Christianity and Islam in a post-911 World · Western Christianity N. America and Western Europe...

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Transcript of Christianity and Islam in a post-911 World · Western Christianity N. America and Western Europe...

Christianity and Islam in a post-911 World

I. The Rise of the �Non-Western� (Majority World) Church

Graph 1. Christians, North and South, by Percentage, AD 33-AD 2100







33 100
























Post Christian West and a post-Western Christianity

N. America and Western Europe losing between 4,000 and 7,500 per day


gaining between 16,000 and 24,000 every day – 10 million to 367 million

China – 1 mill. to 111 million & projected 218 India – 10 million to 80 million & proj. 150 mil

1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020


Global Ethnic Background of Christians 1900-2025

1900 Xns 2005 Xns 2050 Xns USA 73 USA 251 USA 329 Russia 62 Brazil 167 China 218 Germany 42 China 111 Brazil 202 France 41 Mexico 102 DR Congo 145 Britain 37 Russia 84 India 137 Italy 33 Philippines 74 Mexico 131 Ukraine 29 India 68 Nigeria 130 Poland 22 Germany 62 Philippines 112 Spain 19 Nigeria 61 Ethiopia 104 Brazil 17 DR Congo 53 Uganda 95

Homogenization? Or...

...Time for a jumbo crayon pack?

The Christian encounter with non-Christian faiths

An authentic encounter between Christianity and the non-Christian religions is an essential feature of our global witness.

II. Islam in the Context of the 20th-21st Centuries

•  A. Numeric vs. Percentage Growth Islam in 20th C. – 199 mil to 1.1 billion Christianity in 20th C. – 558 mil to 2 billion Islam – 12.34% to 20.36 (today) Christianity – 34.5% to 33% (today)

•  B. Islamic vs. Christian Growth

C. Islam in the Context of the 20th-21st Centuries








1900 1970 2000 2007 2025


Islamic Numerical Growth

C. Islam in the Context of the 20th-21st Centuries



1900 1970 2000 2007 2025

Growth as a Percent of World Population


C. Islam in the Context of the 20th-21st Centuries

Percent Muslim 50 to 99.9

10 to 50

1 to 10

0 to 1

Islam and The 10/40 Window

Source: Patrick Johnstone, O peration World, 1993G lobal M apping International (719) 531-3599

LB/phISLM 3 - Rev 3.1: M arch, 1996

Islam and its Relationship to Arab ethnicity

Islam and its Relationship to Arab ethnicity

Islam and its Relationship to Arab ethnicity


Indon. Bang. Nig. Pak. Ind. USSR Chin. Kuw. Jor. Iq.


III. Unifying Principles of Islamic Faith

A. Qur�ān

•  Surah 43:1-4 •  Ha mim. By the Glorious Book (that

makes things clear)! We have revealed the Qur�ān in the Arabic tongue that you may grasp its meaning. It is a transcript of Our eternal book, sublime, and full of wisdom…. (see also 10:37; 39:28)

B. Hadith

•  �Muhammad will instruct you in the Book (Qur�ān) and in Wisdom (Hadith) (2:151). The Hadith as a Source of Islamic Revelation,

Authority and Guidance

1. Sunna – �custom / example of Muhammad� 2. Hadith – �written narrative�

C. Five �Pillars� which hold up the �house of Islam�

The Vision of the United Community

1. Shahadah – Confession of Faith

•  I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah.�

•  Shahadah �witness� or �testimony�

2. Salat – Ritual Prayer •  Allah is most great! (4x)

I testify that there is no God, but Allah (2x) •  I testify that Muhammad is the Prophet of

Allah (2x) •  Come to prayer (2x) Come to success in

this life and Hereafter – Come to success! •  Allah is most great (2x) There is no God

but Allah.

Call to Prayer

3. Zakat - Almsgiving

•  1. Relief of the poor •  2. Further Islamic Missions •  �You shall never be truly righteous until

you give in alms what you dearly cherish.� 3:92

•  �recite your prayers and pay the alms-tax�

•  (2:43, 2:83, 2:110, 2:277, 58:13)

4. Sawm - Fasting

•  �In the month of Ramadan the Qur�an was revealed…therefore whoever of you is present in that month let him fast.� (2:185)

5. Hajj - Pilgrimage

•  �The first temple ever to be built for men was that at Mecca, a blessed place, a beacon for the nations. In it there are veritable signs and the spot where Abraham stood. Whoever enters it is safe. Pilgrimage to the House is a duty for all who can make the journey.� (Surah 3:97) See also, 2:196, 5:1, 95,96; 22:27-29

Grand Mosque in Mecca

Grand Open Air Mosque, Mecca


Black Stone of Monotheism

V. Diversity in Islam Sunni and Shiite

Left Wing & Right Wing


Islamic Fundamentalism

•  �Crash Course� in Islamic Fundamentalism –  A. Definition: A movement which seeks to

adhere to and to recapture the original message of Islam. It often involves challenging contemporary mainstream Islamic interpretations of the Qur��ānic and Legal traditions and positing a particular interpretation of Islam which has been re-cast as reflecting the truest essence of Islamic life and thought. (Also called Islamism)

VI. Key Issues Which Separate Islam and Christianity

•  A. Top Three Theological Issues –  1. Nature of Monotheism

Christian Trinity vs. Islamic Tawhid

Key Issues Which Separate Islam and Christianity

•  A. Top Three Theological Issues (cont.) – 2. Nature, Person and Work of Christ

(Christology) •  What Muslims Affirms About Christ

–  Sinlessness (Surah 19:19) –  Virgin birth via Mary (Surah 19:15-22) –  Teaching/ miracles (Surah 3:49, 50; 43:63) –  Second coming (al-Bukahari Hadith)

Key Issues Which Separate Islam

and Christianity •  A. Top Three Theological Issues (cont.)

•  What Muslims Deny About Christ – Deity of Christ (eternality, equality with God, etc.) –  Substitutionary atonement – Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead

Islam: Confusion concerning Incarnation

•  �Those who say: �The Lord of mercy has begotten a Son,� preach a monstrous falsehood, at which the heavens might crack, the earth break asunder, and the mountains crumble to dust. That they should ascribe a son to the Merciful, when it does not become him to beget one.� – Surah 19:88-91

•  #1 Stumbling Block: Incarnation of God in Jesus Christ

Islam: Confusion about Incarnation

•  Islamic commentary on Surah 19 text: •  �begetting a son is a physical act depending on

the needs of men�s animal nature. Allah Most High is independent of all needs, and it is derogatory to Him to attribute such an act to Him. It is merely a relic of pagan and anthropomorphic materialist superstitions.� – Confusions concerning the incarnation as

describing a physical relationship

Key Issues Which Separate Islam

and Christianity •  A. Top Three Theological Issues (cont.)

–  3. Nature of Biblical Revelation (Bibliology) •  a. Muslims affirm the uncreated Qur�an

•  Surah 10:37f The Qur�an could not have been composed by any but Allah. It confirms what was revealed before it and fully explains the Scriptures… If they say, it is your own invention, � say, �Compose one chapter like it. Call on your false gods to help you, if what you say is true.�

Key Issues Which Separate Islam

and Christianity

• �We Have revealed the Qur�ān in the Arabic tongue that you may grasp its meaning. It is a transcript of Our eternal book, sublime and full of wisdom.� 43:1

Key Issues Which Separate Islam

and Christianity •  A. Top Three Theological Issues

– 3. Nature of Biblical Revelation (Cont…) •  b. Muslims deny the inspiration of Holy Scripture •  c. Muslims believe that our texts are corrupt

Key Issues Which Separate

Islam and Christianity •  Cultural / Civilization Issues

– Social / propriety issues – dress, food, diet, gender roles, greeting customs, art, etc..

– Sharia Law vs. Western Law

Islamic Fundamentalism

•  �Crash Course� in Islamic Fundamentalism –  A. Definition: A movement which seeks to

adhere to and to recapture the original message of Islam. It often involves challenging contemporary mainstream Islamic interpretations of the Qur��ānic and Legal traditions and positing a particular interpretation of Islam which has been re-cast as reflecting the truest essence of Islamic life and thought. (Also called Islamism)

Islamic Fundamentalism •  B. A Brief History of Modern

Fundamentalism – 1924 – Ataturk abolishes the Caliphate – 1928 – Muslim Brotherhood is formed – 1952 – Nassar comes to power in Egypt – 1965 – Publication of Signsposts on the Road

by Sayid Qutb

Islamic Fundamentalism •  B. A Brief History of Modern

Fundamentalism (cont.) •  1967 - Humiliating defeat of the 6-Day war •  1979 – Iranian revolution •  1979 – Soviet Union invades Afghanistan •  1980 – Neglected Duty by M. Faraj

Islamic Fundamentalism •  B. A Brief History of Modern

Fundamentalism (cont.) •  1981 – Anwar Sadat assassinated by

fund. •  1983 – Attack on Marine Barracks in

Beirut •  1989 – Russia (USSR) withdraws from

Afghanistan •  1991 – Gulf War – USA puts troops in S.A.

Islamic Fundamentalism •  B. A Brief History of Modern

Fundamentalism (cont.) •  1993 – First Bombing inside USA (WTT) •  1996 – Taliban gains control of

Afghanistan and Osama Bin Laden declares war on USA

•  1998 – Kenya and Tanzania embassies simultaneous bombed – 213 dead

•  2001 – Trade Towers / Pentagon – �9/11�

Islamic Fundamentalism •  B. A Brief History of Modern

Fundamentalism (cont.) •  2002 – Numerous �soft targets� hit

against Israel and the USA interests abroad

•  2003 – Gulf War II – Syrians claim that this war will produce �one hundred Bin Ladens�

•  2005 – London Bombings

Islamic Fundamentalism •  C. Trends in Islamic Fundamentalism

– 1. Re-visiting of Islamic anthropology •  Jahilliyah / People of the Book / Muslim / Kafir

– 2. Re-interpretation/expansion of the jihad doctrine

– 3. 25 year radicalization of the movement in every predominately Islamic country

Islamic Fundamentalism •  C. 5 Trends in Islamic Fundamentalism

– 4. Terror / killing / slaughter is justified in the cause of re-instituting the Islamic caliphate and re-uniting mosque and state

– 5. Demonization of Western values as the embodiment of evil and the impediment to the spread of Islam in the world

– 6. More explicit linking of Palestinian cause with pan-Islamic fundamentalism, globalized intifada, not palestinian intifada

Islamic Fundamentalism •  D. Why is Osama bin Laden angry?: A

Look Inside the Ladense Epistles 1. Arab Defeat in 6 day war 2. Bitterness towards Royal Family in S.A. 3. Inability to export the �success� of the Iranian revolution to Muslims everywhere 4. Inability of Muslims to grasp the lessons of the Afghan defeat of the USSR (atheists) 5. Presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia 6. Western support of Israel and weak support for the Palestinian �uprising�