Cloud learning

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Cloud learning

Vladimiras Dolgopolovas

A view to 2020 distance learning

Cloud learning

'Traditional' vs 'Cloud'

Traditional e- learning – teacher orientedCloud – learner oriented

'Traditional' vs 'Cloud'Traditional – process orientedCloud – result oriented

'Traditional' vs 'Cloud'Traditional – teacher implementedCloud – learner implemented

'The cloud'The cloud here could be understandable as a

service with the aim to provide a required by the learner learning results independently from the place, time and based on the flexible and affordable learning schedule.

Key figureThe learner is a key figure and all

organizational and didactic topics of the teaching/learning process must be designed with the aim to provide more ‘comfortable’ learning. The learning institution become a learning service provider and the learner – the customer of the service.

The main keys of the future distance learning process

Key 1

The service of self constructed learning content

Traditional learning – learner is provided with “suitable” learning content in accordance to the preferences of the teacher

Cloud – learner constructs his learning content by himself

Solution: learning beans - the service which provides the learner with a basket of beans – self content learning suites and assignments, which allows the learner to choose the beans he prefers for the course.

The main keys of the future distance learning process Key 2

The service of the flexible learning content

Traditional learning – linear content model

Cloud learning - spatial model based on work-flow

The learner could change the direction and the depth of his earlier constructed learning content so do it in reverse order. The learning work-flow has only the learning result marked and steps of the learning are not binded to the time. So the learning process become fully result oriented and not process oriented as in traditional learning.

The main keys of the future distance learning process

Key 3

Learning on demand (real time learning) service

The main idea is that the learner have a real time access to the learning on demand service. The service provide the inquired learning material and educational support.

the learner have a real time access to learning materials in accordance to the “real time” needs of the learner and irrelevantly to the content of the course (flexible course content)

The main keys of the future distance learning process

Key 4

Micro learning service

The learning beans are constructed to provide suitable and ‘ergonomically oriented’ learning to feet even tight learning schedules having in mind the result of the learning.

Technical implementation

Technical implementation

Google cloud programming services:

- Google Apps Scripts Services

- Google APIs Services

- Google App Engine Services

Google Applications Environment

Learning content work-flow (learn-flow) building service

Traditional linear and teacher designed learning model

VSSimple work-flow based and learner designed learning


Traditional VS Beans

Similar concept


Links (not literature, just links on similar

topics)Future of E-learning

Cloud Learning vs. Standard E-Learning

From Knowledge Management to Learning on Demand

Should You Hire For Skill Or Spirit?

Links (not literature, just links on similar

topics)Script Allows a Teacher to Add a Single Assignment (Event) to Multiple Google


Google Apps for EDU

Microlearning- a paradigm shift in the way we learn