ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Fluorene- and Spirobifluorene-Fused Thiophenes.

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Transcript of ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Fluorene- and Spirobifluorene-Fused Thiophenes.

Fluorene derivativesQ 1060 DOI: 10.1002/chin.201238077

Synthesis of Fluorene- and Spirobifluorene-Fused Thiophenes. — A novel syn-thetic route to fluorene-fused thiophenes starts with ninhydrin. The Diels—Alder cy-cloaddition of indanocyclone (I) and butynediol (II) is employed to construct the key intermediate (III), which is further converted stepwise to the target compounds, e.g. (VI) and (XIII). — (YAO, W.; LIU*, Q.; SHI, Y.; TANG, J.; Heterocycles 85 (2012) 5, 1077-1088, ; Dep. Chem., East China Norm. Univ., Shanghai 200062, Peop. Rep. China; Eng.) — M. Paetzel

38- 077

ChemInform 2012, 43, issue 01 © 2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim