College magazine evaluation

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Transcript of College magazine evaluation

College Magazine Evaluation

Hannah Atkinson

Throughout the process I learnt how to use Photoshop and improve my Photoshop skills. By the time I had finished I had learnt enough for me to be able to create my music magazine with success. I learnt how to edit photographs and how to make them look better and also how to stylize fonts.

My front cover is very basic but I think this works for a college magazine as it will grab students attention without bombarding them with lots and lots of text on the front cover. I decided to go with the simple tonal colour scheme of black and white and let the images pick up the colour like the pink shirt does on the cover and then the contents background does the same with the splashes of colour.I went for the idea of having two main fonts which help separate the different parts of the front cover.

My contents page could have done with being more separated into different sections like features, regulars etc. When it came to my music magazine I learnt that I had to do so.Once again I used the two different fonts to differentiate between the headings and page numbers.I do like the background I created for it but I think it looks more poster like than contents page. I think if I had broke my text up I would have avoided this problem.