CheekyPromo 7Aug15 public PDF best

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Transcript of CheekyPromo 7Aug15 public PDF best

Cheeky Promo - July 2015

Why Music?

I live in New Malden which is in the borough of Kingston in SW London.

I’m involved with music because as a child it was not only a positive outlet but a necessary one, an imperative one, as it was a way for me to connect to others. Music is quite literally my first language. When I was young (3 or 4), I was not

talking so had speech therapy. That didn’t have much impact so I moved to music therapy. Music therapy helped, and music still helps me, to communicate and

connect with others, to express / be myself, to be part of the world.

I asked my mum about her memories of my speech & music therapy

Speech therapy I felt……………..

• anxious about how you felt • guilty as I thought that it was my fault that you weren’t talking • relieved that I had something constructive to do & a way of communicating

sounds using signs • pleased that someone was trying to help

I think that you felt……………………… • Pleased that you could communicate even if only with making sounds • Frustrated that you couldn’t say what you wanted to

Music therapy I was…..

• relieved that there was an alternative to speech therapy which seemed to have achieved all it was going to achieve

• amazed by the effect it had on you • delighted that you were enjoying it so much • hopeful that it was going to work much more that speech therapy

I think that you were…………………… • very happy to be communicating with ‘musical’ speech • enjoying the ‘music’ making very much • excited by the music • emotionally charged because it was good fun and something you loved • able to ‘talk’ in a language instigated by you i.e. you were ‘in charge’ with

Pamela following your lead • free to ‘shout’ because you’d found your voice

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My earliest musical memories involve listening to my mum singing and playing guitar, listening to the radio when my dad had it on. I fell in love with (a record of)

Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker / Swan Lake at the age of 8.

The same year (1988), my oldest brother gave me a tape of Queen's album The Works. I was hooked. 3 years later, Freddie died. I remember the Tribute concert the year after. My parents got me 2 tickets to see/hear Brian May and Kerry Ellis

perform at the Royal Albert Hall some years ago when they released their Anthems album. Kerry previously was a star in the queen / Ben Elton musical "We Will Rock

You" in London, which I saw twice (although not when she was in it).

One of Mike Oldfield’s tracks in particular (not from TB) is emotional for me as it was used in an acrobatics display my brother used to do with someone else at this

acrobatics club. Mike Oldfield is a British musician who became famous due to his album Tubular Bells (and the later Tubular Bells II, Tubular Bells III and Millenium

Bell), which was the first album released on Richard Branson's Virgin Records label.

For many years, being part of 2 local community choirs (associated to Tiffin Boys School and Kingston Grammar School) was an ‘excuse’ to spend time with family (dad, his brother & wife, dads sister). Singing in a choir was another way to learn

about music, develop my passion, be part of something bigger than myself, to become more confident using my voice- to sing loudly and be heard but not above

anyone else — to be equal, to make a difference.

My educational background is in music — I had piano lessons for many years and studied music at university — piano, composition, theory, history…

In 2002 I graduated with a BMus from at Roehampton Uni. I studied music (including piano & composition) and gained experience as a piano accompanist for "Shades of

Harmony" (an intimate female choir) and a string trio. I also helped a solo singer pass a grade exam. I wrote a thesis (supervised by Dr B Norton) on Philip Glass'

opera trilogy; Einstein on the Beach, Satyagraha & Akhnaten. During 2002-03 I studied film/TV composition at Kingston Uni. I got involved with an arts event called "transit station”. The first Station was at Kingston, then we travelled to Berlin & Edinburgh. I collaborated (as composer / pianist) with dancers and live /

performance artists and film makers.

In 2003 I created the soundtrack for (Death (G)row (Right Charlie Productions).

In 2005 I composed the score for a short film (The Spotter, dir. Li, prod. Main) by students at the London Film Academy.

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Feb - July 2005 - worked with Sheen Mount School as a pianist. In 2011 I gained further experience as an accompanist at St John's primary school in Kingston.

2006-07 - worked as a play-worker & gained a level 2 CACHE playwork certificate.

In 2007 I gained experience as a youth music tutor.

During 2010-12, under the banner “piano Talent”, I worked with London based singer-songwriter called Nix Nugent. Piano Talent is now a platform to promote other

pianists, teachers, composers etc… @pianotalent /

Around 2007 I started working as a composer on an opera / musical / music theatre piece based on a book called We All Know Too Much by Chris Eales. This is a

project I would like to bring to fruition in the future. Find out more at

Since 2011 ( ) I have been developing my skills / experience / passion for using social media to connect with musicians and help them

to connect / communicate with others.

Music promotion via Cheeky Promo, born on 1st January 2013, is perhaps a way of finding people who can help with a musical, social, educational enterprise comprising

an arts centre, creative space, creative startup incubator / accelerator;

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Cheeky Promo

In January 2013, music entrepreneur Rupert Cheek founded Cheeky Promo. Cheeky Promo offers a wide variety of services for anyone who either wants to share their music, set up a formal/informal music event.

Cheeky Promo is a community of people from all over the world who are passionate about music, tremendously talented and helpful. Cheeky Promo offers a wide variety of services for a range of musicians as well as others in the music industry. We help them to use social media effectively and manage their social media accounts if they want us to. We are compelled to share our passion for music and to help musicians to get their music heard.

Company Goals:

To earn enough to be financially independent To enjoy what I do To be able to decide what to do / To be able to decide who to work with/for Loyal customer following. To have a successful company that offers Great customer service Quick & personal response Range of services

Company Objectives: Progress markers along the way to goal achievement To earn enough to pay back start up loan

Business Philosophy: What is important to you in business?

I am be contactable, and endeavour to give personal responses ASAP I collaborate & network with others to offer my clients the best promotion To be 'cheeky; (but not TOO cheeky) I am fair & open I share information when it helps musicians and doesn't harm the business If a musician contacts us personally way then I will reply. If it isn’t what I do, reply with feedback/ suggest others who can help.

To whom will you market your products? (briefly - more thorough explanation in the Marketing Plan section).

musicians venues, record labels rehearsal/recording studios management companies, Music fans

Describe your industry. Is it a growth industry? What changes do you foresee in the industry, short term and long term? How will your company be poised to take advantage of them?

Music / Social media / web design / 'mobile' / economy

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Catherine Alice Corelli, June 2015

“I think you do an excellent job. I joined [the Cheeky Promo Facebook group] for love of music and playing.” Patricia Clarke, June 2015

"Rupert is beyond selfless, I know this from experience, he will go out of his way for people. I have met some good people on Facebook and Rupert ranks in the very very top, and on top of all that, Rupert is trust worthy, personally if Rupert told me that it was okay to cross a busy road with a blind fold on I wouldn't hesitate, and I don't trust people that much" Michael McKinnon, Feb 2014

"On behalf of all of us here at Dark Beauty we extend a huge thank you to our good friend Rupert Cheek, for introducing many of his friends from the UK to Dark Beauty's music! We are gaining many new fans from the UK and we are truly grateful to have his support! Thank you Rupert!!! Liz, Bryan, Dan, Gary, Warren" Jan 2014

“Hi, I'd like to invite you to apply to Startupbootcamp Mobile 2015. From the first glance it looks like Cheeky Promo has an interesting product and team. Have you guys considered joining a top tier accelerator to boost your startup?

Startupbootcamp [Copenhagen] is the leading European accelerator program with crazy stats these days. We have an open F6S application for our MOBILE focused program in Copenhagen running as a summer camp this year. Please DO consider applying for one of the 10 spots! Lars Buch, MD, Startupbootcamp Mobile “ (April 2015) - - introducing-lars-buch - @lars_buch -

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Most important company strengths & core competencies. What factors will make the company succeed? What do you think your major competitive strengths will be? What background experience, skills & strengths do you personally bring to this

new venture?

Network - connections ‘Cheeky' open mind flexible, adaptable Tenacity Experience & knowledge as a musician; drummer, pianist, composer Social media experience Cost/fees

Here is a quick overview of Cheeky Promo on social media:

@CheekyPromo 32k followers Google+ community 3250+ members Facebook group 1996+ members Pinterest 2900+ followers SoundCloud 1240+ followers Instagram 1163+ followers Facebook page 1100++ Likes Tumblr 270 followers Google+ page 90 followers Flickr group 70+ members, 1k+ images LinkedIn page 55 followers LinkedIn group 50 members

@RupertCheek 12,200 followers Rupert Cheek on Facebook 3700+ friends Rupert Cheek on Google+ 3500+ in Circles Rupert Cheek on LInkedIn 3500+ Connections Rupert Cheek on Pinterest 2686 Followers Rupert Cheek on Flickr 400+ Followers

We love connecting with arrangers, bassist, bassoonist, cellist, composer, clarinettist, conductor, drummer, engineer, guitarist, lyricist, manager, orchestrator, percussionist, performer, pianist, producer, promoter, publisher, radio station / host, record label, recording studio, rehearsal studio, singer, songwriter, teacher, venue, violinist, …

We also enjoy learning about, sharing and collaborating with other music startups

If you are, want to be, or work for any of the above, please contact Rupert via / (+44) (0)7447 907 357;

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Flat fee for Page including profile on website (consider period on website)

Other services £/month/quarter/year

Facebook Set up Page Manage Page Invite our Friends to Like your Page Like your (Facebook) page Share your (Facebook) page on; Facebook (public/in other groups) Google+ (public/in other groups) Tumblr Twitter How often?

Google+ +1 / Circle your Google+ page / Set up/Manage page Share your Google+ page on: Google+ / Facebook (public/in Communities) / Tumblr / Twitter How often?

Twitter Create / Manage twitter profile Mention you on twitter with relevant hashtags - How often? (auto) retweets via roundteam

SoundCloud Post / re-post your music to our Soundcloud AccountsCreate List(s) if we share enough of your music

Profile page on Embedded SoundCloud / ReverbNation, YouTube video & images Written interview done by email or Facebook chat/message; Shared on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, our websites How often?

Email Campaigns** Promo sent to people on our email list How often? - weekly / fortnightly / monthly

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Images Send us your music related images and/or self-portraits, with description(s) including link(s) and we will add them to the; Cheeky Promo Flickr group Other Flickr groups Cheeky Promo Pinterest page Cheeky Promo Tumblr Cheeky Promo Facebook Group Other Facebook groups Our Founder’s personal Facebook profile / wall Cheeky Promo Google+ group Cheeky Promo Group / other groups / public) Your Facebook Page if we are a Manager / Content Creator Your Google+ Page if we are a Manager Tweet them with a mention of your twitter handle. Include them in Email Campaign(s)**

Gigs* date/ location / venue to be discussed

Click the link for some Cheeky Promo Testimonials

*Gigs if/when mutually agreeable/practical, to be discussed/confirmed.

Networking / social events At my house / a venue; Monthly? Guests to bring some food/drink / donation towards it? Buy food & drink myself? Music (live/recorded)

General ideas; Student composers (Colleges/Universities) + local ensembles/choirs

If there is anything else you would like help with please email us at

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£ Month Quarter

Set up Facebook Page A N/A N/A

Manage Facebook page B C

Set up Google+ Page A N/A N/A

Manage Google+ Page B C

Pinned post in Cheeky Promo Google+ Community

Set up Twitter A N/A N/A

Manage Twitter D E

Pinned tweet F G

Roundteam retweets H I

Featured Artist on website J K

Email shot L M

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Welcome to your Mixerati profile

Register your social accounts with our handy crowd calculator and keep your entire social following and potential revenue up to date without any effort! Completing all

steps will give you the chance to win daily, weekly and monthly prizes in the Mixerati Social Club. Check out the instruction video or simply follow the steps.

We will verify your account within 24 hours of completion. All your personal data is 100% secure and will not be shared with anyone.

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Fri, Jun 19, 2015 at 9:55 AM, Alastair Cameron @

Hi there Rupert and great to connect

Cheers for your support and also joining Startacus too.

Meet Patrick - Patrick has website which is an online music-discovery platform, creating offline opportunities for independent musicians in sync, live gigs,

international festival slots and record and publishing deals.

He is also running Choorpy Connect - - Networking events with Industry speakers / Music champions / Stars

He is doing good things in NI / Ireland and of course looking to develop UK / elsewhere and I thought if nothing else you would be a good poc and also perhaps you might really love what he is doing too. Hope you both connect and it helps you


Patrick, Rupert has been a keen supporter of Startacus and I had been aware of Rupert’s passion for music and connections so there may be some good opportunities and at least some good conversations to maybe have -

hope it helps and chat soon

Kind Regards, Alastair Cameron Co-Founder

Pat CHOORPY @ Date: Fri, June 19, 2015 12:50 pm

To: Alastair CameronCc:

Thanks Alastair, Rupert, great to meet you and look forward to getting a chat.

I'm in the process of transferring myself to England. Many thanks, Patrick

Patrick Cutliffe CEO/Founder, CHOORPY - www.choorpy.comCHOORPY Media -

CHOORPY Live - / @choorpy / @musicchampion

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Melboss Music Inc - Filippo Tartari, Date: Fri, Jun 19, 2015 12:03 pm

Hi Rupert,

I know you cause you are following my company, Melboss Music Inc. (

I'm contacting you cause we are looking for professionals with experience in music and in social media.

Reading your profile I think you could help us. Now I explain how. Melboss is a platform that offers different services:

- some of them implemented inside the platform, and users can pay for them with an automated process.

- others are external services that we outsource to partners, freelance etc etc.

In the last days users are asking for a social media strategy to create/grow their fanbase starting from the scratch. Consider that actually our customers are from US.

Can you help us? Can you send a proposal with budget considering the case that the artist has no followers, no fans (a new fan page), no website..

We need a proposal with monthly objectives, price, etc etc.

Can you prepare it?

We could start a partnership.

Tell me if you have any question.

Thanks, Best, Filippo

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Competition dottedmusic / agency @ dottedmusic / / standabovethenoise

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Dotted Music isn’t the same old agency that claims to be the best. In fact, that’s not even what we strive for. What we strive for is an honest connection – a connection to the artists we work with and the art that they’re creating. We know that you have a passion and lust for what you’re doing and we want to help the world realize it just

as much as you do.

And we get it, because we here at Dotted Music are also artists.

Consisting of a team of musicians, marketers, graphic designers, videographers and photographers, we have the knowledge and expertise to make your brand stand out. We believe in the artists we work with and we do absolutely everything in our power

to ensure your voice is heard in this digital age.

So, feel free to read our bios below to get to know us better and search around the site for services we offer. You could even email, call or Skype us to connect directly.

We truly do want to connect with you & hear all about your artistic creations & pursuits.

With a blog that features posts by leading industry professionals, musicians, and even university lecturers, Dotted Music is at the forefront of the music industry

conversation. Although web presence isn’t just textual.

standabovethenoise The launch of our Stand Above The Noise video interview series sees some of the

leading music biz professionals enter the picture.

Maybe you aren’t quite ready to utilize our services but are still searching for more knowledge than our blog and videos have to offer. No need to weep and feel

hopeless at this point…

Growth Training and Community For Musicians, Bands, and Producers WeSpin is simple, actionable, and applicable to all stages of your growing career.

We have recently launched our extensive educational platform called We Spin. This service allows for you to really get into our minds & learn everything (truly,

everything) you would need to know to launch yourself into the next steps of your career. You can trust the Dotted Music team to share our know-how with you.

Your music has to be great, but sitting and waiting until someone discovers your brilliance is not a viable plan. Your music won’t sell itself. You need to put hard work into your career, and you need to be a part of a community of like-minded musicians

and professionals to inspire you and keep you on track.

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What Growth Training means for you

We understand that your main focus after making music is growth—getting more plays, more loyal fans, more connections, and more revenue. Growth is the

quintessential element in properly developing your music career.

How WeSpin will help you

By joining WeSpin, you will receive a weekly email with very specific and simple growth hacking assignments, exclusive lessons, and worksheets.

But wait, there’s more

Aside for sending you weekly assignments, you will also have access to a large database of video lessons covering different topics such as Branding, Social Media,

and Touring, all catered to help grow your career. You can watch and learn from these video lessons at your own pace and around your own schedule.

You can gain a great deal from WeSpin which is why it is completely free for ten days, after which it’s only $15/mo. No long term commitment. Cancel anytime.

Click the button below to learn exactly what you will get out of a WeSpin subscription, and then to sign up for your free trial in two clicks.

This is a personal invitation to join us. Let us connect the music industry dots for you.

Give it a try

We know, you hate it. It wastes your precious time and energy, you don’t want to spend it on stupid status updates and posts. But you know you have to do it, you can

no longer ignore the most powerful ways to connect with your tribe.

Cyber PR® takes an all-encompassing view of social media that no other agency does. Our “social media house” concept allows clients to build a presence on all

social networks using a system that makes sense.

We build you an online foundation that gives you a more loyal tribe.

A Cyber PR® Social Media Manager will implement proven strategies to grow and engage your fan base in two-way conversations and work with you to effectively

market to them across social media platforms, in your newsletters & on your blog.

A Social Media Management Campaign takes over your social media sites to optimize engagement. The 6 rooms of your social media house are Facebook,

Twitter, Youtube, Blog, Pinterest, Newsletter.

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Cheeky Promo - July 2015 - music specific

6 months-or year long campaign that suits your needs. Entertainment PR firm with a specialty in music PR.

We work with acts in all genres: Pop, Rock, Electro, R&B, Hip Hop etc.

I AM PR Agency LLC is a vital resource for artists of all genres, labels and brands globally who need a solution to secure the most amount of impressions on all media platforms (TV,

online, Print, Radio) at the most affordable rate!

I AM PR Agency not only consults and teach its clients on how to develop, market and monetize their brand; we also provide one of the most important metrics in Marketing: reach

and awareness! That data is calculated from the cumulated reach generated from Twitter reach, Facebook engagement, and email marketing stats! It is through those platforms that

the press and general public become fans of your brand overtime and get to know you. Your fame score is determined by the level of your impressions. It is key to monitor that data because it measures the growth of your brand throughout the lifetime of the campaign.

The main appeal of I AM PR Agency is its reporting component. We invented a reporting system that proves return on investment through PR which is something that no other music PR has! The average publicist simply compares PR versus advertising! I AM PR Agency on the other hand compares all of your impressions, all of your press placements, and all the

relationships that are being built on your behalf into a reporting model where you can clearly see week after week whether or not you are making progress.

Olivia Dikambi-Long - 770-635-7214 / 404-951-1545 /

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Olivia Dikambi-Long - 770-635-7214 / 404-951-1545 / - Nottingham, UK web design, band merchandise & printing,

PPC | SEO | Social Media | Web Design & Development Hit a brick wall with your music marketing campaigns?

Learn how to promote your music or music business online today: We use the very best techniques from the industry and apply them to help new and

emerging musicians, promoters and studios find and engage new audiences. Want to find out more? Get in touch.

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Cheeky Promo - July 2015 Los Angeles, California,

Quality of support & communication. Social Media Marketing 30 Days - $200.00.

Gain Targeted Fans, Customers, Likes & Followers. Pick 1 social network; Twitter, FB, Instagram, Soundcloud or Youtube.

Go above & beyond to ensure presence receives the boost that it needs. Combines traditional best practices with fluency in cutting-edge social media &

digital strategy to provide everything from PR to content creation & brand development.

5 year history of successful & sophisticated campaigns. Worked with businesses, online marketers, actors, models,

artists, musicians, record labels, startups & major corps. & 3 months exposure and promotion for the cost

of a coffee and cookie, or fast food burger!

> New simpler GENRE categories (with all genres welcome) > More versatile ARTIST PROFILES and PROMOTION -

create your own combination of features > FREE DOWNLOADS available to everyone > FREE ADVICE and information for artists

> FREE RADIO Directory > Ridiculously LOW prices for ADVERTISING and sponsorship

> RECOMMENDED RELEASES section - album/single promotion > FLEXIBLE and very inexpensive pricing (from only £4 for 3 months!!)

> New features and UPDATES all the time National / Regional Radio & TV, Specialist & Student Radio,

Online PR, Management Consultancy & International Dedicated and knowledgeable team, expertise and freshness

Worked with A-List musicians in the pop / rock / electronic arena.. We pride ourselves on getting the best results for the music we work.

Our secret is simple... we live and breathe music. Freeman PR is a leading music, arts & entertainment PR agency set up in early 2007

For artists, businesses, films, books and cultural events. They pride themselves on an instinct to make projects work,

wealth of contacts, determined work ethic, integrity and diligence.

print, online, broadcast media PR, Communications, Social networking

arts, film entertainment industries music & event promo

Corp. brand representation.

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Cheeky Promo - July 2015 - for classical music/musicians PR & Marketing / Artistic consultancy / Event management Priceless promotion for choice artists,

mainly aimed at gaining wider coverage in blogs & radio. - London ARTS - Events, Promotion, Management & Independent label / - email marketing

Competition and/or Resource

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Cheeky Promo

Paying customers

Fabiana & Paula Chavez - twin sisters Blind piano duo in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Paid £50 for interview in March 2015

Potential customers

On LinkedIn

Updating LinkedIn Cheeky Promo page, group,

Profile: Updates, Posts

Engage with other users / groups / Pages

Premium LinkedIn account - £x Sponsored posts - £y

LinkedIn ads - £z

Trumpet performer & teacher, Indiana,, Ohio, USA Teacher (trumpet) / busy performing schedule .

In coming months, look for a solo recording featuring music of Alec Wilder, Enesco, Telemann ..

"Hi! So, what do you do, and how much does it cost? No specific projects in mind at the moment, but I have a few irons in the fire. Best, Dave Coleman"

Hi David, Thank you for getting in touch. There is more info about what Cheeky Promo can do on our website. I'm happy to talk to you about costs depending on

what service(s) you want and for how long. You can email me at Best wishes, Rupert

"Thank! BTW, you have the best name ever for a promoter! Dave"

Legal considerations Data protection (DPA) - email addresses, phone numbers

IP, Copyright - Cheeky Promo logo, domain name? music, images, videos, lyrics - not sharing/copying/storing / giving credit

online/distance selling regulations - ?

Trademarks of other companies inc social networks, Apple etc

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Cheeky Promo

Services / products

Interview / profile on

Interview carried out by Email / Facebook / other

To ensure quality; Do it myself

1) Allow others to suggest questions 2) Allow others to do interview under supervision

3) Edit / proof-read their interviews 4) Allow them to interviews on their own

Time taken - Approximately 1 day in total? Select customers in order to remain passionate

Social media promotion

Sharing content across Ello, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest,

Soundcloud, Tsu, Tumblr, Twitter, Youtube, …

Manual / Automatic / Both Time required, Quality, Authenticity, Accuracy

Allow for changes


Roundteam - Retweeting - (£X/Y/Z / month) Drumup - content (£0)

Soundcloud - audio i.e. music / interviews

Youtube - video / music video / music + image links to other videos / ‘click to subscribe’ links

Thumbs up/down / Subscriptions / Views / Comments

Future Video interviews

Depending on where the musician is. Google Hangout - real time video streamed live to Youtube

Can be published as a normal youtube video Photography, Music videos, Web design

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WEBSITE Promo (social-media, press, radio, TV)

Artists, Businesses, Social/Contact Web designer, blogger; interviewer/reviewer

data storage/network(s)/wifi / computers

Website - domain (£a), hosting (£b) design (£c), Email account (£d)

Internet connection (£e)

Real / virtual world networking event/party food/drink, listening (live/CD/MP3/record)

Charge £x for tickets?

VIDEO PODCAST a la Geekbeat / Geeks Life / …

Reviews/how-to’s/guests *soft/hardware, instruments, mics, mixing desks, headphones, hifi,

speakers, cameras, computers, releases, gigs/concerts* data storage/network(s)/wifi / computers, furniture; chairs, sofas, desks,

sound system, mics, engineer(s), lights, (video/web) camera(s), electricity, broadband, wifi, insurance (public liability/contents/building),


LIVE SHOW a la diggnation chat/interviews with live audience

microphones, sound / recording engineer(s), lights (video/web) camera(s), broadband internet, wifi

insurance (public liability/contents/building), Charge £x for tickets / Receive % of bar takings

Legal obligations / Financial issues

Business insurance? Insurance for computers + hardware

National Insurance Income Tax / Other taxes

Memberships of / Subscriptions to

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12 MONTHS Being able to live in my own place (i.e. not at Dads)

Being able to pay back the loan and continue making a profit Being able to employ someone/people

Going on holiday

3 YEARS Holiday, Car?

(New) premises?

Employing others I know what it can be like to be unemployed

Employment law / PAYE / Insurance, Management, happiness of staff

recruitment, retention…

FUTURE Music Management?

Recording studio, Record Label Live music venue, Music education

Startup hub - for other music sector founders Help other business; space, mentorship, funding…


stage manager, event manager, photographer broadband + wifi, (video/web) camera(s),

microphones, instruments, amps, PA, mixing desk insurance (public liability/contents/building), electricity Art; posters, paintings, photos, Cheeky Promo logo

Charge £x for tickets / Receive % of bar takings - london-has-lost-quarter-its-live-music-venues-just-8-years

Music HUB Recording Studio / Label / Publishing

sound/recording engineer(s), producer(s), Rights/legal microphones, instruments, instrument amps,

headphones, speakers, computer(s), software, insurance (public liability/contents/building),

(video/web) camera(s), broadband, wifi, electricity all-around sound system (i.e. hi-fi)

Art; posters, paintings, photos Cheeky Promo logo

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The DIY Musician Conference will address the actual needs of you, the independent musician. Come by and hang out with CD Baby and likeminded DIY artists and get

practical advice that will help you move your career forward.

Leave with a plan-of-action for your music career, Meet musicians from around the world,

Connect with industry experts.

Time is running out on early-bird pricing and there's a limited number of tickets available, so REGISTER NOW. Just $49 for all three days.

Wondering what kinds of sessions will be happening at the conference? We’re excited to announce these have just been confirmed:

How to Maximize Every Revenue Stream for Your Recordings Everything You Need to Know to Launch Your Album Release

D.I.Y. Touring: From Booking to Backline Publishing Unlocked: Your Money is Waiting for You

Band Website Explosion: Mastering Your Online Presence Publicity for Every Artist: Crafting Stories that Get You Press

And that’s just the beginning! We’ve got more session announcements coming‚ along with news on workshops‚ keynote speakers‚ and a mind–blowing live

band makeover. Plus‚ you can count on CD Baby team members being there to answer account questions and help you with anything else you need.

How will these be financed?


Sponsorship in kind; From: manufacturers, shops:

soft/hardware, instruments, mics mixing desks, headphones, hifi, speakers, cameras, computers,

VENUE / LABEL / MANAGEMENT % of Sales (CD, vinyl, merchandise, gig tickets)

Partnerships, Loans, Angel Investors / Venture Capital

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Cheeky House / stARTup Fitzgerald Foundation?

rehearsal / recording studio performance space, music education,

startup hub, accelerator / incubator

These are the companies that call the Cheeky House home!

Cheeky Promo - PianoTalent - WAKTM Other music startup businesses

Model for membership pricing

( )

Facebook group - arts sector startups

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Music Startup event at Campus London

Why? Find partners / co-founders

Meet others with similar skills Meet people with different skills

Meet people with similar passions

Who wants to attend? Who do they want to attend? What do they want do do? What value do they want?

What value can they bring?

Campus Community Event Space Open to anyone who wants to host a great event for the tech startup community in

London. Free to use, and we prefer events which are free to the community.

We have 3 options, including our main event space (140 people), a flexible space (75 people), Campus Cafe (110 people).

Please read our Events FAQ to learn more about each space. Due to great demand, we are unable to accommodate all event requests.

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Questions / thoughts about arts centre

Making music (and art,…) whether with instruments or computers …]

Help people do what they were born to do Help people (back) into work Training - social media / digital marketing

When I was in Nottingham, someone suggested I offer social media training to unemployed, students, (college) staff. They said I would need to set up as a CIC and apply for lottery funding. College had unemployed people who would want to learn but people/college didn't have the funds to pay for the training.

What makes it different from a school, college, youth centre, uni….?

A) Less/no commitment, more freedom to do different things B) no credit / grades

'What for?’ > find a space or Find a space > what for? ?

Should it be in Kingston / SW London / London

How will it be funded?

Who will work there?

What will they do

Will they be paid or voluntary?

Professionals talking a day / afternoon / evening off week from Work

Sponsorship from their workplaces?

Visitors - i.e. one off sessions lead by..?


Name? educate > edukate > edUK8

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Richard Harrold ‘Kingston’ Of course, it remains to be seen whether CNM have the capital to go ahead with the project

[at the former Cinema / Bingo hall in Kingston]. Considering that they've gone bankrupt before - particularly over the illegal demolition of the Red Lion in New Malden - before

popping back up again like a bad penny - well, you get the idea.

I'm merely putting forward the idea that[a performance space] is required [in Kingston].

Refer to;

Rupert Cheek what kind of performance?

i.e. what does the Rose not offer? do you think the Rose will..last? what do you know about Pryzm?

Richard Harrold Kingston Its seating capacity and stage are much too small and the acoustics unsuited to live music. I

don't think it will last at all, it's what we call a shell theatre, it could be ripped out and converted to retail within a week... and I understand such a provision exists within its

planning permission.

Richard Harrold Kingston Pryzm is just a rebrand of the infamous Oceana under the same ownership.

Rupert Cheek i understand that

I mean, do you know anything about Pryzm’s success/future?

Richard Harrold Kingston Only that history has a habit of repeating itself if nothing is done to stop it. Rebranding won't

change the fact that it's a venue notorious for drugs, violence, noise and disruption.

Rupert Cheek a Club space would indeed have a large capacity

what about the acoustics of Pryzm

Richard Harrold Kingston Pryzm was built as the Granada cinema in 1939 & seated 1900

Acoustics should be fairly good. The Regal was 2200

Richard Harrold Kingston Wasn't it subdivided in those days? [c1998]

Two screens under the balcony?

Rupert Cheek you don’t think places like the Empire in ..shepherds bush is close enough?

you think Kingston needs a Venue of its own?

Richard Harrold Kingston Empire is just a rock venue and not that big. T here are so many choirs, orchestras, big jazz

bands etc in the local area which want and need a venue but have to turn to wholly inadequate churches…

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Rupert Cheek My mums choir (Kingston Orpheus) perform in St Andrews in Surbiton

It’s not a very big choir

Richard Harrold Kingston I know the place well. It's OK for small-scale stuff, but it lacks the facilities to put on big


Rupert Cheek KGS / Tiffin choirs performed in.the Rose, Tiffin Sports Centre hall, ..

Richard Harrold Kingston Take a look at what G-Live in Guildford is doing

Rupert Cheek

Richard Harrold Kingston Not the most wonderful hall ever, but they've got a lot going on there.

There's also the reality that, in the whole London area, there isn't a great concert hall. The Royal Albert Hall is a weird shape and so you get these strange reverberations coming back

from all around the building. The Royal Festival Hall is an eyesore and acoustically completely dead. The Barbican is both of those AND in a terrible area, very hard to find…

London used to have a wonderful hall, the Queen's Hall in Langham Place, opposite Broadcasting House, but it was bombed in WW2 and was not rebuilt.

Rupert Cheek Have you been to Cadogan hall or Wigmore Hall..? I haven’t been to a Concert at the Barbican for ages

Richard Harrold Kingston Wigmore is a small chamber venue and only available now to their own inner sanctum - you

can't hire it and there are a lot of fine musicians they won't let into their inner sanctum.

Rupert Cheek Didn't [The Barbican] spend lots of refurbishment?

Richard Harrold Kingston Cadogan is a nice larger chamber hall but somewhat restricted, and they sold the organ to Sweden (fools!) Barbican and RFH have both had millions squandered on them recently

Rupert Cheek What about Fairfield Halls in Croydon?

Richard Harrold Kingston The best of the 60s halls, which ain't saying much, and have you tried getting from Kingston

to Croydon?! Besides, Croydon is a shit-hole; proven by the number of big businesses pulling their offices out of town as they can't get people to work there!

Rupert Cheek Yes, I went there recently, from New Malden;

train to clapham, then train to croydon. It wasn’t too bad but I agree - it’s not a very attractive place

Did you ever go to Earls Court?

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Richard Harrold Kingston I've been through [Croydon], never stopped there though. All being turned into housing now. Kingston to Croydon is half an hour by rail, excluding the wait at Clapham - which is usually

about a quarter of an hour.

Rupert Cheek Cant remember how long it took to get there.

I remember waiting a bit at clapham on the way back.Wasn’t too bad though.

Richard Harrold Kingston I've just checked it on National Rail.

Probably quicker to get from Surbiton to Guildford

Richard Harrold Kingston The auditorium [of the former Cinema / Bingo hall in Kingston]

was basically the same at most of the Granadas - Kingston, Harrow, Bedford (demolished)…

Gold's have done a good job of the conversion at Harrow (now a gym),kept all the original features including the 3-manual Wurlitzer organ

This is the only halfway decent pic of Harrow:

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Models for Arts Centre - £6m mega-youth-centre-in Dagenham, London

London's first 'mega youth centre', costing £6m, on cards for Dagenham.

A pioneering £6 million “mega youth centre” is set to get the go-ahead in one of the most deprived parts of London.

Barking & Dagenham could be the first London borough to approve an OnSide Youth Zone, which provide sports and arts facilities, career mentoring and health sessions to youngsters.

The centre will offer more than 20 activities a day — including climbing, nail art, DJ-ing and employability training — for people aged eight to 19.

The sessions, outside of school hours, cost 50p and an annual membership costs £5. More than 25 activities will be offered to those with a disability. - 4th July '15 - pay-as-you-can-music-school

Bro-Am Studios will, Foreman hopes, help fill a growing void, especially at a time when funding for music and arts in public schools continues to plummet.

“The goal is to be able to supplement music lessons (when the) school system doesn’t have the funds to do that anymore...” he said.

“Music still matters. It’s still important. And, then, the question is: ‘What do we do about it?’ This (school) is a response to that. This is saying: ‘Well, one thing we can do is provide pay-

what-you-can music education for families, right here in our hometown.’

“And, then, at night, we want to provide a positive place for kids to hang out (and) play their first show, right here. I think there’s something incredible about the first time you play in front of people. You see a spark in a child’s eyes, you see them light up. They walk off the stage

(feeling) different from when they walked on.”

But are pay-as-you can music lessons needed in an area as affluent as [Encinitas]?

“Yeah, that’s one of the main reasons why we started this,” Foreman replied. “Because it’s a shocker to learn [30 percent] of the folks that live in and around this area live at or below the (national) poverty level. ... Those are the people we want to make sure we’re saving slots for to be able to be here. And, whether or not they can afford it, that’s who we want to support.”

“[Teach a girl or boy to play guitar, and …] you’ve given them a tool that will give them a lifetime of joy. Music for me has been more than just an individual pursuit; it’s been a vehicle,

a way to examine the world, a planet unto itself, that I can go to and look back at our own planet with fresh eyes. I feel like music, in many ways, is a scaffolding for the soul that

allows you to reach new places you can’t go without it.”

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for e.g. 1 year. If ‘successful’ (…), explore purchasing a (different) building

Light Industrial to rent - Imperial Way, Croydon CRO 4RR - £40,000 pa

The Pill Box, 115 Coventry Rd, Bethnal Green, E2 6GG, 765 sq ft | £3,970 pcm -


Near Woolwich, SE London = £3m. 15287.00 sq. ft. / 1420.00 sq. m. Grade II listed single storey industrial building with offices arranged as three interconnecting units with car parking. What does Grade 2 listing mean?

Enterprise House Delta Way, Thorpe, Egham, TW20. 16,354 sq ft | £2,500,000 - London N7 - Under Offer

Near Holloway Rd tube - 386.00 sq. ft. / 779.10 sq. m. Single storey industrial/warehouse unit with road frontage with ground and first floor offices and storage on first and second floors.

Commercial Development for sale. Kimpton Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM3 8,688 sq ft | £825,000 (Leasehold)

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c£2m - Office for sale, Ironbridge House, Windmill Place, Middlesex

Tenure: Freehold; This lot is for sale by auction as lot 106 on 6th July 2015.

Freehold Multi-Let Office/Warehouse Investment

- Prominent corner site fronting Windmill Lane and Uxbridge Road - Comprising a total of 21,200 sq ft (GIA) - Let on rents ranging from £3 psf to £15 psf (5) - Potential for residential redevelopment subject to all necessary planning consents - Permitted Development granted on adjoining building - Total Current Gross Rents Reserved

£146,089.88 pa (5) (6) (7) SIX WEEK COMPLETION AVAILABLE

Tenure - Freehold.

Hanwell is located in the London Borough of Ealing in West London. It lies some 10.5 miles west of Central London and benefits from excellent transport communications being some 2.5 miles north-west of Junction 2 of the M4 Motorway which in turn links to Junction 15 of the M25 Motorway some 8 miles west. Hanwell Railway Station lies some 1.2 miles west of the property and Southall Railway Station lies some 1.5 miles north. Both stations provide rapid services to London Paddington. Boston Manor Underground Station lies some 2 miles south of the property which is serviced by the Piccadilly Line. The area also benefits from a number of bus routes connecting Hanwell to Greater London. The property is situated on a prominent corner position on the western side of Windmill Lane (A4127) leading to Uxbridge Road (A4020) to the north. The surrounding area is characterised by a mixture of retail warehousing, industrial and trade counters, and residential uses. The established Great Western Industrial Park is located immediately to the south. ….In addition, Noon Products (the largest occupier of Ironbridge House) occupy the adjacent site. NB. The adjoining building, known as Mill House, has permitted development for 24 residential units.

Description Ironbridge House is arranged on ground and two upper floors. Within the tower, the ground floor comprises a double height warehouse unit with roller shutter access. Above the warehouse unit are two additional floors comprising office accommodation, the second floor comprises a mezzanine floor over part. There is a two storey extension leading off of the tower with five ground floor units, all of which are accessed from the car park and have mezzanine floors. The first floor provides a large laboratory, access for which is via the tower and the opposite gable end. Externally the property benefits from car parking to the front and side. We are advised by the Vendor the total GIA is 1,969.5 sq m (21,200 sq ft).

Planning The property may be suitable for residential redevelopment, subject to obtaining all the relevant consents, following the permitted development rights granted on the adjoining Mill House. All enquiries should be referred to Ealing Council Planning Department. Tel: 0208 825 5000.

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Music startupsWhat are you thinking about?

Streaming services like Spotify? Soundcloud? Tidal?Products like Bluetooth speakers? Event / ticket companies?Social music discovery platforms?Apps?

When does a startup stop being a startup?

Chris Grayson: Employees should be paid once there is funding. The pay may not be up to industry pay, but should be heavily offsetwith equity. A startup ceases being a startup when it is runningon its own profits, rather than external capital injection.

When is a (startup) NOT a Tech (startup)

What makes a music startup from a startup in any other sector?

Is there / Where is the ‘music startup hub’?

(In the way that London may be the FinTech hub)

Who invests in music startups? Who doesn’t, and why not?

Are there any music specific incubators / accelerators?


Midemlab is an opportunity for startups to find new partners and propose innovative solutions that enable creative industries to build new consumer experiences.In 2015, 30 finalists were chosen to pitch at Midem by our selection partners: open innovation consulting company Bluenove, investment firm Index Ventures, music consulting company Music Ally and pre-seed & seed stage fund Seedcamp.

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The Music EntrepreneurA lot of music startups today are tech startups, because there's a gold rush happening with streaming sites. Unfortunately, there isn't actually much gold to be had, and now that Apple is in the game, they may begin to exercise dominance in the field.

People like me tend to invest in music startups. I have also seen business owners (not necessarily those with a direct connection to the music industry), ambitious entrepreneurial types, and people that are passionate about the music industry invest in music businesses. I think it's tough for the layperson to invest, simply because of the sheer amount of money that's at play. Unless you're willing to problem-solve, take out a second mortgage, build a cash cow (i.e. a business), or save up like crazy, investing is a hard game to join in on.

JR MillerI think the music industry is in the middle of a transition. It's difficult to see the future and what is going to happen for startups or any aspect of the industry. I'm not a songwriter but I am concern that unless something doesn't change in their favor, they will end up looking like the musicians playing as the Titanic slowly sinks into the ocean.

Rupert Cheek: When was the last time the music industry WASN'T going through change? Who was it who said "the best way to predict the future is to create it" ?

Rupert Cheek: +The Music Entrepreneur & +JR Miller - would you mind if I included your thoughts in my article?

The Music Entrepreneur: +JR Miller I have to agree with Rupert here. In the last 15 to 20 years, the music industry has seen nothing but change. However, I am cautiously optimistic about the future of musicians and income opportunities. Technology has supported the growth of a lot of other industries, and I believe it can help with the music industry too.

The Music Entrepreneur: +Rupert Cheek absolutely. Also, let me know if you'd like to put a piece together for +The Music Entrepreneur website. Guest posts tend to do pretty well there, and I have a feeling you would do a great job.

Rupert Cheek: I was planning on publishing it on , and / but have been given the opportunity to submit pieces to the +Geeks Life community

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Mike DeAngelis:The issue is always money, attention (I mean the ability to focus on a artist and not follow trends) creativity of the artist and the business acumen of the artist...which has to be established first. Start-ups are risky in any field...I don't see a trend in America or in other parts of the world for a Music start-up, its needed. I think we prefer to whine and complain about the music industry rather than do something about it. That could be because most artists are not business people and have no idea on how to start. They certainly are suspicious of lawyers, accountants and business people. Sorry its not probably what you wanted but this is where I see the stumbling blocks for music startups.

Rupert CheekHi +Mike DeAngelis - thanks for your response. What is needed?

Mike DeAngelisI believe we need startups, in music or in any field but as they are risky, competition is brutal and the old dogs won't give up their slice of the pie. So is it better as a start up to toe to toe with the old dogs or carve out a niche where you are the leader of the pack. - AIM Startups is a [UK based] programme designed to help creative entrepreneurs off to a good start with a new business. With a low interest loan they will be able to cover their start-up costs, and attending training and workshops will give them valuable insight into launching a business. Applicants will receive help and support from the very first steps with perfecting their business plan through their first year of operating their business. Our motto here is ‘AIM for success‘ because we want to help you best as we can in creating a successful business.

Creative businesses have faced significant difficulties in accessing finance from banks since almost the beginning of time, and unless you can borrow from family or friends, or attract private investors to fund you, you may not be able to get the business off the ground. Private investment is a valid option for secondary finance for when you have already had some success, but at the very starting stage it usually means selling a relatively big portion of your business for a fraction of the potential value. Borrowing from friends and family also comes with a risk; arguments relating to money are the arguments that most commonly break relationships. Then there’s us: affordable, unsecured startup loan designed to fund initial costs to get your business up and running, and business specific training and mentoring designed to maximise your chance of success.

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Where are the following startups based? Are any of them in London?

For Musicians

bantamu.comFind and securely hire Music Freelancers from all over the world! - BRONZE is a new way for music to exist, in which the recorded material is transfigured, generating a unique version on each listening. - Networking events with Industry speakers / Music champions / Stars - - Welcome to the next generation of social music. Record with anyone, anywhere, on any DAW. Enter your email to keep up to date with news and events, and get early access to CÜR. Sign up for your FREE account now. - Pandora meets Instagram for emerging artists. EarMashin is a 100% free independent music streaming service exclusively featuring singles and albums by independent artists and free/promotional music by signed artists. Our goal is to streamline the way users discover emerging music. Our content is curated and uninterrupted by ads for the ultimate listening experience. We are a community driven platform (similar to Instagram) that helps music enthusiasts discover new music, share their discoveries and experience their favourite new artists live through events. - FLUX:FX is a professional multi-effect audio processor app for the iPad that lets you ‘play’ your effects. Innovative, intuitive and exciting, FLUX:FX lets you manipulate any audio signal into something entirely new, and redefines the possibilities of audio and live performance in an app with an almost unlimited range of effect options. FLUX:FX is a truly authentic digital platform for designing your sound. Winner of the ANR Sonic Joy award for best iOS effects and an FWA mobile design award. - An artists sharing platform to present your music, your way.Harlo is a multi-channel performance sharing platform delivered through Android, iOS, website, and developing partner channels. We intend it to be a dedicated community space for vocalists, bands, rappers, spoken word, comedy, and dramatic performance across genre's, cultures, and age. Harlo will be a landing point between the vast oceans of YouTube and Vine and the curated content of Buzzfeed, delivering 30 second views into the talents of tomorrow, in your school, town, country, or around the world. Harlo will bring safety and support to the young performer who isn't yet comfortable to post a full performance or step out from behind their bedroom door. It is an audition space with positive feedback and well moderated community forum that will help artists grow in front of a targeted audience not looking for cat videos, but the up and coming stars. - Collaborate with musicians across the world or across the street.With Kompoz, you can crowdsource songs with a bass player in Stockholm,a drummer in Nashville, and a guitar player in Kalamazoo. - Master Tracks. Instantly. Professional Audio Mastering. Sound like a pro. Instant results at a fraction of the cost of studio mastering. Try it for free, or Sign Up Now. - The new music hub. The best way to accelerate your career

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Cheeky Promo - July 2015 - first ever technology that allows limitless creative musical collaboration. By developing a simple to use plug-in that works across nearly all digital audio platforms, Musistic has revolutionized how musicians work remotely. And has changed not only the process of asynchronous creative collaboration but music itself. - "online music education service including world-class musicians and has so far raised 73% of its target. The service is now live with recurring revenue from paying customers and the company is raising a seed round to scale the service.” - "MyMuCo KIDS and MyMuCo Teacher are two apps that have been created to bring the music lesson into a new generation of ingenuity. The MyMuCo KIDS app is designed as a tool to assist students to practice their music at home in an engaging way. MyMuCo Teacher is designed to create an easy-to-navigate interface for all music teachers to conduct the music lesson and track their students' weekly progress.” facebook - mymusicalcommunity - Founded in 2009 by Roland Lamb, we make hardware and software products and services designed to expand the bandwidth of interaction between people and technology. The Seaboard GRAND is a radically new musical instrument that reimagines the piano keyboard as a soft, continuous surface and puts expression back at your fingertips. Inspiration at your fingertips - online music promotion. Hi There [Rupert], I've followed you on Google+ for some time and wanted to reach out to you with a possible relationship. I am one of the co-owners of songsilo. We are always looking for new talent to showcase (at no charge) on our site. We wondered if any of your artists would want the free exposure of their music on our site? I was thinking it may be another avenue to expose your artists work to our thousands of users. Please let me know if this interests you at all. Thank you for your time! Best, Gina Edwards ( Director of Development) - Music creation, collaboration, and sharing made simple.Make Music Better. Connect your DAW [Digital Audio Workstation] to Splice and your work is constantly backed up for safekeeping without having to ‘collect and save.’ Transfer speeds are 10x faster than Dropbox and space is unlimited - search engine for music creators. Imagine a google search exclusively for artists, producers & songwriters. - It may seem odd to call music useful. Music is meant to stir the imagination; take you out of yourself. It's the stuff of dreams, surely? But consider this: if you want to learn to play music you must use a musical instrument. An instrument, therefore a useful - well, an essential tool! A nd your choice of music is essential. If the music bores you, or is awkwardly written for the instrument, motivation to practise vanishes. Not so here: All the music composed, arranged and selected for, at every level, has a melody you can appreciate and harmonies that do more than just accompany. Further, the pieces are expertly written to suit the instrument and the player's level. On this site, the music is selected to inspire the learner to want to play and so to practise and improve - truly useful music - East Midlands, UK based ViewMyGig scouts & promotes unsigned singers in the UK. 2015: Will be hosting concerts featuring the next generation of artists

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Social music discovery — Online music-discovery platform, creating offline opportunities for independent musicians in sync, live gigs, international festival slots & record & publishing deals. - music discovery platform built to provide a community where every individual's taste contributes to a better music experience. - Music discovery on steroids. Lets people connect all kinds of music websites so they can stay up-to-date with the latest & greatest music as it's posted on the web! - The perfect music companion. lets you listen to millions of songs for free and access exclusives directly from the artists you love. - Instant access to millions of songs. One low monthly fee for all the music you can handle. Unmetered for most Telstra mobile customers. Data charges may apply for other users. - living music platform that aims to bring together all the World's musical knowledge, content and services.

pitchify.comLive lists of highly rated albums on Spotify. Into alternative music and not sure what's recently released on Spotify? collects reviews from various reviewers like Pitchfork, NME and Drowned in Sound, and lists albums as they are released on Spotify. Updated daily. - Radio stations have perfected the music playlist, but listening to the radio is a frustrating music experience - one of inconvenience and interruptions. Recast combines radio and music streaming by letting you tune in to the playlists of all your favourite radio stations, and many more, with all the convenience of a music streaming service. - search engine for music creators. Imagine a google search exclusively for artists, producers &

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Online communities"Hey Rupert, Stuart’s a bit busy today so I’m replying. Thanks for your reply. I

hadn’t head of Music Gateway before. We’re slightly different in that we don’t limit ourselves to just music, it’s for everyone involved in any creative industry from film, photography, design, music, art and everything in between. So you can truly collaborate and promote yourself across the arts.

We also aim to be more of a network for the creative industries, rather than just a job board/job postings. The vision of Clowdy is to connect all creatives around the world. At the moment it is really difficult to find people to work with online because different sectors of the creative industries use different services (SoundCloud, Vimeo, Behance, etc) but you all have these connections through your own personal networks.

With Clowdy we can really improve your own personal network so if you need a cinematographer, graphic designer, producer, etc, you’ll be able to. It’s early days for us at the moment but we are trying to grow getting as many creatives on board as possible to make this vision a reality. We have over 87,000 creatives on board currently (not sure how many of them will be musicians, but I should imagine most of them are as this seems to be the audience that are engaging with us the most at the moment). …. - Toronto, Canada based Inkster International is the only platform in the world that encompasses all types of art. It bridges the gap between social media and e-commerce for artists everywhere - [Pinterest for guitars] The place to share your guitar collection and discover those of your friends and our awesome community!

Going To Gigs - See More Shows. Get into a different show every night for one flat fee, starting at £25 per month. - Attend concerts & live DJs in London from just £9 a month with no entry fee. No commitment, no hidden fees and your first month is free! We list all kinds of music events from electronic, indie, rock, house, techno, reggae, drum and bass, to pop and acoustic. Whenever you see an event you'd like to attend you can grab your free pass and simply turn up at the door with your ID - no tickets required. - Be VIP to your favourite band. More than just the music. Be first in line, never miss out. A better deal for fans & bands. "Best European Startup" SXSW

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