Charity Challenges Guide

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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A Guide to our fundraising trips and how to go about fundraising

Transcript of Charity Challenges Guide

Challenges & Fundraising FAQ’s

Experience is Everything

What is a Charity Challenge?

Our range of RAW Challenges are inspiring journeys which help charities at home raise money at

the same time as they benefit host communities abroad. These trips are genuinely challenging

journeys that will deliver you a tremendous sense of achievement, get you fit at the same time

as you see some amazing places. The bonus is that you'll be helping raise awareness and much

needed funds for some great causes.

So how does it work?

Pay a registration fee of $500 then fundraise to a target amount. When you reach your

fundraising target you then qualify for a free place on the trip and the charity helps subsidize

your trip costs in return for your fundraising efforts.

When you take the fundraising option you'll see indicated on the trip page an indicative amount

of how much you need to fundraise for that particular trip. Each one will vary according to the

costs associated with that trip and the Charity’s target goal of funds it would like to raise.

What's the next step?

Choose an event and a charity to support from our list of challenges, select the date you want to

book and fill out the online registration and pay a deposit, usually around $500 AUD. Once we

receive the booking we'll put you in contact with your chosen charity who'll then offer you ideas

and support if you're choosing to fundraise or thank you for your donation if you choose to pay

your trip costs.

Fundraising support

Once we confirm your booking your chosen charity will authorize you to raise funds on their

behalf. Don't worry if you've never fundraised before as you'll receive great ideas and guidance

on how to raise the money. Many people often exceed the fundraising targets and have great fun

through the events they put on. Literally thousands of people have taken this same journey of

fundraising on a Charity Challenge with us and have been successful with their targets. Your time

and commitment to fundraising will be rewarded with an incredible adventure you'll never forget.

“These trips aren't easy: they push people's boundaries

and make them realize that they can achieve things

they never thought possible. They are extremely

rewarding and often life changing”.

Tina Jensen, RAW Leader

Fundraising FAQ’s

How is the trip funded?

These challenges are discounted trips which are made possible by the number of people taking part

in a common itinerary (from 12 upto 40 people). RAW gives the charity a package price per person

and the sponsorship level is set accordingly. Your registration fee is your personal contribution

towards the cost of the Challenge. The actual cost of the trip is of course greater than the

registration fee and the balance is paid from the sponsorship you raise. You need to explain to any

sponsors that you are making a personal contribution towards the trip costs and that a percentage

of the money you raise will pay the balance of your costs. Typically a minimum of 50% of your

fundraising will go directly to the charity and the more you raise as a group the higher this

proportion is.

How will I be able to raise the sponsorship money?

Raising funds is often the toughest part of the challenge. However, it is possible to reach and even

exceed the sponsorship target as many participants of all ages and from all walks of life have

proved. We have included an A-Z of fundraising ideas to give you some ideas. Your Charity will also

offer support and pass on invaluable advice from other participants.

Do I have to fundraise or can I simply choose to donate the required target?

Fundraising to reach the target is considered to be part of the "Challenge" but if you would prefer

to personally pay all or part of the amount that is acceptable. But please note that if you choose to

pay all or part of the fundraising target yourself, this payment is not tax deductible.

Will people think that they are sponsoring me just

to take a subsidized holiday?

Definitely not! None of our challenges could be considered a holiday. You will be training for the

months prior to your event to get fit, raising thousands of dollars for charity, and then

undertaking a real physical challenge - all of these elements take time, effort and commitment.

None of our challenges are easy options and will test the average person in the ways they've

never experienced before.

They are designed to be very rewarding experiences that will challenge you in more ways than one.

For example you could be trekking or biking for days on end, with very basic facilities en route, in

remote areas and sometimes at high altitude. That would not correspond to most people's

definition of a holiday.

“Try out a Charity Challenge and you will reap the rewards

in more ways than one!!! You'll have a great sense of

achievement that you helped a charity, completed a personal challenge as well as experienced a new country

and made a whole new group of friends.”

Aleisha Bald

How is the trip funded?

These challenges are discounted trips which are made possible by the number of people taking part

in a common itinerary (from 12 upto 40 people). RAW gives the charity a package price per person

and the sponsorship level is set accordingly. Your registration fee is your personal contribution

towards the cost of the Challenge. The actual cost of the trip is of course greater than the

registration fee and the balance is paid from the sponsorship you raise. You need to explain to any

sponsors that you are making a personal contribution towards the trip costs and that a percentage

of the money you raise will pay the balance of your costs. Typically a minimum of 50% of your

fundraising will go directly to the charity and the more you raise as a group the higher this

proportion is.

How will I be able to raise the sponsorship money?

Raising funds is often the toughest part of the challenge. However, it is possible to reach and even

exceed the sponsorship target as many participants of all ages and from all walks of life have

proved. We have included an A-Z of fundraising ideas to give you some ideas. Your Charity will also

offer support and pass on invaluable advice from other participants.

Do I have to fundraise or can I simply choose to donate the required target?

Fundraising to reach the target is considered to be part of the "Challenge" but if you would prefer

to personally pay all or part of the amount that is acceptable. But please note that if you choose to

pay all or part of the fundraising target yourself, this payment is not tax deductible.

How will I be able to raise the sponsorship money?

Raising funds is often the toughest part of the challenge. However, it is possible to reach and even

exceed the sponsorship target as many participants of all ages and from all walks of life have

proved. We have included an A-Z of fundraising ideas to give you some ideas. Your Charity will also

offer support and pass on invaluable advice from other participants. The Charity usually has many

fundraising ideas based on years of experience of raising money for their cause.

Do I have to fundraise or can I simply choose to donate the required target?

Fundraising to reach the target is considered to be part of the "Challenge" but if you would prefer

to personally pay all or part of the amount that is acceptable. But please note that if you choose to

pay all or part of the fundraising target yourself, this payment is not tax deductible.

“What a way to go. I love a physical challenge,

but often can't manage a trek on my own, or

can't find people to do it with. Charity

challenges are personally fulfilling in so many

ways - raising money for a good cause, a great

fitness challenge, and travelling with like-

minded good hearted people. Highly

recommended”! Lisa Mitchell


Why Fundraise?

The gift of giving has become a big part of society’s makeup and there is a greater emphasis and

willingness to give to others less fortunate than ourselves. Fundraising is a big part of this new

social awareness and there are literally hundreds of events organized each year that help to raise

millions of dollars for charity organizations or individuals in need of our help. Whether it is fundraising for a well known charity like Guide Dogs or for an individual on a personal challenge the

motivation and drive will be the same – not only to raise vital funds but to lift the profile and

awareness of a specific cause.

Charity Challenges

Charity Challenges are just another form of fundraising but the rewards for both you as the

participant and your charity are immense! Keep in mind you have chosen your particular charity for

a reason so be passionate about the cause and the fundraising will be more rewarding. You are

representing the charity and you will be its ambassador and promotional vehicle not only for the duration of the fundraising period but well after you return from your journey. The more you

connect with the charity, the more drive and determination you will have to achieve your target.

You are only limited by your own imagination; with enthusiasm, passion and proper planning your

fundraising goal will be certainly attainable.

Just remember, when taking on a Charity Challenge...

• Charities reap benefits not only from the money raised but from the greater awareness

created by your fundraising – spreading the word is the key.

• Fundraising should be fun, a chance to get people together socially while helping out agreat cause.

• Motivate yourself with the knowledge that not only will you be raising lots of funds for your

charity but you will also be taking on an amazing physical challenge, immersing yourself

in new cultures and making lots of new friends from the journey of a lifetime!

• Step outside the square, it’s amazing what you can achieve!

“All I can say is that... I had the time of my life!!! I can’t

recommend this concept highly enough. Travelling with a

fabulous group of people, all of us working towards a

common goal and supporting each other - it was the most

rewarding and fun trip I have ever experienced.”

Marianne Brown

Fundraising Ideas - The list is endless, you are limited only by your imagination.

• Movie night - who doesn’t like seeing a good film

• Trivia night – good venues are pubs, school halls or around your local community like the

bowls club

• Wines sales – •! Chocolate drive, especially around Easter time – go to

Cadbury or Mars websites

• Sporting events - lawn bowls, golf day, tennis tournament • Social evenings – disco, dinner dance, themed

dinners eg. Xmas in July Ball, Masquerade Ball, End of Financial Year, Dancing with the Stars

• Casino or pub poker nights

• Day at the Races – country meetings are cheap and a fun day


• Dinners – curry night, pizza/pasta night, bbqs

• Morning and afternoon teas eg pancake morning Fashion

parades – approach your local shops, good advertising for them

too •

• Winery visits walk about ,tastings or cycle

• Auction nights eg. Art, sport memorabilia

• Raffles – remember you may have to get approval if your prize

is over a certain value

• Karaoke – again, good venues are pubs, school halls or around

your local community

• Sausage sizzle, pie drive (e.g. great location is outside a

Bunnings store but this must book well in advance) Sponsorship from work, other companies, family and


• Work events can be endless and very easy to organise: raffles, pancake morning, themed lunches (a different dish from a particular region – fortnight basis and charge colleagues to have this lunch, everyone

has to eat so will get a good response), casual days with gold coin donations, sport tipping competitions eg. Afl football, spring carnival races. Your colleagues or HR Department will normally be very keen to help

you, it’s also a good excuse for work “mates” to get together and feel good about contributing to a worthy cause.

• Wine and food festival Fashion week Comedy Festival - Spring carnival

• Promote your fundraiser well in advance and try not to hold it over a long weekend or

festive holiday as people often go away and don’t want to disrupt their travel plans

• If hiring a venue ask if you can use their mailing list to send out an invitation to as many people as possible.

Useful Tips1. Network, network, network!!!!! Family and friends - it’s amazing how far the word can

spread through your own family and friends....and then their family and friends and friends of

friends and so on.


• Your colleague’s family and friends

• Suppliers

• Notice board in the staffroom or kitchen

• Staff newsletters & staff meeetings

• Reception desk eg. Chocolate sales, signs for upcoming fundraising events

Sports clubs

• Notice boards • Training nights • Family and friends

Local community

• Shops and other local businesses

• Library

"An experience that has left a very unique imprint on me,

what I saw, what I achieved and what I experienced

throughout the journey will remain with me forever."

Nicole Richardson

2. When organizing an event some things to keep in mind:•! Try and get products, services and prizes sponsored so that you will make more profit from ticket sales

• Make entrance/ticket prices affordable to attract more people to your event

• Promote the event as a chance for a fun social gathering, in other words a night out

• Overlap with a local event

• Promote your fundraiser well in advance and try not to hold it over a long weekend or festive holiday as people often go away and don’t want to disrupt their travel plans

• If hiring a venue ask if you can use their mailing list to send out an invitation to as many people as possible.

• Take advantage of your local newspaper to promote your fundraiser and talk about your cause. People like to read a “feel good” story about someone in their own community helping others or taking on an

amazing challenge. It is a great means of free advertising and creates good exposure for your chosen charity. Local papers such as The Melbourne Weekly also run a free charity listing section, where a person

holding a particular event can advertise free of charge for the month leading up to the fundraising event.

• Past participants - use their knowledge and ask what worked or didn’t work for them when they were organizing their own fundraising events.

• Make use of your Charity’s resources. The Cancer Council Victoria for instance has good promotional

materials such as posters that could help you advertise your upcoming event as well as dedicated staff that can help you when organizing an event.

•! Be clear about why you are fundraising as people get asked all the time to give to different, but equally as

important charities. Therefore, you must be upfront about where the money raised is going but also be

passionate and explain to people just how much can be raised through these challenges and the exposure that your charity will gain – it certainly is not a “free holiday”

Online tools

Set up your own webpages or website to promote your fundraising event and even ask family or friends if you

can add this link to their websites – it’s all about exposure and getting as much of it as possible. For a good website to set up your event details go to, it’s free to use and user friendly.

Use the services of a fundraising website such as These sites let you set up

your web page which you can then direct people to, they can donate online and be issed receipts for their donation. They are a great way to get online donations through your network while taking away all the hassle of

collecting money. Of course there is a charge for this service, usually between 6 and 7% of monies collected.

• When sending out reminders for your upcoming event encourage people to make a donation if they are

unable to attend on the day/night of your event. Attach a donation form in addition to the invitation and mention that it will be tax deductible for any donations over $2.00 - always give people a further incentive to donate.

• Make your fundraising total realistic. Think about the time you have allowed to fundraise, remember the more

time you give yourself, the better; what other commitments do you have in your life; what charity events you

may be up against during your fundraising campaign; how wide is your network and what is your main target audience ( for instance, think about how much can people afford when you are setting ticket prices for an


“What a way to see the world!!Meet great people, have fabulous fun! Challenge yourself to

raise the money and then challenge yourself to do the trip! Once you do one, you can't wait

for the next. I am on to my fourth challenge trip and would never have the opportunity to do

it with out these wonderful challenge offers! It’s not hard, try it!” Jill Pinner

Take the Challenge to

make a difference!

RAW Travel Charity Challenges

Tel: 1 300 208 245
