check that tl1c total...

Post on 09-Mar-2020

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Transcript of check that tl1c total...


1. Cost of а non-exclusive Lice11se to access a11d trse tl1e QUESTE\, Database (Silver levcl) for tl1c period fro111 Jarшary 1, 2019 till Decernbcr 31, 2019

2. Лccess details:

• l,icc11scc provides Pt1blisl1cr witl1 а list of A11tlюrised l11stit11\io11s i11 Scl1edt1le 3 l1crcto witl1thc i11fo 011 J r IНIIHOCГS;

• P11l)lisl1er pro,,idcs acccss to the QlJESTr::1- Database for 1l1e Atrtlюriscd lnstitutions;

• l.icc11scc pays to tl1c Pt1blisl1er tl1e ,_.ее of 1l1c access to tl1e QlJESTEI. Database ,i11ri11g 1l1ctcrrн of tl1e Agree111c11t;

3. О11сс during tl1e tcrrn ot· tl1c Agreen1c11t а lc\\- Autlюrised lnstit11tio11s сан Ье cliaпged for tl1c11cw 011es iп tl1e l ,ist ot· Atrtlюrised l11stit11tio11s sct forcc i11 Scl1cdulc 3 free of cliarge,provided that tl1c total 1ш111Ьеr ot· A11tl10rised l11stitutio11s docs 1101 cxcccd at апу timc 1l1etotal 11t11nber of A11tl10rised l11stitutio11s tl1at arc listcd in Scl1cd11lc 3, i.c. 105.

4. Acccss to new A11tl10riscd lпstitutions is to Ье sct as follows:

• l .icensee pюvidcs PuЫisl1er witl1 а list of excluded and 11ew Лutlюrised lпstitutio11s "'ithtl1e co11tact i11fo, a11d tl1e I Р rнm1Ьers of 11ew Autlюrised lnstitutio11s

• PuЫisl1er cuts acccss to QUESTEL, l)atabase for thc cxclt1ded Лutlюriscd lnstit11tio11sa11d орспs access to tl1e QU ESTEI. Database for thc 11ew ALrthorised I nstitLrtions

5. Т11е panies cstaЬ\isl1 tl1e lollowi11g ter111s of рау111с111:

Payment of tl1e fees will Ьс made Ьу 1l1c l.iccnscc to 1l1e PuЬlisl1cr during 60 days afterinvoicing.

6. L,ice11sce may collect 1l1c 11eccssary total a1пou11t frorn Л11tl10riscd l11stitt1tions, Mi11istrics andotl1cr fouпdatio11, btrt tl1is does 1101 i111pact payment of fees Ьу tl1e l-icensee to tl1e P11Ыisl1er.

7. L.ice11see shall рау tl1e ba11k costs i11 Russia a11d the costs abroad sl1all Ье paid Ьу tl1cPuЫisl1er. Tl1e lee cxcludes У АТ and local taxcs рауаЫе in R11ssia.

8. Bank details of ruЫisl1er:

Вапk : BNP ParibasBa11k addrcss: ACiENCE СОТЕ D'AZtJR ENTREPRISES ВЛТIМЕNТ PALACE CENTER 2, Al.l,EE [)[S TOtJRRADES 06212 MANDF.I.IF:U CEDEX - FRЛNCE IВЛN (lnterr1atio11al Ba11k Лccourll Number): FR 76 30004 02037 ООО 10052401 54 SWIFT code: BNPA FR Pr МЕЕ

9. Ba11k details of tl1c [,icc11seeur:к Гоr Moscow (Fcdcral Trcas11ry Dcpart111cnt for tl1c city ot· Mosco\v)(R11ssia11 Natioпal Pt1Ьlic Library for Scieпcc a11d Tecl111ology),Лес. 21736Х58620,Bra11cl1 1 of Mosco"' Маiп Tcrritorial l)epan111c111 of tl1c Ra11k of R11ssia, Mosco"' 705Bc11eficiary ассош1t: 40501810845252000079