HCA 452/652 Addresses Health Care Needs

HCA 452/652 Addresses Health Care Needs A comparison to Las Vegas and the Nation


HCA 452/652 Addresses Health Care Needs. A comparison to Las Vegas and the Nation. Demographic Information. How old are you? Under 25 = 25 – 44 = Over 44 = Which of these groups best represents your race? White = Black or African American = Asian = - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of HCA 452/652 Addresses Health Care Needs

Page 1: HCA 452/652 Addresses Health Care Needs

HCA 452/652 Addresses Health Care Needs

A comparison to Las Vegas and the Nation

Page 2: HCA 452/652 Addresses Health Care Needs

Demographic Information How old are you?

Under 25 = 25 – 44 = Over 44 =

Which of these groups best represents your race? White = Black or African American = Asian = Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander = Native American or Alaska native = Multi-racial = Other racial background = Declined to answer =

Page 3: HCA 452/652 Addresses Health Care Needs

What is your primary source of health care coverage My primary source of health care is:

Employer based coverage = Self-purchased insurance = Veterans = Medicare = Medicaid = Parents’ coverage = Unsure = None =

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What is your employment statusSelf-employed =Full-time employed =Part-time employed =Not employed / currently looking =Not employed / not looking =Homemaker =Other =

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Which of these statements do you think best describes the U.S. health care system

Is in a major state of crisis = It has major problems = It has minor problems = It does not have any problems = No opinion =

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Should it be public policy that all Americans have affordable health care coverage?Yes = No =

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Brainstorming Session

Which value is the most fundamental to our health care system? (Identify 2)

What kinds of difficulties have you or someone you know had in getting access to health care services? (Identify 2)

Considering the rising costs of healthcare, what should be the most important priority for public spending in order to reach the goal of health care that works for all Americans (Identify 3)

What kinds of difficulties have you had in getting access to health care services and which is the most important to address

If you believe that it is important to ensure access to affordable, high quality health care and services to all Americans, identify 2 methods to do this.

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Which value is the most fundamental to our health care system?

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What kinds of difficulties have you or someone you know had in getting access to health care services?

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Considering the rising costs of healthcare, what should be the most important priority for public spending in order to reach the goal of health care that works for all Americans

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What would you recommend to assure high quality health care and services to all Americans

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What kinds of difficulties have you had in getting access to health care services and which is the most important to address

Affordability even if employed Too complicated Insufficient number of health care workers Lack of cultural competence by providers Lack of services where

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How much more would you personally be willing to pay in a year to support efforts that would result in every American having access to affordable, high quality health care coverage and services?

$0 $1 – $99 $100 - $299 $300 - $500 $501 - $1,000 $1,000 or more Don’t know

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Should everyone be required to enroll in a basic health care coverage either private or public?

Yes = No = Total

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Should public policy continue to use tax rules to encourage employer-based health insurance?

Yes = No = Total

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Please indicate your level of support for this trade-off: Get rid of insurance companies for a government based model

Strongly disagree = Disagree = Neutral = Agree = Strongly agree =

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Please indicate your level of support for this trade-off: Government should focus on domestic issues

Strongly disagree = Disagree = Neutral = Agree = Strongly agree =

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Please indicate your level of support for this trade-off: Get reid of insurance companies for a government based model

Strongly disagree = Disagree = Neutral = Agree = Strongly agree =

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Please indicate your level of support for this trade-off: spend less on defense and more on health care

Strongly disagree = Disagree = Neutral = Agree = Strongly agree =

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Please indicate your level of support for this trade-off: Transfer risk back to individuals for lifestyle related illnesses for universal coverage

Strongly disagree = Disagree = Neutral = Agree = Strongly agree =

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Please indicate your level of support for this trade-off: provide an hour off per week for incentives for healthy living

Strongly disagree = Disagree = Neutral = Agree = Strongly agree =

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Please indicate your level of support for this trade-off: Reduce lawsuits for malpractice

Strongly disagree = Disagree = Neutral = Agree = Strongly agree =

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Please indicate your level of support for this trade-off: Establish a culture of prevention vs. a reactive (treatment) system

Strongly disagree = Disagree = Neutral = Agree = Strongly agree =

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Please indicate your level of support for this trade-off: willingness to pay more for health care in order to have universal health care

Strongly disagree = Disagree = Neutral = Agree = Strongly agree =

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Please indicate your level of support for this trade-off:

Strongly disagree = Disagree = Neutral = Agree = Strongly agree =

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Please indicate your level of support for this trade-off:

Strongly disagree = Disagree = Neutral = Agree = Strongly agree =