CIVIL WAR TRIVIA. #1 Who was president of the Confederacy during the Civil War?

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Transcript of CIVIL WAR TRIVIA. #1 Who was president of the Confederacy during the Civil War?



Who was president

of the Confederacy

during the Civil War?


Which was the first

state to secede from

the Union?


What was the

capital of the



Which side had a

higher population?


What invention led

to the growth of

‘King Cotton’?


What was the first

battle of the war?


What was the

bloodiest one day

battle of the war?


This made slavery

illegal in the United



These taxes were passed

in order to protect

American made products.


Prior to the Civil War,

each slave was counted as

____ for population



What was the percentage

of white southerners from

slave owning families?


What was the

fundamental belief of

an abolitionist?


He led a slave

rebellion in Virginia

that left at least 55

whites dead.


This state had the highest

slave population with

nearly half a million slaves.


Most deaths during

the Civil War resulted

from this.


Who were the two

commanding officers

at Gettysburg?


Occupation of this city

was essential to a Union

victory due to its location

on the Mississippi River.


How many states

were in the



What basic right did

Abraham Lincoln suspend

without Congressional



What 24 year old famous

actor assassinated

Abraham Lincoln?


What was the largest city

in the Confederacy at the

beginning of the war?


What is “green

apple quickstep”?


What device used in

the Civil War destroyed

the Pony Express?


This terrorist group rose

to power in the years

following the end of the

Civil War.


This book, written by

Harriett Beecher Stowe,

exposed the horrors of



This term refers to

formally withdrawing

from the Union.


The fall of this fort

marks the beginning

of the Civil War.


This bullet first used during

the Civil War caused much

damage to the body resulting

in high numbers of casualties.


The Compromise of 1850

allowed this state to enter

the Union as a free state.


This Union army nurse

would go on to found the

American Red Cross.


This organization

assisted newly freed

slaves by providing food,

shelter, and more.


After the assassination

of Abraham Lincoln, this

man became president.


Through the Missouri

Compromise, what two

states entered the Union?


This side had more

casualties at the

conclusion of the war.


This early version of the

machine gun was first

used during the Civil War.


Most battle field

amputations took about

_____ minutes to compete.


White Union soldiers

were paid this amount

every month.


Black Union

soldiers were paid

this every month.


A pound of butter in the

Confederacy cost $3 in 1863.

By 1865, due to inflation it

cost ___ per pound.


In 1865, Lee formally

surrendered to Grant

at this location.