Click to edit Master title style - Department of Primary Industries · 2016. 4. 22. · Click to...

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Click to edit Master title style

Where to from here?

Charlotte (Charlie) Jenkins

Where to from here? Charlotte Jenkins A/Senior Conservation Manager

Where to from here?

Options for making more fish

Options for keeping in touch

Where to from here? Charlotte Jenkins A/Senior Conservation Manager

Options for making more fish

1.1. Talk with other stakeholdersTalk with other stakeholders

2.2. Involve your neighbours and your Involve your neighbours and your

neighboursneighbours’’ neighboursneighbours

3.3. Apply for funds and resourcesApply for funds and resources

4.4. Plan well but start quicklyPlan well but start quickly

5.5. Spread the word in your communitySpread the word in your community

Where to from here? Charlotte Jenkins A/Senior Conservation Manager

1. Talk with other stakeholders

partnerships key to success

share the work load

achieve shared goals

get all the facts

Where to from here? Charlotte Jenkins A/Senior Conservation Manager

2. Involve your neighbours

works may be beneficial to them toomore significant outcomes peer group influence

Where to from here? Charlotte Jenkins A/Senior Conservation Manager

3. Apply for funds & resourcesAvenues for $$– Recreational Fishing Trusts– Catchment Management Authorities– Environmental Trust – state

government– Envirofund– Murray Darling Basin Authority– Federal Government– Industry - sponsors

Where to from here? Charlotte Jenkins A/Senior Conservation Manager

3. Apply for funds & resources

Opportunities for assistance– Other recreational fishers – DPI Aquatic Habitat unit– Local environment officers

Where to from here? Charlotte Jenkins A/Senior Conservation Manager

4. Plan well but start quickly

good planning is essentialconsider time frames consider risks e.g. weatherbe realistic!give your project a head start

Where to from here? Charlotte Jenkins A/Senior Conservation Manager

5. Spread the word in your community

who knows about it?contact local media and promote your work– radio– TV– websites– fishing magazines– local papers

encourage others to get involved

Where to from here? Charlotte Jenkins A/Senior Conservation Manager

Options for keeping in touch

A habitat network?– web-based– mentor program– meetings– electronic newsletter - Newstreams– mail outs

Contact details

Where to from here? Charlotte Jenkins A/Senior Conservation Manager

Options for keeping in touch

Web based options– Blogs– Twitter– Online forums– Myspace– Facebook– Wiki

Where to from here? Charlotte Jenkins A/Senior Conservation Manager

Discussion question

Options for keeping in touch

Where to from here? Charlotte Jenkins A/Senior Conservation Manager

Options for keeping in touch

Fishers for Fish Habitat Forum 2010?– 1 location– Multiple locations– Feedback forms