Climate change as a wicked problem2

Post on 21-Dec-2014

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Looking at the issue of climate change with a left brain approach. Why its both a challenge and an opportunity and challenging the 100% focus on certainty before action takes place. Targeted to a general audience and part of an assignment for a course I am taking.

Transcript of Climate change as a wicked problem2

Climate Change: A Wicked but Solvable Problem

A Digital Artifactby Leisa Perch

Wicked Problems

• Rittel and Webber (1972) in “Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning” defined 10 general criteria.

• Tackling climate change fits these to a “T”. This presentation shows how.

• Links made with available science and experiences throughout the course in shaping this artifact.

Explanations and Interests: This is natural for who?

Venice flooding 2008 – Photo by Andrea Pattero/AFP/Getty Images

Looking Back can only help so much

Adapted from Climate Change and Sustaining Caribbean Tourism by Mareba Scott, CC and Tourism, BVI, 2007

One Issue, Many Elements

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, WRI, 2003

Part of a Much Bigger Problem

National Footprint Accounts, 2011 Edition

Not right or wrong: Better or WorseExposure to natural disaster



Household or


Social Susceptibility Social Resilience

Measure of social vulnerability

Construct of Social Vulnerability developed by Asha Kambon, 2005

Solutions without limits, without end and sometimes in contradiction

Sometimes solutions can generate other problems

Source: Oxfam, 2011

Failure can be costly…..little room for trial and error

Heavy rain: the Brazilian town of Jacuipe is swamped by floodwaters from the Jacuipe River. (AFP: Thiago Sampaio)

Pakistan post flood – displaced families. (All rights reserved by UNDP Pakistan)

Key Messages

The responsibility

is ours

The Cost of Inaction is Too High

Managing Risk is the SMART thing to do!

Uncertainty is not an

excuse for inaction