Coaching the Lead Pastor

Post on 16-Mar-2016

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Vision - Team - Equipping - Personal Renewal

Transcript of Coaching the Lead Pastor


Coaching the Lead


VisionVision is the image of a preferred future based on the calling of God. We can know that our vision is from God when:

! 1. it requires more of us than we have ever given before

! 2. it is too big for us to accomplish alone

! 3. it will require the sacrifice of the status quo

The goal of spiritual leadership is to move a group of God’s people towards His purposes for them.

! 1. Abraham responded to God’s vision for him to move to a foreign land with faith !! ! and obedience

! 2. Moses responded to God’s vision for him to lead the people out of Egypt by asking ! ! God to send Aaron

! 3. Nehemiah responded to God’s vision for him to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem with ! ! personal renewal and risk taking

How have you responded to God’s calling and vision for you in the past?

A father and his young son were walking along the beach picking up shells when the boy yelled excitedly that there was a starfish floating in the water. The father encouraged his son to wade out and get the starfish. The son waded a few feet out and then returned. The father encouraged him that he could get the starfish and that the water was not too deep. The son waded out a second time and then came back once again. The fa-ther asked why he had not gotten the starfish. The boy replied, “Because my hands are full of shells!”

Coaching the Lead

What do you believe is the next thing God is calling you to do in your ministry?

What will you need to put down in order to reach out and grasp God’s vision for you.

“...every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful”! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! John 15:2

Coaching the Lead

Building a Dynamic TeamOnce a leader has clarified his vision they need to build a team of committed people with complimentary gifts to develop and implement a plan of action.

Name a team that you worked on that was highly motivated and effective.

What elements were present in that team?

Once you have a vision, how do you build ‘buy in’ from team members?

How do you handle people who oppose or are critical of the vision?

Dynamic teams need people with a different skills, giftings and will you work on getting the proper mix?

The following are key to effective teams. Tell how you can develop your team in each area:

1. Recognized Leadership and Clear Roles

2. Great Communication

3. Clear Goals and Accountability

4. Evaluation/Feedback Loop

Coaching the Lead

From Doing To EquippingMost pastors see there job as doing the work of the ministry which often includes every-thing from preaching and leading Bible studies to marital counseling and fixing the plumb-ing in the church. Scripture is clear on the role of the pastor:

It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service.& & & & & & & & & Ephesians 4:11-12

Jesus never started a church, opened a school or founded a non-profit organization. He spent the bulk of his three year public ministry building a small group of leaders who later would turn the world upside down.

How did Jesus personally equip his leaders?

What functions must you perform as the lead pastor and which ones can you delegate or equip others to do?

What would it mean for you to move from a ‘do’ ministry to an ‘equip’ ministry?

Coaching the Lead

Personal RenewalThe gospel records and event in the life of Jesus when a large crowd gathered for Him to heal them. His reaction was to tell his disciples that they were leaving to go preach the gos-pel in other cities because that is what He was called to do. Jesus was guided by calling not simply responding to needs.

How are you doing in being guided by your calling and not always reacting to the needs around you?

We never read in scripture that Jesus burned out his disciples with ministry activities. Jesus had a ebb and flow to his ministry that included periods of intense engagement followed by retreat, renewal and reflection.

How well are you handling the ebb and flow of your ministry? What can you to do insure ongoing retreat, renewal and reflection:

! Annually

! Quarterly

! Monthly

! Weekly

! Daily

Coaching the Lead