Choose Healthy Stuff Stub out Smoking!. Risk Factors.

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Choose Healthy Stuff Stub out Smoking!. Risk Factors.

Choose Healthy Stuff

Stub out Smoking!

Risk Factors

Fact or Fiction?

Throughout the presentation you will be asked to read the following statements & decide if they are fact or fiction!

Stub out Smoking?

How many chemicals are in

one cigarette?

OVER 4,000

3 most harmful chemicals are:

Nicotine – Addiction

Carbon monoxide -COPD


Carbon monoxide - Heart attack & stroke

Fact or Fiction

Smoking can cause high blood pressure


Fact or Fiction

Nicotine takes 1 minute to get to the brain


How many cigarettes a day are in this jar of tar?


20 cigarettes a day for a


What will happen to my body if I smoke?

Tar dyes the lungs black &

can cause COPD

Arteries to the heart get blocked

= heart attack

Arteries to the brain get blocked

= stroke

What will happen to my body if I smoke?

• Yellow teeth, hair and nails;• Bad breath• Deep wrinkles• Increases the risk of diabetes type 2• Possible Cancer



16 years old 64 years old

© 2014 Aprilage Inc.

Every second counts!

Fact or Fiction

My lungs will repair themselves once I quit smoking


Help someone to quit!

− If you know someone who wants to quit – REMEMBER it is there choice

− They can get help from:

Doctors/PharmacistCommunity support groups

Smoker’s Helpline: 0808 812 8008

Stop Smoking Apps

NHS stop smoking AppNHS Smokefree App

NICHS Advice

Eat a balanced


Kids60 mins. of

P.Aa day

Stub out smoking