Co-Branding Sign Criteria Manual - · All...

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Transcript of Co-Branding Sign Criteria Manual - · All...

Co-Branding Sign Criteria Manual

Co-Branded Sign Specifications - Page 1


These drawings are for the sole purpose of expressing visual Graphic Design Intent only and are not intended for actual fabrication purposes. Shop drawings must be prepared and submitted to designer for �nal approval. This package represents Graphic Design Intent only. All Final shop drawings must be coordinated with �nal Construction Documents.

The Sign contractor shall prepare original artwork for each sign.


1. It is recommended that the Sign Contractor visit the site and become familiar with all conditions prior to preparing the bid. The Graphic Design Intent drawings may not accurately indicate �eld conditions.2. An inspection of the Sign Contractor’s fabrication facilities and previous work may be required.3. Bids are to be assembled by line item, identifying the sign type, unit cost, quality, total cost and installation cost for each.


1. Written dimensions shall take precedence over scaled dimensions. 2. All �eld dimensions are to be veri�ed by the Sign Contractor. It is the ultimate responsibility of the Sign Contractor to fabricate the signage and structures to meet the site conditions.3. The Sign Contractor is responsible for all appropriate insurance coverage, design engineer-ing, fabrication, installation, coordination and work of subcontractors and service of the signs as outlined in the contract documents. All construction drawings, including sign fabrication and foundations, must have a registered engineer’s stamp a�xed to the drawings. The engi-neer must be registered in the state in which this project is located. Studio 9017 shall review shop drawings for conformance with the design intent only, and is in no way responsible or liable for any results of construction from shop drawings, material selection, or any other contract documents. Studio 9017 is responsible for Graphic Design Intent only. 4. The Sign Contractor shall at all times guard from damage or loss of property of the Owner and his Tenants, and shall replace or repair any such damage. The Owner reserves the right to withhold payment or make deductions from payment to insure the reimbursement for any loss or damage.5. The Sign Contractor shall coordinate the installation work so as to insure the least amount of inconvenience or interruption of the employees, visitors and Tenants at the site. Work sched-ules shall have the approval of the Owner. The Sign Contractor shall clean the site and signage, removing all debris relative to the installation of the signs.

6. The Owner is responsible for the removal of all existing signage, if necessary, prior to the installation of the new signage.7. All materials, hardware, electrical components , �nished, etc., used to fabricate any and all sign components shall be “NEW” (not previously used or operated in any other application) and from the most recent original manufacturer’s production run/supply and appropriately matched to the service conditions required of the site.8. The General Contractor serves the right to inspect the work in progress at any time during the course of fabrication.9. It is the Sign Contractor’s responsibility to engineer signs to conform to local code. Shop drawings shall be marked with the seal of a state registered structural and electrical engineer. 10. All required state and municipal permits shall be obtained and paid for by the Sign Contractor. Sign permits must be obtained before beginning construction of the sign units. Copies of all required permits are to be submitted to the Owner and General Contractor. 11. All Graphic Design created by Studio 9017 for Integra Insurance Services are to be used exclusively for them. The Sign Contractor must receive express written permission from the Owner for any use other than for the completion of this project including self-promotion and publication. 12. All work shall be complete in every respect and satisfactory to all governing legislative authorities and building codes, and the Owner.13. There shall be no visible labels, manufacturer’s or otherwise, code permitting, on the completed signs. If labels are required, a sample label and intended location must be submit-ted for Studio 9017’s review, prior to application.14. One set of speci�cations and drawings will be provided to the Sign Contractor. Additional sets may be requested and purchased at the cost of assembly.15. All sets for design and speci�cation information should be directed to the Owner and Studio 9017.16. The General contractor is responsible for the administration for the work of the project. All requests for design and/or speci�cation information or clari�cations should be directed to General Contractor.


Co-Branded Sign Specifications - Page 2


1. A minimum two-year written guarantee must be submitted to the Owner, which covers the following:a. All fabrication shall be guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship.b. Within the two years, the Sign Contractor will correct at his expense all fabrication defects, damage to the property and its contents as a result of inferior materials or workmanship.c. The Sign Contractor will be liable for all personal injuries as a result of inferior materials, equipment or workmanship.d. The guarantee period will begin on the date of written approval of project completion or �nal payment is received by the Sign Contractor from the Owner. e. Defects in workmanship or materials include, but are not limited to, the following: Delami-nating of sign parts, cupping, warping, or dishing of surfaces, bubbling, crazing, chalking, or fading of �nishes, rusting or corrosion of parts, installations that are not plumb or secure, use of incorrect �nishes or materials, or unapproved deviations from the Graphic Design Intent drawings or Written Speci�cations.


1. After the contract has been let, the Sign contractor must conduct an on site inspection of existing conditions and review of sign locations.2. The Sign Contractor shall �eld verify all dimensions and conditions shown on the speci�ca-tions drawings. For all units that must �t closely within an existing architectural detail, the Sign Contractor must take on site dimensions. Any variations from the dimensions shown on the speci�cations drawings and the Sign Contractor’s on site dimensions shall be brought to the attention of the General Contractor. It is the Sign Contractor’s ultimate responsibility to fabri-cate all signage/graphics to meet the on site conditions.


1. Three (3) sets of detailed shop drawings (plans, elevations, details and section drawings) are to be submitted to Studio 9017 for review prior to production. These drawings are to show/indicate all materials, �nishes, and construction details, lighting and installation detailing of artwork and signage structure, including locations of all material seams (�nished and un�n-ished). Additional drawing(s) may be requested by the General Contractor, at the Sign Contractor’s expense to further indicate items in question. These submittals shall be made within 21 days of contract approval. The General Contractor and Studio 9017, shall review and respond to the submittals within 14 days of receipt. Working drawings, shop drawings, and contract documents including permit documents are the sole responsibility of the Sign Contractor.

2. Submit two (2) 3” x 5” samples of all actual materials to be used to each di�erent �nished surface (both color and texture) coated to match the proper texture and �nish as for each indicated, to show the quality of fabrication and design. Completed and installed components will be evaluated based on these submittals.3. Two (2) 3’ x 5’ samples of all exterior materials that can be viewed when all �nished sign structures are completed and in place (in addition to those mentioned above) are to be submit-ted for Studio 9017’s review prior to production. Items sampled would include those speci�ed, as well as those materials proposed for substitution of speci�ed materials, or suggested for those that are unspeci�ed (sample drawing will be provided). Identi�cation of all materials used, by manufacturer’s descriptive literature shall be supplied with the submittals. 4. All signs must have a full, half, or quarter size copy layout submitted to and approved by Studio 9017 prior to fabrication. These must show exact letter, number, symbols, arrows, letter/word/line spacing, margins, etc. Copy layouts must be shown positioned within an indicated sign face outline. 5. Sign Contractor to provide mockup prototypes for all exterior sign types. These prototypes only can be made of substitute materials for mockup review purposes only. Exterior prototypes to be reviewed within the site context by Owner, General Contractor has full written approval of prototypes from the General Contractor and Frye Design.6. Sign Contractor to provide the Owner with complete �nish/component care instructions as speci�ed by manufacturers for on-going sign cleaning and maintenance.


Co-Branded Sign Specifications - Page 3


1. All materials shall be of new stock, free from defects impairing strength, durability, or appearance.2. All joints shall be welded, �lled, ground, and sanded smooth prior to painting to ensure a uniform surface.3. The number of mechanical fasteners shall be minimized in favor of welded joint. Fasteners shall be concealed except where noted on drawings. Exposed fasteners are to be �ush, and matched in color and �nish to adjacent surfaces.4. When dissimilar metals are in contact, the contacting surfaces shall be coated with asphaltic paint to prevent oxidation and electrolysis. Aluminum and steel are not to come in contact with each other.5. All adhesives shall be used in accordance with recommendations made by the manufacturer of the materials speci�ed to be laminated or adhered. Adhesives that will fade, discolor, or delaminate as a result of proximity to ultraviolet light sources or heat shall not be used and shall not change the color of or deteriorate the materials to which they are applied. The adhe-sives shall have a non-staining, non-yellowing quality, and all visible joints shall be free from air bubbles and other defects.6. Sign faces must be left clean and free of glue or other foreign material. Edges are to be routed smooth and straight. All corners shall be 90 degrees with crisp, clean edges.


1. All electrical �xtures, materials, and installations shall be UL approved and must meet all local codes. The shop drawings must indicate electrical services required and location for review by Studio 9017.2. All lighting �xtures/sources shall emit a color balanced, consistent uniform light with no browning, �ickering, haloing, or other uneven e�ect. All external sign faces must be washed with an even lighting, unless otherwise speci�ed for that particular sign type.3. All transformers and electrical hardware shall be concealed, non-audible and non-visible to pedestrian and vehicular tra�c. No electrical apparatus, such as an electrical disconnect box or power meter, shall be attached to the exterior of the sign unit, unless otherwise speci�ed.4. The Sign Contractor is to coordinate with the General Contractor to ensure that adequate and proper electrical power is run to each of the lighted signs. The Sign Contractor shall provide, at the earliest possible time, the speci�c electrical requirements (if any) to the General Contractor. A determination of the junction box location must also be coordinated with the General Contractor. The Sign Contractor shall provide only the installed electrical �xtures and adequate electrical leads to facilitate electrical hookup. The General Contractor shall provide the electrical source, circuitry and any in-line electrical apparatuses (such as timers, photocell switches, etc.) up to the sign, unless otherwise speci�ed. Connection of the sign to the power

source is the responsibility of the General Contractor.5. Provide new electrical components and respective lamps, so as to be easily repaired or replaced from local available stock (24 hour maximum turn around).6. The Sign Contractor to provide the Owner with complete lamp replacement information brand, type, wattage, color, etc., for all lighted components. This information shall be in type written format (8-1/2” x 11”) and shall indicate at least one local (site) supplier.7. All electrical components used in exterior applications are to be of the type recommended by the manufacturer for wet locations.


1. Aluminum thickness shall be .125” minimum unless otherwise noted on the Bid Drawings, however, it is the responsibility of the Sign Contractor to recommend and use material of a thickness su�cient to prevent “oil canning” and warping of the surface.2. There shall be no bare aluminum in contact with any other materials. Contact surfaces are to be insulated by zinc chromate, a heave bituminous paint, or a gasket.


1. All painted surfaces are to be Catalyst Hardened Acrylic Polymer using a Base Coat-Clear system. Samples are to be provided as noted above. Only the highest grade coatings are to be used to prevent abnormal deterioration such as cracking, peeling, crazing and discoloration. Finishes should not fade or discolor when exposed to ultra violet light.2. All coatings shall be compatible with the surface to which they are applied. All �nish appli-cations are to be smooth and uniform, applied according to manufacturer’s recommendations and the highest industry standards.3. Color breaks on the sign surface are to be sharp, without serration or color bleed. All drops, splatters, and over sprays are to be removed.4. Exact identi�cation of all coatings shall be called out on the shop drawings and a description of the method of application.5. All aluminum materials shall be thoroughly sanded to remove oxidation and primed prior to painting to ensure maximum paint adhesion.



Co Branded Monument Sign Standards - Page 1Scale: 1/2” = 1’-0”



Entire logo is to be used as a unitand is to be centered on sign face.

“insurance services” is to be centered below complete co-branded element above

8'-0" 1'- 2"

8'-3 1/4" 1'-8 1/2"


2 3/4"

1'- 0"



Co Branded Monument Sign Standards - Page 2Scale: 1/2” = 1’-0”

PMS 4625C

PMS 186C


Sign Logo Colors:

Entire logo is to be used as a unitand is to be centered on sign face.

“insurance services” is to be centered below complete co-branded element above



Precast Cap to be beige color

3d masonry star medallions to be beige

Beveled lexan face withtranslucent vinyl logo applied

on the inside face. Colors to matchlogo specifications.

Aluminum cabinet painted tomatch PMS 4625C. 2” border on all sides.



Co Branded Post/Panel Sign Standards - Page 1Scale: 1/2” = 1’-0”


Entire logo is to be used as a unitand is to be centered on sign face.

Minimum of3” white spaceon either sideof logo is recommended.

6 1/2" overal height

3'-4" 3'-4"


8'-0" 1'-0"


“insurance services” is to be centered below complete co-branded element above





Co Branded Post/Panel Sign Standards - Page 2Scale: 1/2” = 1’-0”


Entire logo is to be used as a unitand is to be centered on sign face.

“insurance services” is to be centered below complete co-branded element above

Beveled Lexan face

Aluminum sign cabinet painted as per logo color on logo spec page

8” round steel column painted same as sign cabinet brown

Translucentvinyl graphics applied to the back of lexan face.




Co-Branded Storefront Sign StandardsScale: N/A



Rectangles represent 75% of storefrontor tenant space for sign to occupy.

Logo locates within center of storefrontor tenant space to give maximum visibility.

All electrical, raceways, transformers, etc. are to be located behind fascia.

PMS 4625C

PMS 186C


Sign Logo Colors:

Internally illuminated triangle.Aluminum returns with red acrylic

face. Returns painted to match PMS 186CReturn thickness is 4”.

Aluminum, reverse, halo-illuminated channel letters are mounted 1/2”

from face. Lighting to be LED. Faces painted to match PMS 4625C.

Return thickness is 4”.

Internally illuminated star.White acrylic face with translucent vinyl star overlay.

Return of circle frame is painted to match PMS 186C.Return thickness is 4”.

Aluminum, reverse halo-illuminatedletters are pin-mounted 1/2” off face. Lighting to be LED. Painted to match PMS 186C.

Co-Branded Door Sign Standards

Entire logo is to be used as a unitand is to be centered on sign face.

“insurance services” is to be centered below star element above

WILSON White- Reverse Adhesive vinylsimilar to 3M or Scotchcal product

WILSON5’-0" top of logo ABF (above finished floor)

Logo to be centered on glassand have a minimum of 3” clearanceon both sides.

Co Branded Window Sign Standards

Entire logo is to be used as a unitand is to be centered on sign face.

“insurance services” is to be centered below star element above

WILSON White- Reverse Adhesive vinylsimilar to 3M or Scotchcal product

WILSON5’-0" top of logo above finished floor

Logo is to locate 3” from windowframe on door handle side of entrance.