China. Review Forms of Imperialism: Colony Protectorate Sphere of Influence.

Post on 24-Dec-2015

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Transcript of China. Review Forms of Imperialism: Colony Protectorate Sphere of Influence.


ReviewForms of Imperialism:

• Colony• Protectorate• Sphere of Influence

Chinese Empires• 2800 BCE – 2200 BCE: Three Sovereigns and

the Five Emperors (mythical)• 221 BCE – 207 BCE: Qin Dynasty (First Imperial

Dynasty)• 206 BCE – 220 CE: Han Dynasty• 600 CE – 1100 CE: Tang and Song Dynasties• 1271 CE – 1368 CE: Yuan Dynasty (Kublai Khan)• 1368 CE – 1644 CE: Ming Dynasty• 1644 CE – 1911 CE: Qing Dynasty

China Activity!Six Groups:

1. England – weapons2. France – cheese3. Russia – coal4. Chongang – silk5. Guangzhou – spices6. Mongolia – porcelain

***The goal is to become the first country to get one of each card.***

Question 1Chinese

Name the six former republics of Yugoslavia


Name three countries which participated in the “Arab Spring”

Question 2Chinese

Which prestigious university offered Will Smith a full-ride scholarship?


Where was Will Smith born and raised?

Question 3Chinese

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

P.S. The African swallow


What movie is the Chinese’ question from?

Question 4Chinese

Name four novels written by Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Name the novels in the Hunger Games trilogy

Question 5Chinese

Who was the British prime minister during WWI?


Who was the British prime minister during WWII?

Question 6Chinese

What is the largest city in Africa by population?


What is the smallest country in the world by area?

Question 7Chinese

Name three characters from the TV show Cheers


Name three characters from the TV show Breaking Bad

Question 8Chinese

What is Ke$ha’s real first name?


What is Lil Bow Wow’s favorite sport?

Question 9Chinese

Who won the Olympic gold in women’s handball in London?


Name two female American gymnasts who won gold medals in London

Question 10Chinese

Which former Democratic candidate for President attended Swarthmore College?


What is Paul Ryan’s favorite band?

Question 11Chinese

Who is the author of The Tale of Genji?


Who is the author of Animal Farm?

Question 12Chinese

Who is Mr. Cramer’s favorite hockey player?


Where did Mr. Cramer go to college?

Qing Dynasty

Qing Dynasty• Founded by the Manchu leader Nurhachi• 1644: conquered the Han-dominated Ming

Dynasty- 25 million deaths

• Ruled China until 1912

• 1756: Introduced the Canton System- Limited foreign trade to designated areas- Tightly constricted foreigners’ activities- All Chinese goods sold for silver

Opium Wars• Beginning in the 19th-century, British traders

smuggle opium in from India to trade for silk, tea, and porcelain.

• Chinese government interferes with this trade- Arrests opium dealers- Shuts down illegal ports of trade

• 1839-42: British defeat Chinese• 1856-1860: British and French defeat Chinese

Opium Wars: Results• China is forced to sign unequal treaties with

England, France, Russia, Germany, and Japan

• Relinquish control of Hong Kong• Open major ports to foreign trade• Pay indemnities to European citizens• Religious liberty for Christians in China• International opium trade re-opened• Extraterritoriality

Spheres of Influence• By 1900, China is broken into different

“spheres of influence.”- Britain- Russia- France- Japan

• America and the “Open Door Policy”

Boxer Rebellion

Boxer Rebellion• The Society of

Righteous and Harmonious Fists

- Proto-nationalist, anti-Imperialist- Emphasis on

calisthenics and exercise

- “Spirit Possession”

- Anti-Christian

Boxer Rebellion• 1898: European powers force the Chinese

Emperor Guangxu to reform Chinese society• 1900: Empress Cixi seizes power

- Allows Boxers to spread throughout China- Boxers begin massacring Europeans and

Christians- Over 30,000 dead by the end of 1900

- Europeans intervene to crush rebellion

Empress Cixi, 1902

Aftermath of Rebellion“The people are afraid of officials, the officials

are afraid of foreigners, and the foreigners are afraid of the people"

• Cixi is allowed to stay in power• Some educational reforms are passed• Qing Dynasty = weak and unpopular• Europeans don’t colonize China completely

Xinhai Revolution• 1908: Empress Cixi dies, replaced by her two year

old nephew, Puyi• 1908-9: Sun Yat-Sen leads a failed coup

- Kuomintang: Nationalist Party (KMT)• 1911: Royal Guard joins Revolution against the

new Emperor• Sun Yat-Sen elected China’s first president• Abdicates in favor of Yuan Shikai, an Imperial


Democracy?• 1913: First democratic elections

- KMT score huge victory• 1915: Yuan proclaims himself Emperor, bans KMT• Sun Yat-sen calls for “Second Revolution”• Yuan forced to reestablish Republic

• After Yuan’s death, political fragmentation• KMT unifies country in 1928 under Chiang Kai-


Chiang Kai-shek & Mao Zedong