Class 15 1 b

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Transcript of Class 15 1 b

Class 15EWRT 1B


O Presentation: TermsO Peer Revision: You must

have three copies of your essay. If you do not, you may leave now to print or copy them.

Terms for Exam 3O Gay: Someone who is primarily or exclusively attracted to members of

the same sex. In certain contexts, this term is used to refer only to those who identify as men.

O Heterosexual Privilege: Being able to kiss or hug your partner in public without threat or punishment; adopting or foster-parenting children; dating the person of your desire during your teen years; receiving validation from your religious community; receiving social acceptance.

O Homophobia: The irrational hatred and fear of lesbian and gay people that is produced by institutionalized biases in a society or culture.

O Institutional Oppression: Policies, laws, rules, norms and customs enacted by organizations and social institutions that disadvantage some social groups and advantage other social groups. These institutions include religion, government, education, law, the media, and health care system.

• Intersex: An anatomical variation from typical understandings of male and female genetics. The physical manifestation, at birth, of genetic or endocrinological differences from the cultural norm. Also, a group of medical conditions that challenge standard sex designations, proving that sex, like gender, is a social construct. At least one in 2,000 children is born with some degree of ambiguity regarding their primary and/or secondary sex characteristics. In these cases, medical personnel cannot easily label the child “boy” or “girl.” Most of these children receive cosmetic surgery so that the child’s genitalia conform to societal and familial expectations of “normalcy,” even thought such surgeries are not medically necessary and can damage the child’s reproductive organs. The number of children born with some degree of intersexuality is difficult to estimate. Intersex and transgender people share some overlapping experiences and perspectives, but the terms are not synonymous, and the issues are not the same. Though intersexed people are opposed to the word “hermaphrodite” because it is misleading and stigmatizing, it continues to be widely used in the medical profession.

• Male Privilege: Benefiting from the higher status of men and attributes associated with men and masculinity within the larger culture.

• Multiple Identities: The concept that a person’s identity does not rest solely on one factor (e.g., sexual orientation, race, gender, etc.). Therefore, no single element of one’s identity is necessarily dominant, although certain identities can take precedence over others at certain times.

• Dialect: the language of a particular district, class, or group of persons. It encompasses the sounds, grammar, and diction employed by a specific people as distinguished from other persons either geographically or socially. Dialect, as a major technique of characterization, is the use by persons in a narrative of distinct varieties of language to indicate a person’s social or geographical status, and is used by authors to give an illusion of reality to fictional characters. It is sometimes used to differentiate between characters.

• Euphemism: the use of an indirect, mild, delicate, inoffensive, or vague word or expression for one thought to be coarse, sordid, or otherwise unpleasant, offensive, or blunt.

• Hyperbole: obvious and deliberate exaggeration or an extravagant statement. It is a figure of speech not intended to be taken literally since it is exaggeration for the sake of emphasis. Hyperbole is a common poetic and dramatic device.

• Imagery: the forming of mental images, figures, or likenesses of things. It is also the use of language to represent actions, persons, objects, and ideas descriptively. This means encompassing the senses also, rather than just forming a mental picture.

• Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to a person, idea, or object to which it is not literally applicable. It is an implied analogy or unstated comparison which imaginatively identifies one thing with another.

Terms Exam 3

O Day: Class 17O Format: matching, fill in the blank, multiple

choice, and definition writing. O Number 25 to get 25.

Essay 3: Peer Revision Day

Groups of three are best.

1. Read for a first Impression

a. Each participant in the group will read his or her essay aloud.

b. Follow along with the reader, briefly noting paragraphs that are particularly convincing as well as any that seem unclear or unsupported.

c. Write a one-sentence summary of the essay’s thesis.

2. Evaluate the thesis statement and how well it forecasts the argument.

a. Find the thesis statement, and highlight or underline its key terms. (if you cannot find the thesis statement, let the writer know).

b. Evaluate the thesis statement c. Skim the essay again, highlighting or

underlining each key term as it is brought up.

3. Indicate whether each reason is well supported

a. Look closely at the sections where the reasons are developed. Note whether each reason is supported adequately with textual evidence such as quotations, paraphrases, or summaries.

4. Evaluate the Argument as a Chain of Reasons

a. Summarize briefly for the writer your understanding of how the reasons work together to argue for the thesis.

b. Note where logical connections linking the chain of reasons could be added, strengthened, or made more explicit.

5. Suggest how the organization could be improved.

a. Consider the overall plan, perhaps by making a scratch outline. Note any places where the argument is hard to follow or where transitions are missing or do not work well.

6. Give the writer your final thoughts

a. What is the draft’s strongest part?

b. What part is in need of further work?

c. Put your name near your comments.

OReaders: when you finish, return the draft and the completed form to the writer.

OWriters: read the comments and revise your essay accordingly.

HomeworkO Writing: Revise Essay 3: Submit

your essay electronically before our next class by emailing a copy saved in MS word to Studying: Vocab/terms for ExamReading: Hwang's M Butterfly Reading: Helen Lock "Transformation of the Trickster." A link to the article is posted on our webpage.