Chinese Conversation in Everyday Life 1 Sentences Phrases Words

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Basic Phrases to help your chinese skill get improved

Transcript of Chinese Conversation in Everyday Life 1 Sentences Phrases Words

Chinese Conversation in Everyday Life (1)

- Sentences Phrases Words


By Hongyang

Copyright@ 2012 by Hongyang (Canada)

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Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Introdu ction

Chapter 2: Movie

Chapter 3: Library

Chapter 4: University

Chapter 5: Roommate

Chapter 6: Direction

Chapter 7: Traffic

About the Author

Other E-Books by Hongyang

F oreword:

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel frustrated because you are unable to express yourself in Chinese? This book can help you overcome the challenges of learning Chinese by providing you with necessary words, phrases, and sentences that can be applied to various real-life situations.

This book covers 7 daily conversation situations: Introduction, Movie, Library, University, Roommate, Direction and Traffic with a total of 400 sentences, 250 phrases and words. In addition, every sentence is numbered for your quick search. Every Chinese character in this book is accompanied with pinyin and tones marked which helps you accurately pronounce it. Sentences and phrases also have English translation attached.

Here are some examples:

1. This is my friend, Allan.

21. Hey Hongyang, do you want to go see a movie tonight?

I'm going to watch ……. Do you want to join us?

**Useful Words and Phrases in Chapter 2

** Useful Words and Phrases in Chapter 3

Chapter 1: Introduction

1. This is my friend, Allan.

2. Hi Allan. I'm Franz.

3. Nice to meet you.

4. Nice to meet you too.

5. Have you two met each other?

6. No, we have not.

7. Where are you from, Allan?

8. I'm from Canada.

9. Canada, which city?

10. Toronto, the biggest city in Canada. How about you, Franz ?

11. Berlin, the capital city of Germany.

12. How do you know Allan?

13. He is my friend from university.

14. We come from the same city.

15 . We are relatives.

16. Do you know Bola? He is from Africa.

17. Yes, I know him. We are in the same Chinese class. He is from Nigeria. He is very friendly.

18. He is easy going.

19. She is very nice.

20 . She is very helpful.

**Useful Words And Phrases In Chapter 1

Chapter 2: Movie

21. Hey Hongyang, do you want to go see a movie tonight? I'm going to watch ……. Do you want to join us?

22. That sounds great. I always wanted to see that. Whom are you watching it with?

23. Where are you watching it?

24. What time are you watching the movie?

25. What time should we meet at the theatre?

26. We are going to see the eight O'clock showing. We are meeting at the theatre at seven thirty.

27. I have already seen that movie. What else is playing?

28. That movie sounds scary. I don't like horror movies.

29. Scary movies will give you nightmares for 3 months. When I was a little kid, I couldn't sleep because of horror movies.

30. Horror movies are not scary anymore.

31. I really don't like the actors. I'm going to pass.

32. What kind of movie do you like?

33. I like action movies because they are fast paced.

34. I like all sorts of drama. Drama movies are great because they are the most realistic. The sad drama movies make me cry.

35. I love all types of comedy because I love to laugh. I like comedy that makes fun of political things.

36. I can't stand to watch thriller movies because my stomach always gets upset.

37. It’s so exciting to watch a suspense movie.

38. Western movies are not so popular anymore. Clint Eastwood was a popular western actor.

39. Commentaries films are usually educational. Sometimes these films are sad because of the hidden truth that is revealed.

40. Why don't you like horror? They're entertaining.

41. Some are entertaining, but I find most of them stupid and childish.

42. I know what you mean. But it's just a movie. They need for the characters to do that.

43. The film was pretty good. I liked it.

44. The movie was so stupid I almost fell asleep.

45. The movie was boring and too unrealistic.

46. Do you remember the scene when Kong Fu Panda learned Kong Fu on the stairs?

47. I love the scene when Kong Fu Panda came home and hugged his dad.

48. What did you think about the last fight scene between Kong Fu Panda and Tylong in the rain?

49. The dialog scene in the temple between Kong Fu Panda and Master was absolutely amazing.

50. That was such a cool movie. It was the best movie I've seen in a long time.

51. Anytime I see a great movie I tend to look at my watch often. That's because I don't want the movie to end.

52. The movie was great. I liked everything about it. I'm definitely going to buy the DVD.

53. How much of it do you think was true?

54. The movie was better than I thought.

55. The movie didn't have many cheesy or stupid scenes.

56. I agree. They didn't need that scene.

57. I don't see the harm in that scene. They didn't do anything or show anything. What's the big deal?

58. But besides those one or two scenes, the movie was great.

59. I think so too.

60. I will watch the movie again next week.

**Useful Words And Phrases In Chapter 2

Chapter 3: Library

61. I want to borrow these books.

62. May I see your library card?

63. This is my library card.

64. My library card is expired. I want to renew.

65. I want to apply for a library card. How can I apply?

66. You can apply here by filling out the application form or you can apply online. Do you have your Student ID Card with you?

67. Is the library card free?

68. I like to return these books.

69. Let me see. These books are one week overdue. I am sorry, but you will have to pay a fine.

70. How much is it?

71. Let me check. It comes to 3 yuan altogether.

72. Can I renew this book for another week?

73. Sure, unless someone has put a reserve on it.

74. Excuse me. Where can I find back issues of Chinese Geography magazine? I am interested in these from last year.

75. I like to borrow this dictionary for few days.

76. I am sorry, but dictionaries can not be check out. You are welcome to use it within the library.

77. Could you please help? I can’t find this book in the shelf. Could you check and see if it has been checked out?

78. Certainly. Let me check. I am sorry, it has been checked out. Should I reserve this book for you when it’s returned?

79. Yes, please. Thank you very much. I’ll check back within a few day.

80. I would like to see some Chinese contemporary literature, but you don’t seem to have many in this library.

81. I have checked in the catalogue under author or title, but couldn’t find any.

82. Do you have copy machine in the library? I like to copy this article.

83. There are copy machines in the corner. It will cost you 5 Yuan a page.

84. Do you know where I can find books about……

85. Do you have English catalogue or Chinese Pin Yin catalogue?

86. I have been reading all afternoon and my eyes are getting pretty tired.

87. Yes, I feel the same way.

88. Do you want to go for a walk? Get some fresh air.

89. That’s a splendid idea!

90. I like this library. It has a beautiful Chinese garden.

91. This library is not crowded.

92. This library has a big and bright reading area, you can even look out in the beautiful Chinese garden.

93. Today, people can read ebooks from an e-reader.

94. People also can borrow ebooks from an e-book library.

95. It is convenient to read books from an e-reader, you can save your time going to a library.

96. The e-reader technology has changed our life a lot. People may not go to a library that often as before.

97. Even though, sometimes I still love going to a library because I love the reading environment.

98. Actually library is a communication place as well. You can meet people there and talk to people there.

99. New technology is good, but we should not be isolated from the society.

100. Yes, Let’s go to the library as often as we can. Maybe you can meet a pretty Chinese girl or a handsome Chinese man there. Good Luck.

**Useful Words And Phrases In Chapter 3

Chapter 4: University

101. Did you register yet?

102. I haven't registered yet. I register next Tuesday.

103. When does registration start for next semester?

104. Registration starts 4 weeks before the next semester.

105. How do you register for classes?

106. You register on-line. Go to the website, and click on register.

107. Where is the registration office?

108. What classes are you going to take?

109. I plan on registering for Chinese history.

110. I really want to take Chinese Medicine. But I'll have to see if it is full or not.

111. Registration was great this time. I got all the classes I wanted.

112. Why did you decide to come to this school?

113. I researched a bit, and found that this university offers exactly what I am looking for.

114. I did pretty well this semester.

115. How is Professor Li?

116. Professor Li is so uptight. He's always lecturing and never allows students to ask any questions.

117. Professor Wang is a brilliant professor. I learned so much from him.

118. Would you take another class from Professor Wang again?

119. So far, I have taken 2 classes from Professor Wang. I'm going to take every class he offers.

120. I wouldn't recommend Professor Li. His classes are so boring.

121. He's an idiot. He doesn't know anything.

122. How many exams did you have to take in Chinese literature history?

123. There were just two exams, the midterm and the final.

124. Do you have to give any presentations in Chinese philosophy class?

125. In Chinese religion, we have to give a presentation 3 times during the course.

126. We had two presentations, but they were pretty easy. It was the writing that was hard.

127. What do you do in Chinese writing class?

128. Do you have to write any papers in that class?

129. No. We only had one mid-term and one final exam.

130. Yes. We had to write 2 essays for that class.

131. How many pages did you have to write for your essays?

132. We had to write 5 pages for both essays.

133. Was the open-book exam hard?

134. Most of the time, open-book exams are harder, but this one was really easy. All the questions were in the glossary so I found the answers quickly.

135. Did you already take the Chinese grammar exam?

136. Yeah. It was hard. When do you take it?

137. I take it tomorrow morning. There is so much material, that I don't know what to emphasize on. What types of questions did you get?

138. Mostly on the Chinese measure words.

139. Hopefully he will use the same exam, because I'm going to spend most of my time studying the Chinese measure words.

140. It is a huge section and that is what he lectured the most on in class.

141. If you cannot study everything, then that is probably the best way to go.

142. Aright. Thanks for the info. I have to go to the library now.

143. Good luck.

144. Thanks. See ya.

145. You look tired. What's going on?

146. It's finals week and I have been up all night studying.

147. How many exams do you have left?

148. Three more to go.

149. If you need help with your chemistry class, I can help you over the weekend.

150. A university has its own special fields in which it is particularly outstanding. A large university is not necessarily good in very field.

151. Could you write a letter of recommendation for me?

152. Do you like our university?

153. I just love it. We have such beautiful and comfortable buildings. We also have well-equipped labs.

154. What about your class?

155. We have a bunch of smart fellows in the class and I have to work real hard to keep up with those guys. But they are nice.

156. What subject do you like best?

157. Chinese literature. We use text books written in Chinese.

158. It’s a tough subject, but I like it.

159. When is our home assignment due?

160. The day after tomorrow. But Professor Chen said we could hand it in on Monday at the latest.

161. Her class in so boring that I can’t help falling asleep.

162. You don’t have to sleep in her class next week then.

163. Why not?

164. She is attending some conference in Hongkong, so she will not be coming to class.

165. Have you handed in your paper?

166. Not Yet. I Stayed up all night but I still could not finish it.

167. What are you going to do, then?

168. I will ask Prof. Liu if it is all right to hand it in tomorrow.

169. Do you think he will say yes?

170. I have no choice.

171. Why are you studying so hard these days?

172. I have to do well on my final exams because I failed my midterms.

173. Are you worried about tomorrow’s exam?

174. Not really.

175. I admire your calmness.

176. How did you do on the last quiz?

177. Not good. I doubt I passed.

178. I hear some people cheated.

179. Yes, there were several of them.

180. I hope you’ll do better on the finals.

181. I must. I must work hard.

182. Practice makes perfect.

183. I am looking for a partner who can teach me Chinese and I can teach him English.

184. I am looking for a conversation partner.

185. Reading a Chinese novel is a good way to improve your reading skill.

186. Don’t be shy when you speak Chinese because you are learning this language.

187. May I ask you questions if I do not understand?

188. Sorry, you speak to fast and I don’t understand. Could you please speak slowly?

189. How to pronounce this word in Chinese?

190. How to say the whole sentence in Chinese?

**Useful Words And Phrases In Chapter 4

Chapter 5: Roommate

191. Are you staying in the school dormitory?

192. I applied for student housing but there is a long waiting list.

193. How do you like your roommate?

194. Well, she is kind of noisy and she likes to party too much.

195. But isn’t she a considerate roommate as least?

196. Not really. She is too messy and she keeps me up late at night.

197. Are you going to room with her next year?

198. I think so. She reminds me of my sister.

199. Are you a night person or a morning person?

200. I'm a night owl. I usually sleep pretty late.

201. I'm usually a night person, but I'm very quiet if my roommate is sleeping.

202. As long as you don't blast the music while I'm sleeping, I should be fine.

203. I have never been either. I'm very flexible with sleeping times.

204. Anyways, I'm a deep sleeper so a little noise never bothers me.

205. What time do you usually go to sleep?

206. It varies. Usually between midnight and one in the morning.

207. What time do you usually wake up?

208. I usually wake up at nine in the morning.

209. I like to sleep in the morning.

210. I don't wake up until I have to.

211. If you didn't have anything to do the next day, what time would you sleep till?

212. I'm a little tired. I'm going to sleep now. Have a good night.

213. I'm sleepy. Time to go to bed. See you in the morning.

214. Does the music bother you?

215. No not at all. I like it.

216. Do you mind if I turn the stereo on?

218. Oh, feel free.

219. Let me know if you want me to turn the music off.

220. Can I put my drinks in your fridge?

221. Sure. Don't worry about it.

222. Do you mind if I use your refrigerator?

223. No problem at all.

224. What is the rent here?

225. The rent is 1200 Yuan, so you would only pay 400 Yuan.

226. How many people live in the apartment?

227. So you would be the third person.

228. How many bedrooms does the apartment have?

229. This is a three bedroom unit.

230. How much is utilities?

231. On average, utilities are about 125 Yuan.

232. Does the rent cover the utility bills?

233. The rent does not cover utilities. You would be responsible for 1/3 of the utilities.

234. Do you have any rules for living here?

235. Does it get loud in here?

236. We are pretty quiet during the week days, but on the weekends, it can get a little loud.

237. What time do people usually go to sleep?

238. Do you hold any parties here?

239. How many people share the bathroom?

240. Do you have cable?

241. Do you have high speed Internet?

242. We have both cable and high speed internet.

243. Looks like we're going to be roommates.

244. I got here about an hour ago. Do you want me to show you around?

245. Yeah. That would be great. The most important is the bathroom right?

246. Definitely. But we have to share the bathroom with the whole floor. The living room is over there. The bathroom is right across from the living room.

247. I'm glad there is a TV in the living room. I like to watch TV.

248. That would be perfect. I think we're going to have a great time.

249. Hey, if you don't mind, I took this side of the room.

250. No problem. They look the same to me.

251. I'm calling about the available room. Is it still available?

252. Yes it is. Do you know where we're located?

253. Yeah. I drove by this morning and I liked the location. What's the rent?

254. It's 850 Yuan a month. So you would pay 425 Yuan a month plus half of the bills.

255. How big is the place?

256. It's a two bedroom, one bath and roughly about 80 square meter.

257. Is the complex pretty quiet? Can you hear a lot of noise or anything like that?

258. They have a strict policy in the apartment complex concerning noise level. So it stays very quiet after 10 PM.

259. Are you the only person who lives there now?

260. Yeah. I'm only looking for one roommate.

261. Everything sounds good. Can we schedule a time to meet so I can look at the place?

262. I'm available anytime today or tomorrow.

263. How about if I come over now?

264. That works with me. But what is your name?

265. Oh, my name is Hongyang.

266. Ok. I'm Cindy. So I'll see you in a bit?

267. Should only take about 15 minutes to get there.

268. Sounds good.

269. I like this unit. Bright and spacious.

270. There is a parking lot here.

**Useful Words And Phrases In Chapter 5

Chapter 6: Direction

271. Excuse me. Is there a grocery store around here?

272. Yeah. There's one right across the street.

273. Can you tell me how to get to Gu Gong?

274. Sorry. I don't live around here.

275. Where's Bei Hai Park?

276. How do you get to the bank?

277. Go straight down this street for two blocks. Turn left when you get Dong Dan street. Stay on Dong Dan Street for half a block. It's on the left hand side.

278. But it is far from here. You can’t walk. I think you’d better take a tixi. The taxi stop is right over there.

279. Pardon me, could you direct me to the nearest bus stop?

280. Sure, I can. I’m going that way. I’ll show you.

281. How long does it take to go from here to Beijing University by bus?

282. About an hour.

283. Do I need to transfer?

284. NO, it goes straight through. Here is the bus stop.

285. Do you know where is the subway ticket office?

286. Just go down these stairs, you will find the ticket office.

287. Excuse me, which way is the Beijing Library?

288. Keep going down this road and you will find it on your left.

289. Sorry to trouble you, I am looking for the post office.

290. Very sorry, I am a stranger here myself.

291. Well, let me see. It’s just around corner.

292. Where is the Student Activity Center?

293. I am not sure. But I think it is on the other side of the campus.

294. Could you please tell me where the free market is?

295. Yes, it is two blocks straight ahead. You can’t miss it.

296. Thanks a lot.

297. You are welcome.

298. Are you by any chance going to the Great Wall?

299. Yes, I am.

300. How are you going to get there?

301. By taxi.

302. Our car is here. We can give a ride.

303. Am I bothering you?

304. Not at all. We are going there anyway.

305. Thank you very much. It is very kind of you.

306. Does the bus for Qing Hua University stop here?

307. Yes, it does. Get on the bus no. 333 or 412.

308. How often does it come?

309. Every 15 minutes.

310. What bus do I take to get to the Tian An Men Square?

311. You’d better take No. 579 at this stop.

312. Where do I get off for the Tian Tan Park?

313. At the 10 th stop.

314. How far is the hospital from here?

315. Just a couple of blocks that way.

316. Where is the registration office?

317. Turn left as you go out of the building, turn left again at the first corner, and it is the second building on your right.

318. I think I know where it is now.

319. This location is not easy to find.

320. I don’t know the house number.

**Useful Words And Phrases In Chapter 6

Chapter 7: Traffic

321. The traffic is pretty bad. It’s a bumper-to-bumper all the way.

322. It’s always like that during rush hours.

323. How long does it take to get to your office?

324. At least one and half-hour.

325. You spend so many hours every day on the road! I think you should move closer to your office.

326. Why are looking in the rear mirror?

327. I am seeing a police car following us with its lights flashing. I think they just caught us for speeding.

328. How fast have we been driving?

329. About 120 km an hour.

330. But the speed limit here is 80 km an hour.

331. May I please see your driver’s license?

332. Did I do anything wrong?

333. You were over the speed limit.

334. Your driver’s license is expired.

335. I will renew it.

336. How long before we get Beijing?

337. I think we are almost there. About two hours, I guess.

338. It has been a long drive. You must be exhausted.

339. Do you want me to drive?

340. Get in the back seat and take a nap while I drive.

341. This car is handling strangely.

342. Maybe we have a flat tire.

343. I think our right front tire pressure is low.

344. We are in trouble. The nearest gas station is 2 km away.

345. What took you so long? I was afraid that you had gotten into an accident.

346. Sorry to have kept you waiting, there was a traffic jam on the high way.

347. It shouldn’t be that bad on a Sunday morning.

348. There must have been an accident.

349. I should have taken a different way.

350. I am going to rent a car. It’s inconvenient to get around without a car.

351. But won’t it cost a lot of money?

352. No, if we choose a small compact car. Most of the rental companies have weekend specials.

353. I can get a special discount with my company ID.

354. But judging by all the traffic, I think we may be in downtown area.

355. Why don’t we stop and ask someone where we are?

356. Excuse me. Is here the downtown area?

357. Could you tell me how to get to the city library?

358. It is just around the corner to your right.

359. We are lucky. We came the right way.

360. We are low on gas.

361. I should stop at the next gas station.

362. I want to fill up my tank.

363. Do you want super plus or regular gas?

364. Do you want me check the water and oil for you?

365. Where do I get air?

366. Your engine is overheating.

367. It probably means that you are running low on water.

368. How do I get on High Way 401?

369. Get off the next exit and you will be on High Way 401.

370. It is about 2 km ahead.

371. Could you please check the tire pressure for me?

372. My car broke down.

373. The engine seems to be burned. It's driving me crazy!

374. Have you thought about getting a new car?

375. I've thought about that, but I can't afford a new car. I'm broke.

376. Maybe you can lease a car. It does not cost much.

377. I know Toyota is running a promotion.

378. Zero down and $219 per month.

379. That's a good deal. I might want to consider it.

380. Damn! I have crossed the stop line at the signal. I will have to pay a spot fine now.

381. I got a traffic ticket.

382. I got parking ticket.

383. A police car is following us.

384. There is no traffic jam during that time.

385. My car wouldn't start this morning.

386. I used to have a problem like that. Did you check the battery?

387. The battery was dead again. I had to find someone to jump it for me.

388. Maybe you should buy a new battery.

389. But I just bought this one two months ago. It's still new!

390. Maybe they were dishonest and gave you an old one.

391. I'm going to return it. It's ridiculous!

392. Excuse me, sir, didn't you see the red light?

393. I thought I could make a right turn on red here.

394. The sign says "No Turn on Red."

395. My goodness, the traffic is crawling.

396. The woman ahead of us is driving so slowly!

397. People like that just drive me nuts.

398. Didn't you hear about the car accident right on this highway last week?

399. I did hear about that. That's a scary story.

400. So when you drive, don't drive like crazy. Drive with patience.

401. You can't park here.

402. I'm just waiting for my friends. It won't be long.

**Useful Words And Phrases In Chapter 7

About the Author

Hongyang was born in China, had achieved Bachelor degree from China and Magister degree from Germany. She had worked as a TV reporter for German and Canadian TV stations. She lives in Toronto, Canada and besides her full time job in the Telecommunication Industry writing has become one of her favourite hobbies since 2005.

Hongyang’s Webpage:

Other E-Books by Hongyang

China Travel Tips: Chinese Phrases in Different Situations, Trip Suggestions, Do’s and Don’ts

Chinese Phrases for Greeting Cards

Chinese Conversation in Everyday Life (1) - Sentences Phrases Words

Chinese Conversation in Everyday Life (2) - Sentences Phrases Words

Easy & Tasty Chinese Food Home Cooking: 11 Recipes with Photos

Healthy and Nutritious Chinese Sweet Soups: 15 Recipes with Photos

Homemade Chinese Spring Rolls: Recipes with Photos

Chinese One Pot Meals Home Cooking: 12 Recipes with Photos

Cooking Delicious Chinese Food with Fresh Fruits - Recipes with Photos

West Canada - Photos of Alberta and BC

Chinese Novel: Hua Luo Hua Kai � 花落花 (Simplified Chinese Edition)

Chinese Novel: Forbidden Love Under the Cross 十字架下的禁恋 (Simplified Chinese Edition)

Chines Novel: Sorry Dear, I am a Gay 老婆,我是同性恋 (Simplified Chinese Edition)

Chinese Novel Book Review h h h h h h h h 花落花 者网友 集 (Simplified Chinese Edition)

Chinese Essay 中文文学 : Fallen Flower 散落的花瓣 (Simplified Chinese Edition)