ principle. Penguin Books: London, England.

• Covey, S. (1990) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Franklin Covey Co.

• Friedman, L.H. & Kovner, A.R. (2013) 101 Careers in Healthcare Management. Springer Publishing ISBN: 9780826193346.

• Johnson, P. (1998) Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life; G. P. Putnam's Sons ISBN-10: 0399144463 ISBN-13: 978-0399144462

• Lee, F. (2004). If Disney Ran your Hospital: 9 ½ Things you Would do Differently. Second River Healthcare: Bozeman, MT.

ISBN: 0974386014

• Miller, J.G. ( 1999) Personal Accountability : Powerful and Practical Ideas for You and Your Organization; Denver Press ISBN-10: 0966583213, ISBN-13: 978-0966583212

• Marturano, J. (2014). Finding the Space to Lead: A Practical Guide to Mindful Leadership. Bloomsbury Press: New York, NY

• Rath, T. (2007). Strengths finder 2.0. Gallup Press: New York, NY.

• Zack, D. (2010). Networking for People Who Hate Networking: A Field Guide for Introverts, the Overwhelmed, and the Underconnected. Berrett-Koehler Publishers; ISBN-10: 1605095222, ISBN-13: 978-1605095226

Web Resources: • ACHE Early Career Guidance -


• Bureau of Labor Statistics

• CSULB Career Development Center:

• California Careers Info: The mission of the California Career Resource Network is to provide all persons in California with career development

information and resources to enable them to reach their career goals

• Department of Labor O*Net: The O*NET program is the nation's primary source of occupational information. Central to the project is the O*NET

database, containing information on hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors. The database,

which is available to the public at no cost, is continually updated by surveying a broad range of workers from each occupation. Information from this database forms the heart of O*NET OnLine, an interactive application for exploring

and searching occupations. The database also provides the basis for our Career Exploration Tools, a set of valuable assessment instruments for workers and students looking to find or change careers.

• Explore Health Careers -

• Health Management Careers –


• Human Capital Institute - HR and management articles and web-casts

• HIMSS Career Development Page:

HIMSS is a cause-based, not-for-profit organization exclusively focused on providing global leadership for the optimal use of information technology (IT) and management systems for the betterment of healthcare. Founded 50 years

ago, HIMSS and its related organizations have offices in Chicago, Washington, DC, Brussels, Singapore, Leipzig, and other locations across the United States. HIMSS represents more than 30,000 individual members, of which two thirds

work in healthcare provider, governmental and not-for-profit organizations.

• Professional in Human Resources Association

• Project Management Association of Orange County

Appendix E

CSULB HCA COMPETENCIES Domain 1 – Communication and Relationship Management. The ability to communicate clearly and concisely with internal customers, establish and maintain relations, and facilitate constructive interactions with individuals and groups.

A. Relationship Management B. Communication Skills C. Facilitation and Negotiation

Domain 2 – Leadership. The ability to inspire individual and organizational excellence, create a shared vision and successfully manage change to attain the organization’s strategic ends and successful performance. According to the HLA model, leadership intersects with each of the other four domains.

A. Leadership Skills and Behavior B. Organizational Climate and Culture C. Communicating Vision D. Manage Change

Domain 3 – Professionalism. The ability to align personal and organizational conduct with ethical and professional standards that include a responsibility to the patient and community, a service orientation, and a commitment to lifelong learning and improvement.

A. Personal and Professional Accountability B. Professional Development and Lifelong Learning C. Contributions to the Community and Profession

Domain 4 – Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment. The understanding of the healthcare system and the environment in which healthcare managers and providers function.

A. Healthcare Systems and Organizations B. Healthcare Personnel C. The Patient’s Perspective D. The Community and the Environment

Domain 5 – Business Skills and Knowledge. The ability to apply business principles, including systems thinking, to the healthcare environment.

A. General Management B. Financial Management C. Human Resource Management D. Organizational Dynamics and Governance E. Strategic Planning and Marketing F. Information Management G. Risk Management


H. Quality Improvement