Climate change as a wicked problem2

Climate Change: A Wicked but Solvable Problem A Digital Artifact by Leisa Perch


Looking at the issue of climate change with a left brain approach. Why its both a challenge and an opportunity and challenging the 100% focus on certainty before action takes place. Targeted to a general audience and part of an assignment for a course I am taking.

Transcript of Climate change as a wicked problem2

Page 1: Climate change as a wicked problem2

Climate Change: A Wicked but Solvable Problem

A Digital Artifactby Leisa Perch

Page 2: Climate change as a wicked problem2

Wicked Problems

• Rittel and Webber (1972) in “Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning” defined 10 general criteria.

• Tackling climate change fits these to a “T”. This presentation shows how.

• Links made with available science and experiences throughout the course in shaping this artifact.

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Explanations and Interests: This is natural for who?

Venice flooding 2008 – Photo by Andrea Pattero/AFP/Getty Images

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Looking Back can only help so much

Adapted from Climate Change and Sustaining Caribbean Tourism by Mareba Scott, CC and Tourism, BVI, 2007

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One Issue, Many Elements

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, WRI, 2003

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Part of a Much Bigger Problem

National Footprint Accounts, 2011 Edition

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Not right or wrong: Better or WorseExposure to natural disaster



Household or


Social Susceptibility Social Resilience

Measure of social vulnerability

Construct of Social Vulnerability developed by Asha Kambon, 2005

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Solutions without limits, without end and sometimes in contradiction

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Sometimes solutions can generate other problems

Source: Oxfam, 2011

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Failure can be costly…..little room for trial and error

Heavy rain: the Brazilian town of Jacuipe is swamped by floodwaters from the Jacuipe River. (AFP: Thiago Sampaio)

Pakistan post flood – displaced families. (All rights reserved by UNDP Pakistan)

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Key Messages

The responsibility

is ours

The Cost of Inaction is Too High

Managing Risk is the SMART thing to do!

Uncertainty is not an

excuse for inaction