Clean Start Book

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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Clean Start Book

Transcript of Clean Start Book

speakingof thefuture

Dermalogica believes it should be a clean one. Whenever possible, our ingredients come from renewable sources, and our packaging is either recyclable, photo-degradable, or biodegradable.

Clean Start was never tested on animals – because it’s just not niceand it’s not something webelieve in.

Clean Start was never tested on animals – because it’s just not niceand it’s not something webelieve in.

But we did ask teens, including talented high school filmmakers, to deliver what you need for your best-looking skin.

This is how we Clean Start.Tell us how you Clean Start at

let’s not waste time Want to know why your skin is so, well, moody?Your skin is your largest organ, and is very much alive. Because it’s a living part of you, it’s always changing. Internally, it picks up imbalances in chemicals and hormones. Externally, it’s a sensory organ, designed to detect changes in environment, sense hot and cold, and even reflect our emotions (think of a blushing rhinoceros). So, is it even possible to bring skin, which is constantly in flux,

into a

state of balance?

it is if you start now!Now is the best time of your life to start a healthy skin regimen. And by regimen, we mean getting clean, taking on issues, and protecting skin for a great-looking, healthy future.

1 getting clean Meet dirt. Meet grime. Then kiss them good-bye.

2 taking on issues It’s you versus the breakout. And this time, you win.

3 protecting skin There’s a place and time to be matte… or to shine!