Choose Healthy Stuff Stub out Smoking!. Risk Factors.

Choose Healthy Stuff Stub out Smoking!

Transcript of Choose Healthy Stuff Stub out Smoking!. Risk Factors.

Page 1: Choose Healthy Stuff Stub out Smoking!. Risk Factors.

Choose Healthy Stuff

Stub out Smoking!

Page 2: Choose Healthy Stuff Stub out Smoking!. Risk Factors.

Risk Factors

Page 3: Choose Healthy Stuff Stub out Smoking!. Risk Factors.

Fact or Fiction?

Throughout the presentation you will be asked to read the following statements & decide if they are fact or fiction!

Page 4: Choose Healthy Stuff Stub out Smoking!. Risk Factors.

Stub out Smoking?

How many chemicals are in

one cigarette?

OVER 4,000

Page 6: Choose Healthy Stuff Stub out Smoking!. Risk Factors.

3 most harmful chemicals are:

Nicotine – Addiction

Carbon monoxide -COPD


Carbon monoxide - Heart attack & stroke

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Fact or Fiction

Smoking can cause high blood pressure


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Fact or Fiction

Nicotine takes 1 minute to get to the brain


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How many cigarettes a day are in this jar of tar?


20 cigarettes a day for a


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What will happen to my body if I smoke?

Tar dyes the lungs black &

can cause COPD

Arteries to the heart get blocked

= heart attack

Arteries to the brain get blocked

= stroke

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What will happen to my body if I smoke?

• Yellow teeth, hair and nails;• Bad breath• Deep wrinkles• Increases the risk of diabetes type 2• Possible Cancer


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16 years old 64 years old

© 2014 Aprilage Inc.

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Every second counts!

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Fact or Fiction

My lungs will repair themselves once I quit smoking


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Help someone to quit!

− If you know someone who wants to quit – REMEMBER it is there choice

− They can get help from:

Doctors/PharmacistCommunity support groups

Smoker’s Helpline: 0808 812 8008

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Stop Smoking Apps

NHS stop smoking AppNHS Smokefree App

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NICHS Advice

Eat a balanced


Kids60 mins. of

P.Aa day

Stub out smoking

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