Child Psychology Module 3 Genetics

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Transcript of Child Psychology Module 3 Genetics


Genetics, Conception & Prenatal

Module 3


3.1Genetic Foundations

Genetic Foundations We carry a genetic code Inherited from parents Fertilized human eggCarries human codeBegin life as a single cellContains our entire genetic code

(Human egg about to pop)

ChromosomesNucleus of each human cell containsChromosomesThread-like structures made up of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA DNAComplex molecule that has a double helix shape & contains genetic informationUnique to all (except identical twins)Same genetic code

GenesGenesUnits of hereditary information composed of DNA. Short segments of DNADirect cells to reproduce themselvesManufacture proteins that maintain life Blueprint for cell reproduction

Human Genome Project 2003 GenomeComplete genetic information (DNA) of an organism Preliminary map of human genome Complete set of developmental instructions for creating proteins that initiate making of a human organismHumans about 30,000 genes

Genetic ExpressionGenetic expression affected by their environmental conditionsHormones in blood stream Turn genes on/offHormones affected by environmental conditions such asLightDay lengthNutritionBehavior

Genetic ExpressionNumerous studies showExternal events outside Original cellPerson+Events inside cellCan excite or inhibit gene expressionStressHormone: cortisol 5 fold increase in DNA damageWoman who is pregnant , 4 yr old son missing

Genetic PrinciplesDominant-Recessive Genes PrincipleRecessive gene is influential only if both genes are recessive1 gene of a pair always exerts its effects examples: hair coloreyesightfreckles

Genetic Foundations


Dominant-Recessive Genes Principle Dominant1 gene of pair always exerts its effects Recessive geneExerts influence only if 2 genes of a pair are both recessive may be overridden by dominant genemay be carried from generation to generation but not expressed in phenotypeRed hair

Genotype & PhenotypeGenotypeAll of a persons genetic material

Genotype & PhenotypePhenotype Observable characteristics Phenotypes include Physical characteristicsHeightWeightHair color Psychological characteristicsPersonalityIntelligence

Genetic PrinciplesWhat determines how a genotype is expressed to create a particular phenotype?Ex: Look exactly like sister/brother?Same geneticsWhy not?Science not totally sure

3.2Genetic Abnormalities

Genetic PrinciplesSex-Linked Genes: X-linked inheritanceMutated gene carried on X chromosomeMales have only 1 X chromosomeMore vulnerable to X-linked disorders HemophiliaFragile-X syndrome

Sex-Linked Chromosome Abnormalities

Sex-Linked XX or XYChromosome AbnormalitiesKlinefelter syndromeDisorder in males; extra X chromosomeFragile X syndromeAbnormality in X chromosome;becomes constricted or breaksTurner syndromeFemale disorder; X chromosomemissing or partially deletedXYY syndromeDisorder in males; extra Y chromosome

Genetic Foundations


Conception and Pregnancy3.3


FROM FERTILIZATION TO EMBRYO Here is an interactive site you might find helpful.The Brain From Top to Bottom


1.V. The Moment of Conception

2. V. Human DevelopmentHuman Development

Conception & Period of the ZygoteZygoteEgg & a sperm fuseCreate single cell23 unpaired chromosomes from egg & sperm combine to form 1 set of 23 paired chromosomes1 chromosome of each pair is fromMothers eggFathers sperm Each parent contributes 1/2 of offsprings genetic material


3 prenatal periods1. Germinal Period (period of the zygote)2. Embryonic Period3. Fetal Period

(Gabby Eats Frogs)

1.The Germinal PeriodTakes place in 1st 2 weeks after conception. 1. Creation of zygote 2. Cell division3. Attachment of zygote to uterine wall

The Course of Prenatal Development


The Germinal PeriodEgg goes from ovary through fallopian tube (uterine tube)

Creation of zygote (fertilized egg) Mature human egg23 chromosomesMature human sperm23 chromosomesEgg fertilized by spermCreates zygote46 chromosomes

The Germinal Period

Many sperm race to egg1 winsusually.Makes way to egg by smellIncluding other mechanismsOnce a sperm penetratesChemical is releasedPrevents other sperm from entering

The Germinal Period

The Germinal Period

Two sperm fertilize ovum?Usually miscarriage1% twins (real case)1st twin Hermaphrodite5% XY, 95% XX2nd twinMale, has 50% XX and 50% XY.


The Germinal Period

2. The Embryonic Period

2. The Embryonic PeriodOccurs 2 - 8 weeksafter conceptionCell differentiation intensifiesSupport systems for cells formOrgans appearHeart first The Course of Prenatal Development


The Placenta and the Umbilical CordFig. 3.2


PlacentaAttaches to inside of uterus Connected to fetus by umbilical cordProduces pregnancy-related hormonesSmall blood vessels carrying fetal blood run through placenta, which is full of maternal blood.

Embryos Life-Support SystemPlacenta Intertwines Does not join mother & babyUmbilical cordConnects baby to placenta

The Course of Prenatal Development


Amnion & amniotic fluidProvides babys environmentDrinks itOrganogenesisOrgan formationEspecially vulnerable to environmental changes

Embryos Life-Support System

3. The Fetal PeriodBegins 2 mos after conceptionLasts @ 7 mos - birthLargest prenatal size & weight gainsDevelopment:FingerstoeslungsSkin featuresreflexesThe Course of Prenatal Development


3. Trimester 1: Week 1 - 9

4. Trimester 1: Week 10 - 14

5. Trimester 2: Week 15 - 20

6. Trimester 2: Week 21 - 27

7. Trimester 3: Week 28 - 37

Pregnancy MemoriesYou?Partner?Friend?Parent?

The BrainBirth 100 billion neuronsBasic architecture 1st 2 trimesters Neural tube: first 1824 daysForms the spinal cordNeural Tube DefectsEffect so severe, wont show youDefect tied to nutrition

The Course of Prenatal Development


Neural Tube Defects

8. Neural Tube Defects

The BrainNeurogenesis: 5th prenatal week:Proliferation of new immature neuronsContinues prenatal period3rd trimesterConnectivity Functioning of neurons

Fetal Learning

3rd TrimesterIncreased responsiveness:Familiar voicesDifferences in heart rate ExperimentCat in the Hat read to fetus 2xs a dayPreference for book & voice after birthAny help to development?None detected

Prenatal development3.5

Threats to prenatal development

9. Teratogens (tratogen)

Threats to prenatal developmentTeratogen Any agent that causes a birth defectSeverity & type of defect affected byDoseGenetic susceptibilityTime of exposureHazards to Prenatal Development


All drugs (prescribed, illegal) can have effects on unborn fetusAntibiotics, analgesics, asthma medicationsX-raysPollutionLarge doses Vitamin A1961: thalidomide tragedy

Threats to prenatal development

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

9.a. Alcohol and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Zygote Embryonic period (wks) Fetal Period (wks)

Period of susceptibility to functional defects

Fig. 3.7 (modified)123456789163238

Teratogens and Timing of Their Effects on Prenatal DevelopmentMost serious damage from teratogens in first 28 weeks

Period of susceptibility to structural defects

Central nervous system HeartArmsEyes Legs EarsTeethPalate External genitalia


Psychoactive DrugsPsychoactive drugs Act on nervous systemChange moodsAlter states of consciousModify perceptionsExtent of risk & harm varies

Hazards to Prenatal Development


Look what you did to your baby

Your Doctor Wants You to Smoke 1951

Nicotine (March of Dimes longitudinal study, 2011)

Heart defects Absence or severe underdevelopment of hands, feet, radius, tibia, ulna or fibula Missing fused or extra fingers or toes Clubfoot Cleft lip or palate Eye defects Gastrointestinal defectsBaby more likely 2 or more defects

Psychoactive DrugsDangers of third-hand smoke


Environmental HazardsFathers exposure to lead, radiationX-ray radiationPollutants & toxin wastesFertilizers & pesticidesLead-based paints PetrochemicalsWhy fathers exposure causes harm?Hazards to Prenatal Development


Weight Gain 25 - 35 lbs. best Inadequate / excessive May affect Baby birth weightMothers healthGestational DiabetesLose weight during pregnancy?Anorexia / Bulimia

Maternal Nutrition

Maternal NutritionNutritionIncreased need for all nutrients50% increased need for:ProteinIronVitamin DCalciumPhosphorus MagnesiumWater essential Strategies for Expectant Mothers


Maternal NutritionMaternal diet, nutrition, & weightFolic acid & ironFish: PCBs & mercury levelsMaternal ageHighest risks: adolescents, over 35 yearsDown syndromeMaternal emotional states

Hazards to Prenatal Development


Exercise During PregnancyDecrease duration & intensity as pregnancy progressesAvoid high-risk activitiesWarm up, stretch, cool downReduce exercise significantly in last 4 weeksExercise not linked to preterm birth

Strategies for Expectant Mothers


Parental FactorsPaternal factorsFathers diet & low vitamin CDrug use effects on spermSmoking effects of second-hand smokeFathers age at conceptionBirth defects: dwarfism, Marfans SyndromeHazards to Prenatal Development


Prenatal tests3.6

10. Prenatal Tests

Chorionic Villus SamplingMore invasiveHigh risk pregnancy10-13 weeksEarlier than amniocentesisRemoves:Sample of chorionic villiPlacenta where attaches to uterine wall

Infertility & reproductive Choice3.7

11. How to Decide on a Fertility Treatment

12. Outsourcing Pregnancy