Co-creating a social digital business with Orbit

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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How does a large and complex organisation with big commitments to its stakeholders transform itself into a business with digital thinking at its core? Throughout the early part of this year, we worked closely with Orbit Group co-creating their future around their ambitious 2020 vision. This digital transformation work – based on co-creation and actionable change – has delivered tangible results for Orbit. Here's how we did it.

Transcript of Co-creating a social digital business with Orbit

Page 1 | The Orbit webinar | November 2013

Co-creating a social, digital business with Orbit

November 2013

Page 2 | The Orbit webinar | November 2013

Who’s here?

• Max St John, Managing Director, NixonMcInnes

• Boris Worrall, Exec Director Futures, Orbit

• David Leach, IT Director, Orbit

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Some context

• What will housing look like in 2020?

Challenging environment.

Deep research.

Big thinking.

A clear task.

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Orbit’s 2020 vision

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Why social and digital, why NM?

•Purpose drives engagement

•Collaboration drives innovation and engagement

•Digital lowers costs and provides choice

•Needed a partner who combined social and tech

•Realised our purpose had so much more potential

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Our approach

1. Analysis of where we are now

2. Co-create a compelling picture of the future

3. Design a roadmap for getting there

4. Sell-in and get traction with influencers

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1. The analysis

• Assess: Tech, Collaboration, Structure, Culture

• Uncover: review data from expert reports

• Dialogue: get insight from tenants and staff

• Identify: blocks to progress and best practice

• Share: present back to stakeholders

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2. Co-creating the future

• Drawing on expertise and passion within Orbit

• Harnessing the latent collective intelligence

• One day off-site with a group of 40 to:

1. Inspire – through cutting edge examples

2. Create – space for the best ideas to emerge

3. Dream – what could be in the context of 2020

Our tools: participatory leadership, the right people

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The output:

Purpose and meaning: We are defined as much more than social housing providers, we actively work to reduce the stigma associated with social housing and we are an ethical brand that people trust.

Tools and technology: We build strong online communities, gather real-time information that focuses our resources, deliver a choice of seamless customer experiences, and continually pilot new ideas.

Collaboration and engagement: We are driven by open collaboration across teams, we engage customers to define everything we do and we create self-supporting adult-to-adult relationships.

Culture and structure: We create total accountability through open-ness and transparency, we are flexible to the changing aspirations of our people and communities and we act as coordinators and enablers.

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3. Designing a roadmap

• Breaking down the big goals

• Creating a series of pilot projects based on:

• What will the business need in two years’ time?

• What would a pilot need to do to be seen as valuable?

• How can everything stay connected to the future vision?

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The four pilot projects

1. Help staff to self-serve and collaborate using digital tools

2. Create digital engagement platform for residents feedback

3. Help customers to access all of our services digitally

4. Digital community partnerships for investment

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Thank you!

Any questions?