CMWorld Quotes & A Solitary Tweet

Post on 08-Apr-2017

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Transcript of CMWorld Quotes & A Solitary Tweet

#CMWorld 2016 Top Quotes

Joe Pulizzi

“Mediocre content will hurt your brand more than doing nothing at all”

Andy Crestodina

“It’s not the best content that wins—it’s the best-promoted content that wins.”

Michael Brenner

“If marketing has a marketing problem, then content marketing is the solution. If banner ads are evil (and you know they are), then content marketing is the hero.”

Shafqat Islam

"The goal isn't to be good at content. The goal is to be good at business using content."

Von Brachel

“If you want someone to share something you have to know what they want to say and say it better than they can.”

Michael Jr.

“If you understand your why, your what has more impact.”

Ann Handley

“Marketing is impatient”

Rand Fishkin

“On-page SEO is no longer satisfied by raw keyword use. Matching keywords to searcher INTENT is critical.”

Doug Kessler

“Insight is the most powerful but most underused force in all of content marketing.”

And finally – this last one isn’t a quote. It’s a tweet

#EngageUnfoolishly with #ContentMarketing