College magazine evaluation

Post on 07-Feb-2017

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Transcript of College magazine evaluation

College Magazine Evaluation

Shakeira Darbyshire

Front Cover ~ Codes and Conventions

My front cover follows many codes and conventions.

It features:

• A medium close up of someone relevant to the magazine

•Direct address

•Colour scheme (red, white and black)

• Cover lines


• Main image


• Puff,

•Main cover line

• Issue information,

• Price

• Positioning statement.

My media product does not develop any codes and conventions however it does not include some codes and conventions professional magazines would include. These are: relevant mise en scene and a banner.

Front Cover ~ ConstructionFor the front cover I used Photoshop to add the features needed.

In the first picture I added my main image with the masthead and some cover lines.

In the second image I added a puff which matched the colour scheme of the rest of the cover.

In the final images I decided to change my masthead font due to it not being very bold and I added the issue information and a barcode.

I had to use the SLR cameras to capture my main image which made it high quality but I had to re take the picture a few times as they were not up to the highest standard.

Front Cover ~ Strengths and Weaknesses


•My front cover features the majority of the codes and conventions.

•It has a regular colour scheme

•My main image is clear


•Does not include all codes and conventions.

•Does not include relevant mise en scene

•Main image is not visually interesting.

Contents Page~ Codes and Conventions

•Colour Scheme (Black, white and red)

•Multiple Images

•Section headings

•Page Numbers on left of image

•Repetition of Masthead

•Contents at top of page

•3 Columns

•Regular content and featured.

My media product does follow most codes and conventions and didn’t develop any. However it doesn’t include all of the codes and conventions other magazines would. For example, mine doesn’t include a picture of the front cover.

Contents Page~ Construction

In this first screenshot I did not have the word ‘Contents’ at the top of the page but I did have a smaller copy of the masthead in the top right corner, I also have 3 columns with multiple images. I have section headings with additional information below it.

Contents Page~ ConstructionIn this screenshot I added the word ‘Contents’ at the top to indicate that it is the contents page and I made it in a large, bold font so it stands out.

I also added a page number in the bottom right.

Contents Page~ Construction

This screenshot shows my final contents page which has the majority of the codes and conventions but not all.

Contents Page~ Strengths and Weaknesses.


•Contains the majority of the codes and conventions

•Clear and presents all pages with correct information

•Has articles which are relevant


•Images are usually spread out over the columns not all in one column

•Does not have a small image of the front cover

•Very simplistic